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Alright folks, the time has come! Shorts are are done and ready for perusal! I hope folks enjoy, and again, sorry for the week's delay.

The Market Research has been very interesting - way more interest in the 4-5k block than I thought. I'm going to have to work out how to meet that demand - I suspect I'll have to reduce the amount of shorts I do. There's only so many word hours in a month! Still, I'm certainly not opposed to trying things out. Next month will probably be a bit experimental while I work out how to balance everything (Hopefully, RL issues will stay out of things this time).

One last thing before we cut to the stories - I just want to say, in case I don't say it enough, thank you all for your support. Writing for a living is an insane dream, and though I'm not quite there yet, thanks to you I've actually gotten kind of close, and I've had time and reason to improve my writing skills constantly too. I owe everyone on this patreon an insane amount.

Now, on with the show!


Request: For this month I wanna have Claire transformed into a dumb skater boy - Want them to be male, but still slightly androgynous. Include stuff like their voice getting deeper, face and body changing to look more male, getting the "package", short hair, beanie with tank top (with sides/sleeves cut), and freckles.

Claire Hawkins was bored. She had nothing to do. It was the dying days of summer, when all the fun summer attractions had closed up, or been done so much that she’d gotten sick of them, but it was still too early for Halloween or anything like that to come along and distract her. All of her friends were busy, there was nothing on TV, and she was flat, out and out, utterly and completely, bored.

… She was even desperate enough for something to do that she’d ended up going for a walk. Yes, the pinnacle of ‘out of ideas’ ideas, she’d decided to just get out of the house for a while, and go for a wander. That was a healthy, relaxing thing to do, right?

Except she might have underestimated the weather. Or possibly overestimated how in shape she was. By the time she’d gone three blocks, she was already out of breath and looking for somewhere to sit down. Maybe it was a good thing that all of her friends had been busy – this was kind of embarrassing.

Rubbing the developing sheen of sweat off her brow and pulling the collar of her t-shirt (maybe bringing her jacket out with her was a mistake), her attention was snagged by the glowing neon sign of a local store. She could see the tempting, cool fridges full of cheap soda through the glass even from across the street. To her already parched throat, they were a very tempting sight indeed.

There was a problem, though. Well, not a problem, but an annoyance. Around the shop’s entryway, hanging around a few benches on the roadside, there was a loitering crowd of teens – skater boys smoking and chuckling between themselves as some of them goofed off around the parking lot. Typically, they were a crowd Claire would have avoided, and quite frankly, she would have loved to keep that habit up. She really was thirsty, though…

Tch. Nothing for it. It’s not like any of those idiots would try anything out here on the street. It was an annoying group to walk past, but she’d dealt with worse. Taking a breath to reassure herself, she crossed over the street, striding towards the shop’s sliding doors with purpose and poise.

“Hey babe! Wanna hang out?” Only to immediately have to grit her teeth as one of the slackers wolf-whistled at her.

‘Ignore them, Claire’, she thought to herself, pressing on ahead and stepping into the shop. ‘Just a bunch of typical idiot boys.’

“Well hello there Miss!” The shopkeeper greeted her much more positively as she slid through the door. “What can I get for you?”

“Hi.” She smiled at him politely. “Uh, I’m just after something to drink.” She was already craning her neck to look at the various soft drinks that lined the walls in their cool, cool fridges “Though if you’ve got anything that’ll get the boys outside to stop catcalling me, that’d be great too…”

She was being sarcastic, of course – but the shopkeeper, an older man with silver hair and a lengthy beard, nodded as if that was a perfectly reasonable request. “Of course. Why, I think I have just the thing.”

Claire blinked. Huh, strange reaction. What was this guy up to? She stepped closer to the counter, and suddenly realised that she had never been in this shop before. Actually, looking around, she didn’t remember seeing it before today. Which was weird, she drove down this street fairly often. The place didn’t look like it was new, but it was kind of… oddly organised, like its stock had been moved recently. The whole place gave her a bit of a weird feeling.

“Here we go!” The shopkeeper interrupted her train of thought, placing a green soda can down on the counter in front of her. “This should be just what you’re after.”

The black haired girl raised an eyebrow, picking up the can to study it. It was an energy drink – one she wasn’t familiar with, called ‘Bruh’. What a… lovely name. It promised to ‘Unleash her inner dude’, and ‘Maximise her hustle!’

The look she gave the shopkeeper after inspecting it was flatter than a pancake. He smiled politely right on through it. “Why not give it a try? It’ll be refreshing, I can promise you that much.”

“…” She raised an eyebrow, but honestly couldn’t think of a reason not to. It was just a drink, right?

Besides, she was thirsty.

With a shrug, she popped the seal, and lifted it to her lips, taking a big gulp. The first taste was… odd. Just as promised, it was certainly refreshing, and quite unlike anything she’d ever drunk before. There were hints of lime, and a strong undercurrent of banana. But it wasn’t… bad, exactly. Unusual, sure, but it slid down easy, and didn’t leave an unpleasant feeling in her mouth.

In fact, despite its neon green energy drink style branding, she actually found herself starting to relax and unwind after her first gulp – the irritation and tension that had been buzzing through her frame since she’d entered the shop practically evaporating. Suddenly, she found it really difficult to, like, care, about… about whatever it was that’d been bothering her.

Unnoticed, Claire’s long, dark hair, of which she was reasonably proud and had spent some time that morning styling, began to shrink, rising up from the small of her back to just above her neckline, taking on a much lazier, flatter look.

Oh right. Those dudes outside. Yeah, whatever, bro. They were just doing their thing. She shrugged, raising the can back to her lips and taking another swig.

Another rush of fruit filled energy swirled through her, leaving her smacking her lips in satisfaction. Hey, this stuff was pretty good! What’d she been worried about with it? C’mon, bro, life was like, way too short to be stressing out about crap like that. Just try the new thing, y’know? Hey, why not?

She found herself smiling, almost giggling at the thought – though, her voice sounded a little odd as she did. Lower than usual. She found herself stretching her neck a bit, rubbing at her throat, and feeling her Adam’s apple slide under her fingers. Huh, was that normal? … Eh, what’d she care? Don’t stress ‘bout the small stuff, bro.

Just like she wasn’t stressing about the weird tingling feeling spreading through her body! Yeah, what was up with that? Eh, who cared? She certainly didn’t – even as her arms, normally quite slender, picked up a little extra muscle mass, and her legs thickened, gaining a sharp increase in power. Nor did she care as her back lengthened and she grew a handful of inches, stretching her clothes uncomfortably. Like, whatever, you know?

Her lips thinning and her nose growing a little broader, her makeup vanishing as her features shifted slightly, went without any attention at all. And by the end of it all, she looked… Well, not incredibly masculine, no, but certainly not all that feminine either. Anyone seeing her from a distance might think she was a girl or a boy.

None of that was her problem. She just wanted to finish her drink – which she did, draining the rest of the can with one mighty swallow.

The gulp seemed to travel through her body, rushing down her throat, into her stomach, and then continuing even lower through her waist – until it hit the spot just between her legs, and-

“Oooh! Woah, dude…”

There was an electric twinge through her nerves as her entire reproductive system inverted itself, the strange energies of the drink making her flesh malleable and reshaping it, massaging it into a new, hormone flooded form that made her eyes flutter. It stroked, and it teased, and it gently pulled and shaped, until the neat slit that had resided down her vanished, replaced with a far heavier package hanging firmly between his legs.

“Heh heh… Man, what was I just thinking about?”

The young man stretched – his clothes stretching and morphing with him. His red jacket merged together with his white t-shirt, blending into a loose white basketball jersey that hung down his lanky frame, while his neat black skirt merged with his stockings to become a grey pair of comfortable slacks. His shoes easily shifted into a worn pair of trainers, while the finale touch, a purple beanie, dropped itself down onto his head. Coupled with a smattering of freckles dotting over his now masculine face, the change was complete.

“I believe you were thinking about paying for that drink you just bought.” The shopkeeper drew his attention with a pointed look – and if the man was aware of the great change that had just come over his customer, he wasn’t saying anything.

“Oh right.” The boy shrugged and shoved his hands into his deep pockets, digging for some coins. “Uh, here. Keep the change.”

“Thank you. You too.” The old man grinned.

“… Uh, sure man. Whatever.” Cal shrugged, before shuffling off. The dude was weird. Not his problem. Nah, he didn’t have any of those – he was way too carefree for that! ‘Course, some jerks said that was ‘cus he just wasn’t very smart, but whatever. Haters gunna hate.

Right now, all he cared about was hanging out with his buddies! And speaking of…

“Hey guys!” He called, stepping out of the shop. “Miss me?”

“Nah!” Was the general response, along with a couple of dumbass laughs. “Find anything good in there?”

“Pft.” He shook his head, beanie flopping. “Just some weirdo shopkeeper dude. Nothin’ special.”

His friends paused, before looking at him. “Dude, you okay? That ain’t a shop or anything man.”

“Huh?” Cal turned, blinking. Behind him, where he could have sworn the shop he’d just been in had stood, was an abandoned house, the For Sale sign flapping in the wind just beside the door. “But I… Huh?”

The guys all snickered. “You sure you’re alright there Cal?”

Weird. Well, whatever. None of his concern. “Yeah, all fine here bro. Now let’s get moving. There’s a huge lack of girls around here~”


Request: A sequel to my previous Danganronpa request where it's now Mukuro's turn to become a full on bimbo thanks to Chihiro. However, since Junko's now the "Ultimate Bimbo", she needs a different title. "Ultimate cocksucker" sounds pretty good.

Did it work?

Chihiro frowned at his screen, teeth grinding nervously. The programmer had been anxiously awaiting any sign that the fiendish hacker who’s work he had discovered was trying to use their virus, and tonight, finally, it had come. One of the lines he’d slipped into their code had sent out a signal, alerting him to the fact that the virus had been activated. Now he just had to see if his trap had caught them.

He wasn’t sure if it would, was the problem. He’d been forced to use extreme measures for this, given the severity of what they were doing, but this was entirely untested technology. The code all worked – obviously – but would the theory? The only way to find out was to wait and see.

And so, wait he did, fingers anxiously tapping on his desk. It would be easy to look in on the hacker, and see just what had happened – now that he’d received the signal, tracking down their computer would be a piece of cake. But if he did that too soon, it would interrupt the trap. He had to give it time to do its job.

It was nerve racking. If he’d made a miscalculation here then his opponent would realise that he was on to them. They’d vanish, and start again somewhere new. Given what they were trying to do – and how close they’d come to doing it – he couldn’t allow that to happen. This had to work – it simply had to!

Finally, it was time. Holding his breath, the Ultimate programmer reached out, and started to type. In a matter of moments, he had found the offending computer. Accessing it was all too easy. Narrowing his eyes, he activated the webcam.

“Wha- Junko?!”

There was no mistaking the pink haired bimbo sat in the chair across from the target computer, happily jilling herself while groping her breasts, tongue hanging out in airheaded lust – even if, Chihiro realised with wide eyes, there had been some changes since he’d last seen her. Could this girl really be the one behind it all?

He gawped, his mouth moving silently as he struggled to find something to say for a good ten seconds, and completely failing. He could see everything. The Fashionista’s body was on full display – and holy crap, her chest was huge! … The Ultimate Programmer was shy, but he still had hormones, damnit, he was very familiar with his classmate’s normal proportions. Could his spiral program really have done all this?

There was only one way to be sure. Swallowing, he opened up a chat program – anonymous, so he could protect his identity just in case – and pinged her computer.


It beeped loudly enough to attract the bimbos attention, and her eyes lit up as she saw the message. “Oh hey Master Chihiro!” She giggled, waving at the screen – while still keeping one hand under her skirt. “Like what you see?”

Shit. [Uh. Chihiro? Who’s Chihiro?]

It was a rather pathetic attempt to cover himself, but to be fair, it might have worked – if Junko had been just a little smarter, anyway. Instead, she just answered the question. “Ooh, Chihiro’s like, my super cute adorable Master! He sent me that fun spiral and totally turned my mind to mush~!”

Huh. Could his plan… Have worked? [How did you know it was me?]

“Like, duh, Master! Only you’re smart enough to pull off something like this! I’m, y’know, like, dumb, but I’m not that dumb!” She paused, before laughing, putting a finger to her lips and sucking it. “Okay, no, I like totally am! My brain is just, y’know, soooo stupid right now. But I worked it out before your super awesome spiral scrubbed all my smarts out~”

… That made sense. Sort of.

The Ultimate Programmer licked his lips nervously. Seeing Junko in this state, practically drooling while declaring him her master, was generating some heated feelings in him. Of course, turning her into this hadn’t exactly been his intention, but… Now that she was… And if she really had been the mastermind behind all this evil… Well, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to inspect his handiwork in person…

[Are you alone?]

“Yep!” The bimbo cheerfully nodded. “Totally alone! Just me and Mukuro, Master~!”

He paused. Okay, to be fair, it was his fault that she was a dumbass now. [Mukuro is there?]

“Yuh-huh!” She switched hands, sucking her slick fingers while still pumping her pussy. “Just outside the door! I, like, told her to keep everyone out back when I still had a brain and stuff~”

So those two were working together. That made sense, in a practical kind of way. But it did make this complicated. Chihiro had designed his trap with one person in mind – now he had to make sure both were dealt with. And the hypnosis program had clearly born results – way, way better results than he’d expected, actually! – but it was still unreliable. It needed refinement before he wanted to use it again. And for that he’d need some way to test it. But how…?

… Oh. Wait. Right.

[Okay Junko,] he typed, writing out new lines of code on another monitor with his free hand. [Take a look at this for me.]

“Sure thing, Master!” She cheerfully replied. And then her smile widened, her eyes swirling with pink swirls again, as once more she lost her tiny mind in the all consuming spiral that swallowed her screen…

Mukuro Ikusaba was on guard duty. That wasn’t unusual, nor was it difficult. As the Ultimate Soldier, she was used to performing difficult operations in far worse conditions than this. Though she might never put it in quite these words, honestly, this entire infiltration of Hope’s Peak was basically a vacation for her. None of these kids could slaughter an entire mercenary unit with just a toothpick, and the only one who knew even the basics of paying attention to her environment was Kigiri, who was easy enough to deal with… Yes, she might as well be resting in a hammock in the sun for how relaxing this was for her.

Sure, as half of the Ultimate Despair pair, she had a lot to do – her sister, the brains of the operation, had a never-ending series of jobs that required Mukuro’s skills to pull off. But they were easy stuff, like conducting a killing spree armed with just a knife, or assassinating someone with barely any bodyguards. Nothing an even reasonably competent soldier should have any difficulty with, in her opinion. So yeah, she was just chilling out and enjoying her school days until her sister really kicked things off.

Which wasn’t to say she was slacking off in any way, to be clear. No, her attention was on the job, and her senses were sharper than ever. Not even a fly could have gotten past her into her sister’s room. Nothing would stop her from fulfilling her duty, and nothing would distract her in the process of carrying that duty out. Such was the discipline of the Ultimate Soldier.

Even her phone ringing failed to elicit any kind of reaction from the dark haired Ultimate. Instead she just calmly glanced up and down the hall, confirming no one was trying to encroach upon her position, before casually lifting the device to her ear. “This is Ikusaba.”

“Heeeey Mukie! How’re you doing out there?”

… Her sister sounded strange. She swallowed. “M- Mukie…?”

If it had been anyone else behaving so erratically, the Ultimate Soldier would have gone on guard immediately, assuming that something had compromised their mission, and activating one of a number of escape contingencies she had prepared. But this was Junko. Junko’s personality changed between heartbeats when she was in the mood, and this kind of sweetness was far, far from unusual for her – even if it was normally the sugary candy coating to a hidden blade.

Indeed, that sisterly affection she was showing right now was something that Mukuro desperately craved! After years of surgically applied abuse, the dark haired sister was utterly dependent on her twin, constantly working herself to the bone in the hope of a simple scrap of praise. And now, a cute nickname instead of the usual barrage of insults? The Ultimate Soldier melted instantly, switching from professional merc to flustered schoolgirl so fast even Junko would have been impressed. “Wh-What can I do for you, sister?”

“D’awh, that’s my cute baby sis!” C-c-c-cute?!? “Hey, I like, totally need your help with something.”

“Anything!” Mukuro was gripping her phone so hard that it nearly cracked. “I- I mean, sure, what- um, what do you need?”

“Oh, it’s super easy. Just, like, open this little file I’m sending over…” The phone beeped as it registered a delivery. “And stare into Master’s spiral for a bit! It’ll be totally awesome!”

“Ah, o-okay…” The call clicked closed, and the mercenary stared at her phone nervously. Master’s spiral? What did that mean?

Should she really open this? All of her instincts said no. In fact, they were screaming, loudly, that she should delete the thing and start running, right now. But…

“… She called me Mukie…”

Without thinking, Mukuro’s thumb jabbed the button, and the file opened – a pink spinning spiral filling the screen before her eyes.

‘So this must be Master’s spiral?’ She thought to herself, frowning. It didn’t seem very impressive. Just pink on black, spinning in a… In… In a…

She blinked. Funny. What had she just been thinking? It was… It had been… Uh…

… Wha…?

The mercenary’s mouth dropped open, a hint of drool already hanging from her lip as pink spirals danced in her eyes. Her head was already starting to empty. Hypnotic pulses were pounding their way into her brain, the swirling shapes taking up all the space she normally used for thought, and sweeping her awareness up into the tender embrace of oblivion.

It wasn’t really her fault. Mukuro was a determined and disciplined soldier, and against a normal hypnotic attack, she probably could have resisted handily. But this one had been calibrated specifically for her, using her twin sister as a test subject. It was, in a way of speaking, her silver bullet. And there was nothing she could do, once she’d lair eyes on it, to stop it from drilling its way straight to her core.

In her head, a miniature battle played out – a desperate scramble to stop the inevitable. A host of Mukuros, all soldiers equipped with an arsenal of weapons took defensive positions on the battlefield, dotted around the central processing unit – a big machine building marked by her frowning face, with ‘The Ultimate Soldier’ printed at large beneath it. And against them…

The cloudy sky rumbled as it lit up with pink, flashing light. Over the ridge advanced what seemed to be an endless horde of bouncy, swimsuited women who… Who looked an awful lot like Mukuro did, to be honest. But Mukuro didn’t look that brainless, and she certainly didn’t have tits that big, nor were her eyes lit by neon pink light. The soldiers, those were the real deal.

… But there were an awful lot of the ones in swimsuits…

Beneath it all, a pounding electric base started to play.

With a fierce roar, the Mukuros opened fire, shots and artillery raining down on the forces of pink – met, of course, by a giggly cheer. And at first, the ‘battle’ seemed won immediately. The horde didn’t fight back with weapons or tactics, they just charged, skipping, bouncing, jiggling across the battlefield without heed for personal safety. They barrelled into the fray like lemmings jumping off cliffs in fictional Disney documentary – and were cut down by the merciless gunfire of the professional soldiers they were up against, vanishing in puffs of glitter. It was a total rout! Every shot fired hit its target, every missile cratered an enemy unit. The Ultimate Soldier fought with vicious, practical skill, and scythed through her enemies like wheat.

But the horde never stopped flowing. For every swimsuit that was cut down, thirty more appeared over the ridge. The sky continued to swirl, pink lightning blasting down all around them. And ammo was beginning to run low. Soon, the guns were clicking empty.

Even then, though, the fight wasn’t over. As ranged weapons ceased to be an option, the Mukuro squad switched to melee, each drawing a hefty combat knife from sheaths on their persons. And as one, they went to work – all just as ruthlessly efficient with a blade as they were with their guns. The Ultimate Soldier was the Ultimate package. Something they turned to their advantage as they cut the horde back, protecting their base with everything they had.

Yet still, the battle was endless – and in the end, it only took one mistake to turn the tide. A distracted thought. A moment of unfocused will. A single Mukuro soldier growing too confident, cutting a little too deep, only to realise too late that she had over extended into the enemy line as they surrounded her.

Even then, she almost pulled it back. The soldier fought like a woman possessed, slicing in a circle around her, coldly trying to retreat, to fix her mistake, letting no enemy so much as touch her.

But being so caught up in her desperate defence, she noticed the shadow falling over her a moment too late. And as her face turned skyward, eyes widening, her own reflection was there to meet her, pink gaze glittering as one of the horde jumped over her swing – kissing her square on the lips before she could react.

Her counterattack was instant, of course, her attacker reduced to pink glitter before she even hit the ground – but the damage was done. The soldier could already feel strange sensations bubbling up inside her. Giggly, jiggly feelings.

Before her still wide eyes, the Mukuro’s chest swelled, her breasts puffing up so big that her body armour couldn’t hold them, bursting open and leaving everything exposed. Then her lips swelled on her face, becoming plump and thick, slathered with pink lipstick. For a moment, her expression was one of utter panic, unable to believe what was happening to her – and then her eyes crossed, turning pink as a faint Pop! sounded between her ears.

Her fat lips curled into a stupid smile, and a giggle echoed out from between them.

That was the beginning of the end. With the line broken, the horde swarmed in, the other Mukuros unprepared for their sudden appearance. Before any of them even knew something was wrong, two more of the soldiers had popped out of their tops, and were sat on the battlefield, hands shoved in their pants, eyes swirling with pink spirals.

The defensive line couldn’t recover. One by one, the Ultimate Soldiers fell, surrounded, exhausted, and out of options. They fought, perhaps harder than any fighter had ever fought before, but even an Ultimate can’t fight against the inevitable. And as the unit fell, the last of them managed to survive just long enough to see pink lightning zap the central processing core, the thing they’d given their all to defend, and turn it against them. Mukuro’s face no longer glared out over the battlefield – instead she smiled brainlessly, her eyes eternally spinning pink spirals. And beneath her image, her new title: ‘The Ultimate Cocksucker’.

That was the last thing the final solider – the final whisp of Mukuro Ikusaba’s resistance – saw, before the pink tide swept over her, and dragged her under. A moment later, and a quiet Pop! heralded the end of the Ultimate Soldier forevermore.

Of course, in real life, none of that happened – Mukuro just stared into the pink spiral on her phone, eyes swirling, until her brains turned to complete mush, literally drooling out of her head and fattening her lips and tits. Didn’t even try to drop the thing, just held it tight as her mind was melted. But it was a nice metaphor for the battle she tried – and failed – to fight, as she was permanently brain blasted into bimbodom.

And it was indeed a bimbo that Junko found, when she finally opened her dorm room door. Under the influence of the spiral, Mukuro’s chest had swelled up so much that her top was a single breath from tearing itself apart – and just like in her metaphorical battle, her lips had plumped up nicely, too.

“Oh! Master, it totally worked!” The former Fashonista cheered into her phone, bouncing happily in place. “Mukie’s, like, a total bimbo now! Or, wait…” She paused, putting a finger to her lips. “I’m the Ultimate Bimbo, right? So she’s, like… Not that. But almost as good!”

“Uh… The Ultimate Cocksucker is what I programmed in…” Came the still rather nervous voice of Chihiro Fujisaki.

“Oh yeah!” Junko nodded enthusiastically, the bimbo forgetting this wasn’t a video call. “Look at those lips! Yeah, I bet she can suck your cock like, forever! Ooohh…” Again, her hand reached down to slip between her legs, a mirror image of her sister. “I can’t wait to shove her head under your skirt…”

“That’s, uh… That’s nice, Junko…” The Ultimate Programmer swallowed, his face turning red at the thought. “Can – can you bring her to me now? Quickly, before anyone sees? I have to, uh, test her for myself, make sure everything worked…”

“Sure thing, Master!” Having received an order, the Ultimate Bimbo immediately forgot about self pleasure, saluting brainlessly. “I’ll have her right over for you to try out!”

“Th-That’s not what I meant!” It was definitely what he meant. “Just… Just hurry, okay?”

Already at critical overload, Chihiro hung up – and Junko was left alone with her sister. Happy and horny, the former brains of the operation wrapped an arm around the former muscle’s shoulders, snapping the other bimbo’s phone shut as she did. “C’mon sis! It’s time to go meet Master~!”

“H-huh…?” Mukuro blinked, swaying as the spiral finally emptied itself from her head, and leaving it hollow in its wake. “Oh, hey sis! Oooh, do you think he’ll let me suck him off?” She hefted up her fattened chest. “I’ve got such great titties for it!”

Junko giggled. “Well duh he’s gunna!” She said with a smile, merrily leading her sister bimbo off down the hall. “After he fucks me, of course.” This seemed obvious to her.

“Wha?” Though apparently, this perspective was not shared. “No way! He should fuck me first!”

“Nu-uh!” Intelligent argument was definitely out the window at this point. “It should totally be me!”

“No, me!”

“No, me!”

It was like the one thought was bouncing back and forth between their empty heads as the pair made their way towards Chihiro’s room. A single desire both twins shared – and were perfectly willing to argue over. Still, in some ways, seeing Mukuro stand up to her sister – even about something like this – was a positive thing. She was finally out from under Junko’s thumb.

Granted, she’d traded her for a master instead, but it was still a step up!

Though, it remained to be seen if the rest of the class would see things the same way…


Request: Finally noticing a couple of his party members are missing, Kazuma goes to investigate the recently remade Temple of Aeris. Inside he sees the changes done to and by his favorite goddess and is given a choice: go home or complete his quest with her help…surely this will end well!

Kazuma Satou was not stupid. A liar, a coward, and a thief, yes, but stupid, no. When he saw the signs of some kind of evil at work in the town, stealing people away and stalking about in the shadows, he did what any reasonable person would do.

He went home, locked the doors, and got an early night.

Look, Axel was a pretty well defended city! It had strong guards, a powerful church presence, and they could deal with anything weird going on in town. And if they couldn’t, then what did you expect him to do about it? C’mon, he was only an adventurer. Plus, if he got involved, that meant he was dragging Aqua and Megumin along with him. Didn’t you want the town to stay standing?

Yeah, thought so. He’d be staying where it was safe and warm, thank you so very much.

Well. That was the original plan. But then Darkness had vanished. Which was… fine, probably. The girl had almost certainly found whatever forces were attacking and hurled herself at them in an attempt to satisfy whatever masochistic urges she had going on. It was almost impossible to think someone with that much Constitution could actually be permanently hurt, so worst case scenario was she’d been taken prisoner. Which would make her happy, and, inevitably, it would make whoever captured her very, very annoyed. His party had that effect on people they were around for too long.

He gave it a week, tops, before they threw her out and she pouted her way back home.

Still, he’d had a bad feeling… And then Aqua had vanished too.

This, by itself, was not unusual. Aqua was… Aqua. She might have had to flee and hide out of town from debtors. She might have been run off after accidentally purifying a brewery and destroying all of their stock… again. Or she might have gotten lost on her way home or something. These were typical things that you had to get used to when your cheat item was a useless goddess.

But when you were already down a Crusader, and your Priestess disappeared too, well, now you were down half your party. And while Kazuma wasn’t opposed to replacing a few members – or, well, all of them, some days – right now didn’t feel like the time to be going around at half strength.

And so – after a few days of waiting to see if either woman came back on their own – he finally decided enough was enough. It was time to investigate! And, if it came to it, to run away.

That shouldn’t be necessary, though. He had a plan. Basically, he was going to sneak into the church – that seemed to be where all the dark vibes in town were coming from – and look around. Once he found the girls, he’d free them, regroup, and come up with a way to deal with the evil. It seemed reasonable enough, though it did mean leaving Megumin out of things. Her understanding of stealth could be roughly summed up as ‘Smaller Explosions’, which she took personal offence to and made bigger explosions out of spite against. Such was the way of the crimson demon.

Thus, he went to work, slipping into the church – after noting its new décor with a raised eyebrow – quietly. Heh, yeah, he was in his element now. Combat was one thing, and he knew he still had a lot to learn there, but stealth? Weaselling his way out of things and avoiding being noticed was his life’s work! You’d have to be a master thief to match him in sneaking around-

“Kazuma, why are you creeping around my church?”

“GYAH!” He spun around. Standing behind him was the most non-plussed looking redhead you could ever imagine. Clad in a long black dress designed to explicitly highlight her curvy figure, wearing a black pointy hat and clutching a powerful looking magical stave that was almost taller than she was, her fashion sense could only ever have belonged to the villain behind this mess – or perhaps a nubile minion of some sort. But Kazuma had long learned his lesson about counting on that sort of thing. “Who the hell are you?!?”

The woman pouted, looking disappointed. “You don’t recognise me?” She looked down at herself. “I suppose I have had a bit of an image upgrade, but still, I hoped that maybe you’d… Uh. I mean!” The witch coughed into a gloved hand, before straightening up and casting out her arm. “Foolish mortal, to think you wouldn’t recognise one of my incredible divine stature! Though I suppose I forgive you – if you had the sense to see what was truly before you, doubtless you would have already passed out from terror!”

The adventurer just stared at her. The moment stretched on.

Eventually, the woman caved. “Wh-what? What are you staring at? Aren’t you going to say something?”

“Eh, 4 out of 10.” Her waved dismissively.

That was not what she wanted – nor expected – to hear. “What?!?!”

“Yeah, sorry, Megumin does speeches like that for breakfast. Your one wouldn’t boil an egg.” On a good day, the party mage could chuni an entire meal prep.

“Ngh- You- I-!” She stamped her foot. This wasn’t going at all like how she’d planned. But she knew how to get things back on track. “I am a goddess!!!”

And yet… “Huh.” Kazuma barely reacted.

“S-still nothing?”

“Yeah…” He rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. “Y’know, that’s really not as impressive to me as it used to be.”

The witch blinked. “Why wouldn’t it- Oh. Oh, right.”

Both of them sighed – the image of a certain blue haired goddess dancing in their minds.

“Annnyway…” Kazuma looked the woman up and down. She seemed pretty cute, despite her menacing aura. It was kind of hard to take her seriously as a threat, for some reason. “Who are you, again?”

“Oh, right! Sorry, I didn’t get to my proper introduction.” She giggled nervously, rather flustered. “Damn, I had this whole thing prepared, and now… Can I start over?” The two stared at each other for a moment as her shoulders drooped. “No, no. It’s too late for that. Oh well.”

“I mean, I can come in again…”

“No, no.” She waved him off. “Let’s just do this. Alright. Ahem. Tremble, mortal, for I am Aeris, the goddess of fortune and dark magic-!”

Kazuma couldn’t help himself. “Eris?”

And immediately she was thrown right back off track. “No! Aeris! Aeris! With an A!” She fumed, glaring before regaining her composure. “I mean, I was Eris, but now I’m so much more.” She straightened, puffing up her chest. “Once, I was just a mere luck goddess, at the bottom of the divine chain, but now I possess power far beyond anything I ever dreamed of, and I shall use it to shape this realm to my whim!”

Unfortunately, in puffing up her chest, she’d drawn the adventurer’s attention to somewhere other than her speech. “So those aren’t pads anymore?”

“NO!” She nearly smacked him with her staff. “That is not what I’m talking about. Although my new form is part of the whole package, and I find it quite lovely.”

Hoo. Okay, there was a lot to deal with here. No wonder he didn’t feel threatened – Eris had always seemed like a much gentler soul than… Well, practically anyone else he’d met since his first death. Even in this new corrupted form, he couldn’t say he disliked her. “Ah, R-right… So, I take it you’re behind the changes around here?”

“Ah! Yes! Do you like them?” Eager to brush away the awkwardness of the encounter, the goddess preened in front of her grand cathedral of darkness. (Darkness not included – she was out front.)

“They’re… kinda sinister…”

“Well, I do have this whole witch aesthetic going now.” She waved to her dress and hat proudly, while making sure to push her chest out so he could admire her other newly gained assets as well. “And I do want to take over the world, so it seemed fitting.”

“Oh. Right.” Yep, there was the Eris he knew. A surprisingly earnest girl, no matter what she might be doing. This taking over the world thing was definitely new, though, and probably bad news. “Well, that’s probably something I’ll have to put a stop to…”

Wait a sec. Hold up here. Saving the world was all well and good, but he already had a quest to do that by fighting the Demon King! Taking on a corrupted goddess at the same time seemed like a bit much. Plus, y’know, he was alone right now, without his team around to distract any divine wrath that might be coming his way. Maybe this was not the time to pick a fight.

Besides… Well, he did like Eris. And Aeris didn’t seem much different. Given the size of her church, would her ruling the world be all that much different? Was this really something he needed to worry about? Heck, if she really was all that, maybe he could swing this to his advantage. Get in on the ground floor, that kind of thing.

“Or, maybe I won’t.” He chuckled, rubbing his chin. “I dunno, I guess it depends. I could let the town guard know all about your little scheme here. Even if they can’t stop you, they’ll put the word out, and adventurers from all over the world will come running. Or, maybe you can make it a little worth my while to not do that, eh?”

Aeris stared at him. “You’re really trying to blackmail a god inside her own temple?”

“Yeah, it’s kinda what I do.” Years of exposure to Aqua had pretty much numbed him to the idea that gods could be taken seriously.

Fortunately for him, the answer just got a giggle out of the woman. “Oh, you’re a lucky man, Kazuma. That’s probably why I like you~”

She smiled and drew closer, reaching out to toy with the tie of his tunic. “Alright, so, I had planned this meeting to go a little differently, but I do have an offer for you,” she explained. “In fact, I’m giving you a choice.”

The witch goddess stepped back, setting her staff aside and holding out a hand – the image of a familiar earth hovering over it. “On the one hand, I have the power to send you back to your original world, regain the life you lost there. Riches, adopted siblings, whatever life you choose. That would be easy to arrange.”

Then she extended the other palm, a red/black flame burning in the air above it. “On the other, I offer you power. Strength. Glory, as my right hand. The chance to rule the world by my side as my vassal, my general, and perhaps…” Her eyes flashed, her lips a seductive smile, “my consort. I’ll even grant you my assistance in dealing with that pesky Demon Lord. Your impossible quest will finally be at an end.”

Well now that was a tempting offer. Power, riches, status, and options for being seduced by the dark witch queen… Yeah, Kazuma hadn’t really thought about his old world in a long time – he was happier here – but becoming a dark general was an interesting idea! Power and riches were definitely big pluses, and Aeris certainly was no slouch in the looks department. Finally defeating the Demon Lord would be great too…

“You know what?” He finally nodded. Screw it, why not? “Sure. I’ll take that offer - Being a Dark General sounds like fun!”

The witch clapped her hands, smiling brightly, the image of earth vanishing, though the flame remained. “Wonderful! Welcome aboard, Kazuma. I’m delighted you decided to accept. Now, let’s give you an appropriate form for your new position…”

Great! Then they could- Wait. Hold on. Run that back a second.

“Uh… Wait, what do you mean, appropriate form?” He asked cautiously – already trying to judge if it was too late to run. Alas, the goddess was between him and the door.

Aeris smiled politely, but he couldn’t help but feel there was a sinister edge to her look all of a sudden. “Oh, just some upgrades so that you can handle your new strength.” She snapped her fingers. “Plus some extras!”

Huh? “Wait, wha-?!?” But it was too late for second thoughts. The goddess just winked, and the red/black flame in her hand shot forwards, plunging itself into Kazuma’s chest in a flash, drawing a shocked scream from the adventurer’s lips. “Gyah-Eh?!”

To his surprise, there was no pain. In fact, looking down at himself, he could see that his clothing wasn’t even damaged. Instead, there was just a sudden surge of heat in his chest, a feeling that quickly spread out through his entire body – a warm, seeping heat that seemed to melt right into him, like he was in a pleasant sauna after a hard day’s work. Or… Maybe he was the one melting?

Wait, yes, he was definitely the one melting! A red, bubbling aura had surrounded him, and beneath it his body was starting to drip, sweat pouring down his face and shoulders. Was this really what he’d signed up for?

“Relax, Kazuma~” But Aeris was right there, wrapping him in an embrace, her face dazzlingly close. “Just enjoy it.”

Then she leant forwards, her lips pressed against his, and he felt power start to pour into him…

The world turned white, and he felt as though he was falling into an endless abyss of snug comfort – like being wrapped in a dozen soft blankets. Phantom hands reached out of nothingness, stroking his body, massaging his shoulders, excising all the tension from his muscles. He could still feel the goddess’s kiss, feel her power slowly changing him.

Wait, changing him?

Ah, but it was so hard to care about that – not when everything felt so good…

The hands working him slowly peeled away his clothes, casting it all away into oblivion, and Kazuma didn’t even notice. He just followed his goddess’s advice, and enjoyed the feeling of the full body massage, especially as the warm, slick fingers started to dig deep into his most stubborn knots. Even when the flesh being stroked and squeezed started to feel… different, tingly and slim, he paid it no mind. Just letting his muscles and callouses melt away, his figure becoming dainty and trim.

It was only when the hands started to stroke up his legs towards lil’ Kazuma that he started to rouse – and, to his embarrassment, he realised that lil’ Kazuma had beaten him to ‘rousing’ by quite some time, standing stiff at attention already. “H-hey, I…”

“Shhh…” Aeris’s voice was right by his ear. “I told you that you’d be my consort, didn’t I? Please…” Her fingers, soft and gentle, wrapped around his mast. “Let me take care of this for you~”

… Okay, when she put it like that, who was he to refuse, right? Lil’ Kazuma certainly didn’t object, twitching happily in her featherlight grip. “Well, if you insist…”

“Oh, I very much do~” She giggled, her hand stroking – and immediately drawing a gasp of pleasure from the adventurer. “I’ve been wanting to do this for a very long time.”

If that was the case, then it certainly showed. The goddess treated Kazuma like a lover home from the war, dedicated entirely to his pleasure. Kisses rained down on his flesh, while her hands stroked and fondled his member with practiced grace. They even worked over his chest, massaging and kneading, his flesh feeling heavier and more sensitive there with every press…

The sensation was indescribable. Every touch was like pure heaven, being pumped right into his body. It was as though the goddess’s fingers were stroking his desire and massaging his flesh at the same time. Pure bliss poured through his nerves and drowned his brain in an ocean of carnal delight, the heat thrumming through his body like a drumbeat of ecstasy.

By the time the feeling shifted – her fingers pumping in deep instead of stroking tall – he was far too insensate on pleasure to care. And as her fingers delved deeper, and his shaft grew smaller, all he could think of was the building climax, the bubbling tension growing within him, ready to blow. It would just take a little more…

So, as his cock finally vanished into a smooth, wet slit with a quiet pop, that was all the push that she needed. “Huaahhh!!!”

She came – and as she did, the white void around her finally burst, the real world rushing back in. Suddenly, she was once again stood in Aeris’s dark cathedral – but there had been some changes in her absence. Specifically, changes to herself.

“What the…?”

The first to strike her was her voice. The low tones of a sassy isekai protagonist had vanished, replaced by a smoky, seductive chord of a higher pitch. It wasn’t a bad sound – in fact, it would have drawn her attention right away normally – but it was strange to hear it coming from her own lips.

She looked down at her hands, blinking. They were different, too. Instead of the pink, calloused palms of an adventurer, instead she had smooth, soft, and above all, red hands, with dark black nails that almost looked like talons at the end of each finger.

Looking further below, she saw – well, she didn’t see much, because there was a pair of red melons in the way. Curious, she reached up, and- “OH!”

“Oooh, do you like them~?” Aeris giggled as she watched the former adventurer grope herself, the new woman’s eyes crossing as her brain was bombarded with pleasure. “I hope so. They may take a little getting used to, but…”

“What… What did you do to me…?” Kazuma finally managed to gasp, not quite able to stop her hands from pinching and squeezing as they explored her transformed body.

“I gave you what I promised – an appropriate form for your new position. Congratulations, my dear – you make a wonderful succubus Demon Queen~”

A Demon Queen…? Kazuma gaped down at herself – before moaning, one of her hands slipping lower and dipping between her legs. “This wasn’t- ah! – what I expected…!”

“Well, yes, obviously.” Suddenly, the goddess was behind her, and the demon felt a curious sensation on her back – someone stroking her wings? Wait, she had wings? “I am evil now, dear. And I wanted something nice to look at as a result – I am a lesbian now, you know? But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the change! After all, I wasn’t lying about the power I gave you.”

That was true. Kazuma felt stronger than ever right now. Abilities, experience points, spells, all of it was pouring into her mind and into her character sheet. Right now she felt stronger than anyone else in Axel – it was just that the only thing greater than her new strength was her new lust.

“Now, you should be strong enough to easily conquer the Demon Lord’s armies, and take them as your own.” Aeris continued, leaning forward and wrapping her arms around Kazuma’s waist as she whispered into her pointed ear. “You’ll be the seductive darkness to my brilliant light. Together, there’ll be no part of this world we won’t conquer. You just need to get with the program~”

Kazuma could feel what she meant. Burning black corruption was seeping into his mind, already twisting his thoughts and desires into demonic shapes. And now that the shock was fading, she really couldn’t think of a reason why she should resist.

A smile curled through her plump red lips as her eyes fluttered, her mind finally catching up with her body. Yeah! This was great! Now she could take what she wanted, do what she wanted, Fuck who she wanted! Mmm, the power, the pleasure, the everything! It was all so… so… Perfect!

“Nuah!” She came again, her head thrown back as curled batwings poked out of her hair, and a long, spaded tail snaked out of her back, wings fluttering in delight. The last traces of her old life fell away. Yes! Yes! She was a succubus – but more than that, she was a Demon Queen! Everyone would bow before her, and serve at her pleasure! All would learn to love, lust, and fear her! Yes!

With a gasp of delight, the last of her restrains shattered, and the succubus came into her own, her eyes glittering with infernal fire as her new identity settled on her like a crown. Kaz, the Demon Queen, took a deep breath, stretching her demonic body in satisfaction.

“Oooh… My goddess… Isn’t it against the rules for you to bless a demon like this?” She giggled, stroking Aeris’s hands as her tail curled around the witch’s waist. “You could get in trouble~”

The Goddess just smiled, her glittering eyes meeting the Demon Queen’s own as the two came to face one another. “Oh, they can try to stop me if they want. I could always use more servants. But first, what do you say we conquer this lovely world of ours, before they notice what we’re up to?”

The succubus purred in delight as Aeris’s roaming hands started to explore her body. “Sounds fun,” she agreed, wings flapping eagerly. “But before we do anything, I have a duty to attend.”

“Oh?” The redhead raised an eyebrow, curious. “And what might that be?”

Kaz grinned. “Why, my duty as consort, of course~” She leaned forward to catch her lover’s lips in a new kiss. “First things first – I need to fuck your brains out~”

“Oooh.” Their mouths met, both enjoying each other’s taste. “Well then let’s get right on that~”

The world could wait a little longer to meet its new Queens, after all…


Request: Persona 4 Golden: Marie maybe should have waited a bit before trying to absorb all parts of Izanami-no-Mikoto. She almost certainly didn't mean to absorb her riva- I mean Yue's female friends as well. Oh well least now Yue doesn't have to choose between them. And she now has their best features now too.

“Foul creatures…” The red cloaked demi-god Kusumi-no-Okami growled at the Investigation Team, the world around her crumbling as they smashed through her attacks and blunted her ideals. “How can you do this?! Why do you strive to embrace the truth, when it brings so much pain!”

“There’s no getting through to her like this!” Rise’s voice called out over the din. “But you’re nearly there! Keep pushing, and we’ll break the fog’s hold over Marie-chan!”

“We’re not going to stop. Not when we’re this close!” That was Naoto, charging another attack.

“Just hold on, Marie-chan! We’re nearly there!” Yukiko was no slouch either, hurling blast after blast of her persona’s power into the fray.

“If you let a little thing like this break you down, I’ll kick you into the afterlife myself!” Chie was, as ever, a pillar of support. All of them cared for their friend, even if she was one of the weirder members of their social circle (something that took some doing, to be honest). And defeating the spirit of the fog which imperilled her was the only way they were going to be able to save her.

Though, naturally, said spirit had no intention of going down easily. “The fog is the only peace we will ever know… And you would seek to destroy it?! I shall drive you out, pitiful beasts!” Her voice echoed as she started her new attack, drawing in more and more fog.

Rise wasn’t having any of it. “We’re not going anywhere until you give us back our friend!”

This would prove to be a very true, and very unfortunate statement.

The navigator blinked. “Wait!” She called out. “Marie-chan’s ability to absorb the fog is going crazy! Careful, she’s sucking up-!”

Sadly, the team never heard the rest whatever she planned to say, though her intent was made quite clear by the way that the idol was suddenly sucked up into the air and hurled into the heart of the gathering orb of fog around Kusumi-no-Okami. With a surprised squeal, Rise vanished into the mist.

“Rise!” Yukiko cried – only to find her own feet lifting from the floor.

“Yukiko!” Chie was there in an instant, grabbing her friend’s ankles desperately. For a moment, it looked like she’d succeeded in anchoring her – and then the suction increased, and with a yelp, the pair were drawn up into the fog together, disappearing in a red and green blur.

Naoto scrambled for a handhold, some way to resist the incredible pull, but the battle arena provided none for her. All she was able to do, as she too was yanked from her feet, was summon her persona one more time, unleashing a massive attack just as she was swallowed by the mist. “Megidolaon!”

Light exploded through the room, the fierce demigod wailing as the attack hit home. All at once, the gathering fog burst, the force animating it crumbling in defeat. Overwhelmed, the white figure fell to her knees, disintegrating, no longer able to keep herself together. Despite the power of her final assault, she’d been unable to stave off the Investigation Team’s relentless pursuit of truth.

And yet, even as she fell, there was no sign of the girls that she’d consumed…

Well, no, there was one sign. As Kusumi-no-okami vanished in a flash of light, another figure was returned to the world – this one considerably smaller, and more human shaped, even if conceptually she and Kusumi were actually the same thing. Marie had returned – drifting through the air. Until suddenly she was dropping, and the silver haired leader of the team had to pull off a diving save to catch her.

“Marie! Are you okay?” Concerned, and more than a little worried for their missing companions, the remaining half of the Investigation Team gathered around her. But there was something different about the normally sullen maiden – something that was hard to put a finger on.

“Ghuh… Mmn…” The dark-haired woman stirred in Yue’s arms. “I… What happened? I was… Wait…”

There was something odd about her voice, too. A new cadence that sounded oddly familiar, and yet not at the same time. There was a gentleness there that one was not used to hearing when dealing with Marie…

Her eyes fluttered open, and even here there was something weird. Marie usually had green eyes – okay, greyish green, but green all the same – while now her irises were brown, flecked with only traces of green and blue. Her face looked a little different too – her features slightly tweaked, a little shifted into a different formation…

But before that could sink in, she suddenly jumped to her feat. “Woah! Wow, that was a trip! Ha!” She laughed and rubbed the back of her head nervously. “God, sorry for all that. Jeeze, this is kind of embarrassing, but… Y’know, I feel a lot better now!”

The guys blinked, exchanging a few looks amongst themselves. Marie was being chipper. Marie was never chipper.

Yosuke was the first to bite. “Uh, Marie-san? Are you sure you’re okay?”

At his question, she turned to face them – and another difference became clear: Her hair. Normally it was kept almost boyishly short, but right now it stretched all the way down to her mid-back, her locks having practically doubled in length. It was also styled differently, with a blue headband keeping it all out of her face, and a pair of twin pigtails positioned cutely to the sides of her head. If you squinted, she actually looked a lot like Rise – or Yukiko, with the headband and the length.

“Good question,” she nodded, pressing a finger absently against her lower lip – a gesture of thought that the boys were much more used to seeing from Naoto than anyone else. “Logically, I should certainly be feeling some after effects of this whole ordeal. I mean, you did just beat the pulp out of me, even if I was possessed at the time. None the less, I can’t help but feel… Quite good. Better than ever, in fact. Not just in that a great burden has been lifted from my shoulders, but… also…”

She paused, and then shifted, swivelling her hips so that her weight was all on one foot, and then kicking out with the other leg, performing a perfect side kick. “I have to admit,” she giggled, holding the position without issue. “I’m feeling fitter than ever! Like I could take one a whole army of shadows! Ha, I feel great!”

The boys all shared another look as she giggled and performed a few more leg strikes. Quickly, they formed a huddle.

“Uh, guys, what’s going on?” Kanji looked around nervously, hoping that he was just imagining things. “Because she’s really acting like…”

“HIYA!” There was a crashing sound from nearby. “Oh! Oops. I didn’t mean to break that. Uh, I don’t think anyone’ll notice, right?”

“… She’s acting like Chie, yeah,” Yosuke sighed, his expression pained.

“I’ve noticed traces of Naoto and Rise in there too,” Yue muttered, rubbing his chin. “Do you think Yukiko might be as well?”

“Hold on, lemme check.” Yosuke leaned back from the group and raised his voice. “Hey, Marie, listen to this one: Why was Teddie naked? Because he’s a teddy bare! Get it?”

“Bwahahahahah! *Snort* Hahahahaheehee, Yosuke, what the hell? Hahaha! When’d you get so funny?!”

He leaned back in, his face ashamed. “Yep. She’s definitely in there.”

“How the hell did this happen?” Kanji growled, his frustration leading to a rising temper. “How do we get them out of there?”

“Beats me,” Yosuke groaned, rubbing his face. “This is normally the kind of thing we get Naoto to work out…”

That would clearly not be an option for the foreseeable future. Yue looked to the bear at his side, who had been suspiciously quiet. “Teddie? You’re our expert here. Any ideas?”

“Hmm…” The group mascot was clearly deep in thought. “I mean, I guess this could have happened. Maybe when Marie was absorbing all that fog, she absorbed the girls too, and all five of them ended up… combined, in some way. It’s possible…”

“Well, how do we un-possible it?”

“I don’t know! I’m going to have to do some research on this. I’m sure there’s a way – I mean, anything’s possible in the tv realm. But, uh.” The bear grimaced. “It could take a while to work out…”

The four turned to look at Marie – who was now taking a couple of selfies – and considered. Now that they knew the trick, it was obvious to see the differences. Those were Yukiko’s legs, for instance, even wrapped in Marie’s stockings. And while none of them would admit it, they were all perfectly aware that Chie’s hips were the ones filling out that skirt. The waist was probably Rise – she was the one who put the most effort into looking that trim – and given the size of her chest, she wasn’t wearing the bindings that Naoto normally used.

All in all, she was a complete conglomeration of all the girl’s best traits.

“We’re going to have to keep her – them? – her occupied until we can come up with a way to fix this…” Yosuke sighed, already stressing out about how they were going to explain any of this.

“Oh, that part’s easy.” Teddie waved the concern off. “No problem.”

“Really?” Kanji and Yosuke turned to look at him, both curious. Just what kind of plan would the bear have?

“Hey, Marie! Fancy a date with a stud this weekend~?”

Oh. Oh, it was that plan. The pair facepalmed. What else could they possibly have expected?

“Sorry Teddie,” Marie giggled, skipping back over to the group. “I’ve already got plans this weekend~”

“Awh.” The bear pouted, but then bounced back strong. “You do? How about during the week then?”

“Then too!”

“Darn.” He took it with good grace. “What plans?”

“I have a date!” She giggled gleefully. “Every night of the week!”

The squad blinked. “Wait what?”


“With who!?!”

There was, however, one important voice missing from the shocked cries – and slowly, everyone turned to face their grey-haired leader, who was currently whistling, and studying the ceiling. Right up until Marie glomped onto his arm, anyway, smiling brightly.

The team did the math. There was no way that Marie – the normal one – would go for dates all through the week. She had other stuff to do. And the same was true of all the other girls. Which meant…

“Dude. Seriously?” Yosuke hissed, voice low. “All of them?!”

“You couldn’t leave any for the rest of us, sensei?” Teddie whined.

Kanji just looked to be in a state of shock.

“… Well I guess you two are going to be busy for a while then,” the Junes heir finally groused, his shoulders slumping. “Hope you have fun?”

“Oh, we will~” Marie seemed to be completely oblivious to the death glares her friends were throwing at her boyfriend. “I have so many activities planned! And each night, I’ll be treating him to a home cooked meal!”

Silence descended on the group. Yue started to turn pale. The others exchanged glances. Unspoken, one phrase passed seamlessly through each man’s head.

‘Mystery Food X… times 5…’

The devastating culinary combination of Chie, Yukiko, Rise, and Marie in the kitchen could only spell doom, no matter how much influence Naoto had on the proceedings. Suddenly, everyone felt a lot better about the situation. Well, everyone except Yue.

“Fair enough!” Yosuke patted his friend on the shoulder, an evil smile on his face. “I’m sure partner here will enjoy every last bite, right?”

“He’d better~” The blue haired amalgamation giggled. “Or else, I might get mad…”

Ah, yes, Marie’s original personality was still in there too. Oh happy day.

“I look forward to hearing allll about it,” the traitor grinned. “Now we should get out of here. Wouldn’t want you guys to be late for your date!”



And so the Team escaped the Hollow Forest victorious… Sort of. They’d rescued Marie, at least. Now they just needed to separate her from the other girls – and maybe, maybe, save their team leader.

After one date night, at least.


Request: Original - A group of bitchy psychic “heroines” are betrayed by the long abused supposedly weakest member of their group after their big bad falls head over heels for her. Deciding that some payback is long overdue, she decides to team up with her new lover to turn her ex teammates into different kinds of bimbos (Ex. Stepford Wife, Southern Belle, Gimbo, etc)

(DZ Note: Okay, this one got out of hand. Given the size limitations I thought it was unlikely I could do this prompt and do individual bimbo TFs for a group of heroines, so I plotted out a story of just getting the first one, and leaving it open to continue next month if the requester so desired! Then I got sick in the middle of writing it, and after the haze cleared, I had... many, many more words than I'd planned, while still only doing one bimbo TF. Apologies, this kind of worked out the worst of both worlds T_T)

Metal claws tapped impatiently against the finely carved stone of the millennium throne. “Why,” asked Itrix, the Horned Queen of the Shadow Realm, “have they not sent back word yet?”

Her voice was as cold as the silver plates that lined her mostly humanoid body, her thick, lizard-like tail flicking behind her impatiently. The subjects who could not hide from her burning yellow eyes trembled, fearing that her irritation was about to turn into anger – and that they would be suffering the brunt of it. But none shook more than the one to whom her question was addressed – the court mage, Shadel.

“I…” The magic user swallowed, her dark robes clutched tight around her. “Your majesty, I’m sure our agents will contact us as soon as they can. Perhaps they were delayed by traffic, or…”

“Or?” The half-lizard, half-woman leaned forward, resting her chin on her fist, eyes narrowing. “Please, court mage, do enlighten the court as to what could possibly delay three of our finest agents, selected by you personally, in establishing a front base for our invasion? Hm? Do you think they stopped for ice cream on the way?”

“Of- Of course not, your majesty! Those three were the very best, I swear to you!” Not for the first time, the dark caster wished her blue veil covered more than the lower half of her face. Her queen’s stare was becoming intense. “Anything that could have delayed them must have been serious!”

Too late, she realised her blunder.

“It must have been serious, must it?” The horned queen’s voice was deceptively soft. “As serious as enemy opposition, perhaps?”

Shadel looked for a way out, and found none. “Per… Perhaps…” She admitted, slowly.

It didn’t stop the coming explosion.

“It’s those damn Psi Squad cretins again, isn’t it?!” With a roar, the draconic queen jumped to her feet, almost smashing her ancient throne with the force of her movement. Flames flickered and burned around her teeth, the silver plate along the bridge of her nose glowing red with rage. “They’ve interfered again, haven’t they? Admit it!”

Half-dragons were a temperamental bunch. The long memory for grudges of a dragon, combined with the intense passion of a human, could result in quite intense emotional bursts. And none could compete for temper with the horned queen. There was a reason that she was known as one of the fiercest warlords in the realms. And why she was so difficult to work for.

“I…” The mage’s shoulders slumped. “Yes, your majesty, I fear it’s true. Somehow, even our best agents were detected by the city’s protectors before they could complete their mission. It is unlikely they will be able to establish a full gateway for our forces to enter their realm through.”

“Of course. Of course.” Itrix’s tail snapped through the air, slamming into the ground so hard it left cracks in the stone. “Every time, every time those vile maidens stand in our way. And none of your plans have even slowed them down!”

“We came close with that frog monster one…” Shadel muttered, only to shrink under her queen’s withering glare.

“Not. One. Plan. You’ve had months to dispose of these nuisances, and yet still they stand, foiling my every attempt at conquest! Enough is enough!” She turned her head to pin another courtier with her gaze. “You. Bring me my blade. I’ll handle this myself.”

“Your majesty!” Despite the danger, the court mage had to protest, even as the unlucky courtier scrambled to obey the queen’s order. “You cannot! If you are ever defeated, our entire realm will crumble! Please, I beg you, give me another chance- Ngh!”

She drew up short – a razor sharp claw reaching under her veil to circle around the soft spot under her chin. “I will not be defeated…” the barely restrained half-dragon stated. “These Psi fools have no idea what they have been messing with. And it’s time they learned what happens when you wake a sleeping dragon.” A claw tip pressed against the mage’s throat. “Unless you’d like a little preview of their lesson?”

The mage struggled not to swallow and risk cutting herself. “N-no, your majesty… I-I understand…”

“Good.” Itrix snatched up her sword, and unsheathed it, inspecting the edge. Its metal glinted in the dark light of the throne room. “Now prepare a portal for one. It’s time I met our foe face to face.”

“And pow! Another win for the forces of good, and another massive L for the shadow kingdom!” A brunette in a red and white battle suit posed, a cocky grin on her face as her latest opponent – some kind of half shadow, half leopard – collapsed into a pile of dust on the cold skyscraper rooftop. Her name – well, her name as a superhero - was Mind Crush, and boy did she feel like she’d earned it today.

“Good work, Crusher.” Even Frozen Nova, the platinum blonde leader of the Psi Squad, sounded a little impressed – a rarity indeed. The blue dressed heroine was floating over the battlefield, hard green eyes searching the city rooftops for any sign of more attackers. “Oracle, is that the last of them?”

<One more,> replied the ever efficient mental voice of Oracle Star, the team’s analyst. The woman herself was physically nowhere near the others. Her body was sat back at their base, arms and legs wrapped in metallic coils, a dark black helmet pressed over her blue-haired head. Her mind, however, was everywhere – interfaced and half merged with every electronic device in the city, her eyes, ears, and mouth never far away, always watching. <I sensed three emerging shadow signals. So far you’ve only dealt with two.>

“Indeed. But the last will not elude us for long.” Next to Nova, the fourth member of the squad hovered, her long dark hair looking quite windswept as she weaved images of strange shapes and twisting colours in the air with her fingers. Dream Wave, the most mystical of the bunch, was on the hunt. “I sense them to our north. Hiding. They hope to slip under our gaze.”

“I’m on it!” The fifth and final member of the crew, Crystal Light, was eager to join the fray. Dressed in white hooded robes, she was the newest member of Psi Squad, only been a professional hero for a year at this point, and still had yet to properly prove herself to the rest of her teammates. Her powers lent themselves more towards light wave manipulation, which could be flashy, but wasn’t as useful as techno-surveillance or ethereal interaction – at least, in the eyes of the squad.

To put it simply, she could shoot beams of light with her brain, but couldn’t hack a computer or weave magic spells with her mind. This put her on something of a back foot compared to the others.

None the less, the blonde heroine wasn’t going to let that stop her from saving the day! With a skilful hop, she cleared the gap over to the next building, sprinting with a well-practiced stride…

Only for Mind Crush to shoot right past her with a smirk. “Too slow, Crys!”

<Try to stay out of the way,> came Oracle’s irritated mental sigh.


“Target sighted!” Already, Mind Crush was on the job. Her psionic power was the ability to use her mental strength to enhance her physical body. Speed, strength, reflexes, senses, all of it was enhanced to truly super human levels. She was the team’s bruiser, and she was good at bruising. She closed in on the last shadow agent – a strange creature that looked like it was made out of purple bubblegum – at remarkable speed, confident that she’d be able to handle this easily.

“Wait! Mind Crush! Something’s not right!” Crystal’s voice was panicked, but easily ignored by the senior hero. She was going to charge in, smash this creep to pulp, and then head home for the night, easy!

It was only when she noticed that the purple guy was starting to glow with an eerie, unearthly light, and she was going far too fast to stop, that she realised she may have made a mistake.

“Look out!” There was a sudden flash of movement – Crystal suddenly appearing in front of her with her arms raised to block – and then everything went white.

A block away, Nova watched the explosion that consumed the entire rooftop dispassionately, with Dream next to her raising a concerned eyebrow. But it was Oracle who sounded the most concerned, her panicked voice filling both of their heads. <Woah! Shadow readings are off the charts – I just lost sight on that entire zone. What’s going on?>

“It looks like that last Shadow Creature was the self-destructing kind,” the blonde answered calmly, eyes searching the smoke for any sign of further attack. “It detonated. Both Mind Crush and Crystal Wave were caught in the blast.”

<Shit. Are they okay?>

“I’d be surprised if Crusher let herself die to something so simple,” the team leader shrugged. “I’m sure she’ll stumble back to base eventually. Hopefully the experience will have taught her a small lesson in humility. Her ego’s been getting rather large of late.”

<… And Crystal?>

Nova glanced at Dream Wave and shrugged. “Probably consumed by the blast. No great loss. Her psi level simply wasn’t high enough to keep up. Something like this was inevitable.”

Dream Wave sighed, but nodded. “It’s a shame, I’ll miss her cooking - but she was rather useless in all other regards. At least now we won’t have to listen to her whining on the way back.”

<… I see.> Oracle sighed. <Any sign of the Shadow Creature left, then?>

Nova looked back to Dream, who shook her head. “My magics are just as blinded as your sciences,” the psionic mage said with a shrug. “But it’s hard to believe it could survive a blast like that. I advise that we leave the fight here. If the Creature survived, we’ll soon hear word of it back at base.”

“Seems reasonable to me.” The leader nodded, already starting to fly away. “You hear that, Oracle? We’re returning to base. Keep us appraised of any developments en route.”


Another successful mission under their (hypothetical) belts, the Psi Squad began the trip home, a pillar of smoke trailing up into the sky behind them…

The dark shadows smothering the back alley briefly turned darker, flickering into true blackness as they became a portal to another realm for but a moment. When they faded, a new figure stood where none had been before. Wrapped in sharp black armour, save where her own silver scales provided their own protection, Itrix stretched her neck, tail swaying, and tasted her first breath of earth air.

“Hm. How sweet,” she mused. “I wonder-”

That was as far as she got before two figures crashed down from above, bouncing off the brick walls on either side of the alley before smashing into the pavement at her feet. One of the figures – dressed in a white bodysuit of some kind – was wrapped around the other – that one wearing red – trying to shield her from the worst of their descent, some sparkling shield of light doing its best to blunt the damage she was taking.

Itrix paused, looking down at the pair in confusion, before turning her eyes upward to see where they’d come from. High above, a tower of smoke wafted in the evening air. “Interesting…”

“Ugh…” A cough from the singed, and in fact still smoking pile, drew the queen’s attention. “Damnit Crys, you daft bitch…” A figure – the one wrapped in red – slowly rose to her feet, long dark hair messy and in her face. “I don’t need- don’t need a weakling like you to protect me…”

“Judging by your current state,” the half-dragon couldn’t help but curiously interject, “if she hadn’t done so, you would be dead. Are you really so ungrateful to her for saving your life?”

The brunette’s attention snapped up, the woman shaking her hair aside to growl at the new interloper. “What’s it to you, jackass? This is official Psi Squad business, so how about you fuck off and- Hey, wait a sec…” She squinted, her double vision from the fall finally settling. “Wait, you’re one of those Shadow Kingdom losers!”

“… I am of the Shadow Kingdom, yes.” Itrix extended courtesy like a hangman extending rope. “And you say you are of the Psi Squad? Funny – I thought the enemy constantly standing in the way of my empire would have more dignity than this.”

“Bitch…” The still somewhat smouldering woman in red cursed. “I’ll make you eat those words!”

Despite her poor state and an unknown enemy, she charged. It was the strategy she was most comfortable with, after all – it had never let her down before.

Unfortunately, that was because she’d never faced the horned queen before. She’d barely closed half the distance when her target suddenly vanished – reappearing behind her and chopping the back of her neck with her empty palm.

Mind Crush collapsed to the floor in a boneless heap, out cold.

And Itrix sighed, wiping her hand. “Disappointing. Is this truly the unstoppable force that has been defeating my agents?” How embarrassing. Clearly, her army was far weaker than she could tolerate. She’d have to implement some extreme reforms once she returned. First, though, she wanted to take a closer look at the other woman who had fallen from the sky. Their uniforms both bore the same PS emblem – could she be Psi Squad too…?

Her claws clicked against the pavement as she advanced closer to the second woman. She was alive, the queen could tell that much – her life essence clung to her frame tightly, even in her severely wounded state. But those wounds would be the end of her if she wasn’t treated quickly…

She seemed to be unconscious, knocked out by the fall. She’d given her all to protect a woman who clearly couldn’t care less for her. It was a rather noble act, and Itrix had to admit, she found such things interesting.

Carefully, she knelt down at the woman in white’s side, her metal armour vocally protesting the movement, but acquiescing all the same. It was most curious. The woman’s robes hid a fine figure, and the half-dragon found herself at a loss to understand why she would conceal it so. This strange woman was becoming quite the mystery.

But the real surprise came when she gently pulled the woman’s hood away from her head, revealing something that the horned queen had never expected to see.

“Beautiful…” She whispered, eyes wide.

Yes, as warm, honey blonde hair spilled out from the cloth that had concealed it, Itrix found herself awestruck by the incredible beauty that had been hidden away in such ill-fitting rags. How could such a creature be so mistreated? So hated? It made no sense!

Stunned, the half-dragon pulled back – and realised that she had a choice to make. At her feet lay two of her greatest enemies, of that she no longer had any doubt. Both were in poor shape – one was soon to die, and the other wouldn’t take much to finish off. She could, if she so wished, slay them both, and return to her kingdom carrying their heads in a show of power that would make her a legend for eons to come…

And why shouldn’t she do exactly that? What were her other options? What, use some of her own life force to heal this beautiful, noble creature, and take her back home with her? That was insanity! Only a mad woman would do such a thing. It defied all rational belief! As a conqueror of worlds, as the queen of the realm of shadows, her choice was clear and obvious.

So… Why hadn’t she done it yet?

Itrix looked down to her sword, and then to the Psi Soldier on the ground. Her expression was unreadable. And slowly, she prepared to do the only thing she could.

“Ah, your Majesty, welcome ba-Oof!” Shadel greeted her ruler with a surprised curtesy, only to gasp as an unconscious human woman in a red body suit was shoved into her arms.

“Yeah whatever.” The Horned Queen grunted, striding out of the portal and past her, carrying another human woman – this one clad in white robes – in her arms with a surprising gentleness. “Take that one to the dungeons. Make sure she’s in stasis before she wakes up. I’ll work out what to do with her later.”

Scrambling, the court mage struggled to get a good hold of her new burden before she dropped her completely. “U-understood, your Majesty! And what will you-?”

The door slammed behind Itrix before the mage could finish her question – the half-dragon stomping off towards her private chambers.

“… I see…” The shadow denizen sighed, before handing the human in red off to a suitably strong courtier. “You heard our queen. Let’s get moving people.”

Oh, how she wished she could predict her Mistress – but half-dragons were a temperamental bunch indeed…

“Ngh…” Crystal Light stirred, awakening slowly. She’d expected more pain – the last thing she remembered was desperately trying to shield Mind Crush from the explosion, moving faster than she’d ever moved before, and then plummeting multiple stories to the ground. That definitely should have hurt. In fact, it should have killed her. So then, why…?

“Here.” Suddenly, a glass of water was thrust in front of her face. “Drink.”

“H-huh?” The blonde blinked, her eyes finally opening, only to have the glass completely fill her vision.

“Drink! Before I lose my patience and just dump it on your head instead.”

Ulp. Well, Crys could take a hint. Quickly, she reached out and took the water, bringing it to her lips. She didn’t realise how thirsty she was until her first sip, but the moment that heavenly liquid touched her tongue, the rest was doomed to swiftly follow in a giant gulp. “Ahh… Th-thank you?”

The dark skinned, horned woman looking down on her nodded, taking the glass back. And as she did, the psychic blonde was finally able to look around at her surroundings properly. They weren’t what she expected. The room was extravagantly decorated, with dark wood wardrobes and dressers lining the walls, piles of literal gold laying scattered across the floor, and the bed – which she was in fact laying in – was supported by a thick, soft mattress, and covered in silk sheets. This was, possibly, the finest bedroom she’d ever seen.

Which did make the fact that she had no idea where she was hit home. “Uh…”

“You’re in my chambers, in the heart of my Shadow Kingdom,” the mysterious woman spoke before she could even ask. “I found you wounded on the battlefield, and decided… Decided to, ah…”

Suddenly, the strange woman’s mannerisms changed, her steely gaze breaking to look off to the side, a strange blush in her cheeks.

“I decided to show mercy, to a noble warrior on the battlefield!” She now loudly declared. “So I brought you here and tended to your wounds. Got a problem with that?”

The heroine of light blinked. Blinked again. Considered going for a third, but her eyes were getting kinda itchy from it, so she refrained. But what was she supposed to say to something like that? And, wait, what had she meant be ‘her’ Shadow Kingdom, anyway?! “Um…”

“Good.” The woman didn’t actually wait for a response, either. “… Your wounds are healed, but your lifeforce is going to be weak for a few days. I advise you stay off your feet until you’ve fully recovered, or else you might collapse.” She folded her arms, as if daring the psychic to challenge her.

“Oh.” Right. Finally, it felt like Crys had the chance to speak. “Am I… a prisoner?”

“Huh?” The dragon woman blinked, and thn her eyes widened with alarm. “Oh! Oh, no! No no! You can leave any time you like. That’s, uh, that’s fine. I’m not keeping you here!” Again, she dropped right into a fluster. “It- it’d just be a bad idea until you’ve recovered, y’know?”

Crys couldn’t help but find the look kind of adorable. “Okay… So… Uh… My- My teammates?” He memory wasn’t super clear, but they’d been close by when the explosion had gone off, hadn’t they?

The dragon just snorted. “The only teammate I saw was the one you were protecting – and she seemed all too eager to leave you to die. Why someone as beautiful as you would waste their time with someone like them, I can’t imagine – but she’s in stasis in the dungeons. You can take her with you when you leave.”

The heroine, half in the process of sitting up in the bed, froze. What? What had she just heard? “B-beautiful…?”

And now both women were frozen in place – the dragon woman in particular looking like she wished she could spontaneously combust on the spot.

“A-Anyway, whatever! Call when you need food or something, I don’t know. I’ll be outside.” Face an interesting mix of silver and red, she started stomping towards the door.

“Wait!” Only to pause at the threshold, as Crystal’s call pulled her back. “Um. Who- Who are you?”

“Oh right.” The dragon coughed into her hand, before drawing herself up and turning with a proud grin on her face – desperately trying to quickly make up for her lacklustre first impression. “I am Irtrix, the Half-Dragon Horned Queen of the Shadow Kingdom, Conqueror of Empires and Slayer of Gods! Be grateful that you found me in a good mood, Psi Squad fool, or I would have reduced you to ash on the spot!” She stood proudly, hands resting on her hips as she presented a firm image to her cru- to her rival. “Now settle down and heal, so that when we do finally cross blades on the battlefield, it will be a glorious fight that will be recounted in legend for eons to come!”

Then she turned and fled through the door before her nerves ruined the show.

“Itrix… Huh…” Crys whispered to herself, slowly adjusting to the quiet of her new room. “She’s… Kind of cute…”

It wasn’t long before the two met again – in fact, it was only a few minutes before the half-dragon burst back in with a tray of food – and then vanished, and burst back in again with a tray of food fit for human consumption. And over the coming days, Itrix would become a fairly constant presence in – well, it was her room, Crystal was just staying in it for the moment, so that was kind of fair. At first she just popped in, gave her guest food or checked on her recovery, before quickly making excuses to leave. But once the blonde heroine made it clear that she didn’t mind the half-dragon’s presence, and that she wanted to talk with her a little more, said excuses got fewer and fewer – until she pretty much never left.

The two had a lot to talk about, as it turned out. Itrix was happy to listen to practically anything that Crys had to say – and after over a year working with the Psi Squad, who had made no secret of tuning the light heroine out whenever she started speaking… Well, it was refreshing. At first, she’d kept things simple. Just… asked about the half-dragon’s history (a subject which Itrix was happy to go on about at length) or talking about her interest in art back home. But soon enough, more and more was spilling out of her. She couldn’t help but start talking about her time with the Squad, and how they’d treated her – recounting how they’d ignored her for being weak, or left her out of group meetings, or outright sabotaged her attempts at heroism when she was allowed out with the team…

Honestly, Crystal hadn’t realised just how much she had to say until someone had been willing to listen. Before she knew it, she was crying her eyes out, chest wracked with sobs, a dam of emotion she’d been holding back bursting out of her control…

Only for a silver-plated hand to wrap around her own, warming her cold fingers.

“It was inexcusable for them to treat you in such a way,” the Shadow Queen assured her, golden eyes burning with shockingly intense honesty. “You deserved far, far better allies than they.”

“It… It was my fault…” The blonde mumbled, looking down. “If I wasn’t so weak…”

“It is the duty of the strong to protect the weak!” The half-dragon interrupted, still holding Crystal’s hand. “Their behaviour would be unacceptable even if you were as weak as you believe. But you? You are strong, Crystal Light. I have seen it with my own eyes. Your nobility of spirit. Your heroic heart. The purity of your power. The Psi Squad was blind to not see your potential, as I do.”

The heroine’s heart hammered. Itrix had unconsciously moved closer, and even as Crystal watched, she drew closer still, gently cupping the blondes cheek with her other hand.

“How I wish we were not on opposite sides of this war…”

And then, all at once, she seemed to realise what she was doing. “Uh. Ah. I mean… I should go-”

But Crystal’s hand caught hers before she could pull away. “Please… Stay with me…”

The half-dragon couldn’t bring herself to refuse.

“Tell me.” The blonde smiled sadly. “What would it be like, if we were on the same side…?”

“…” Itrix hesitated – before letting out a breath, and sitting down on the bed at Crystal’s side. “You would be my bride. My Queen. My noble partner in all things – showered in riches and glory wherever you go. All would give you the respect and kindness you deserve. I swear it.”

“It sounds nice…” The psychic and the dragon slowly drifted closer. For a moment, their lips were but the slightest twitch from one another…

Before the blonde remorsefully pulled back. “But my duty is to my people… I can’t abandon my allies. As much as I wish I could.”

The silver half-dragon’s shoulders slumped, but she nodded. “I understand,” she said, sadly. “After all… Were that not the kind of person you are, you would not be half as beautiful.”

The two fell silent – remaining there, sat so close, and yet so far apart, for the rest of the evening.

Itrix was sullen when the day came that Crystal felt she could stand on her own again. And by the time she was leading the hero to her teammate’s cell, she was downright snappy. Courtiers of the Shadow Kingdom threw themselves out of windows rather than risk being stuck in her path as the pair made their way down to the lowest levels of the keep.

“Your ‘friend’,” the half-dragon made quote marks with her fingers, “has been kept in a timeless stasis since she was brought here. As far as she’s concerned, her battle with me happened only minutes ago.” Silently, she wished she’d been more brutal back then. “You can explain to her what happened, and both of you will be escorted to the portal back to your world. Once you’re gone, I will have the gateway redirected so that it leads to some other plane, and we will not see each other again.”

“Does it have to be that way?” Crys asked sadly, following in her wake.

“…” The dragon hesitated, before nodding. “As long as our worlds are connected, our battle will never end. While I would like to bring your people into the Shadow Kingdom, any attempt to do so will be opposed by the Psi Squad. And so long as you are among their number, I have no wish to fight them.” She paused – and then, in a lower voice; “Although I would like to smack some decency into their heads for a bit.”

A small smile flashed on the blonde’s face, before she shook her head sadly. “I… understand. I’m sorry it couldn’t be another way.”

“As do I, Crystal Light. As do I.” With a sigh, Itrix unlocked a cell door with her hand-print, and then pushed it open, before stepping aside to let the heroine past. “She’s in there. Do what you must.”

Nodding, the human hero hurried in. The cell inside was mostly bare stone bricks and iron bars, but in the middle of it, suspended in a pillar of dark light, was a familiar face. Just as promised, Mind Crush seemed unhurt – and as Crys watched, the spell holding her up winked out, lowering her to the ground as her eyes slowly opened.

“Crusher! You’re okay!” Crystal almost cheered, so relieved to see her teammate alive and well. “I was so worried! Are you able to walk okay? I’ve got a way out for us, but we don’t need to rush…”

The brunette heroine blinked, scrunching up her face as her mind caught back up with the world. “Crys? What’s… Where are we? What’s…?”

“It’s alright.” The blonde slid herself under her teammate’s arm, helping her stand. “We’re in the Shadow Kingdom, but-”

“The Shadow Kingdom?!?” Suddenly all sign of disorientation was gone, and Mind Crush shoved her ally away, raising a fist. “Where? I’ll kick their asses!”

“No, no, it’s okay!” Crys stumbled, just barely managing to keep to her feet. “I’ve spoken with their leader, and they’re-”

“You did what?!?” And suddenly the psionic brawler’s rage wasn’t directed at the world around her – it was all focused on the blonde at her side. “Oh, of course! I knew it! That’s why you look so comfortable in the middle of the land of our enemy! You’ve betrayed us, haven’t you!?”

“What?” Crystal couldn’t even comprehend the charge to defend herself. “No! No, I-”

“Don’t waste your time lying to me, traitor!” Mind Crush roared, power flooding into her muscles. “I always knew you were a snake – and now I’ll finally smash you like I should have years ago!”

“Please, don’t-!”

But it was too late – the brawler was already charging at super-human speeds, her fist, strong enough to smash through solid iron walls with a single punch, was already swinging…

… And smashing into a shield of solid light, bouncing off harmlessly as Crystal brought up her arms to protect herself.


“Okay, this has gone on long enough.”

Before Mind Crush could work out where the shield had come from, or who the voice speaking behind her belonged to, a spell circle flashed on the stone beneath her feet. “Huh-?”

And then she went completely still – frozen in time as the stasis field resolidified around her. Perhaps that was for the best, as the glare Itrix was giving to her back was beginning to become intense enough to set flesh on fire.

“Are you okay?” The half-dragon asked, looking to the stunned Crystal Light, who was still holding up her arms to shield herself, her powers glowing with faint light all around her. “That looked… unpleasant.”

“… She called me a traitor,” the blonde whispered, voice so quiet that Itrix had to strain to hear it. “She didn’t even give me a chance to explain myself – she just tried to kill me…”

Frowning, the Queen moved around the rub the heroine’s back gently. “I wasn’t going to let her.”

But Crystal’s mind was already racing elsewhere. “The others will think the same… I really can’t go back home. There’s nothing I can say, there’s nothing I can do…!” Tears were gathering in the corners of her eyes.

Until the half-dragon spoke up. “… You can stay here.”

Crystal’s tears stopped dead. Slowly, her head turned. “… R-really?”

“Of course.” The Queen tried to shrug casually, and maybe half managed. “I’ve been begging you to stay since you got here, why would that change now?”

“But… But my world…” The hero’s heart was hammering.

“Well, you don’t have to go back there if you don’t want to.” A silver claw gently flicked her tears away. “We can move on to somewhere else… But, honestly? I mean, I don’t like the idea of leaving those bitches who did this to you in charge of anything.” The draconic smile was tight, but fierce. “Why don’t you help me take them down?”

Crystal blinked. “You mean… Betray them for real?”

Another shrug. “Hey, they betrayed you first.”

“…” She looked up at the teammate who had just tried to kill her, swallowing. Itrix’s words were hard to deny. “… If… If I agree… What will you do to my world?”

“It’ll become part of the Shadow Kingdom – and it’d be under your rule, as my Queen.”

“So… I could keep it safe?”

“You can do whatever you want with it.” The half-dragon shrugged. “Lots of benefits to being in the Shadow Kingdom. Lot of resources and technology to share. It’s not as bad as people think, y’know.”

Hm. It was… It was a really tempting offer. Crystal looked up at the frozen form of Mind Crush. “And… Them? My teammates?”

“The Psi Squad? Well, they’ll try to stop us, so we need to take them out of the picture. And they all seem like pretty terrible people. I mean, I can probably wipe them out with your help…”

But the heroine shook her head. “No. No killing.”

The Shadow Queen chuckled and shook her head. “I figured. But they do deserve something nasty… And as long as they have their powers, they’re going to cause us problems, I can tell you that right away.”

“I know.” Crystal nodded, looking firm. “But I have an idea about that. Quite a few, actually.” Her hand wrapped around Itrix’s, squeezing tightly – and the half-dragon was intrigued to see a scheming glint in the blonde’s eye. “Let me tell you what I want to do – and then you just let me know what’s possible with those Shadow Kingdom resources and technology, alright~?”

Mind Crush was confused. One moment, she’d been about to beat the living daylights out of a team traitor in some dark cell, and then the next, she was alone in her cell – aside from what looked like a wide flat-screen tv that had been placed over one of the walls.

“What the hell?!” She snarled, all of her aggression from her attack on Crystal Light still burning in her system. “Where’d she go- And what the hell are these?!”

She shook her hands, having found a pair of – were these pom-poms?! – stuck to them, somehow glued tight between her fingers. Whatever they were, they held tight, no matter how angrily she thrashed. The hell were these things made of?!

It was only when the screen lit up that she remembered it was there. The display was full of spirals, coloured rings expanding and contracting against one another as they flowed from the outer edge of the screen to the center. For a moment, just looking at it made her head throb in an almost painful way – but then a steady anchor appeared to settle her vision, the pulsing images – and dizzy feeling – fading into the background.

“Ready? Okay!” The image of a woman in a white short skirt and a red top with no sleeves filled Crusher’s vision. “Two Four Six Eight, Time has come to set you straight!”

The heroine in red scowled. Why the hell were they showing her a cheerleader of all things? “Is this some kind of stupid joke?”

The woman on the screen giggled. She was a brunette with hair down to her ass, and Mind Crush couldn’t help but feel a pang of annoyance at someone so blatantly copying her look. “It’s a contest, you will choke~!”

The heroine blinked, finding herself on the back foot a little. That dizzy feeling was starting to fill her head. “Are you rhyming with me?”

“Wow, she gets it, well I’ll be!” The cheerleader gave her the smuggest look. Naturally, it made Mind Crush want to punch her face in. “It’s just a fluke, you can’t do it twice~”

The heroine snorted. “Kiss my ass, I’ll roll those dice!” Easy. Did these idiots really think they could beat her in a stupid game like this? S

And to her delight, the woman on the screen looked shocked. For a moment, she even seemed worried, before she started bouncing in place, shaking her pom-poms in the air. “You can’t beat me, I’m just the best!”

Which just got a laugh out of Mind Crush as the heroine started to bounce in sync, mockingly shaking her own poms at the image. She barely even noticed the dizzy feeling anymore. “I’ll kick your butt just like the rest!”

Oh, it was on now. Both women locked eyes, imaginary sparks crackling between them. Steadily, both of them fell into a rhythm. Every move the cheerleader made, Mind Crush would copy. Shake her arms, kick her legs, swivel her hips – easy! She was the fittest hero in the entire city – some rookie cheerleading routines weren’t going to make her sweat!

The girl on the screen certainly seemed to be feeling the pressure. “You think you’re big, you think you’re major? Tell you what, let’s make a wager!”

Hah! She was reaching now. Crusher’s smug smile got even smugger. “All you’ve got I’ll take and more! Name your bet, let’s settle this score!”

“Swear on my pom and take your pains – the first to trip will lose their brains!”

“That’s your dare? Then fine, let’s go! You’ll be the first to drop this flow!”

The heat was on. Both women’s cheers started to grow more exaggerated, their determination to win showing in every move. Everything else – the Shadow Kingdom, Crystal Light’s betrayal, all of it was forgotten as this contest became the only thing Mind Crush could focus on.

Not that this would be a fair contest, as she was soon to realise. The flash of a victorious smile on the cheerleader’s face was her first hint that something was amiss – but more was soon to follow.

“Okay bitch, let’s see you pass – a real cheer’s strength is in her ass!

She did a hip check to the side – and as she did, her ass expanded, quickly growing into a very curvy bit of skirt filler, a rounded heart-shaped butt that was at least twice as thick as it had been before.

And as Mind Crush naturally mimicked her, she felt a strange heat emanating from her pom-poms – and then her own ass swelled up too, just as much as the woman on the screen. The psychic heroine’s eyes widened, and she nearly knocked herself off of her feet with the sudden intense jiggle from her fattened cheeks…

… But at the last instant, she regained control. “That’s a neat trick, you thick assed ho. Got any more to make the show?”

She was confident. It was just that weird Shadow Magic crap again. Once she got home she could get it cured – well, if she wanted to. Who knows, maybe she’d come to enjoy having a bit of extra padding down there.

Plus, it was clear that her going along with this was driving her opponent up the wall.

“Fine! I guess you’ve kept your wits!” The cheerleader on the screen snarled. “But the next place to focus will be your Tits!” She thrust her chest forward, pom-poms shimmering in the air.

This time, Mind Crush was prepared – or she thought she was. But as she moved to copy her rival, a pulsing warmth flooded into her body from her pom-poms, flooding into her chest, generating a surge of steady, heated pleasure that she absolutely hadn’t expected. And as her breasts began to inflate, plumping and pumping out at the same speedy rate at the woman on screen’s, it only grew more intense. The sensations made her eyes flutter and her brain throb. A low moan almost escaped her lips…

Only for her to pull back at the threshold once again, just barely clinging on to control. It was difficult, too – the pleasure didn’t go away, flushing through her body with every bounce and jiggle. Looking down, she could see her tits were about as big as her head now. Wow…

Breathless, she pushed on, dancing harder than ever and hammering with her cheers. “What, big boobs, that’s your big trick? I bet you thought you were super slick! It’s going to take more to bring me down. Send in a cheerleader, not this clown!”

The woman on the screen was livid. “You talk tough but you still fear!”

And Mind Crush just laughed again, chest jiggling. “Sorry, was that supposed to be a cheer? There’s no way you’ll keep this up!”

“Just watch and learn you upstart pup! The time has come to learn your place!”

“At the top when you lose this race! It’s time to give up, you’ve had your chance.”

“Not until I end this dance! Tell me, would you like an orange?”


Mind Crush opened her mouth to reply – only to find nothing coming out. Her confidence had written a cheque that she couldn’t cash. Her mind scrambled, desperately hunting for a suitable rhyming cheer to the woman’s challenge, but came up completely blank. Her rhythm fumbled.

And before she could even think of recovering, the power from her pom-poms flowed straight up into her head, hotter than ever. Her expression twisted, eyes going wide and her mouth forming a surprised ‘o’ as her mind expanded, just like her ass and tits, blowing up full of heat and air and dizzy, pounding spirals, until…


Warm, mind melted pleasure rolled through her head as her mouth widened into a dumb, empty smile, her eyes filling with colourful pulsing spirals. With a puff of smoke, her red and white bodysuit disappeared – replaced with a uniform just like the one on the screen. The heroine had vanished – replaced with a bimbo cheerleader.

The woman on screen giggled. “Yeah, I guess that’s what you get! You wanted to cheer well now you’re set. Tits of jello and head of air – give a yell, tell them why you’re there~!”

She vanished with a wink, the screen going dark – but her work was done. The last command she gave sank into the soft, mushy bimbo brain of the woman once known as Mind Crush, and with a giggle of her own, the former heroine began to cheer again.

She wiggled her fat ass and jiggled her bouncy boobs, shook her pompoms and flashed a dazzling, brainless smile, losing herself in her cheerleading routine.

“Ready? Okay! Two Four Six Eight, I’m a bimbo, ain’t it great?

Watch me jiggle, bounce, and strut, Smack me on my fatass butt!

And these tits, you cannot measure, they exist just for your pleasure!

But best of all, I’m just so stupid, all my smarts, they have been looted!

My brain is mush, it sure was dumb,

To think I’d beat the Shadow Kingdom~!”

“Wow.” In a nearby observation room, Itrix watched the display with wide eyes. “That was way more effective than I thought it’d be…”

At her side, Crystal Light giggled with nervous embarrassment. “I know her competitive nature would never let her turn down a challenge. Once your trance tech had gotten her started, she never stood a chance.”

“Fascinating…” The half-dragon stroked her chin. “… Was there a reason you decided to turn her into…” She gestured at the cheering bimbo on the screen. “That?”

“The Psi Squad uses psionics to fuel their powers – their minds are the real core of their strength,” Crys explained. “Make them dumb, and they can’t use them anymore. No longer a problem!”

Itrix whistled. “My Queen, you have a delightfully vicious edge~”

“Well, they did try to kill me…” Crys flushed bright red, not used to thinking of herself as ‘vicious’… But unable to deny the thrill it sent through her. “It seemed like a fitting punishment.”

“Oh, definitely~” The half-dragon grinned, wrapping an arm around her beloved’s waist. “A very fitting fate indeed.” She smiled as she pulled the other woman in close. “Do you have any more in mind for the rest of your former team?”

Crystal Light, new Queen of the Shadow Kingdom, matched her new partner smile for smile. That sinister glint still flashed in her eyes. “I have a few ideas~”


Request: RWBY failhypno. Ruby Rose has been turned into a vampire, oh no! She's even hypnotized Weiss. Fortunately, her own melodramatic tendencies and Weiss' commentary get in the way of doing anything.

It was the eve of Halloween, and the only light in team RWBY’s dorm was that of the shattered moon, shining in through the open window. The only sound, the quiet breathing of a dozing white haired heiress, asleep in her bed. The other occupants of the room were absent – Blake and Yang having vanished to who knew where together (Weiss had long learned not to ask, because Yang was far too happy to answer in entirely too much detail), and Ruby was out trick or treating. No, it did not matter to her that she was now an adult, she wanted candy, and nothing was going to stand in her way!

Which had left Weiss alone in their room to study and relax – honestly, that was how she liked it, so she wasn’t going to complain. She may have gotten used to her teammates over the years, but that didn’t mean she didn’t appreciate a break from them every now and then! Indeed, she’d had a lovely quiet evening to herself, reading, sneaking some of Ruby’s secret candy stash, and just generally enjoying her own company, before opening the window to let in the crisp autumn breeze, and taking an early night. All in all, she’d rate it as one of her best Halloweens ever!

But not all good things are destined to last. For as the snow princess slumbered, a shadow darkened her windowsill, slipping in through the open pane. Softly, silently creeping into the room, it approached the sleeping heiress’s bed, hand reaching for the curtain that divided Weiss’s space from the rest of the chaos of team RWBY. With one smooth gesture, it was pulled it back, and-

“Huh? Ruby, is that you?” And the huntress woke up instantly, sitting up in confusion as she saw her partner leaning over her bed.

“Uh. H-hi, Weiss!” Yes, it was indeed Ruby Rose, wrapped up in her dark red cloak, trying to look sinister.

It should have been hard for Weiss to look intimidating in her nightgown, but somehow, the heiress managed. “What are you doing?” She asked, her eyes narrow.

“Uh. Well. Um.” The dark-haired huntress looked shifty. “You see… The thing is… Uh… Look into my eyes!”

“Huh?” Weiss blinked, leaning back as her partner suddenly shot forward, her face hovering inches in front of her own, leaving her with nowhere to look but exactly where Ruby asked. Strange, had Ruby’s eyes always been red? “What are you-?”


Without warning, the dark-haired huntress’s irises pulsed, shining bright with sudden intense light… And Weiss’s question died on her lips, her own eyes turning dull and glassy. A quiet settled over the inside of her head, a sudden strange inability to think seizing her mind. Thoughts and emotions – most of them tied to being confused and weirded out by her partner – fell utterly silent under that powerful red light.

Ruby waited, curiously, for her partner to continue talking -  but Weiss just sat there, staring at her blankly, her jaw hanging slightly slack. Finally, tentatively, she spoke up. “Weiss? Can you hear me?”

The response was immediate. “Yes Mistress,” the heiress answered, the voice a flat monotone. “I can hear you.”

“Oh my god, it worked!” The dark-haired huntress cheered, jumping for joy with her arms raised – only to bang her head against the bunkbed above her. “Ow!”

Weiss just stared emptily – her lack of exasperation the perfect proof that she was entranced.

Fortunately for Ruby, she had plenty to distract her from a little bump on the head. Excitedly, she grabbed the heiress’s wrist and pulled her out of the bed. Weiss didn’t resist, obediently rising to her feet in a rather robotic manner. “Come on, stand up, I wanna see you in the moonlight~!”

“Yes Mistress…” Another blank reply from the enthralled huntress as she stepped forward towards the window, letting the silver light of the moon shine across her pale skin. With her nightgown rippling in the evening breeze, she could have passed for a ghost.

But the real horror in the room was licking her lips – two small fangs poking out between them. “Oh wow…” Ruby gasped, enchanted in her own, much less literal, way. “You’re beautiful. Why didn’t I do this a long time ago…?”

“Because you were not a vampire, Mistress,” came Weiss’s instant mindless reply. Her empty gaze didn’t waver even an inch as she spoke. “And without that you don’t have a chance with me.”

“Oh. Hey!” Ruby pouted – nearly biting her lip with her new teeth by accident. “Why would you say that?”

“You asked me a question, Mistress.” Once again, her reply was quick, and monotone.

It left the rookie vampire huffing. “It was a rhetorical question! Although yeah, being a vampire does help. Gotta remember to thank that girl who bit me – that was on heck of a trick-or-treat…” She sighed, thinking. “Now how to do this… Oh, I know. Weiss! You are now my vampire bride!”

“No I’m not, Mistress.”

Ruby paused. Suspiciously, she peered at her thrall – but couldn’t see any sign that she’d broken free of her hypnotic trance. She looked just as zonked as ever. “What do you mean?”

“I am neither a vampire, nor your bride, Mistress,” the white-haired waif explained mindlessly. “You haven’t even proposed to me.”

“Wha- That’s not how it works!” Ruby stomped – nearly tripping on her new sinister cloak.

“I am fully versed in the ways marriage works in every kingdom, even Menagerie,” Weiss continued – still without one whit of will to her name. “I am very familiar with the rules and laws around becoming a bride, and we have fulfilled none of them.”

Huh. “You are? Why?”

“I thought my father would try to marry me off, and I needed to prepare to thwart him.”

Ah. Well, that explained it. Damn, that was hard to argue with.

“I- That’s not what I meant, though!” The vampire protested. “I just want you to become one of my sexy thralls! That’s all! Can you do that?”


“Why not?!?”

“Because I already am your sexy thrall, Mistress.” Once again, Weiss explained mindlessly. “I won the ‘Beacon’s ‘I’d bang that’ student vote two years in a row. The third I was second only to Pyrrha. Clearly I have the sexy thing down.” Even with no will of her own, the heiress’s ego shone through. “And you’ve obviously hypnotised me, so-”

“Alright, alright, I get it already.” Ruby grumbled. This wasn’t going like she’d planned it to at all. “And Yang says you only won because she wouldn’t let them put her name on the ballot.”

“Yang could only enter if it was the ‘I did bang that’ student vote.”


“Yes Mistress?”

“You- You can’t say that about my sister!” The dark-haired huntress sounded traumatized, her voice a high-pitched squeak.

But Weiss didn’t see a problem. “I obviously can, Mistress.”

“I- I mean you shouldn’t!” Ruby huffed and folded her arms over her chest – before peering at her thrall curiously. “And what do you mean by that, anyway?”

“I shouldn’t say, Mistress,” was her monotone answer.

The vampire blinked. “What?”

“You just told me so.”

Ruby twitched. “Gah! No, forget that!”

“Forget what, Mistress?” Weiss blinked innocently.

“Forget me telling you you shouldn’t say!”

“I don’t recall you saying that, Mistress…”

“But I- Oh.” She paused. Slowly, her expression turned sheepish. “Oh, okay. Right, what did you mean about my sister being ‘I did bang that’?”

Weiss nodded. “I meant that Yang has slept with a lot of people in Beacon, Mistress,” she explained calmly.

That was not the answer Ruby had wanted to hear. “What? No way. I’d know if she had. When would she even do that?”

“Every time she was out overnight having a ‘study sleepover’, Mistress.”

“H-huh? B-but that’s…” Oh jeeze, Ruby had lost count of how many late night study sleepovers Yang had been out on. “She, she just does a lot of studying, that’s all!”

“Yes Mistress.” The thrall agreed with a nod. “Of other people’s naked bodies, Mistress.”

Ugh. The vampire rolled her eyes – and then froze, as a particularly horrifying thought occurred to her. “… Weiss…”

“Yes Mistress?”

“You’ve… Invited her around to your place during summer for a study sleepover, haven’t you…?”

“Yes Mistress.”

Silence fell over the room. Ruby considered, very carefully, if she wanted to ask her next question – before deciding, with a face like she’d just bitten into something bitter, that she’d rather throw herself on a wooden steak. “Never mind.”

“As you wish, Mistress.”

Ugh. Right! She was getting distracted. It was time to focus on the goal, leave all the rest of this stuff aside. “Okay, forget all that!” She stated with determination – accidentally erasing Weiss’s memories once again. “Let’s just get to business! Weiss, show me your neck!”

The heiress nodded, and lifted a hand to her shoulder, pointing inwards. “It’s here Mist-”

“NOT LIKE THAT!” Deep breaths, Ruby. Deep, soothing breaths. Even if you don’t need to breathe anymore. “I mean, like, bare it so that I can bite it and drink your blood!”

“Of course, Mistress.”

Ruby sighed with relief as Weiss tilted her head to the side, lifting her hair away to give her free access to her jugular. For a moment there she was sure her partner/thrall was going to find another way to misinterpret her – but no! Finally, she was ready to tuck in, and bind the Schnee heiress to her will forever more. Now nothing could get in her way!

Giggling, anticipating a delicious meal, she leaned in, baring her fangs, and bit-


- into solid air, her teeth never so much as brushing Weiss’s skin.

“Weish…” She mumbled, still kind of… nomming on nothingness over her thrall’s shoulder. “Why ish your aura up…?”

“I’m a Huntress, Mistress.” Again, that blank, empty, absolutely oblivious to the pain her Mistress was in, response. “My aura is always on.”

“… Right…” Ruby retreated, slumping. “Forgot about that. Okay, whatever. Never mind. Just go back to bed. When you wake up in the morning, forget about all of this. I’ll… work out how to entrall you properly tomorrow or something.”

“As you command, Mistress.” Weiss just nodded, still blank, and then robotically marched back to her bed, sliding under the covers and laying her head back. In a matter of moments, she was asleep once again.

Ruby just pouted in the darkness, trying to work out if she still had to go to class if daylight would set her on fire.

“Man,” she whined. “Being a vampire sucks.”


Request: My brain went to an old favorite internet meme with a Halloween twist!  Smash-They came in the dozens-skittering in the dark and leaping out when you least expected it. Latching themselves onto the heads of the unwary and...corrupting them. Twisting them into caricatures that constantly moan and parrot mindless and idiotic phrases. And seeking out others to spread the infection. Bayonetta has managed to last longer then most of the others, but she knows she needs to escape soon if she doesn't want to become something out of her worst nightmares...a busty, ditzy damsel in distress who’s entirely unable to fend for or think for herself! Damn those super crowns!

Something had gone wrong. The Smash Tournament had fallen silent. The biggest event in a sprawling multiverse, put completely out of action by an enemy too powerful to be fought. Considering the level of security that Smash had, and the threats that it was normally capable of handling with ease? This was a seriously worrying turn of events for anyone caught up in the middle of it all.

These were the thoughts that guided Bayonetta’s hurried steps as she navigated her way across the multi-stage battlefield. She’d been in mid-battle when everything had gone dark – the announcer had cut off, the stage had ceased moving, and the lights shut off. Even the damage % tracker had vanished, leaving the competitors confused and unsure if the fight should continue. But that confusion had only lasted until the noise began.

It was a strange sound. A metallic clicking, scuttling sound, a skittering noise in every shadow, around every corner. Every contender had paused, narrowing eyes and raising weapons, as the strange din had risen up all around them, slowly drawing in closer and closer…

And then, a sudden flash of gold…

The Umbra witch hadn’t hesitated – opening fire the instant she saw movement, as had several of her fellow fighters. But the strange creature – whatever it was – it was fast. So fast that not a single shot or blast hit it, the golden blur weaving around their attacks with ease, closing in until it could finally strike!

And strike it did, leaping forwards with a ear-ringing screech, and latching on to-


Yes, the blonde Aegis was the first to fall, the golden creature wrapping itself around her head with spindly golden claws. Before any of them could react, it had settled itself firmly on top of her, it’s gold frame resting comfortably on her head, small, beady black eyes staring out at every horrified onlooker, its pink cloth

A super crown.

For a moment, it seemed like the Aegis might still manage to fight it off – the furious looking blonde reaching up to yank the gaudy powerup off of her head. But just before her fingers could reach it, her entire body was consumed in a sudden Poof of pink smoke – and when it cleared, her image had changed. No longer did she wear her white flowing dress and Tournament mandated black stockings. No, now she was clad in a shockingly long green dress that stretched all the way to her feet – though the fabric in many places was practically transparent, and concealed little of her body.

Said body had obviously been given some tweaks as well. Her chest – already quite impressive – had somehow grown even larger, stretching her princess gown’s front a considerable amount, the fabric granting her an exceptionally squished cleavage canyon.

But the real change was in her face. The fury of the Aegis had vanished – replaced by a serene smile that seemed almost alien on her face, along with a vapid, swirly eyed gaze. The sudden switch was disconcerting, to say the least.

“Mythra!” The Aegis’s partner Pyra materialised out of thin air next to her, concern writ large all over her face. “Are you okay? What happened to you?”

And Mythra… giggled. It was such a dainty, girly gesture, raising a white gloved hand to her lips to hide her mouth… It was so unlike the snarky, sassy blonde, that almost everyone couldn’t help but stop and stare.

“Why, I’m feeling fine, Pyra~” She said airily. “Just delightful! In fact, perhaps I might even throw a tea party, it’s such a lovely day~”

The redhead gaped at her. The two were practically inseparable – being, in some ways, the same person – and she knew better than anyone who incredibly unlike herself the blonde was behaving. “Mythra, snap out of it! Whatever that thing is doing, you have to fight it!”

“Fight? Oh, silly Pyra!” Mythra just giggled again. “Why would a silly princess like me know anything about fighting? We’d best leave that to the big heroic men. How about we bake them a nice big chocolate cake to cheer them on instead?”

Pyra was so stunned that when another super crown leapt at her, she didn’t even try to dodge. One more Poof of smoke later, and…

“Oooh, you’re, like, so totally right, Mythra~” A busty redhead in a nice pink princess gown giggled, her eyes swirling with the same pink spirals as her sister. “Maybe we can decorate it with cute pink sprinkles~!”

“Ohmigosh, that’s, like, the super bestest idea ever!”

The pair squealed and hugged each other, their massive mammaries pressing together and jiggling with glee.

Chaos had quickly ensued. The Smash fighters were prepared to risk life and limb for glory, sure, but no one wanted to be turned into that. Some had started fighting even harder, throwing out attacks practically at random and risking hitting their allies. Some had hidden, dropping into various stealth mode and trying to avoid the notice of the crowns and princesses. And some had fled, charging off into the darkness, hoping to find some way to escape the gold and pink horde if they ran far enough.

The rest had quickly fallen victim to the horde, swept up by crowns and vanishing in Poofs of pink smoke, replaced by giggling busty princess versions of themselves…

Bayonetta had decided that discretion was the better part of valour, personally, and had promptly legged it. She liked a game of dress up as well as the next lady, but even she had her limits, thank you. And yes, that was coming from the woman who used her own hair for clothing.

But escape wasn’t as easy as it sounded. The crowns were everywhere, infesting every stage. How they had gotten in was a mystery, let alone how they’d spread so quickly, but right now the only puzzle the umbra witch had time to work out was how to get out of here. The normal methods weren’t working – none of the emergency teleporters were responding, and obviously winning a match wasn’t possible with things in their current condition. The only way out of the Tournament – and hopefully out of danger – was the exit portal at the heart of the Tournament grounds.

It was a long trek to make, down into some of the earliest stages the Tournament had ever implemented – and doubtless, the super crown swarm had already swept through the area, leaving plenty of damseling dangers on the path. The task would be difficult – if not damn near impossible to pull off. Even a mighty hero would have to balk at the job in front of them..

But she was motherfucking Bayonetta. This was practically a walk in the park~

Thus her journey had begun. Past the flowing streams and pounding mists of Rumble Falls, down the halls of Shadow Moses, past the traps of Dr. Wily’s castle, even creeping through the sacred halls of Skyworld (always an amusing place to visit for the umber witch). Constantly blasting crowns apart with her guns, or tearing them to pieces with her demons. And through it all, she didn’t encounter anyone else. No other fighters showed themselves, leaving the witch to travel in silence – aside from the eternal skittering that was never quite out of earshot…

It wasn’t until she reached the older stages that she saw signs of anyone else. No actual fighters at first, but now that she was closing in, she could see signs of battle – others had passed through here recently. Apparently she hadn’t been the only fighter to seek this exit. The gates of Hyrule castle had been blown clean off, and several of the carpets and tapestries were singed beyond repair.

It didn’t take her long to find the culprit, standing amongst the remains of several destroyed super crowns at the top of the steps to the throne, still partially cloaked in the smoke of their latest explosion. The witch couldn’t help but chuckle. Of course it was her. After all, there were only so many fighters that could leave this sort of trail behind them.

“Well if it isn’t Princess Zelda!” Bayonetta greeted the other fighter with a characteristically bombastic call. “I’m afraid your castle may have seen better days, but I suppose that’s how it is for you hero types, isn’t it?” She strutted across the empty throne room towards the bottom of the steps, grinning irreverently. “If you don’t mind, perhaps you might consider pointing me towards the exit? Blasting all these silly little crown bugs to smithereens is lots of fun and all, but I really feel I should be going. You’re welcome to join me on the way out, if you like…”

The princess glanced back over her shoulder, smiling. Actually, she was looking rather serene for someone who’d just had to smash up their ancestral home. And there was something strange about the way she moved…

“Shit!” The witch jumped back as the smoke started to clear, grabbing for her guns. Now she was closer, she could see the mistake she’d made. From afar, with a hazy, unclear view, the princess’s dress had looked purple – but now she was close, she could see it was actually green. What’s more, as a shameless flirt Bayonetta knew Zelda’s figure well – and she did not have curves anywhere near that big.

Her suspicions were confirmed when the blonde stepped forward out of the smoke, revealing the super crown resting on her head, and the pink spirals swirling in her vapid eyes. She didn’t say a word – but then, she didn’t have to.

“Sorry Link,” the witch grinned sheepishly. “Thought you were somebody else.”

Well, the Hero of Hyrule certainly made for a stunning princess. Dainty elven ears poking through a waterfall of long, silky smooth blonde hair, and breasts so big you’d think she’d stuffed a pair of bombs down the front of her dress. Maybe that was where she kept all of those heart pieces… Well, there, or those fantastically heart shaped hips she kept under that flowing green gown of hers!

Said curves shimmied as the blonde giggled silently, before snapping her fingers. From out of the shadows, dozens of super crowns came scuttling.

“On second though,” Bayonetta said with a shrug. “I can find my own way.” Then she jumped up into the rafters, just barely dodging the first wave of crowns as they threw themselves at her. “Have fun at your tea party Dear!”

Princess Link just waved merrily as the witch darted out through a window.

Well! That was bad, the witch decided as she hurried over the rooftops towards the next stage. Link was one of the more well known fighters in the Smash Tournament. If even he’d fallen to these pests, it wasn’t likely there were many other survivors out there…

And it seemed like her fears were confirmed once she reached the next area, Planet Zebes. The long, twisting cave-like passages of this stage were the perfect environment for the super crowns – plenty of places to hide, limited lines of sight to pick them off from a distance. That, she suspected, was what had happened to the fighter she found here, just as busty and brainless as the others she’d seen so far.

“Let me see,” the witch sighed, taking a good look at the princess she discovered in one of the cave tunnels. “There’s no mistaking that blue hair. You really haven’t changed very much at all, Princess Lucina. At least not physically. I don’t suppose your mind is still intact under that heavy gold crown of yours?”

The blunette princess jumped at her voice, almost completely oblivious to her surroundings – and the motion definitely started a few jiggles across her body, to the witch’s appreciative leer. “Oh! Lady Bayonetta! Like, you totally scared me!” She tittered, a smile quickly returning to her face. “Perhaps you could come a little closer? It’s so difficult to see you in all this darkness…”

Well, that would be a no to Bayonetta’s question, then, wouldn’t it? The girl was clearly a ditz through and through. It was a shame – she really didn’t look much different from her regular self – save for the chest, which, yes, she’d upgraded from molehills to mountains there, and she’d switched out her tunic and cloak for a blue gown, but other than that…

“I don’t think so, Princess,” the witch snorted, striding past her, and shooting the few crowns that tried to jump her on the way. “You’re cute, dear, but not quite cute enough to make me fall for an obvious trap.” Even as she spoke, she stepped smartly to one side, casually dodging the princess’s attempt at a grab and leaving her to fall flat on her face. “Tootles! Better luck next time, de-”

“Lady Bayonetta, look out!”

“Huh?” The witch turned, only to find another princess Lucina lunging straight for her. The busty blue haired princess missed – but only because a third Lucina had just tackled the witch out of the way. “What the hell?!”

“Quickly!” The third Lucina urged her back, away from her busty twins – triplets? – and towards the exit. “There are more in the tunnels. We can’t remain here.”

Bayonetta blinked, staring down at her saviour. This Lucina actually looked even less changed than the other two – her outfit was her normal tunic, and her chest was hearteningly flat. There was also the distinct lack of a super crown on her head. “I know echo fighters are all the rage these days,” the witch commented, dropping into a quick jog next to the blue haired woman, quickly putting distance between them and her doppelgangers, “but this is ridiculous. How many of you are there, love?”

“They are not me,” Lucina growled, leading her new companion through the tunnels. “The first one you encountered was my Ancestor, Marth the Hero King. To see him corrupted by such a thing…” She shook her head sadly – then her voice became pained. “… And the second was my Father, Chrom. Both of them fell to the super crowns while distracting them so that others might escape.”

“Oh.” Right. Well that was awkward. Bayonetta was not the best at comforting people for their losses. “… Strong family resemblance, then?”

“So it seems.” The blue haired knight rolled her eyes. “Though obviously there are some differences…” She gestured to her small chest - the reason that she’d been able to pass herself off as a man for so long – with annoyance.

- Only for her bust to suddenly swell out like balloons and fill her hands in an instant.

Both women stared down at her suddenly inflated chest with wide eyes. “I… I don’t understand…” Lucina gasped, tentatively squeezing her new melons – and then struggling not to moan at the sensation as her eyes fluttered and her face turned pink.

Bayonetta bit her lip. “Uh, maybe that resemblance was even stronger than you thought?”

Lucina’s brow furrowed – and then her eyes widened again. “… Of course! The Timeline! With both my father and my ancestor transformed, my own history must be being rewritten!”

“What?” The witch blinked. “No, I’ve done time travel, it doesn’t work like that…”

Her slowly transforming companion glared as her tunic shimmered and rewove itself into a long, dainty princess gown. “So have I, and I agree, and yet I can still feel my mind starting to leak out of my ears! Oooh…” Her eyes began to swirl, the knight suddenly unsteady on her feet as her intellect dropped. Gently, she pressed a hand to her forehead – not even noticing the dainty white glove that had appeared around it. “Getting hard to think… L-Lady Bayonetta, you have to, like… have to… like… Find a cure or something, or else…”

With a Poof, a gold and pink crown suddenly appeared on her head.

“… Or else you should totally join me and my family for tea!” A vapid giggle confirmed the obvious – Lucina had joined the rest of her blue haired family in ditzy damseldom. Any differences between her and her ancestors were a thing of the past – all three were now a perfectly matching set of busty bimbos.

“Uh. I’ll take a rain check on that last one, Princess,” Bayonetta said, excusing herself with a hasty bow and even hastier retreat. “But you know, I’ll get back to you! Why don’t you head back to your fa- your mo- … Your friends in the cave, and make sure they don’t get lost down there, hm?”

“Oh, like, that’s a great idea! I wonder if-”

Whatever brainless thing she was about to say, the witch was already too far away to hear it – charging through the last of the tunnels to finally reach fresh air, and the next stage. The situation was getting pretty dire. A lot of powerful heroes had fallen to the super crown threat. But now escape wasn’t far away – and hopefully, once she was out of this infested ground, she’d be able to figure out how to defeat these things…

First, though, she had to get to the exit. It wasn’t far now – located in the centre of the first stage the Tournament had ever created – Peach’s Castle. The royal home of the ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom.

But something was definitely wrong here, too. The castle was silent. Completely silent. Even the constant skittering of crowns was absent as Bayonetta walked in the front door. Aside from her footsteps, there wasn’t a single sound.

The umber witch’s instincts were far too good to ignore such a clear red flag. Suspicious eyes scanned every shadow as she advanced, and her guns were never far from her hands. There was a tension here – a threat. But where…?

She answered her own question soon enough. The doors to the throne room opened as she approached, and behind them, sitting in the ruler’s throne, was…

… Exactly who you’d expect.

“Peach?” Bayonetta raised an eyebrow as she approached. Yes, there princess of the Mushroom Kingdom, seated exactly where she should be, and looking entirely like herself. There was no sign of an enhanced bust or swirly, stupid eyes here. Granted, Peach was already a princess, and one rather famous for her damsel periods, but it seemed that she was free of any influence by the super crown menace. But then, if that was the case, then why was she here?”

“Bayonetta.” The princess smiled – and instantly, the world felt wrong. There wasn’t a trace of warmth in the normally cheerful and sweet woman’s expression – her smile was tight, her eyes hard. “I wondered if you would be the one to make it here.”

“Oh?” The witch tilted her head. “Now that’s a mighty suspicious thing to say, Peaches. Why’s a sweet little thing like you acting all sinister?”


Peach’s fist slammed into the armrest of her throne as her face twisted in anger. “Sweet little thing? That’s what everyone says. All of you in the tournament – always laughing about how weak and girly I am. How I’m only here because of my relationship with Mario – how I’m just some damsel in distress!” For a moment she was practically snarling – but then her body language cooled, her expression turning smug as she rested her chin on her palm. “Well. Now who’s the damsel? You know, I dare say practically everyone in the tournament must be ‘girlyer’ than me by now. An entire roster of damsels, just waiting to be kidnapped.” She smiled. “Let’s see how they like it.”

“…” Bayonetta slowly nodded. “Alright. I’ll give you a four out of eight on the evil rant scale, love, very impressive. But…” She raised her gun, cocking the hammer, sighted square at the princess behind it all. “How about you end this silly game and free everyone, before I have to take you over my knee, hm?”

The princess sighed. “Well, it wasn’t like I expected you to react any differently. Very well.” She reached out, and pulled a cord dangling next to her throne.

The umber witch blinked, surprised at how easily the woman gave in. “That’s all it takes?”

“Oh yes,” Peach nodded sagely. “That should sort out all of my problems.”

That was when the roof slid open, and dropped a super crown the size of a building over Bayonetta’s head.

Now, in her own ga- In her own world, Bayonetta could have easily done something about this. Maybe summoned a giant demon, or caught the crown with her foot, or thrown it into a nearby exploding volcano… You get the picture. She was a powerful woman, and, as the saying goes, don’t fuck with a witch.

Unfortunately, here in the Smash Tournament, her powers had been somewhat limited to stop her from tearing some of her weaker opponents apart – and that limiter was still in effect. So alas, as the giant powerup fell, its shadow growing larger over her, all she could do was…



While it looked instant on the outside, to Bayonetta the process was a slow thing, like she’d activated witch time at the last moment. Sadly, there was nothing she could do to stop what was happening – her body straightening up in the powerup’s magical grasp, and failing to heed any of her commands.

It began with her feet – strange for powerup that seated itself on her head, but there you go. Her shoes – tall, steppy high heels with guns built in for extra kick – shimmered, and transformed into perfectly mundane crystal slippers, the kind that only princesses in fairytales wore. Then, a wave of pink light spread up her legs, replacing her skin-tight leggings with dark nylon stockings, making sure the skin beneath them was nice and smooth and removing any trace of muscle that may have lurked there.

Nothing too major happened until said light hit her hips – but when it did, the only reason the flirtatious witch didn’t gasp was that she couldn’t. A burst of warm pleasure flooded through her hips as her ass expanded into a heavier heart shape. She’d always been proud of her tush, yes, and now she could be even more proud of it – even if its new, fatter form would now rest beneath a concealing black ballgown that wove itself down from her waist to the floor.

Her waist cinched in next – though it was hard to say if that was because of the little fat she had melting away, or if it was a consequence of the corset that now stitched itself into existence around her middle. It was certainly a pleasant feeling, either way – though nowhere near as pleasant as the mind melting sensation that slammed into her brain a moment later, as her breasts plumped up from healthy mangos to oversized melons, quickly constricted by the cleavage window of her black princess dress, lined with fine white lace which finished being woven around her by conjuring a pretty ribbon to hang on her front. At her sides, long black gloves slid themselves over her hands, and her muscles evaporated into delicate softness.

And finally, the transformation washed over her head. Makeup applied itself to her face – though, really, not much was needed, as she’d always been good at taking care of herself there. The bigger change was her hair, which magically rewove itself into a style very much reminiscent of Princess Peach, long flowing locks, though in black – with a gold and pink super crown resting neatly on the top.

Mentally, though, things were a little less calm. Bayonetta struggled, and struggled mightily. She was a woman of considerable will, and no small amount of confidence. These things made for strong mental defences. But even those could only do so much.

In her mind, she could picture herself, trying to fight back against the crown’s constrictive hold, trying to lift it from her head and hurl it away. If she could manage that much in here, then perhaps she’d be able to do the same in the real world…

The crown was not so easily dislodged, however. And it knew well that the best way to tame a wilful princess-to-be, was to turn their strength against them.

Pure, corruptive princess power leaked out of the crown, soaking into Bayonetta’s hair, turning it pink – and, to her shock, animating it, just as her demons often did. Before she could react, tendrils of hair snapped out, wrapping around her arms and legs and binding them tightly to her sides. Then, from the feet up, it began to bind her in a cocoon of pink locks, winding around her ankles and knees, steadily transforming into new clothing for her.

Clothing in the shape of a black princess ball gown with white lace.

The witch’s eyes fluttered as she felt the changes to her inner image start to sink in. As her legs were converted, she forgot how to dodge and roll and weave around the battlefield – the knowledge replaced by ballroom dancing and how to walk while keeping her shoulders straight. As her waist was squeezed into a new, thinner shape, with all her weight squished into her fattening ass, her past as an exile and a witch slipped away from her, transformed into the history of a dainty princess living a life of luxury. As gloves bound her arms, her combat skills evaporated, and as her chest was plumped up her flirtatious nature was turned into demure obedience.

Then, as the pink slipped over her head, a few pink tendrils slid through her undefended ears and gave her brain a good scrub. Her face was shifted into a pretty, vapid, empty smile, her eyes filling with pink swirling spirals – and she was transformed mind, body, and soul, the wicked intelligence she prided herself scrubbed out from between her ears in a delightful burst…

Until there was nothing left but another brainless, busty princess~

“-ny!” A thoroughly bimbofied Bayonetta giggled, smiling brightly as the smoke of her transformation cleared. “What a like, totally super plan, Peachy!”

Princess Peach smiled, very much enjoying the sight of another one of those supposedly superior fighters turned into a pretty princess. It really was just so very delightful to see a plan come together~ “I thought you might. But, oh dear, you know, I think there might still be a few silly people out there who haven’t found a super crown of their own yet! Do you think you could do me a favour, and go help them out?” She smiled sweetly. “It would be ever so nice of you. And once everyone’s found their crown, we could even throw a lovely tea party!”

“Oh!” Princess Bayonetta clapped her hands together excitedly. “That sounds, like, like the bestest idea ever! I’ll totally get right on that!” She bounced excitedly, jiggling all the while, and then strutted straight out of the castle, out to help hunt down the few survivors left out on the Tournament grounds. Sure, she wouldn’t be the brightest hunter on the field, but she’d definitely make up for it with bouncy determination!

And Peach sat back, waiting for the next big hero who made it past all of her new princesses to wander in, a small smile on her face. It was amazing how many people underestimated her. Really, did they think she became ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom just because of her looks?

This time, no one was going to miss her big tea party. She’d make sure of it.


Request: An average Japanese salaryman is having to walk an unfamiliar route home after his train was cancelled. A sudden rainstorm finds taking refuge in an old, abandoned shrine. The shrine is inhabited by a pair of Yokai spirits. The first spirit, a tanuki spirit, uses her powers to sensually transform the man into a new vessel for herself. Our reborn tanuki begins planning on how to revitalize the shrine when a new figure enters the shrine. We end with the second spirit, a kitsune spirit, eager to have her turn.

It was amazing how little it could take to send a completely ordinary life utterly off the rails, and into the wilds of the unknown. In the case of Ken Hanamura, all that was needed was the single act of forgetting to charge his phone overnight. Without that, the battery gave out just before noon – and he didn’t get the notification that one of his trains was cancelled until he was physically standing at the station. And without that train, his route home was suddenly a very uncertain thing indeed.

Unprepared for the sudden change to his plans, Ken had ruefully realised that he didn’t have the money on him to take a longer route – if he was going to get to his nice warm bed tonight, he was going to have to do some walking…

So that’s what he’d done. The next station was quite a distance, but it wasn’t an unwalkable distance. It’d just take an hour or two. Well, he’d been looking for an excuse to get some more exercise in, hadn’t he? A short hike might be just what the doctor ordered!

… Well, a couple of hours later, it wasn’t really feeling like a ‘short’ hike anymore. The route wasn’t an easy one, leading through several abandoned areas that were more than a little difficult to navigate – apparently there was a good reason they’d built a railroad through here! He’d managed to find a path through – eventually – but even that was incredibly overgrown, leading through groves of aged trees and choking weeds. He’d already lost count of the times he’d had to wrestle himself free of grabbing vines, or the amount of scratches on his suit.

Then a peal of thunder rumbled through the air, and the heavens opened, and he had to wonder what he’d done to offend whatever god was currently tormenting. Seriously, couldn’t he get a break?

But perhaps his fortune was about to change – for just as he was thinking that, a crack of lightning illuminated a nearby building, with an open door. Shelter from the storm!

He didn’t think twice, hurrying up the broken steps, jacket clutched tight around his shoulders, and stumbled over the threshold, gasping for breath as the pressure of the rain finally let up. It was only then, once he was no longer being drenched, when he actually looked around to see where he’d ended up.

Immediately, he saw the old decorations hanging on the walls, and the distinct architecture, the wooden beams and floors, and realised that he’d somehow found an abandoned shrine. Huh. Well, hopefully the spirits of the place wouldn’t mind too much if he sheltered here from the storm for a little bit~

Chuckling a little, he ventured in deeper, looking for a place to sit – completely unaware of the two spirits watching him.

To be fair, actual spirits couldn’t be seen by human eyes unless said spirits let them, and these two weren’t going to allow him that privilege. At least, not just yet. Slightly transparent, even to their advanced senses, the pair almost looked human – were it not for the rounded tanuki ears on one, and the pointed kitsune ears on the other. Plus, naturally, the tails swishing soundlessly in the air behind them…

“Oh my my my,” the Tanuki was the first to speak, covering her mouth in amusement. “Such a disrespectful visitor…”

“And the first in so long!” The Kitsune stroked her chin. “What a special occasion.”

“Truly! We must make sure to offer him a proper welcome…”

“Throw out all the stops…”

The pair paused, eyeing each other carefully. Then, at the exact same time:


“What?!” The Tanuki reeled back in shock. “You got the last one!”

“That didn’t count!” The Kitsune insisted. “She escaped!”

“Yeah, because you tried to rush things!”

“No, because you didn’t close the door!”

“That’s not my job!”

“I do it for you!”

“Well that’s- Rgh.” The spirit huffed, folding her transparent arms. “Okay, okay, let’s do this the proper way. We’ll settle it with tradition, alright?”

“Alright.” The Kitsune nodded. “The winner gets him, and the loser gets the next one. Agreed?”

“Agreed. Very well.” The two faced off, hovering in the air. “You know the rules, and so do I. Ready?”

“Ready.” Both raised a fist, and then…




The two threw out their hands, one clutched in a fist, the other flat. There was a moment of silence as they analysed the results of their ancient contest.

Then the Kitsune sighed. “Damnit. Fine, he’s all yours,” she grouched, dropping her fist and backing up into the air.

“Awesome~” The Tanuki grinned, before following after her prey, deeper into the shrine. She was going to enjoy this.

Of course, Ken was oblivious to all of this. He was simply exploring what he believed to be an abandoned shrine. There was no sign of life to clue him in otherwise, after all. The dust had long settled, and the spiderwebs were undisturbed. Aside from the sound of rain, everything was silent…

Until the singing started, anyway.

It was strange, and for a moment the salaryman wondered if he was just imagining things. It was as if the wind had suddenly picked up, and on it, he could hear a quiet, haunting melody. A lyric less tune that carried through the air, as though a distant maiden had chosen to practice her vocals during the storm. The sound was sweet, and brought a little heat to a building that had been perilously chilly, warming his bones as it soaked through him.

He wondered where the noise was coming from. Perhaps some architectural trick built into the shrine that turned the wind into music? The thought almost spurred him to explore deeper, to seek the source, but before he could, a sudden lazy lethargy overtook him. The tune was rather like a lullaby, and every note served to soothe and relax him. Why should he bother to look for the reason for the singing, when he could just listen and enjoy it? Wouldn’t that feel much better…?

Ken’s eye lids drooped, his gaze turning glassy as the song continued to seep deeper and deeper, flowing in through his ears, and steadily smoothing out his worries and concerns. Soon, it was hard to even think through the melodic rhythm filling his head – and when ghostly hands began to massage his shoulders, easing out his stress and relaxing him even further, he barely even reacted – entranced by the song.

The Tanuki spirit, hovering just behind him, resisted the urge to chuckle – it would rather spoil the effect of her song. But she recognise the slack jawed look on the intruder’s face. He was under, and falling deeper with every second. He wouldn’t be able to resist her now – the time had come for her to have her fun.

First things first, that suit had to go. Ugh, shirt and tie? How dull could you get? With a roll of her spectral eyes, the spirit snapped her fingers, and multiple ghostly hands materialized to strip him down. Buttons popped and pants unzipped, even shoelaces untied – in a matter of moments, his clothes had all been tossed into a dark corner, likely never to be seen again, and Ken was left standing nude in the middle of the shrine.

The Tanuki giggled, circling around him as she inspected the goods. Now she could see what she was working with. And it was… Well, average. Pretty much in all respects. Not much muscle, not much fat. Middling height. A few stress lines developing into wrinkles. Short dark hair… Nothing special. But that was fine – she could fix all that.

At her command, the hands rose up, a pair hovering in to gently press against the sides of the man’s head, thumbs starting to massage his cheeks. As they did, another pair started to stroke through his hair, one of them summoning an ethereal comb to brush through it. Another pair softly pinched around his ears, rubbing and caressing them with warm fingers…

And steadily, Ken began to change. His features slowly morphed, shifting like warm wax beneath her careful grip. Masculinity slowly leaked out of his face, his lips becoming thinner, his stubble vanishing, eyebrows thinning as his eyes became a touch wider, and his irises shifted from blue to brown. His ears, too, shifted, growing larger and being slowly pulled up to the top of his head, rounded into cute furry replicas of the Tanuki’s own ears. Even his hair grew out, gaining in volume and length, turning from a neat, professional haircut into a messy flow that went all the way down to his neck, turning tawny brown in the process.

By the time she was done, Ken’s head had become a complete copy of her own.

Naturally, she was far from done. Her ghostly hands slid down the man’s body – swiftly massaging away his Adam’s apple – and slid out over his shoulders. One pair went down his arms, stroking away any mild muscle definition he had built up. Another went down his back, ironing out any imperfection and strengthening his muscles for a great weight they’d soon be carrying. But, of course, it was the third pair, the ones that settled on his chest, and began to squeeze and grope, that started the biggest change. With every pinch and press, twin mounds of flesh began to grow, soon fattening and swelling as they were slickly massaged bigger and bigger – growing even faster as more and more hands joined the original pair as space opened up – until a pair of mighty melons hung from Ken’s chest, a firm, bountiful harvest grown in a matter of moments.

By the time the Tanuki’s hands moved on, slipping down to his waist and rubbing away the unseemly fat that had accrued there, Ken’s body was a double of hers from the waist up. But if there was any expectation that her work was almost over, it was about to be dashed. Indeed, with another snap of her fingers, the spirit summoned yet another pair of hands for the work that lay ahead – and then all five pairs, her own included, wrapped around his hips, and started to work.

His ass tightened, firming up even as it plumped, hips spreading outwards wider than his shoulders and cheeks blooming into wonderfully round cushions. With squeezing fingers and massaging palms the spirit conjured a massive posterior into existence that soon turned the busty salaryman into a bottom heavy hourglass, giving him a delicious looking pear shape to his frame.

And what hourglass would be complete without a counterweight? At the base of his spine, where the tail of his ancestors had long gone extinct, hands stroked and kneaded, gathering yet more flesh to grow – and soon, a new tail began to sprout. But this one was no thin monkey tail – this was a thick, bushy beast, as long as he was tall. It curled and swayed in the air behind him, patterned in alternating rings of light and dark brown fur, a lovely cherry on top for such a thick behind.

Once it was done, Ken had all the look of a beautiful woman – but he wasn’t quite the double of the Tanuki playing with him, not yet. Not even after a pair of phantom palms stroked down his legs, reducing his height a little and erasing all hair and unsightly maleness from them completely.

No, because there was one treat that the Tanuki wanted to keep on Ken’s body. One that she wanted to enhance, rather than remove. And as her real hands wrapped around his member, a shudder of pleasure reached him even in the depths of his trance.

Here, she worked slowly, but steadily. One hand firmly, steadily working his shaft, palm rolling forwards and back, while the other fondled his balls with expert precision, stroking, tickling, eking out every drop of pleasure that she could. And slowly, ever so slowly… his member began to swell.

Larger, and larger, and larger it grew, each spurt of growth allowing more and more hands to add to the work. By the time it was complete, and the Tanuki finally stepped back to admire her work, the man had gone from average size to thick, girthy ten inches – lined with hanging balls the size of grapefruit in a silky-smooth sack – the kind of family jewels that anyone would be proud to own.

And the spirit was certainly a proud owner, nodding happily as she took in the full scope of her work. Yes, she’d made a lovely body here. There was just one last step that needed doing.

Her song, which she’d never stopped singing, changed pitch, as her hands wrapped around the man’s shaft one last time. Phantom hands spread over his body, massaging his breasts, his cheeks, his thighs, his flesh. And steadily, pleasure began to mount.

In the depths of Ken’s silent mind, his essence, his very soul, was still steadily sinking. Drifting further and further down, into a dark sea from which there could be no return. And slowly, pleasure began to gather, filling what was left of his hollow form, steadily focusing over his crotch, threatening to drag him down, to pull him under with no recourse. Unless he resisted, it would ferry him to oblivion…

And with the song still playing through his head, he had no resistance to give. His hips thrust, the first movement his body had made since he’d first heard the spirit’s melody, and pleasure exploded between his hips – dragging him down into the abyss like an anchor.


Ken came – but instead of a messy spurt of essence, all that emerged from his engorged head was a simple pale grey marble, a small pebble, that dropped to the floor and rolled helplessly along the cracked wooden surface. His soul, seduced from his body and reduced to a pathetic representation of how unimportant and banal Ken Hanamura really was.

A moment later, fingers plucked him up. His fingers – though they weren’t really his anymore. His body smiled at him, now possessed and fully owned by the spirit that had reshaped it, and ejected him. It was her body now.

“My my,” she purred, stroking a finger over his dull surface. “You really were nothing special, were you? No will at all – just another cog in someone else’s machine. Don’t worry, I’ll make better use of this body than you ever would have. After you do one last thing for me…”

Opening wide, the Tanuki leaned her head back, and dropped the pebble in, swallowing him down with one gulp. In an instant, she’d absorbed the last trace of Ken left in the world – and absorbed all of his modern day knowledge, too. She sighed contentedly. Yes, that had been a lot of fun.

With a small puff of smoke, a shrine maiden outfit appeared, wrapped around her body – though in truth, it was a little too small to fully contain her magnificent curves, and was designed to show her off a little too easily to be called a true shrine maiden outfit… But then, wasn’t she a shrine maiden? It was correct by default~

“Done enjoying yourself?” A voice asked from the air – or rather, from the grumpy Kitsune spirit hanging there. The Tanuki could, of course, see her clear as day. A human’s senses may have been insufficient, but hers were working perfectly fine, thank you. In fact, they were working so well that she immediately noticed something that her spirit companion had missed.

“Not quite,” she purred, brushing back her thick brown hair and straightening her outfit. “But don’t worry. You can have some fun too.”

“Really?” The Kitsune looked unimpressed. “You’re going to share that body with me?”

“Oh no,” the Tanuki giggled. “This body’s mine now. But don’t worry.” Her eyes turned towards the shrine entrance. If you listened carefully, you could just about hear the sound of someone climbing the steps outside. “There’ll be one coming along for you real soon. And then, we can enjoy them both together~”

It was amazing how little it could take to make a Youkai spirit’s day really take off, it really was.


Request: A powersuit-based heroine finds herself hacked after taking out another villain and her own armor is turned against her as it hypnotizes her into a silly armored bun ready to go and save her captured mistress. Probably doing some adaptive changes to the armor so it's less practical and more themed. I leave any series or setting up to your preference.

“Thanks again, Ruby Eagle!”

The red armoured woman waved as she zipped up into the air. “No problem, officer!”

There were few heroines more capable than Christina Scarlet – at least, as far as she was concerned. And she did a pretty good job of backing that opinion up! A tech genius, she’d designed and patented her own lightwave technology – allowing her to do things like fly without rocket thrusters, or blast targets up to 500 meters away – before she’d even hit 20 years old. By 21, she’d designed her own power-suit – styled, of course, after the noblest bird in the animal kingdom, and painted her favourite colour – and stepped into the limelight to become Ruby Eagle, delivering justice from above!

Okay, she was good at tech, less great at branding. But that was fine – she delivered on her promises, and that was enough of a statement. With her unique technology, she was able to fly high above the city – her power suit protecting her from the high winds and other nasty elements – and use her lightwaves to scan everything from above, allowing her to easily detect and respond to crimes as they were happening. Not even Unity’s speedster could boast of such a good record.

Yeah, sure, some people might have had privacy concerns about her scanning and recording everything on the streets, but as long as they didn’t find out what she was up to, there was no problem!

Christina Scarlet. Good at tech. Bad at branding, and possibly at ethics.

But yes, there was a reason she was one of the top crime fighters in the city – with her sensor technology monitoring everything from the skies, and then beaming it straight to her helmet, where her top-of-the-line computer systems (operating on lightwave tech, of course) instantly analysed it and displayed it to her optics, there were few threats she couldn’t deal with.

Which was what Cyber Queen, the supposed ruler of cyber space, had just learned! Yeah, Chris was proud of herself for this one. The cyber villainess had tried to take over King tower, which, wow, ballsy, girl. But before King Industries’ infamous security forces could arrive, The Ruby Eagle had swooped in, smashing through the window and taking on all of her minions in a blur of crimson light!

Yeah. How was that for a response time, Lightning Strike?

Anyway, she’d disabled the villain’s traps, rescued her hostages, and taken her down with a quick stun blast for the full trifecta! Hell yeah, she was going to be headlining the news tonight. She could see it now: Ruby Eagle saves 20, defeats scourge of the city, is given the King Industries award for bravery and excellence. How long until our local hero receives international recognition? Is an invite to Unity on the horizon?

Ha! As if! Why would she limit herself to small-fry like Unity? In a couple of years, once she’d perfected her technology and reputation, she could set up her own world-spanning response team of power-suited individuals. Soon enough, Unity would be a forgotten relic, and the only international superhero team anyone’d care about would be her Soaring Eagles!

The ding of a video call interrupted Christina’s gleeful daydreaming as she flew over the city, and she answered it without thinking. Only a select group of people knew this number, after all. But the face that popped up before her eyes wasn’t one of them. Oh, she was familiar – but not for a good reason.

“Hello there, Ruby,” Cyber Queen purred, brushing her silver hair out of her face. “Free for a chat?”

“You.” Christina’s eyes narrowed, the blonde heroine immediately hovering to a stop over the city as she analysed the footage she was seeing. How could the villain have broken free so quickly? She’d handed her over to the cops not five minutes ago! And she’d been flat out unconscious! “Aren’t you supposed to be on your way to jail right about now?”

“Oh, probably.” The villain shrugged casually. “That’s the most likely outcome from the scenario I constructed. I take it you – Oh, what was it - delivered piping hot justice, or something to that effect? That was within my calculations.”

Chris frowned. Why was the woman talking like she hadn’t just experienced it. “What, did you send a body double or something?”

The amused chuckle from her enemy told her she’d guessed wrong before Cyber Queen even opened her mouth to reply. “No, no. Much as I’dve liked to, we both know your incredible sensors would have detected the deception. They really are far too powerful for your own good, you know that?”

“Uh huh.” Well, she wasn’t wrong. Thanks to her lightwave tech, her sensors were top of the line. The scanned and recorded everything. “Alright then, I’ll bite. How are you calling me right now? Last I saw you were out like a light.”

That got a wince from the villain, at least. “Oh dear – I was hoping I’d manage to surrender without taking too much damage. Oh well. The answer to your question, dear Eagle, is obvious! I’m not the real Cyber Queen. Or, at least, I’m not the one you just beat up.”

“No? What, then, a copycat?” Where was this signal coming from? Tch, if she could work that out…

“Wrong again, I’m afraid! Dear oh dear, you’re not very good at this, are you?” The silver haired villain smiled. “I am a digital copy – an electronic mental duplicate of the real me. I suppose you could think of me as a kind of AI. I stole the technology of Meredith Braun a few months back. It really has been frightfully useful.”

“Oh, so you’re just some program or whatever.” Ruby Eagle shrugged. “Ha, you had me worried for a moment there.” Alright, once she’d figured out where this call was coming from, a quick electro-magnetic pulse should do the trick…

“And that’s the third time you’ve said something stupid in as many minutes!” She might have only been a copy of a villain, but this Silver Queen was just as vicious as the real deal. “I’m starting to think you mimicked the wrong animal, dear. But don’t worry, we can fix that.”

Chris rolled her eyes. “You won’t be ‘fixing’ anything, you little digital dummy. Whatever evil scheme you and your original self-cooked up, I’ll demolish it just as quickly as I did her. It’s not going to take me long to work out where you’re broadcasting from – how about you make it easier on both of us and just tell me now? Save me some time.”

“Why, I’d be delighted!” The Queen smirked. “It’s the first sensible question you’ve asked all call. But you won’t like the answer.”

The heroine snorted. “Really, you’re just going to give away your hiding place? Go on then. Do your worst.”

“Oh, gladly.”

Suddenly, something went wrong. Christina blinked, and then her eyes widened in panic as her suit moved without her command, locking her legs together and her arms by her sides. And she was still hovering up in the air, high over the city…

“What the hell?!” She cursed, trying to struggle – but she genuinely couldn’t move. Her entire suit had been wrestled from her control.

“I’m afraid, dear, that the call is coming from inside the house~” Silver Queen giggled in her ear, delighting at her captive’s distress. “Like I said, those sensors are very powerful. Too powerful for your own good. They scanned up all of my hidden codes I had placed around King’s building, and recorded me inside your suit. And now, it’s not your suit anymore. It’s mine. And I’m sure I’m going to enjoy harvesting all the lovely technology you’ve built into it over the years.”

“You- You bitch!” Christina still struggled, but there was little she could do. The situation had turned completely against her in an instant. “I’ll never let you!”

“You don’t get much choice, dear!” The villain laughed. “But don’t worry, I have something in mind for you too. Like I said, Ruby… I think you chose the wrong animal as your theme. You’re just not observant enough to be an Eagle. Don’t worry, though, it’s an easy fix. And I’ll change your colour to something more appropriate, while I’m at it~”

Music started to play through the hero’s speakers, drawing a confused frown from her. Honestly, calling it ‘music’ seemed like an insult to musicians – the sound was anything but a melody. Instead, it was like some kind of odd sounding beat, pulsing erratically in her ears with no set rhythm. It was unpleasant to listen to – almost drowning out her own thoughts with every repetition, making her feels oddly dazed.

“Goodbye, Ruby Eagle~” She just about heard Silver Queen over the din. “You’ve been a truly unpleasant adversary. But I’m sure you’ll make a delightful minion.”


The hero’s visor lit up with a bright white light, a searing whiteness that overwhelmed everything around it, filling her gaze.

“Tha- That’s not gunna…” Christina slurred, her head already spinning as the display pounded her brain, the thought smothering music playing in through her ears making it harder to recover her mental feet. “It’s- It’s just-”


“’S just… ‘S just…” Drool was starting to pool in the bottom of the heroine’s helmet as her mouth refused to close, her eyes fluttering rapidly. The white light had washed so many of her thoughts away, carried them out of her head like a flash flood pouring down an unprepared street, and the music dammed her every attempt to generate new ones. Only the strongest, sturdiest ideas weathered the onslaught, determined to resist against-


“Uuuuuuuhhh…” Christina’s jaw rested against the bottom of her helmet, drool pouring freely from her lips. Her eyelids had slid down to droop half closed, her gaze thick and glassy as the heroine stared ahead blankly. If the white light before had been a flood, then this time it had crashed against her weakened mental defences like a tide, swallowing up every last drop of Christina Scarlet left in her mostly hollow head, and reducing the brilliant scientist’s mind to absolute silence.

Her mind was blank. Empty. Ready to be remoulded into something new. And the suit around her was all too ready to start sculpting.

The music changed – switching from a pulsing, thought stymieing binural beat to a buzzing static, a subliminal laden track filled with so many overlayered voices that no single one stood out above the rest. To a normal mind, it would have been gibberish – but to one that had just been completely washed clean, it was a swirling hive of thoughts and ideas desperately needed to replace what had been lost.

The screen flickered back to life as well – a pink and black spiral flashing up on the screen, drawing the mindless maiden’s gaze in and forcibly holding it, while rapid fire subliminal images and words appeared just long enough to sink into her soft, soft brain. Words like…







It was an intense course of brainwashing, occasionally interrupted by a few more FLASHes to keep her mind nice and malleable. Fortunately, there was no need to rush. High up over the city, no one was going to interrupt the Ruby Eagle’s re-education. Although, by the time it ended, there really wasn’t a ‘Ruby Eagle’ there anymore.

The suit slid back, parts morphing, vanishing or rematerializing. The armour on her legs disappeared completely, leaving only her boots on her feet, which turned from fearsome stompers to dainty high-heels – albeit with jet boosters in the soles so her flight was undisturbed. The same happened to her arms, leaving them completely exposed, save for a cute pair of cuff-like wrist bands. Then the solid bulletproof armour around her torso shrank inwards, turning from a solid defence system to a curve hugging leotard (which, granted, provided the same level of protection)…

And finally, her helmet dematerialized in a puff of lightwave energy, leaving just a glowing visor, still beaming commands into her receptive head, and a pair of lengthy bunny ears poking out of her long blonde hair.

The look was unmistakable. In a matter of moments, the steadfast hero who protected the city had been replaced by a flying bunny girl. And, as one last touch turned every part of her costume pink, her new name became clear.

“Well, my Pink Bunny? Are you there?” Silver Queen’s voice spoke over her headset.

In response, the blonde bun’s hand shot to her head in a quickly snapped salute. “Yes Mistress! Your loyal minion Pink Bunny is ready for action!”

“Wonderful!” The virtual villain clapped with delight. “Then your first mission is to go and break my real counterpart out of whatever custody you left her in. I’m sure that won’t pose any trouble for someone of your capabilities. And afterwards… Well, I’m sure she’ll have some ideas for how to use you.”

“Of course, Mistress. As you command~” The Pink Bunny saluted once again, before turning around and zooming through the sky the way she’d just come. There were few more minions more capable than the Pink Bunny, after all – and she couldn’t wait to prove it!


Request: Naruto-As a bit of a joke Sakura and Hinata are going to a Halloween party as each other. Their costumes and attempts to act like each other certainly needs some work but as the night goes on they start to look and act more and more like each other-and then end up as parodies of each other. 'Hinata' with a massive mammaries only rivaled by her shyness and slavish devotion to Naruto and 'Sakura's behemoth bubble butt only equaled by her bitchy atitude and obsession with getting in Sasukes pants.

“A-are you sure this is alright, Sakura?”

The pink haired ninja giggled. “It’ll be fine, Hinata,” she said, patting her friend’s back. “It’ll get a big laugh, I’m sure. Besides, I think you look kinda cute!”

“R-really?” Hinata blushed, almost instantly rivalling her pink hair. It was only a wig, of course, but it was convincing – because, well, despite her stutter and shy nature, Hinata Hyuuga was a ninja. She could handle a little disguise.

Indeed, she’d done a good job – wearing the medic-nin’s trademark red top and white leggings, with even a small fake chakra-gem… She’dve been a dead ringer for the woman herself, if it wasn’t for the pale eyes. And the bigger bust. Okay, the bigger bust was probably the larger giveaway, to Sakura’s chagrin.

Sakura, meanwhile, was dressed as Hinata, which meant baggy clothing that emphasised lavender as the primary colour, a long dark wig, and a pair of cloudy white contact lenses. It wasn’t a perfect costume, admittedly – look, she didn’t have the chest to pull off a proper Hinata Hyuga, though she’d never admit it – but as a Halloween party costume? It was the perfect level of shoddy!

“Of course,” the med-nin smiled, batting aside her small pangs of jealousy with a well-practiced hand. “You’re going to knock ‘em dead. Now, let’s get going! Wouldn’t want to be late to the party, right?”

“Right!” Hinata gave her friend a nod and a shy look of appreciation. It had been a silly idea to dress up as one another, but she had to admit, she was already having fun with it. Hopefully the rest of the evening would go just as well – then it would be a real Halloween to remember!

A sinister green moon shone down on the village of Konoha, its light illuminating the Halloween revelry in an eerie shade. With everyone in the mood to celebrate and enjoy the holiday, no one questioned why such a sinister spectacle was taking place, assuming it to be part of the festivities. By the time anyone realised that this may not have been the case…

Well. They’d have other things to worry about.

The two ninja decided to take it easy for once, and walk to the party at ground level, instead of hopping over buildings and, you know, in general being ninja about everything. They had the night off, after all, and they were going to act like it. Or, well, so Sakura insisted.

“Are you sure about this?” Hinata twiddled her fingers together. “I wouldn’t want to be late…”

“It’ll be fine,” Sakura assured her. “There’s plenty of time. Besides, you never want to arrive too early to one of Ino’s parties. Seriously, that girl will try to get you drinking as soon as possible – she thinks it’s funny – and I am not in the mood to purge anyone’s liver tonight. We’ll show up fashionably late instead.”

“Do… Do we have to…?”

“Okay, maybe fashionably on time.”

That seemed to reassure the Hyuga.

High above the small smattering of clouds, the moon’s light pulsed, seeming to intensify…

“Gah…” The medic-nin came to a sudden stop, reaching up to scratch at her face.

Hinata, of course, was immediately at her side, fretting. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m… I’m fine. Sorry, just got something in my eye for a second…” Sakura grunted, rubbing at her eyes. After a few moments, she did a few blinks. “There. All better! Hah, in fact I think I can see better than ever!”

It was true. In fact, Sakura could suddenly see far better than she ever had before, though she failed to notice this particular fact. Just as she failed to notice that her contact lenses had vanished from her eye, even if the staple pale look of the Hyuga hadn’t. Though, to be fair, one can probably be forgiven for not immediately realising that they had randomly gained a powerful bloodline ability.

“Oh really? I’m glad.” Hinata smiled, before blinking and squinting forwards. “Funny, I didn’t think it was so dark out tonight…”

And by equal measure, it’s probably forgivable to not realise that you’ve just lost your powerful bloodline ability for no reason, as the true Hyuga’s eyes shimmered, and turned a pleasant shade of green, a dark pupil opening up where previously there had only been a pale void. It wasn’t as though she was using them at the time.

“So…” Sakura folded her arms behind her back, grinning mischievously at her friend. “Got any plans for the party? Anyone you’d like to see?”

Hinata blushed.

Another pulse from the skies, the green light seeming to shine even stronger still…

“W-well, I wouldn’t mind…”

Hinata suddenly paused, feeling… strange. Suddenly, she felt a lot more… self-assured. Confident? Was this what confidence felt like? It was a strange feeling – like some kind of inner fire, burning in her chest. Strength, rolling down her spine. A peculiar sensation, but not an unwelcome one.

She found herself straightening up, setting her shoulders firmly, banishing the constant temptation to lower her head. “Well, I was thinking that I might try cornering Naruto-kun and trying to taste the punch on his tonsils. I’m getting kind of tired of waiting for him to make a move, you know?”

“Oho!” Sakura whistled, her grin widening. “Well listen to you! Finally ready to go claim your man in public? Awesome, I bet that… I bet that that… Uh…”

The medic-nin stumbled for a moment – both with her words, and with her feet. It was funny, she’d been ready to give her friend hearty support for her newfound confidence, and even maybe suggest a double date at some point if she was ready for it (after she’d tracked down Naruto to threaten him into not screwing said date up, of course), but now…

Now she just wasn’t really feeling… it? Like, maybe it was a bad idea. And Hinata would probably just be annoyed at her being so loud, you know? And, and what if she didn’t want a double date? Oh, no no no, it was way better to just nod politely and go along with whatever the other woman said…

Sakura’s shoulders shrunk inwards as she developed a bit of a self-conscious hunch, her gaze pointed down at her feet. Nervously, she twiddled her fingers together. “I’m glad things are going so well for you, Hinata…”

As oblivious to her friends changes as she was to her own, the Hyuga clan heir just nodded with a grin. “Thanks! Yeah, this party’s gunna go great! In fact…” That fire was starting to burn even hotter, driving her further and further into the realms of self-assuredness, past simple confidence and into outright arrogance. “I’m going to make it the best party ever! We’re going to have a good time, and I’ll fucking smash anyone who tries to get in my way!” Her grin took on a bit of a manic edge as she clenched a fist in front of her. “Stupid Ino-pig better not try to get between me and Naruto-kun! Shannaro!”

“That sounds great, Hinata…” Meanwhile, Sakura’s self-confidence was cratering. How could she possibly attend such a party, when everyone was sure to see her silly costume and laugh at her?! She’d end up humiliated in front of Sasuke! Oh, why did she agree to this? M-maybe if she just hid behind Sak- Uh, behind Hinata, then no one would notice her, and she could stalk- Uh, watch her crush from afar…

A third pulse, stronger than the other two combined, swept over the village…

Both women froze mid-step as the light washed over them, their brains put on pause, eyes rolled up in their heads as the moonlight caressed them, and drove their senses into overdrive. This time, the changes would be big, and deep, and whatever magic was in the air had no use for their minds in the equation. Like soft clay ready to be sculpted, the pair stood on the street, ready to begin.

Sakura was the first to begin growing – her flat chest, ever a sore point for the young ninja, bulged outwards, her baggy lavender top suddenly turning quite tight. In a few seconds, she went from a pair of half-inflated balloons to full on bouncy castles! Her top – which, though she’d have denied it to her grave, she had stuffed a little to try to properly capture the ‘Hinata’ look – was suddenly stretched to bursting point. The socks she’d stuffed into her bra popped out of the sudden cleavage window and fell to the ground forgotten.

Hinata wasn’t far behind her – but in her case, she had some shrinking to do first. After all, she was trying to portray someone with a far smaller chest than the one she possessed! So, alas, some of the dreamiest funbags in the ninja world deflated – only for the mass to move southwards to her ass. Because it was well known that if a ninja babe didn’t have good tits, she had a killer can to make up for it! Her ass inflated like an inflatable on the pump – giving her white pants a satisfying rip just before her cheeks finally settled at around beachball size.

By this point, the two nins were more each other than they were themselves – and a final brush of moonlight sealed the difference. Their ‘wigs’ turned real as their old hair vanished, and any memory of being anyone other than ‘Hinata’ and ‘Sakura’ vanished on the breeze…

Both women finally blinked, and then began to stir, as the green moon vanished behind a bank of clouds. But the two who woke weren’t the same two who had first been captivated by that lunar glow…

“Move it already, Hinata!” ‘Sakura’ growled at her companion, glaring daggers. “How am I supposed to jump Sasuke-kun’s bones if dragging your slow ass around town takes me all night?!”

“S-Sorry Sakura!” ‘Hinata’ bowed apologetically – her massive mammaries almost scraping the floor. “I’ll speed up, I promise!”

“Yeah? You’d better!” The pink haired ninja spat, before marching forward, her fat ass swaying from side to side with every strut. “I can’t let that bitch sow Ino-pig get her claws into him! SHANNARO!”

Following meekly, though in a rather jiggly fashion, the pale eyed ninja wasn’t really listening. Already, her thoughts were far too caught up in daydreams about that dreamy blonde-haired hero in shining armour. Oh Naruto-kun~ Perhaps she’d be able to fetch him a drink at the party… Or maybe he’d need someone to run out and get him some ramen! Oh, oh, or perhaps he’d start feeling tired and sit down, and she could be his footrest! Ahhh…

It was fortunate that she had such a titanic pair of tits, because she was going to walk into several people while lost in her fantasies on the way to the party.

All under the light of the pale green moon…


Request: RWBY- Weiss was never one for Halloween, she thought it was stupid and childish, but of course, that’s exactly what her leader is, and Ruby was extremely happy for it, not only because it’s her birthday. Ruby ordered Weiss a custom costume off a site online, and as a joke she designed it to look just like Ruby. Little did Ruby know, was that shipping container was contaminated by pink dust. Weiss receives her gift and at first thinks it stupid but once she just grazes it, the pink dust infects her mind and she feels an overwhelming urge to put the costume on, and slowly changes into her leader, stupid, but not so childish, she becomes a stupid, horny bimbo Ruby, ready to make sure Weiss will have the best Halloween ever.

Weiss Schnee hated Halloween. It was a pointless and childish holiday that a professional young woman like herself had no interest in, and no business with.

Ruby Rose loved Halloween! It was fun and bright and cheerful and full of candy and costumes… Plus it was her birthday! Best. Holiday. Ever.

It should be of no surprise to anyone, anywhere, that these two attitudes were destined to collide – loudly. Indeed, the pair’s arguments around this time of year quickly grew to legendary status across the campus of Beacon Academy, always occurring as October drew close. Neither woman was willing to back down, and neither was ever going to stop trying to explain why she was right. They were both very stubborn, you see – it was one of the reasons that they were such great partners! You know, as long as they weren’t being stubborn at each other…

But this year. This year was going to be different. This year, Ruby was finally going to put this argument to rest. She was going to show her partner exactly why Halloween was such a great holiday – even if she had to burn up every birthday present she was going to get from her for the next twenty years for it.

She’d gotten Weiss a costume. One that Weiss wouldn’t be able to resist, because it would give her an easy way to mock her. And then once she put it on, she was going to drag her out trick or treating and having fun, and then she’d finally learn what all the fuss was about and her heart would grow three sizes that day!

Wait, wrong holiday…

Well whatever. This plan couldn’t go wrong! It was absolutely foolproof! Come Halloween Night, Weiss Schnee was going to love Halloween just as much as Ruby Rose did – this she vowed, come heck or high water!

It should be of no surprise to anyone, anywhere, that things did not go to plan.

Weiss stared at the package suspiciously. It was addressed to her, but she hadn’t ordered anything. And Ruby had been looking very suspicious that morning – before Yang had dragged her out to help her pick a good costume.

Tch. Those two could be such kids sometimes. Those three, actually, given that Blake had gone with them. But whatever. She had homework to do and tests to study for. This was their final year at Beacon, and their hardest by far. As a professional Huntress-to-be, she had absolutely no time for messing around.

Still… This package. The heiress sighed, rolling her eyes. Ruby had probably gotten her something that she thought was bound to change her mind about this stupid holiday. Ugh… Well, might as well see what it was.

She ripped the box open, taking extra care to show that she did not care what her partner had bought her, even though absolutely no one else was present, and shook the contents out on to the floor. A clump of red cloth promptly dropped onto the floor, coupled with a pair of high-heeled boots and a collapsible plastic red scythe,

The heiress stared. No way. It couldn’t be. There was no way that Ruby would have bought her that, surely. Even she couldn’t be that much of a simpleton, right…?

But she could, and she had. On the floor was, without a doubt, a Ruby Rose Halloween costume.

“Of all the… She thinks I’ll change my mind if I go out dressed like her for an evening?!” Weiss massaged the bridge of her nose. Some days she was extremely grateful that Ruby had been the one she’d found first in the Emerald Forest back during initiation. Other days, she cursed god, the devil, and anyone else who may have had a hand in tying her fate to the lead weight that was Ruby Rose.

Today was definitely one of the latter ones.

“I wonder if Yang was involved in this stupid scheme,” she muttered, bending down to pick the costume up. “Although if she was, she’dve probably gotten me the slutty ‘horny bimbo’ version of the idiot’s outfit-huh?”

As her fingers finally brushed against the fabric, the heiress thought she saw a strange pink spark, and then a slight sting in her hand… But before she could wonder what had just happened, suddenly she lost all interest in the subject.

Now, what happened next was not, despite all the odds, Ruby Rose’s fault. This was something that the red reaper would likely soon be protesting quite often. The real culprit was improper shipping of dangerous materials by the delivery company – in this case, SchnEx. A cannister of experimental pink dust – which would later be found to be leaking – had been balanced atop Ruby’s costume delivery for the whole flight from Atlas to Vale, and now said costume was positively irradiated with the stuff. So yes, the events that followed were really much more Weiss’s own fault that Ruby’s. Not that that helped anyone any.

Now, pink dust was still being tested for uses, but it was known, among scientific circles, for two strong effects. One, that it induced strange and powerful emotional changes in the subjects exposed to it, often in the form of lust or obsession. And two, that it could provoke… somewhat drastic physical and mental changes in subjects who were exposed to large amounts of it, often influenced by said subject’s own thoughts prior to any such transformations.

And Weiss had just unknowingly grabbed a costume soaked in the stuff.

The first effect was immediate. All thought of chastisement or scorn immediately fled from Weiss’s head. Suddenly, the most important thing in the world was that she wear this costume. Right. Now.

The heiress might as well have used a time rune for how fast she stripped off, her iconic white and red outfit tossed to the floor without a second, or even first, thought. She was completely naked inside of a second, practically ripping her expensive designer clothes off to get out of them quicker. Such was her level of captivation with the costume at her feet. Then, she began to dress – slowly, as though she was donning some holy regalia, and wanted to pay the clothing its due reverent respect.

First to go on was the corset. And, had she still been in her right mind, Weiss really would have thought this costume had been chosen by Yang, because Ruby’s real outfit wasn’t this skimpy. It had an undershirt, for one thing. Wearing this would expose a lot of skin, and perilous amounts of cleavage (if the wearer had any to spare) – it was absolutely not something the normal Weiss would ever touch.

Granted, it had been a bit more reasonable before the heiress’s own insulting thoughts had reacted with the pink dust, so again, this was way more Weiss’s fault than anyone else’s, but still.

Fortunately, none of that mattered, because Weiss was very much not in her right mind right now. Instead, she wrapped and tied the black corset on lovingly, enjoying the way it squeezed her middle. She also enjoyed the way it made her tits start to grow as she finished tying it on, but there was no time to dwell on that, she had more costume pieces to put on!

Next came the skirt, black and lined with red trim. Far too short for any practical use, but it slid onto Weiss’s hips easily, and stayed up when Weiss’s ass began to expand just like her tits with it on. Her trim figure was really going through an unprecedented growth spurt right now – her stick-like frame quickly becoming a curvy hourglass…

And naturally, Weiss paid no attention to any of that, more occupied with sitting down to pull on the fishnet stockings and cute heavy-duty boots that had come in the box. A surge of heat flowed up through her legs as they turned smooth and hairless, flooding into her crotch and making the entranced huntress moan with desire. A wave of lust washed through her body, almost hot enough to make her sweat, as she absently pondered all the cute boys and girls nearby, hornier than she’d ever been in her life.

But, of course, she hadn’t finished the costume yet. There was just one last piece, but it was the most important. Ruby’s rose red cloak. With a dazed smile, Weiss lifted the cloth over her head, settling around her neck and sealing the clasp tight. And as she did, that wave of heat surged up, and crashed right over her head.

Her white, braided hair came undone in an instant, unravelling and shortening into a more wolf-like style, darkening to black from the root with the exception of a few red highlights, until she had the exact same do as her team leader. Her eyes sparkled, before they turned from blue to glazed silver. And her lips turned a lovely shade of scarlet as they plumped up into nice, thick kissers.

Inside her head was where the real fireworks were happening, though. Weiss’s opinion on the costume had been clear. It was the outfit of a ‘slutty horny bimbo idiot’ – and thus, as the woman wearing it, she must have been a slutty horny bimbo idiot too~ The slutty part was handled – god, this outfit was incredibly slutty. And she was definitely horny. Incredibly, incredibly horny. But bimbo? Idiot? She hadn’t covered those yet.

And that was about to change, as the pink, hot energy flooded into her brain. Smart synapses winked out of existence, smothered by horny energy, and pure bimbo was allowed to blossom. Weiss made no attempt to stop it – no, in fact, she urged the process on. The sooner she was a brain dead moron, the sooner she could, like, wear this totally cute costume out to- to- Duuuhhh…

The Schnee’s face turned blank and drooly as her mind turned into mush, melting down and evaporating out of her ears in small clouds of pink dust as her eyes rolled up in her head. Pleasure bounced from one side of her head to the other, dissolving everything in between, memories, facts and philosophies all, zapping it all into oblivion. And it all felt so good!

Finally, with a delightedly happy moan, the mind melted huntress came – drizzling any memory of being Weiss Schnee out of her bare and dripping cunt in one euphoric burst.

Things went quiet for a bit after that, the dressed-up dunce needing a little bit to get her breath back. Then her silver eyes fluttered, and an airheaded giggle emerged from her lips.

“Oh, like, what was I doing again?” She wondered aloud, finger pressing against her cheek as the dark haired beauty came back to herself. “It was something important…”

The finger lifted to start twirling a lock of hair around it as she though, and thought hard. Then, at last, her eyes lit up. “Oh my gawd, it’s Halloween! The bestest best day of the whole year! How did I forget?” She tittered and shook her head. “God, I’m like, such a bimbo! But whatever, the important thing is I’ve gotta make sure Weiss has the awesomest Halloween ever! Then we’ll really be besties!”

The new Ruby Rose, it turned out, had the exact same priorities as the old one.

“Mmm,” she giggled, licking her lips. “I bet I know how to convince her. I just gotta, like, totally fuck her brains out tonight! Then she’ll have to like Halloween!”

Admittedly, she had very different methods.

“This is going to be the best Halloween ever!” ‘Ruby’ cheered to herself, before strutting out of the door to go and track down that elusive partner of hers. Said partners clothes, discarded all over the dorm room floor, never got a second glance.

So, in the end, Ruby got her wish – Weiss definitely appreciated the joy of Halloween now. Just, not in the way they’d imagined. Curses.

Oh well. There was always next year…?


Request: A Halloween-themed Servant Trap (please do not use Queen of Sheba, still mulling over ideas for her)

Cockaigne was a mysterious city beyond the bounds of time and space. It existed according to rules of its own making, and defied the logic and sense of proper human history. Its purpose was to lure in and entrap servants as brainless slaves, so that they wouldn’t be able to interfere in the city’s master’s plans – and it served that purpose well.

But even the city of eternal pleasure celebrated Halloween! It was the fun, sexy holiday, after all – very much in line with Cockaigne’s sensibilities. Sure, no children walked the streets hunting for candy – this city was very much an 18+ only kind of place – but there were costumes and pumpkins and spooks galore to be found. The city very much enjoyed Halloween.

Perhaps this was why Saint Martha, holy maiden and tamer of the Tarasque (a title that should make any player of Dungeons and Dragons nod in respect), didn’t notice anything odd about the place when she materialised there one Hallow’s Eve. Yes, the sky was covered in eternal smog, and the place was definitely bigger than expected, but the colourful ‘Happy Halloween’ banners really spruced the place up.

Besides, she had bigger things to worry about than mysterious singularities filled with giant smog-ridden cities. It was Halloween – which meant the younger servants would be wanting candy. Now, Martha didn’t especially care for the stuff herself, or for the holiday (lousy pagan nonsense) but as the eldest sister of a big family when she was alive, she knew the value of sweet treats to keep the young ones in line. And besides, she was a kind soul. Going out and gathering some candy seemed like a small thing she could do for her fellow servants.

Thus, she had gotten a costume (just a simple mummy with bandages wrapped around her body – she was sure the Egyptian servants wouldn’t mind… as long as no one told them…) and a bag (it had a pumpkin face on it! Look, she was getting in the spirit, alright?), and had set out with one single mission – to get as much candy as she possibly could!

Her first target had been the biggest building with the most decorations and banners around it that she could find. Surely they would be prepared with candy, right? Nodding to herself, she’d strode right up to the front door and rapped her holy staff against it. “Trick or Treat!”

The door had slid open, revealing a dark and spooky interior – which is to say, it was lit by blacklights, and someone had slapped some ghosts on the walls in glow-in-the-dark paint. “Weeeelcome, spirit,” a melodramatic voice called. “To the most haunted manor is allll of Cockaigne! Steeep right in, and we’ll scaaaaare those thoughts right out of your heeeaaaadddd!”

Martha coughed, and smiled politely. “Okay, first off, I’m a mummy, not a spirit. See?” She gestured to her costume(). “I put some effort into this. Despite this being a holiday of heathens.” That last part was said much quieter than the rest.

“I was beeeeing metapphooooricaalll,” the mysterious voice protested.

“And second off,” the heroic spirit continued, “I’m sorry, but I don’t have time to play right now, I need to gather candy for the younger heroes who couldn’t come. So again – trick, or treat?”

There was a pause as the house considered whether to play along with her or not. “What’s the trriiiiick?” It finally asked, still as melodramatic as ever.

Martha tapped her staff on the floor. “Ooooh Tarasque?”

A beast the size of a building materialised in the street behind her, covered in vicious looking spikes, with red glowing eyes. In the spirit of the season, he too was wearing a costume. He had a little santa hat balanced on top of his head.

“I see. Yep, treat it is!” Suddenly the melodrama was all gone, and a cloaked figure appeared to shove a bowl of candy out of the door. “Now go away!”

The saint smiled politely, and emptied the bowl into her pumpkin bag. “Thank you sir. I’m sure the children will be thankful for your service.” She tapped her staff again, and her monstrous companion vanished with a grunt. Ah, he didn’t really like being used like this, but it was all for a good cause!

Right, her bag was now about one third full. Time to visit the next house. This one had a bigger crowd around it – in fact, it looked like they were throwing a party! If Martha looked carefully, she thought she could even see a few other servants amongst them, though she didn’t look too close. She was here on a mission after all, and couldn’t do with getting distracted. She did momentarily wonder why they’d all chosen such provocative costumes, though…

Well, anyway, surely a place like this would be prepared to give out candy! Once again, she strode up to the front door with the confidence of a saint, and rapped on it with her staff. “Trick or treat!”

The door swung open – this time with a visible person on the other side, even if they were wearing the very common ‘face concealing cloak’ costume that seemed to be very popular in this city. “Welcome to the party!” They said, thrusting a glass of bright pink liquid at her. “Take a drink, relax and have fun! We have plenty of DBJ for everyone!”

“No, thank you,” Martha gently, but firmly, pushed the arm holding the glass away from her. “I’m afraid I’m not here to party. I’m trick or treating to gather candy for the younger heroic spirits who couldn’t come to this singularity. So, please, if you could provide, I would be most greatful.”

“Awh come on,” the party happy host insisted. “Just have on drink! I guarantee it’ll blast all those worries right out of your-”

Martha rolled her eyes and tapped her staff on the floor. There was a growl behind her.

“Holy shit, is that Godzi-!”

“No!” The saint reacted quickly, slapping a hand over the figure’s face with alarmed eyes. “Don’t say that name! He gets very upset when someone mentions… that. Something about copyright infringement.”

Tarasque glared down at the pair – and at the building, and indeed the entire street – suspiciously, clearly pondering if this was the time to start a rampage.

“Oh. Uh. Like. Cool, I guess. Uhh… Sure, you can have some candy then. No hard feelings…”

Another bowl of sugary treats was shoved into the saint’s pumpkin bag. She smiled and bowed politely as her pet monster vanished again. “Thank you kindly – lord’s blessings be with you~”

“Uh. Thanks.” The door slammed, and Martha continued on her merry way. There was one last building on the street that she wanted to try, and with her bag two thirds full now, she was really hoping that this one would be the last stop on her trek.

Granted, this one wasn’t a normal building like the rest – it was a movie theatre, with its billboards clearly proclaiming a few midnight showings of what she assumed must be classic horror flicks, like ‘Brain Eaters from Mars’ and ‘The Passion of Jeanne D’Arc’… Although she really wasn’t sure why a movie about her fellow saint would be on show here... Anyway, yes, this place was a business, but there was no way a movie theatre would be short on candy. Surely they’d be happy to donate!

The usher at the front window was certainly eager to see her approach. “Welcome, my lady! Here to enjoy the spooktacular experience? Our theatre is so good you’d swear you were in the movies yourself, and tonight every showing is free! What would you like to see?”

“Oh, I’m afraid I’m not here to see any movies, though I am glad to see you honouring Saint Jeanne…”

“Ah, yes, one of our most popular shows. She really puts on a fine performance!”

“… But I’m just here trick or treating tonight.”

“Trick or treating?” The usher blinked. “But… this is a movie theatre.”

“Yes.” Tap. “And this is the trick, if you don’t want to cough up.”

“Grar,” said Tarasque, who really didn’t appreciate being used this way, honestly.

The Usher stared up at him. “… You drive a hard bargain, ma’am.”

“Well it’s your stupid holiday,” the saint muttered. “Not my fault you decided blackmailing people for sugar was a good thing to teach the kids.”

“Sorry, what was that?”

“Nothing!” Martha was all smiles once more. “So, are you handing over the candy now, or are we cutting your midnight showings short?”

He sighed. “Give me the stupid bag.”

Moments later, Saint Martha was walking away from another successful business transaction with a full bag of candy. “That went really well!” She said, looking up at Tarasque with a grin on her face. “It may be a stupid pagan festival, but at least it’ll keep the kids happy!”

“Gwar?” The giant monster asked, tilting its head.

“What? No. You can’t have any of the candy – it’s for the other servants.” The purple haired mummy rolled her eyes. “Besides, you’re on a diet.”

The Tarasque narrowed its eyes.

“Oh don’t give me that look. You need to lose some weight, buddy! It’s for your own good.” She flipped her hair back. “Trust me, I’m a saint.”

Yeah, the dignified energy she worked so hard to cultivate tended to go out of the window when she was dealing with those who knew her personally. The Tarasque was, alas, very used to this. After all, her Noble Phantasms usually involved her punching, kicking, or outright throwing him at whatever targets stood in her way.

Though on this occasion, there was a bit of revenge available…

The giant creature groused, and then, with a surprising display of dexterity, offered Martha something with the tip of its tail. She blinked, and carefully plucked up the gift.

“Candy? For me?” She peered at the pink-wrapped sweet curiously. It was a small piece of hard-candy, and the wrapped called it a… a something Blaster – the label was a little obscured. Well how about that. The Saint smiled, charmed. “Aw, you shouldn’t have, you big ol’ softie. Alright, if you insist, I’ll have a little~” She unwrapped it and popped it into her mouth with a cheerful “Mm!”

The Tarasque just grunted – possibly with amusement – before vanishing back to wherever he went when Martha didn’t summon him. The next time she called was going to be very amusing for him, he was certain.

And as for Martha herself, she was enjoying her sucker. As soon as the sweet touched her tongue, her senses lit up with an incredible taste – so sweet, but yet not overly so. It managed to thread the needle perfectly, resulting in a scrumptious treat that she couldn’t help but want more of.

‘Wow,’ she thought to herself, sucking even harder. ‘If this is what candy’s supposed to be like, then maybe I get what the all the fuss is about after all! Perhaps-’


The Saint’s eyes widened as there was a sudden little popping sensation in her mouth, followed by another flood of delicious flavour. ‘Oh! It’s popping candy!’ she realised with delight. ‘How fun!’

She continued to suck down, enjoying the rinse of sensation on her tongue, and soon she was rewarded by even more bursts of taste.

Pop! Pop! Pop!

But that wasn’t the only thing popping. Alas, with all of her senses so firmly focused on the chorus of delights in her mouth, Martha was rather oblivious as the magic of the sweet started to sink into her spirit core, the heart of her existence as a servant. And soon, the changes were to spread through the rest of her body too…


Her hips suddenly widened, puffing out sharp and sudden into a broad pair of thick thighs, supporting an astronomical ass. The bandages she’d been using as a costume stretched tight, thinning out so that they no longer completely covered her skin, showing an incredible amount of bare booty squeezed between her wrappings.


Her breasts burst out like popcorn swelling from a kernel, swelling up so fat and fast that her costume was almost torn asunder, instantly stretching most her bandages to breaking point. What remained of her outfit barely held on, a few strained lines of cotton drawn tight around a pair of magnificent mummy milkers, barely obscuring her nipples and pretty much nothing else.

‘Mmm~’ She thought, still oblivious to how much of her costume had unravelled, and how much of her changed body was now on display. ‘You know, maybe Halloween isn’t so-’


The candy finally burst completely, flooding her mouth with flavour – and as it did, her brain burst as well, popping like a balloon and filling her head with air. The Saint’s eyes went wide, before rolling up in her head, her jaw dropping open and a waterfall of sugar-filled drool pouring out down onto her barely bandaged tits – carrying what was left of her thoughts down the drain with it.

For a moment, she just stood there, swaying mindlessly on her feet – a busty brainless bandaged bimbo, with no thoughts in her head to tell her what to do. Then, a new need began to bubble up inside her. A heat burning hot between her thighs. Juices started to drip down her legs, her bare cunt wet and waiting for any satisfaction…

Slowly, her arms rose up, held straight ahead, palms flat, as she started to shamble forward. Her boosted booty shook from side to side with every shambling step, her bandaged boobs bouncing in beat with her mindless shuffle. Her jaw was still slack, drool still dripping down her chin, but a word still echoed out between her lips.

“Coooooock…” She moaned, her cunt perfectly willing to do the thinking in the place of her now absent brain. “Coooooock…”

Yes, technically she was acting more like a zombie than a mummy, but it was close enough for Cockaigne. And as a crowd of cloaked citizens began to converge on the newest bimbo to grace their fair city, one could be confident she wouldn’t be left wanting for long.

Soon, she’d find something new to suck on – something that would delight her even more than the candy that had utterly blown her brains. And another servant would find herself lost to the delights of the city of eternal pleasure…

Request: A rather apathetic worker at a mall comes into work with a half hearted and cheap Bride of Frankenstein costume. Her boss believes that she should have a better costume/spirit for the season...And since he happens to be the owner of the magic shop in the mall, that's a quick and easy fix! Now his assistant is looking and thinking much more in character as a green skinned and stitched amazon serving her boss. And since most of her brains going to her boobs means she won't be any good at the cash register-she'll just have to use that new body to get customers in...

Jennifer glared at her reflection, giving herself one last look over before she headed into the mall. Her costume was… not great, but honestly she resented being made to wear anything like this at all for work. Halloween was a holiday for little kids, so why the hell did she need to get dressed up for it?

She needed the job, so she hadn’t complained – but she sure as hell hadn’t put any actual effort in, either. She’d put a white streak in her long dark hair – but like hell she was styling it up. Who did she look like, Marge Simpson? No, thanks, she’d be wearing it down, just like always. And she wasn’t wearing any stupid facepaint, either. She’d gone as far as putting on a flowing white dress, because she looked damn good in that, annnd… Yeah, that was about it. If the boss complained, well, whatever.

Taking a deep breath, and rolling her eyes one last time, she stepped out of the bathroom, and started walking. The shop where she worked, ‘Magic Trix’, wasn’t far, but every step felt like a thousand miles. She’d been dreading this shift all week.

And as soon as she stepped inside and saw her boss waiting for her, she knew she’d been right to.

“Ah, Jennifer, there you are!” Mr Trix was a fairly tall man, with short dark hair and twinkling eyes. He might have even been attractive if you didn’t mind him wearing that stupid magician outfit all over the place. Honestly, she’d never seen him without his dark dinner jacket and pants combo, no matter what the situation. She’d even seen him wearing the damn costume while wandering in the park in the middle of summer. He was, to her mind, a complete weirdo – albeit, one who paid well. And she knew, she just knew, that on Halloween night, he was going to insist she be the same.

“Evening, Mr Trix!” She tried greeting him casually, hoping his amused expression meant he liked her outfit and would not be insisting that she get changed. “Quiet shift for us tonight, you think?”

“I’m afraid not,” he said, sighing theatrically with a grin. “No, Halloween is one of our busiest nights. Lots of interest in magic tricks and witchcraft during this season. Which is why we need to embrace the season to its fullest!”

“Right. Uh.” Jen smiled nervously. “So, you like my costume?”

“I’m afraid it needs a little work.”

Annnd there went her hopes, off to die in the cold, unfeeling wastes of a career in retail. Motherfucker.

“Not to say that it’s bad,” he added apologetically. “In fact the Bride of Frankenstein look is an inspired choice! But we need to go all in tonight to really draw the customers.”

Her shoulders slumped. “Look, Mr Trix…”

“But have no fear!” He interrupted, producing a small cardboard box from… Nowhere. Well, he was a magician. That kind of trick was his thing. It got old fast. “I anticipated that you might need a little help, so I prepared something for you in advance. Take this, head through to the back, and try it out. It’ll spruce up your costume in no time.”

She stared at the box warily. “Mr Trix…”

“Please.” He grinned at her. “Just give it a try.”

Ugh. Damnit, she didn’t have a way out. She had to take a look, at least. Grouchily, she grabbed the box and stalked around the front counter, passing into the back of the shop. There wasn’t much back there – a small kitchen, a large storage warehouse, and a bathroom. It was the latter she headed into, locking the door behind her.

“Alright, let’s see what we’ve got in here…” She muttered, pulling the box open and emptying it on the counter. “Can’t be too bad, right?”

To her surprise, it wasn’t. A black beehive wig with duel white lightning streaks bounced off the counter top and rolled around in the sink, while a pair of stick-on neck bolts landed next to it. The thick black makeup pencil rolled along the side for a moment before coming to a stop. Simple and easy enough. The troublesome part was the small tub of face paint – because of course there was face paint. It was green. And there wasn’t going to be any getting away from it.

“Fine,” she sighed, unscrewing the lid and dipping her fingers in. There was a strange tingling sensation in her hand, but she dismissed it as just a side-effect of the cold paint. “Let’s get this over with.”

Still grumbling she leaned down, peering at herself in the mirror, and, with a small wince, raised the paint up and started smearing it over her face. It was just one evening – she could wash it all off as soon as her shift was done.

She only intended to cover her face, of course – and wasn’t especially interested in doing a neat job of it. But as she went, steadily stroking the green paint into her skin, her attention entirely focused on her face, something strange was occurring. The colour was starting to spread itself.

Green was seeping down her neck, washing out into the skin of her chest, and then even further down her arms and torso. In fact, her fingers – the ones she was using to paint – had already turned, and by now the colour was quickly leaching back up her arm. The other hand soon got started as well when she used it to adjust the paint on her nose. By the time she finished painting her face – dabbing the last spot on her forehead – the rest of her had already turned completely green from head to toe.

She didn’t notice that though, more concerned with just getting this silly job over with. Body now painted, she washed her hands – removing the paint, but none of the colour – and then grabbed the wig. With one quick motion, she brought it up, and then plonked it down on top of her head, adjusting it so that the white lightning bolts were streaked on either side of her face.

“Hey Marge,” she muttered, glaring at her reflection once again. “How was the trip from Springfield?” She didn’t look bad, but she honestly had no idea why anyone would pile all of their hair on top of their head like this. If she had her way she’d never treat her real hair like this.

It was probably for the best, then, that she didn’t notice as the wig shimmered with magical energy, and then merged with her head, becoming just as real as the rest of her hair. Jennifer would not have enjoyed that realisation.

But there. Green skin. Hair like she’d just been struck by lightning. What else… Oh yes, makeup pencil. No guesses what that was for.

Picking it up, she squinted at herself, before carefully drawing a small scar down her brow and under her eye. There! She leaned back to inspect her handiwork, and nodded. That looked fine. Surely one set of stitches was enough for the whole Frankenstein look, yeah?

But of course, it wasn’t. Luckily for Jennifer, the costume was happy to handle that part of things for her as well. Across her body, dark lines were sketching themselves, across her arms, her ankles, down her chest, along her neck, even a few more across her face as she looked away. And they weren’t just black marks – they were real surgery scars, the lines of stitches holding her entire body together. Before long, she looked like a real patchwork woman, cobbled together from different bodyparts, her skin even taking on different colourations of green for her different parts.

The change came with a few benefits, though Jen remained oblivious to them. Her legs grew a little longer, while her arms grew some thicker muscle, and her stomach lost her layabout flab and gained a solid set of abs. The parts she’d been assembled from had been gathered by someone willing to spare no expense, and before long she was looking the part of a well defined amazon, tall and powerful, just like a proper Bride of Frankenstein should.

But she wasn’t done yet. What was left? Oh right… The neck bolts. The beehive’d brunette picked up the little screw-like props, turning them over in her hands with a frown. They had little suckers on the shaft that were supposed to stick to her neck, but honestly they looked like they’d fall off after a few seconds without gluing them on or something. Which presented a problem, because, um, no, she was not gluing them on. And also they hadn’t come with any glue to use anyway.

Well… Whatever. She could say she tried. With one last sigh, she pressed one to the side of her neck, and once it felt it’d stick she pressed the other one on opposite it. They sealed to her skin pretty easily, and to her surprise they didn’t fall off the instant she turned her head, so… success?

Of course the reason they didn’t fall off was because the instant they’d touched her skin they’d magically merged with it, forming a real, solid bolt through her neck and spine. But she didn’t need to worry about that.

And… That was it! Huh, wow, it had been easier than she’d thought. And honestly, she didn’t look half bad, right? Jen gave her reflection a quick once over, before nodding with pride. She could pull this look off. Hell, she was surprised how good it really looked on her – it almost looked like her skin was really green!

So, smiling with relief, she stepped out of the bathroom, and made her way back to the front of the store. “Alright Boss, how’s this?”

Mr Trix looked back with surprise – clearly stunned to see how well she pulled off this costume, she decided. “Ah, Jennifer. I wasn’t expecting you back so…”

“What, so quickly? Eh.” The stitched amazonian shop assistant shrugged, casually reaching up to touch her hair. “It was all pretty simple. Went a lot faster than I expected, actually.”

“No, no,” the magic shop owner/wanna-be magician shook his head, stepping closer and peering at her. “The speed was fine, but I thought you’d have the right attitude by now… Ah, here’s the issue!”

He reached forward, grabbing one of the bolts in her neck, and twisted – turning its dial from ‘Normal’ to ‘Bimbo’.

“Huh?” That was all Jen managed to get out, before a bolt of lightning leapt up her spine and zapped her straight in the brain. The current made her eyes flutter, a funny, pleasant heat rolling through her mind and popping her thoughts like bubbles in bubblewrap, each with a delightfully electric explosion of pleasure, until, like an overfilled balloon…


Her brain burst – and all of the energy within immediately zapped straight back down her spine and into her chest.

Pop! Pop!

Her breasts immediately inflated, swelling with fat and flesh, blossoming from a decent pair of doorbells to massive big-bens, filling her dress to the absolute brim and flooding her cleavage window almost to bursting. With the flip of a switch, the amazonian assistant had become an amazonian bimbo – complete with crossed eyes and a drooling mouth.

“There we go.” Mr Trix patted his bimbo bride on the back. “Sorry Jen, but Halloween is one of our most popular nights – not with the normal crowd, but with all the supernatural folks in the area. They tend to be pretty unsubtle when they swing by, too, so it’s best you not remember this evening too clearly. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to pay you overtime for all this.”

“Uuuhhhh…” The Frankenstein monster drooled into her tits.

“Hm.” Trix studied her. “Well, I’m afraid you won’t be able to man the cash register like this,” he finally admitted. “But I think I can find some use for you…”

“Well this is a mighty fine signpost you’ve got for yourself here, Trickster!” A man with a suspiciously pointy goatee and a rather pointy head of hair examined the woman advertising the ‘Magic Trix’ store with amused interest. She was certainly a busty lady, with fine amazonian physique and a powerful presence, and the sign she held that pointed the way to the store was attracting all kinds of attention – when people tore their eyes away from her patchwork breasts, at least.

Next to him, Mr Trix grinned. “Thank you, Scratch. Normally she’s behind the counter. I have to admit, I only intended to dumb her down a little for the evening, but it turns out she’s very susceptible to this kind of magic.”

The bearded man raised an eyebrow. “Oh really? Well she’s a treat for the eyes, no mistake. I don’t suppose you’d be interested in a sale?”

But Trix shook his head. “Oh no, I couldn’t. She’s a good- well, she’s not the worst shop assistant I’ve ever had. Besides, editing people’s memories is always such a hassle…”

His friend chuckled. “Hm. You know, I might have an offer or two that’d change your mind…”

“I doubt it.” The shopkeeper’s expression was friendly, but final.

Still, the new arrival couldn’t help but push a little more. “Perhaps you’d feel different if they were wagers on a game of cards?”

“… Ha! Ah, you old devil.” Trix couldn’t help but laugh. “You always did know how to go for a man’s weaknesses. What do you say we discuss this inside?” He gestured to the store.

“Sounds like a grand time to me, old friend.” Scratch nodded, and the pair walked in, already discussing the details of an interesting gamble.

Behind them, Jennifer the Frankenstein was left standing, holding her sign, her blank eyes staring into space. An imposing figure, with a height of over six feet, and a hairdo that made her even taller, she certainly stood out in a crowd. She had managed to gather quite a lot of attention, despite lacking enough neurons to count past five. In many ways, she had a lot to be proud of for her performance this Halloween. After all…

She really did make this costume look good~


Request: Congratulations! You've been abducted to be assimilated into an objectively superior alien race (that's what they say, at least)!

“Congratulations, Subject 208539!” A cheery synthesised female voice rang out through the small metal chamber. “You have been selected for assimilation into the ranks of the Efellian! You are welcome~”

Angelica Jones was not a woman given to panic easily. Such excessive emotions would only be judged harshly by others. As a woman in a male-dominated workplace – on the managerial fast track, no less – she couldn’t afford to be seen as ‘hysterical’ or anything like that. Of course, neither could she be seen as an unemotional ‘Ice Queen’ either. It was a difficult – almost impossible – balance, but a key component of even making an attempt at it was emotional control.

Thus, when her eyes fluttered open after a very... fuzzy memory of a blurred walk home after work, she didn’t gasp. She grabbed firm control of her emotions, and analysed the situation with cool, calm detachment, as she so often had. But she had to admit, as the world around her came into focus, it was very difficult to do on this occasion.

She was standing – had she been sleeping on her feet? – in a small glass chamber, practically a bubble, connected only at the floor and ceiling to the rest of the room. And the rest of the room was stark – simple white panelling covered every surface, all identical to the point where Angelica couldn’t see a door anywhere, despite every wall being visible.

“What are the Efellian? Why, they are only the most advanced race of living beings in the galaxy! With a Galactic Empire five times the size of the closest competitor, perfected in both body and mind, they are what every living being should aspire to be – and you will be!”

“Who’s there? Who’s saying that?” She called, stepping forward to test the glass to see if she could open this strange pod. But was it glass? It felt strange to the touch, soft like living flesh, but it was utterly transparent. She could even see her reflection in it – and the short blonde woman staring back at her, still dressed in yesterday’s business suit, looked very unhappy to be there.

“The Efellian have long surpassed the need for a single solid form, and have adapted to a morphic existence, shifting between solid, liquid, and gaseous bodies as the need dictates. Able to change their entire physical structure with a thought, they are truly the pinnacle of perfection, able to engage with and defeat any kind of challenge in their path.”

“Are you even listening to me?” She banged her fists against the ‘glass’, but she couldn’t make a dent. She didn’t even get a satisfying ‘thump’ sound for trying. Breaking out of this seemed impossible.

Perhaps there was another way? She had to have been put in here somehow, after all. Maybe there was a hidden door…

“Having thus achieved perfection, the Efellian have decided that it is their duty to uplift other peoples and races to their level. You will be one of the first converts of your race – [Human]! And once you are assimilated, you will assist in converting the rest. Fortunately assimilation is quick and painless!”

Angelica paused her fumbling search for an exit as she finally absorbed the cheerful robotic words. “Wait, what? Assimi- I don’t want to be assimilated!” Eyes wide, she looked around for a camera or microphone – something she could use to register her objections. “Stop this! Turn it off and let me go! No!”

“We understand that this process may cause distress for some lesser creatures.” The voice just continued, ignoring her. “That’s why we have provided an explanation in your own primitive language, compiled after studying your culture for a single rotation of your planet. This is the kind of efficiency that you can expect to soon be capable of!”

“I’m fine as I am!” She protested – but still, no response. “Fucking hell…”

With little else to work with, the business woman decided to resort to extreme measures. There wasn’t much room in this little pod, but she still had enough leverage to try to break something. Stepping back, she put all of her weight into her shoulder, and threw herself against the glass.

It mostly just resulted in a bruised shoulder – but at last, it seemed that the strange voice was reacting to her.

“It seems that you are still exhibiting signs of severe distress.” Yeah, no shit. “This is unfortunate, but expected. 69% of all subjects of lesser races fail to understand what an honour their assimilation is. Happily, we are prepared for this eventuality.”

Well that was ominous. Angelica looked around nervously, as the white panels of the room around her turned black, leaving her in dimly lit darkness.

“Our studies of your species have revealed that not only are you drastically, devastatingly inferior to us in every regard, but also that you have a critical weakness to hypnosis! Hahaha, we are sure you find this just as amusing as we do. What a silly species you [Humans] are! Isn’t it great that you’re being converted to something better?”

“What?” She blinked. Hypnosis? But that was just a myth-


Suddenly the room lit up, the walls shining with bright lights and swirling colours, dazzling images broadcasting through the panels. Even the ceiling and floor got in on the show, leaving absolutely nowhere for the human woman to look without a dizzying array of spirals and lights.

Perhaps she should have closed her eyes, blocked out the images that way, especially with the ‘warning’ she was given by the voice. But the shocking brightness was stunning, and by the time she realised that she should have taken the declaration seriously, dozens of subliminal commands were being pulsed into her head per second.



No thought





It was overwhelming, her mind scrambling to keep up even as alien commands overwrote her thoughts and stamped over her protests. She had to Relax- No! She had to Obey! N-No, she- She was Mindless… She… had… No Thought… She was Empty. She was at Peace. She was Pacified.

Relax. Obey. Mindless. No Thought. Empty. Peace. Pacified.

Relax. Obey. Mindless. No Thought. Empty. Peace. Pacified.

Relax. Obey. Mindless. No Thought. Empty. Peace. Pacified.

This display didn’t stop for thirty seconds. She was drooling after five.

“Pacification achieved!” The voice finally chirped. “You see how easy that was? Your feeble [Human] mind couldn’t hope to resist the smallest amount of exertion from us. Now, be a good [girl] and remove those protective layers you are wearing. You won’t be needing them anymore!”

Angelica didn’t verbally respond – her eyes unfocused and glazed, her mouth hanging open, clcearly entranced – but her body moved to obey without issue. In no time at all, her black pencil skirt had hit the floor, along with her white panties, and her white blouse had been discarded with her black jacket – all piled on top of her nylon stockings and dark high heels. She was as nude as the day she was born, firm breasts and tight ass – of which she had previously been quite proud – on full display.

“Excellent. We’re so glad you’ve gotten with the program! We understand that your current entranced state makes it difficult to feel excited or any emotions at all, but trust us, if you weren’t currently hypnotised you would be very happy about what is occurring.”

The blonde stared blankly forward, trusting the voice completely.

“Now then, it’s time to begin your conversion proper! Please wait as we ready the chamber.”

There was a mechanical thrum, and a buzzing vibration through the floor. Then, after a few seconds, a slow, goopy clear liquid began to drip down from the ceiling above. Steadily, the chamber began to fill – cool fluid rising up over Angelica’s toes and dripping down her naked body.

“Do not hold your breath as the chamber fills with conversion fluid,” the voice ordered. “Do not worry, it has been specifically calibrated to be breathable by your pathetic [Human] lungs for as long as you still possess them.”

Thusly commanded, the human simply stood, and let the goopy tide wash over her. It climbed up her body steadily, faster than one might expect for what seemed like a slow drizzle, and soon it had covered her from toe to head. Just as promised, the liquid seeped into her lungs without issue – though had she not been in quite such a deep trance, it probably would have been trickier for her to adjust to. Fortunately, her blank gaze never wavered, and the procedure completed easily, the pod filled to the brim.

“Wonderful! You are now submerged in conversion fluid. This delightful liquid should be quite pleasant on your skin. After a few minutes of soaking, your body will have absorbed enough of it for the next step to begin. Please wait patiently. We shall now play relaxing music from your culture to entertain you during this lull.”

A wailing cacophonic din blasted through the room, as hidden speakers played what seemed to be every instrument ever created all at once. It did not make for a relaxing tune – but Angelica didn’t seem to mind, remaining still, and occasionally allowing a bubble of trapped air to escape from her lungs.

Fifteen minutes later, another hatch opened above – this time allowing a pink liquid to flow in. It moved oddly, swirling around Angelica’s stiff figure, almost coiling like a snake…

“Thank you for waiting! Converter Perilosipha is now entering your assimilation chamber. Thanks to the conversion fluid, your body is now primed for merging with her. Do not worry if some parts of your body try to remain solid – she is a professional, and she will guide you through the process without error, and will give you your new thoughts once your ‘brain’, as you would previously have thought of it, is prepared to receive them.”

It all meant nothing to the human – but then, she wasn’t to remain human for much longer. The pink ‘fluid’ wrapped around her, settling over her skin – before steadily starting to merge with it. Strange phantom sensations danced down the blonde’s nerves as the alien creature covered her completely, covering everything from head to toe, and then shrank in, absorbing itself into her – or her, into it.

Angelica’s flesh, already primed by the conversion fluid, melded with the alien like two pieces of putty being squished together – joining without even so much as a seem. And steadily, the flesh connected to the alien began to turn just as pink as ‘she’ was, losing all solidity, all uniqueness and identity.

“Bit of trivia for you – without the conversion fluid, this process would take almost twice as long!”

The wave of pink stared from her skin, and steadily dove deeper. Every cell and fibre was converted, merging, joining, assimilating with the alien being that was making her a part of it. There was no resistance – there was no way to resist. The human melted in her captor’s grip, folding together like ingredients in a mixing bowl.

If you wish, you may now say farewell to your [Human]ity! This is the last message you will receive in [Human] language. Thank you and g0%t@”)!”

The words flowing through her stopped making sense as the pink washed through her brain, melting it, reshaping it, becoming one with it, and forming it into something new. Her memories of her old life faded into gibberish and nonsense as a new perspective took hold. Old concepts lost meaning, invalidated by new, shining truths shared by Perilosipha. The name Ange… An… Something, fell away, forgotten, as a new one settled over her mind.

Ghrixia 87 opened her senses, and swirled around Perilosipha, happily frolicking in fluid state, before rising up through the roof into the waiting welcome area and solidifying herself into a more stable form. Something nice and naturally with lots of legs for balance, she was feeling lazy after using so much energy ascending to this higher form.

It wasn’t long before her new friend arrived and mimicked her.

<Welcome, Ghrixia!> Her Converter greeted her with a twitch of her tendrils.

<Thank you for assimilating me, Perilosipha> The newest alien replied with a wiggle of her antenna. <This is so superior to my previous existence.>

<I know!> The pair laughed together. <Ready to help me convert some more?>

<I’d love to!> The two Efellians hopped together, and then quickly skuttled off to start work on the next batch of subjects. There was a lot of work to be done before they’d fully converted this entire planet! But it was all worth it, knowing that everyone would be so grateful once they were done.

After all, who wouldn’t be grateful for being saved from the horror of not being them? They were so lucky that their world had been selected for uplifting! But not to worry – eventually, everyone in the galaxy would know the joy of perfection…

One assimilation at a time.


Request: An alternative take on Mass Effect 2 where Miranda is... slightly less concerned with keeping Shepard's mind 100% intact over the course of the Lazarus Project. Having a legendary super soldier back from the dead and on your side is great and all, but it certainly couldn't hurt to install a few subconscious triggers and an unhealthy fixation with the female posterior, right? Just to make sure the commander stays focused on the mission (and remembers who holds her leash) of course.

Performing in two years what had previously been thought to be the providence of god and god alone was not an easy feat – even with the amount of money Cerberus was funnelling into the project. Resurrection was hard – and that was when you had a complete body with relatively little damage. Commander Shepard had suffocated in the vacuum of space, promptly been set on fire when her corpse had fallen into the atmosphere of the nearest planet, and then hit solid ground at terminal velocity after the universe’s worst HALO jump. Miranda Lawson had been working with ash flattened into a pancake, essentially. And yet she had worked miracles.

It was only fair then – she felt – that she insert a few… perks, into the project. Small things. Minor alterations to the good Commander’s neural net as her brain was being reconstructed. Nothing big, nothing fancy. Humanity’s hero wasn’t going to wake up spouting Cerberus propaganda. No one would even notice anything different – not unless they knew what to look for. It would take an act of god for someone to realise that Miranda had inserted a backdoor into Shepard’s subconscious with her backdoor as the trigger, and she’d already committed enough of those to cover the next century.

Because, yes – Miranda Lawson had slipped a little hypnotic conditioning into the good Specter’s head during her revival. A few little tweaks to make sure that once Shepard was back on her feet, she’d find herself unusually attracted to large behinds – specifically ones of the human female variety. And if she encountered a particularly fine specimen, who knew how to shimmy her hips just right, why… She’d find herself doing anything that nice human woman said, without even thinking about it! But what were the odds that she’d encounter someone like that in this big, wide galaxy?

Oh yes, Miranda knew what she had, and like hell was she afraid to use it. Though hopefully the Commander wouldn’t end up spending too much time in front of a mirror – she wasn’t exactly a slouch in that area herself…

Either way, when the dark haired scientist/operative was placed on Shepard’s crew, it wasn’t exactly a surprise. And while she didn’t exactly anticipate a warm relationship developing between her and her new captain – Cerberus had managed to make a bad enough impression on Shepard that Miranda figured there was little to no chance of the two of them actually getting along, miracle worker or no – she did predict that a chance to test her ‘modifications’ would come along sooner rather than later…

She was, of course, completely correct.

“Miranda!” The Commander stormed into her office almost as soon as they’d left dock. “What are all these ‘disciplinary violations’ you’ve stuck on my file?!”

“Miranda!” The Commander stormed into her office not long after their visit to Omega. “We need to talk about you undermining my authority whenever we- W-wait, what are you… Oh my…”

“Miranda!” The Commander stormed into her office following a particularly hairy situation in the Typhon system. “Who keeps planting all these bugs in my room while I’m- Oooh…”

Okay, maybe she was using her little exploit a tiny bit too much. But could you blame her? Seeing the fierce and powerful Commander Shepard fall too her knees the instant she shimmied her hips was such a delightful thing. It made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside – and all hot and wet down below. Good thing she had a buttslut with a nice and flexible tongue nearby every time it happened…

But she really should stop. Really. It was going to get suspicious. The crew of the Normandy weren’t fools – she’d handpicked most of them herself explicitly for that reason. And eventually someone was going to notice that their leader kept storming into her second in command’s office, dropped off the map for an hour or two, and then returned with no memory of the missing time. It was kind of inevitable.

Right, yes. That was it, Miranda decided, finishing up a few last reports. No more taking advantage of Shepard. They had an important, serious mission to see to, and-

“Miranda!” The Commander stormed into her office, waving a datapad in front of her. “I want you to take this report and shove it right up Mr. Illusive’s decrepit old ass, you understand me?!”

The scientist winced. “Shepard, I know the Illusive Man can be… difficult, but surely this kind of behaviour is ill suited to the saviour of the galaxy…”

“Oh bite me. If you wanted better behaviour you should have modified my brain while I was dead.” … Well, it was true that Shepard had always been a little bit of a renegade, but did she really have to put it like that?

Sighing, Miranda circled her desk, holding out her hand. “Alright, alright – I’ll see what I can… convey to him. Might I ask what he’s done to earn your ire this time?”

The redheaded Spectre just rolled her eyes and tossed the report onto the desk. Tch, whatever Cerberus had done, it must have been something important; she was in a foul mood today. “You can read it for yourself, I’m not repeating that crap. Suffice to say, I don’t find his arguments to be convincing.”

“Lovely.” Honestly, sometimes both of them acted like children. The dark haired woman bent over her desk, reaching for the pad. “And is there anything else you’d like to tell me while you’re down here?”

“Mm… No, I think that just about… covers… it…”

“Hm?” Miranda looked back over her shoulder, still leaning over the desk. “Shepard? What’s… Oh. Oops.”

Shepard was, of course, staring directly at her ass. Yes, in retrospect, maybe bending over at the waist to pick this thing up hadn’t been the most sensible idea.

… On the other hand…

“Oh, what’s that Commander?” The scientist gave her hips a little sway, bouncing from side to side. “Do you see something you like?”

“I… I like…?” The redhead was stammering and blushing. It was kind of cute, really. For a moment, Miranda considered leaving it there – turning back around, and leaving Shepard wanting. It would be the most logical thing to do. She had said she wouldn’t do this again not too long ago…

But, on the other hand, the Commander had been being an ass, so now making her drool her brains out over one just seemed fitting.

“Oh yes,” the scientist grinned. “You definitely like. In fact, you can’t take your eyes off my beautiful behind, can you? Think of it as a gift of my genetically modified body – while you can still think, that is.” She gave her butt another bounce. “Don’t you think it’s just perfect?”

“Perfect…” Shepard sighed, her shoulders drooping as a small trail of drool started running from the corner of her mouth.

“That’s right.” Miranda was swaying her ass backwards and forwards now – and the redhead was following along with every motion like the good hypnotised buttslut she was. “The perfect pair of cheeks. So perfect. So incredibly perfect. Too perfect. Too perfect for you to think about anything else~”

By now, the great heroic saviour of the Citadel was slumped over, keep upright purely by her desire to stare at Miranda’s derriere. “Can’t… think…”

“But that’s alright. You don’t have to think. You don’t have to do anything. You can let your head go empty of everything but my perfect ass, and leave the hard decisions to me. All you have to do is get on your knees, ‘Please, Mistress Miranda, let me worship your perfect butt!’”

Shepard dropped so quickly she proved you didn’t need Eezo to reach light speed. “Please, Mistress Miranda, let me worship your perfect butt!”

The scientist smirked, finally standing upright and letting herself relax. Yes, the Commander was now well and truly under. My, and she was falling faster than ever – all these repeated exposures must have been having an effect.

“Very well,” she said, strutting around her desk and taking a seat in her chair. “I’ll allow you a little quality worship time – if you can earn it.” She slid her pants down and spread her legs, gesturing for the buttslut to get under her desk. Naturally, the hero of the galaxy wasted no time in doing just that, scampering on all fours and sliding under quickly. A moment later and an eager tongue was happily lapping away between Miranda’s legs, and all was right with the universe.

“Ahh…” She sighed contently. Yes, she really, really should stop doing this…

… Next time. She’d definitely manage to give it up next time. How many times could Shepard tempt her into using her little backdoor, really? She’d absolutely, positively never do this again.

… Not unless she really, really asked for it, anyway…


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