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Hey folks!

Writing away at the moment, so I won't delay, but have part 1 of a 2 part set! Y'know, Ghost in the Shell was one of the first anime I remember watching. Hopefully I've done it justice here!


How do you know that you exist? It seems like a simple enough question to answer. Surely, just by virtue of answering at all, you verify your realness. But… No, no, it’s not quite that easy. After all, are you the person that you think you are? Is your existence truly yours? Just what is a ‘You’, in the end?

Human memory isn’t exact, even with cybernetic enhancements. In fact, a typical memory is more of a story of a moment, a recording of a recollection, a transcription written in a mental book rather than a complete capturing of an actual event. Brains can be fooled. History can be rewritten. Can you ever truly be sure that the ‘you’ that you think you are didn’t simply come into existence a moment ago, a bunch of transcripted memories shoved into a convenient skull? And if so, do you think you could convince someone keen to prove otherwise?

“Thinking deep, Major?”

“Hm?” Motoko Kusanagi looked up. Beside her, stepping up on the street corner that she’d been lurking on, was one of the newer agents of Section 9. They’d had a few of those lately, and honestly, she hadn’t bothered to learn any of their names yet. If any of them lasted, maybe she’d make the effort. “I suppose.”

She’d been watching the results of Section 9’s latest investigation – a strip club that had been hacking women’s cyber brains and illegally modifying their bodies to use as strippers and whores. The results being numerous strippers being led away by the police, chest jiggling and legs strutting, still giggling and fawning over the officers at their sides.

It had been a nasty case, one that was made all the more tragic by the fact that, for the moment, they’d found no way to reverse the changes done to the victims. Oh, their bodies could be restored – at great expense – but their minds seemed to be permanently programmed. They’d been ordinary women, with none of the safeguards and defences an experienced cyber agent like Motoko and her ilk used. It seemed that there was no way back for them. The new ‘them’ was the only them left.

Hence her getting philosophic. It was a bad habit of hers, so what.

“Should be a real feather in our cap,” the new guy was saying, watching with her. “Cracking a big case like this. The higher-ups are going to be real happy.”

“Mmm.” The Major didn’t much care, but she knew there was some truth to the rookie’s words. Politics was, unfortunately, a major part of what Section 9 did. It wasn’t something she was ignorant of – even if she preferred to leave the heavy lifting to someone else. But there was something else troubling her about this case. “Any sign of the one behind all this?”

“Ah.” Yeah, that drew him up short. “Maybe. It’s hard to tell, sometimes, y’know? But I have to say, none of the assholes running the place that we arrested seemed like any master hackers I’ve ever met. The guy might have slipped through our fingers.” He sighed, rubbing his neck. “It’s a pity. But losing this place must have put a crater in their bank account, and the heat is on now. Someone’ll crack and give us a lead to follow. That guy can’t escape us for long.”

The purple haired cyborg was silent for a long moment – the wind blowing through her coat as she watched the last of the victims disappear into a police truck. “Let’s hope not. I’ve got a few words I’d like to share with a creep like him.”

She turned to leave. And unseen, in the shadows overhead, the security camera of a local shop swivelled to follow her go.


Months later…

Section 9 was a busy place these days, and the Major wasn’t sure she liked it. Perhaps it was her own fault for not wanting to waste her time getting to know people she wasn’t going to see very often, but there were an awful lot of faces she didn’t recognise roaming about the base like they belonged.

That was just how it was, though. The political game had demanded that the department take on a more ‘public’ role, which came with a bigger budget, but also more scrutiny. Which just meant that they had to be a bit more careful when it came to some of their more clandestine work, really, but it was still a pain in the ass.

Still, it had its benefits. That increased budget meant more gear, and for Motoko, it meant upgrades to her cybernetic body. Being a human brain inside a full-body robotic prosthesis meant that, in theory, there was no end to the number of improvements she could make to herself… Though in practice, there were very real limitations. Money and legality, primarily. And now, with a little more of the former available, and a healthy disrespect for the latter permanently installed, she figured it was time to add a few zeros to the total number of tons her arms could lift – for starters, at least. Some top speed enhancements wouldn’t go amiss either…

But naturally, she wasn’t going to trust any body doctor to work on her, even though that might be a practical option. Modifications aside, her body was a mass-produced model, one that had been very popular a few years ago – it wasn’t something you required specialised top-secret tech to tweak. (Though if you were unaware of all the security additions Motoko had made, you might end up getting electrocuted for your trouble.) For her personal needs, though, it was more comfortable – if not downright sensible – to let the department’s own cyber technician handle the upgrades.

Even that was asking for a lot of trust. Like so many at the department now, their tech was a newer hire, a face that Motoko was only passingly familiar with – but they’d been recruited thanks to the truly stellar skills they’d displayed, and their performance working for Section 9 had more than proven their worth.

Although that said…

“Hey there Major! What can I do for you today?” The pink haired ponytailed doctor, clad in a white lab coat over a pink crop top and blue denim jeans, waved to the cyborg cheerfully as she entered the room. She was leaning over the back of her roller-chair in her office, looking over her shoulder with her feet up on her desk, showing off a glittery pair of high-heels for anyone who cared to look.

… A certain level of skill tended to mean the higher-ups ignored a few eccentricities.

(Well, Motoko was the last person who could complain about that sort of thing.)

“Doctor Mattel. Do you have some free time? I’d like to discuss some potential modifications to my cybernetics.” The Major wasn’t one to fraternize without cause. People she was with out in the field were one thing, people back at the office another. Still, polite, professional courtesy was easy enough.

The good Doctor, however, was far more eager to socialise. “Of course! Nothing but free time for you, Major! … Except when I’m supposed to be doing stuff. Then I’m very busy. Absolutely no wasted work hours in this department!” She seemed to notice she was actually talking to a superior and hopped to her feet, dusting her desk. “Why don’t you take a seat, and we’ll see how your firmware is looking?”

“Sure thing.” Motoko nodded, stepping further into the office and taking a seat in one of the reinforced chairs designed specifically for people carrying a few extra tons of weight in their frame. Doctor Mattel soon rolled up behind her, sat in her own chair again, prepping a connector cable. “Everything should be up to date,” the purple haired cyborg continued, obligingly lifting said hair away from the ports on the back of her neck for easier access. “I make sure not to fall behind with these things.”

“Oh, sure sure,” the Doctor nodded, connecting the cable – Motoko felt a click as it linked in with her systems – and then zipped over to her computer. “But you know how these programmers are. Always tweaking their ones and zeros.” Her hands flew over her keyboard, and she let out a low whistle. “Wow! You are packing some serious hardware, boss! Are you sure you need upgrades? I’m pretty sure you could conquer a country with these kinds of mods.”

“A small one, maybe,” she allowed, trying not to smirk. It was always interesting to see an experts reaction to seeing what kind of tech her body was actually carrying. Her body looked standard in appearance, yes, but it was military spec in every other regard. Useful, for a stealth agent. “But it’s always good to stay on top of the tech tree. Is there nothing you think we can improve on?”

“Ha! Well now I didn’t say that.” The Doctor was already tying again. “I am an expert, after all. There’s all sorts of improvements I can make here. Hold on, let me- Eep!”

Her screen flashed red with warning signs – and Motoko raised an eyebrow, smirk still growing. “I’m afraid those systems are restricted. I don’t let just anyone dive that deep into me.” Her security was top notch. Even a Section 9 Doc wasn’t getting into her essentials without her permission.

“Understood.” Mattel nodded quickly. “Sorry if I overstepped my bounds. Okay, let me take a look at the secondary stuff…” Her ponytail flicked back and forth as she turned her head to look at various screens, fingers flashing as she cycled through multiple interfaces at once. “I’ll just run a quick scan…”

Motoko felt a slight mental twinge, a mild tingle in her brain as the Doctor’s program started sorting through her systems. It wasn’t uncomfortable, but it was a touch distracting – like something making a low-level noise nearby, perhaps.

“I find it helps to talk during these system dives. Let's me see the calibrations I need to make. Don't worry, it's just us girls in here~" The Doctor was practically whistling as she worked at her computer, and the Major rolled her eyes. Social types, always with the talking. Well, if it was supposed to help…

“Talk about what?” She lay back in her chair, balancing her arms on the armrests and angling her head so that the cable in her neck wouldn’t be disturbed. “Normally this kind of thing doesn’t take too long.”

Mattel chuckled. “Normally you’re not getting the full treatment by yours truly! But seriously, relax, I’ll be as quick as I can. How about we talk about… Oh, I don’t know. Any cute guys here in Section 9?”

Motoko raised an eyebrow. “That would be incredibly unprofessional to answer.”

“True.” Tap-tap-tap, fingers flew over keyboard keys. “How about cute girls?”

That got an amused snort. “I’m afraid most of the workforce here is male.”

“Ahh, more’s the pity.” The Doctor sighed theatrically. “Well at least there’s the two of us, right?”

The Major glanced towards her, carefully refraining from moving her head. “I don’t know there’s that many people who’d call me cute.” She went for a more seductive kind of look, honestly.

“Oh, I think you’d manage. I mean, you’re damn hot – knew that from the first moment I saw you.” The Doctor sipped at a can of some kind of energy drink, still focused on her monitors, and the Major squinted at her, uncertain. There was something odd about the way she’d said that… Ngh, but every time she tried to figure out what, that droning sensation from the scan would distract her, muddling her thoughts.

“Thanks… I think?” She put a finger to her head to steady herself for a moment. “Uh. I don’t know if that’s, um… If that’s okay to say though. Regulations and stuff, y’know?”

“Ah, no need to worry about those. It’s not like either of us are going to tell anyone, right?”

Motoko frowned. “But I’m, like, your superior and stuff, aren’t I?”

She sounded much less certain than she meant to. It was this strange buzzing in her head, the scan. The feeling was sort of like she had a headache, only without any of the pain. Just like a haziness and fuzz between her and her thoughts. It was a weird feeling, and it was making it kind of hard to… think.

The Doctor chuckled. “Well now that’s debatable.” She spun around and scooted her chair closer, examining the cyborg with her own eyes for a moment – and then continuing to talk before her patient could finish deciphering her last comment. “Anyway, there’s plenty of improvements I can start making here. I’ll just get started, shall I?”

“Huh?” Motoko frowned, puzzling that over, trying to think through the fluff that was filling her head. “So soon? But, like, I thought we’d have to plan and get, like, special parts in, yeah?”

“Oh, no need for that.” The Doctor giggled, flicking the officer on the nose fondly, to her utter shock. “I’ve known exactly what changes I’ve been wanting to make to you for a long time, Major.”

The cyborg’s frown deepened, both in surprise at the gesture, and at the strange words that her normally sharp mind was utterly failing to decode. “Um. But… Don’t you need to, like, ask me first?”

That got an outright laugh out of the pink haired woman. “Oh baby, please. I started your modifications the instant you sat down in my chair. If you had complaints, you really should have said something before now!”

What? What did that…?

Motoko looked down, her eyes widening. What the-?

“My-” Chest. Breasts. “-Tits!”

It was impossible to think of them as anything else, and not just because any other words for them had been deleted from her vocabulary. Her boobs were nothing to sneeze at normally – in fact, she showed them off regularly as a way of putting her opponents off guard, or just to get a rise out of people – but they’d never been this big! These babies were already the size of her head – and they were still growing!

“Oh, you finally noticed?” The Doctor didn’t sound too concerned. “Yeah, been pumping those babies up real nice. It’s amazing what you can do with root access to a cyborg and a few cannisters of nanites, right? Wait until you see what I’ve done to your ass~”

“My ass?” Confused, the Major tried to sit up and look down past the massive shelf that was her tits, but… “Huh? I can’t move!”

“Well of course not, silly!” Mattel smirked. “I can’t risk you disconnecting yourself before I’ve given you all your upgrades. Your motor control has been fully deactivated below the neck, and I’ve made sure your volume controls are stuck on low. It’s just going to be you and me, Motoko. Just like I’ve wanted ever since you busted my club all those months ago.”

A dark tone had crept into the woman’s voice, and there was something very off-putting about her stare all of a sudden. A certain intensity, a kind of predatory hunger that the Major was used to seeing in only the darkest of criminals.

All of this went over the purple haired woman’s head, though. Her mind was just too slow to follow any of it, and it seemed to be going slower by the second. It was like all of her thoughts were stuck in the mud during a rainstorm, and every moment the ground got wetter, and the mud sucked more and more of her intellect down into the dark…

“I saw you then, standing on that corner, all serious and gruff…” The Doctor was still going, watching the intelligence drain out of her captive’s eyes with glee. “And I knew I had to have you – I had to make you one of my obedient little bimbo dolls. I get my revenge, and I get the hottest damn sextoy in history. Perfect, no?”

“Uhh… Wait, like… No, that’s… Um…”

There was a manic look in the ‘Doctor’s eye, but there was little that the Major could do about it. Ordinarily she might have come up with something – a clever strategy, or a cunning plan, something to alert her co-workers to what was happening in this office. But that would require her wits to be at their sharpest, and her head to be empty of fluff, which just wasn’t the case. Even though she knew something bad was happening, she just couldn’t think.

“Don’t worry, Major.” Mattel slid out of her chair and swung a leg over Mokoto’s waist, straddling the cyborg and resting her hands on her still growing chest. “I’m not here to make you suffer. I like my girls happy and brainless. I think you’ve seen my handiwork, though by the look of you I doubt you remember. My Braindrain.exe can have that effect on ladies. But rest assured, you’ll be well taken care of as one of my pet sluts.” She leaned in, eyes shining with focus and drive – the complete opposite of the cyborg’s dazed and wandering gaze. “And I’ll never, ever, let anyone take you away from me, like you took my old girls.”

Something in the Major, a powerful force from deep within her ghost, refused to go quiet. With an incredible act of will, she focused her eyes into a piercing glare. “You won’t… get away with this!”

But the Doctor/Hacker wasn’t intimidated – in fact, the glare just seemed to thrill her. “Oh Motoko,” she said, leaning in close. “I already have. The moment I trigger it, my second program, Slut.exe, is going to install itself to your hard drive, use up all that new empty space in your braincase, and overwrite everything left of the old you. Then you’ll just be my happy, slutty, dumb little toy.” She grinned. “Can you guess what the trigger is?”

She didn’t give her a chance to guess. Immediately, Mattel pushed forward, locking her lips over the Major’s – and Motoko’s eyes widened as a digital storm unleashed itself inside her brain. Pink lightning was flashing through her mind, erasing concepts and corrupting dreams – and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

Mattel set me up! [Delete]

Mistress, like, totally tricked me~!

She’s a monster that has to be stopped! [Delete]

She’s so totally awesome and I love her to death~!

I’ll never- N-never- Ne-!!! [Delete]

I’ll always love and obey her forever and ever~!

Identity and will flowed out of her in a whirlpool of pleasure, deleted with little zaps of pink and replaced by pleasantly submissive thoughts of awe and delight. The very idea of Doctor Mattel as anything other than her perfect mistress was destroyed – along with a great many other ideas that the cyborg had found useful for her previous life as an independent woman. Where Braindrain.exe had gummed up the works, Slut.exe erased everything that wasn’t needed for a simple bimbo doll – and installed everything else that was.

Obedience and servitude were hard coded into the purple haired woman, engraved into her soul. In a stream of ones and zeroes she learned all about how to show off her body, how to strut her stuff and shake her booty, and how to pleasure her Mistress on long, cold nights. The program shaped her, body and soul, into the perfect sex doll, and she was helpless to resist.

And by the time it was done, she had no idea why she ever would.

Mattel took her time with the kiss, enjoying every second, delighting in the way her captive’s body jolted and rocked beneath her as its core processors were repurposed. She could practically taste the woman’s moans as her mind was resculpted. And when the cyborg rocked one last time, her hips thrusting as a powerful orgasm flushed out every last part of the old her, and sealed her new self in, she breathed a sigh of triumph, finally releasing her lips.

“Well, Slave? How do you feel?”

“Like, totally amazing, Mistress!” Motoko giggled, perky as can be. “You totally defeated me in a snap, and now I’m your loyal bimbo doll!”

The Doctor smiled. “That’s right, babe.” She gave her new slave’s magnificent tits – now finally set at three times the size of the good Major’s head – a firm squeeze, delighting in the cyborg’s lusty moan, before sliding off of the woman’s waist and re-enabling her motor control. “Why don’t you stand up and show me what I’ve won.”

Motoko didn’t hesitate to obey – wasn’t even capable of the idea – and quickly jumped to her feet, folding her hands behind her neck and preening with a wide smile… Before gaping at the sudden heft she felt in her hips. “Oh my god, my butt is like, super huge now! That’s super cool~”

Indeed, just as promised, her ass had swelled out just like her boobs, turning the formerly lithe cyber agent into an hourglass shaped heavyweight. Her hips would probably destroy a decent size truck if she turned a corner too fast by a parking bay. By this point, her catsuit looked like a very ill-designed bikini, more a thong and a string than a respectable Agent’s outfit. It made for a very jiggly giggly bimbo – just the way that her Mistress liked them.

“Perfect,” the Hacker sighed, before grinning and slapping her new slut on her expanded behind. “Now turn on that neat little optical camouflage trick of yours, and we can walk out of here. I’ve already hacked all the cameras – your bosses aren’t even going to know you visited my office today~”

Motoko giggled happily, before pausing, putting a finger to her lips in ‘deep’ thought. “Uh. Like, my optiyo whato-flage? What’s that?”

“Ah.” Right. Just how dumb had she made this woman? Oh, she couldn’t wait to find out. “Never mind. I’ll do it myself.” She pulled out a tablet that remained hooked into the Major’s wifi signal, and typed a few commands. In a shimmer of illusionary light, the cyborg vanished.

“Woah, where’d I go?”

“To a new life, Motoko.” The Hacker giggled, leading her prize out of the office. “A better one. You won’t be back. I’ll make sure of it.”

“Cool~” An airy giggle floated through the room, seemingly coming from nothing but the air itself. And then it vanished, just like the air headed doll that had once been one of the greatest covert agents in the world, and the Hacker who even now was planning all the ways she could enjoy her new toy once she got home.

But would the Hacker’s confidence have been quite so certain if she’d known that, even now, a collection of hidden programs in the Major’s cyberbrain were activating and going to work, slowly beginning the monumental task of rebuilding the mind of Motoko Kusanagi? That, just perhaps, the Major of Section 9 was not quite so easy to defeat as she believed?

Possibly. But it seemed rather doubtful. In the end, only time would tell how that question would be answered…


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