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Hey folks! Hope all is well out there.

Phew! I really wasn't sure this one was going to happen - at least, not on time. For some reason RL is enjoying scheduling big interruptions to my writing like, once a month at this point. I even had a backup planned in case I couldn't get everything finished by now.

But, fortunately, I made it, and hopefully all the pieces are enjoyable. Take a read and have fun, folks! I'll see you next week with more ^^


Request: So for this month I wanna do a follow-up to the Clairspray story, this time her friend Janet gets the jersey girl treatment. Wanna keep the same type of TF for it, but give her a new outfit and fully blonde hair, if cool if you wanna make any other little changes to her appearance for the TF that's cool too. Also have Care-Care be the one who causes the TF and pushes her down the jersey girl path throughout.

“Ain’t no damn way we’re stoppin’ now!” Care-care Hawkins folded her arms underneath her impressive chest and glared at the production assistant sweating in front of her. Say what you like about the trampy ho, but she had an intimidating presence when she wanted to. “I ain’t puttin’ on all this makeup and shit just to have you tell me now we ain’t shootin’ today!”

“Sorry, Miss Hawkins,” the assistant stammered. “We’d love to shoot, but one of your co-stars had to drop out unexpectedly, and without her we’re one short for this scene…”

The dark-haired woman snorted. “I knew that skank was gunna be trouble. Bitch thought she was too good to be partyin’ with us. Dunno why she was even on Party Lakehouse in the firs’ place.” Her tongue clicked. “But whateva. So you sayin’ we can shoot like normal if I just find some other ho to fill her place? Chill, I can find a bitch like that.” She snapped her fingers smugly.

“Um…” The assistant adjusted his collar. “W-well, maybe. But you’ll have to be quick about it…”

“Baby, I know you ain’t tellin’ me what to do,” Care-care sneered as she pulled her phone out from between her breasts. “How ‘bout you just stay quiet and lemme handle your problem? Ain’t the first time I’ve said that to a man neither.”

“Uh… Yes Miss Hawkins.”

“Damn straight.” The tanned woman thumbed in a number and put her phone up to her ear, listening to it ring. “You just remember that- Oh, hey baby! It’s Care-care, how you doin’? Listen girl, I need a favour. Just you drive on down to the studio an’ I’ll fill you in, yeah? Cool, I’ll see you in a hot minute.”

She snapped the phone shut and gave the assistant a smug look. “There, didn’t I say I got it handled? Why don’t you go scoot and get me a drink. I’mma be busy for a bit. That girl gunna need all the makeup I got to get her presentable…”

Janet stared at her phone like it had just tried to bite her. Who… Who had that strange woman been? The number had been Claire’s, but… There was no way that was actually her friend, was it? She sounded nothing like her! Or, well… They sounded kind of similar, but Claire would never actually talk like that. Let alone call herself ‘Care-care’. Not unless she was being forced to or something.

The pigtail wearing brunette paused at that thought. Was… Was Claire in trouble? Had that been some kind of coded message she was sending to ask for help? It was honestly the only scenario she could think of that’d make her friend act that way. And she’d asked that Janet head down to the studio… Tch. Well the least she could do was check it all out, right?

It wasn’t a long drive, either. The studio was only five minutes from her home, so she was there before she knew it, sticking her head out of the car window to take a look around. And… everything looked perfectly normal! No sign of any trouble – or of Claire, for that matter. So why…?

“Hey baby! I knew you wouldn’t let me down!” Suddenly there was someone else in her car, yanking the side door open and sliding into the passenger seat. “Now hold still, we gotta do somethin’ about your looks before a camera sees ya’.”

“Huh?” She turned in shock, already grabbing for something to use as a weapon. Was this a car jacking? Well this woman was about to find out that-


An oily liquid was blasted directly into her face and hair, cutting off her thought and her attempted self-defence with a splutter. “What the fuck?!”

“Hey, no complaining, I got a lotta work to do,” the woman with blonde streaks said as she leaned over, already tossing the hairspray can aside and working the oil into Janet’s hair. “Like girl, why you still wearin’ these pigtails?” Nimble fingers plucked her hair-ties out with a flick. “You ain’t five, baby.”

“Wha- I- You…” Janet stammered, a little overwhelmed by the woman’s bizarre forwardness. But it was more than just that. There was a funny feeling in her head, like that oil was soaking into her brain. Suddenly her thoughts were all slippery and kept squeaking out of her grip, leaving her eyes to start fluttering, and her jaw to go slack.

“That’s it. Just let Care-care work her magic.” The tanned woman was already massaging her friend’s scalp, mussing up her rather short hair and adding some volume to it. She didn’t seem to care about the way the spray was apparently bleaching the colour under her hands away, leaving the woman blonde right down to her roots, or the way the woman’s hair was growing longer, right down to her ass…

But magic was the right word – because it wasn’t just Care-care working on Janet’s style. More changes were seeping into her, dripping down her neck with the oil and flowing out to the rest of her body. Her skin was steadily taking on a darker, more tanned shade – and while the former Claire was occupied with her hair, a lot of other stuff was going on.

Her outfit, for example. She’d dressed in a sensible blue shirt and brown skirt today – or so she’d thought. But she must have been wrong, because as the spray settled over her, that blue shirt was transforming into a black jacket, one that hung open over her chest to reveal a white t-shirt underneath. Her skirt, too, was changing – the blue colour from her former shirt leaching down into it as its fabric turned to tight leather wrapped hard around her hips.

“And these just totally cramp your style…” Care-care muttered, sliding Janet’s glasses off of her face and tossing them away – both women completely forgetting they existed a moment later.

By the time her (formerly sensible) shoes were done turning into a pair of high heeled black knee-highs, she looked like a completely different person – but the magic wasn’t done. Her appearance was different, sure – but there were still a few tweaks to her body it could make.

Her chest, for example. Janet had never been entirely happy with her figure, quietly nursing a small amount of envy towards women with bigger bosoms. But happily, that would no longer be a concern! Not with the way her tits were swelling out, filling up her white t-shirt nicely until it was stretched to almost the point of transparency. Her skirt had a similar stretching as her ass plumped and gained some heft. No one was going to be missing her on the dancefloor with curves like this.

As a final touch, some jewelery appeared all around her body – golden hooped ear piercings, a golden heart navel piercing, and some dangly jangly bracelets – coupled with makeup applying itself to her face under Care-care’s watchful guidance, puffing up her lips and shadowing her eyes. And, last but not least, her car was hit too – shimmering for a moment, before her practical blue Ford was replaced by a pink convertible.

The change was complete – and as a dim light came back to her fluttering eyes, it was clear that it hadn’t just been a physical affair.

“Ey!” The new blonde swatted her friend away from her. “You dumb bitch, get your nasty hands away from my hair!”

“Awh, don’t be like that Jay-ho!” The name slotted into both of their brains, ‘Janet’ becoming little more than a dim memory. It fit her – the new her. Partially an inspiration by a musical idol, and partially… Well, admission that she was kind of a slut. “I just needed to get you ready for the big show.”

“Eh?” The blonde paused, squinting at her bestie suspiciously. “What show?”

Care-care grinned. “’S called Party Lakehouse – it’s one of them dumb reality shows they’re puttin’ on. They invited me, and then they needed another ho to fill everythin’ out.”

Jay pursed her lips, still uncertain. “What’ll they want me t’do?”

“Drink, party, and find some cute hunks to fuck~”

Ding! The girls eyes lit up. “Oh I am in!”

“I knew you would be baby!” The two high-fived – and then Care-care hoisted herself out of Jay’s car. “C’mon, I’ll show you ‘round. You’re gunna love this place.”

“Yeah?” Jay-ho got out as well, locking the door behind her and strutting to follow after her bestie. “Well just you remember you invited me. I don’t wany you getting’ jelly when I get all the good dick.”

“As if, girlfriend!”

“You just watch me bitch!”

And thus the two went on, making their way into the studio – another tramp eager to step into the limelight, and another victim of that magical hairspray. At the very least, she’d probably get her wish. Because as long as Care-care was on the case, there was no way their show was going to run out of sluts any time soon…


Request: A third part to the Chihiro Danganronpa series where having two bimbofied slaves under his control unlocks a hidden desire within him and he starts to bimbofy the other girls in his class, starting with Kiyoko so she doesn' figure out what's going on, turning her from the Ultimate Detective to the Ultimate Airhead in the process.

Chihiro Fujisaki was having a strange day. First, he’d discovered, much to his horror, a hidden virus type program lurking in the security systems of Hope’s Peak Academy, designed to subvert both the school’s computer network, and the systems of important systems around the globe. Y’know, the ones designed to shoot missiles all over the place. Those important systems.

Then, his efforts to uncover the mastermind behind this fiendish plot, and to put a stop to them for good, had, almost by accident, delivered one hypnotized Junko Enoshima right into his lap. Or, well, not literally right into his lap, although she certainly seemed eager to make that trip. His hasty experiments with a subliminal laden spiral had rewritten the evil genius in both body and mind, until she was nothing more than a dumb bimbo sex toy, and proud of it.

Which had swiftly led to some refinements to his hypnotic code, in order to also ensnare her sister, Mukuro Ikusaba, as well. The pair had apparently been operating as the Ultimate Despair from right within the school! But now, thanks to Chihiro, Junko and Mukuro were both much happier as the Ultimate Bimbo, and the Ultimate Cocksucker, respectively – a pair of dumb busty bimbos eager to lavish their slutty attention on the Master who had enslaved them.

And then, of course, the fourth unexpected event of the day – the twins sauntering back to Chihiro’s dorm room (quickly, their Master wanting them hidden away before anyone else could see them) and then doing what came naturally. Namely, the seduction and pleasure of one Master Chihiro Fujisaki! Mukuro had won the race to diving head first under his skirt, living up to her new title with gusto, while Junko had settled for smooshing the Ultimate Programmer between her Ultimate Tits – and from there, well, things had quickly gotten out of hand.

Now, a few hours later, with a thoroughly exhausted pair of busty bimbo babes lying on either side of him, dopey smiles on their faces as they snoozed, Chihiro finally had some time to himself. He had some time to think, and reflect, and really absorb the events of the day, to properly consider his actions across it. And as he did so, there was one crystal clear fact that he just couldn’t avoid, an absolute truth he couldn’t deny.

He really liked bimbos. Really, really liked them. Like, holy crap, this was amazing! Today couldn’t have turned out any better!

And with that revelation came others. There was no way he could give these girls up now, he knew. And he certainly couldn’t let them be turned back. They were evil, after all…

But it was certain that no one else was going to agree with what had happened. Even though he’d saved the world, no one was going to allow him to keep the twins as a reward, that just wasn’t going to fly. They’d be taken away from him, and probably arrested or something. That wasn’t something he could allow. No, he absolutely couldn’t allow that…

There was something few suspected about Chihiro Fujisaki. No, not the gender thing, that wasn’t the focus here. The real surprise that Chihiro carried was that he was much, much stronger than most people gave him credit for – least of all himself. When he was set on a task, when he had chosen his path, his determination and inner power were off the charts.

In some timelines, this’d be a crucial element that helped him to grow as a person, to overcome his shortcomings and legitimately work to become a better human being. In this one… Not really ‘better’, no, not so much. But definitely more confident, that was a thing.

Sitting up in bed, the master programmer took another look at his adoring sex slaves. Yes, if he was going to keep them, then there were some things he was going to have to do. Some people he’d have to ‘convince’. And fortunately, he had exactly the tool he needed to do that…

Slipping out from between the sheets, Chihiro stepped over to his personal PC, and got to work.

Kyoko Kirigiri didn’t boast about being the Ultimate Detective – honestly, she was breaking the rules of her clan just by admitting her title – but it informed pretty much every action she took none the less. No meal in the dining hall was complete without her analysing all of her schoolmates, no trip through the halls was finished until she’d worked out the routes of everyone who’d moved through them that day… Keeping her skills sharp required constant effort, but it was effort she was content to put in. The purple haired girl had always been something of a workaholic, so it suited her to have something to do at all times. That was one of the reasons she found it impossible to ignore a good mystery.

And there was one brewing in the school right now, she was sure of it. No, not the signs of something sinister that had been gathering around Hope’s Peak for a while now – again, this just isn’t that story! – but rather something odd between her classmates. She’d noticed it as she was returning to her room from her morning walk around campus (Okay, walk + information gathering exercise). Nothing big, but there were signs that someone had been stumbling around across the dorm landing during the night…

Hm. Now that was odd. Who would be doing that? The only people who had access to the dorms were the students and the school staff – and as far as she knew, none of them had any reason to be wandering about at night. There had been no signs of blossoming romance or secret trysts, no smirking conspiracies or promises of overnight gaming fiestas scheduled for last night… And yes, she was quite certain of that – she had a chart in her room tracking all of those! As if a detective of her calibre would overlook anything like that.

And yet, here were the signs, clear as day – as long as you were observant enough to see them…

It was an unexpected mystery – and thus, it immediately had Kyoko’s attention. It really wasn’t in her nature to ignore something like that. But what could it mean? The trail led from Junko’s room to the boy’s dorms on the next floor – an area that the curious detective couldn’t just barge into unannounced without drawing more attention than it was worth. Just who could the Ultimate Fashionista have been visiting…?

That was what she was pondering as she returned to her own room, already eyeing her chart to see if she’d forgotten something. But before she could make any major discoveries, her phone beeped – an incoming message.

Still distracted with her new case, Kyoko barely glanced at it, only sparing her screen the briefest flicker of a glance – but then the name of the person texting her rang in her head.

A message from Junko, of all people? Huh. She raised an eyebrow. For the Ultimate Fashionista to be contacting her… Could it be that she realised that the dorm detective would rumble her nigh instantly? If so, that was pretty impressive foresight on her behalf. Heh, the girl had probably sent her a text begging her not to let anyone on staff know about her nocturnal dalliance… Well, that was fine. Kyoko was a detective, not a narc.

Grinning, she opened the message – only to blink in surprise as a pink spiral suddenly filled her screen.

[Think you can solve this Mystery, Detective?] Read black text floating in the middle of the image, before each letter fell into the spiral behind it and vanished. Pink light pulsed, thrumming with a uncomfortable flicker as the whole thing swirled.

What… What was this? Some kind of coded message? Was Junko trolling her? And what did that bit at the start mean? What Mystery? This was just a weird swirling graphic that kind of made her head spin just to look at it. There wasn’t any mystery here…

Wait… No, there was something there. Something amidst the colours and the flashing lights. Appearing on the screen for just a moment at a time before vanishing. If she concentrated, if she really stared deep into the spiral, she could just about make it out…

[You Are]

Words! Yes, there, if she really concentrated, she could see them. And there was more – if she just looked harder… If she just poured all of her focus into the spiral…

Her eyes were starting to water, but she didn’t blink. Couldn’t. She’d lost the ability to look away, lost the ability to even consider it. Her own drive to reach the truth, coupled with the soft seduction of the spiral, pulled her gaze deeper than any anchor. She needed to reach the centre, needed to find the secret inside, needed to understand the truth within…

And that truth was already sparkling before her eyes, shining deep into the depths of her soul.

[The Ultimate Airhead]

Her jaw hung slack. Her eyes were filled with reflected spirals. In her mind, a strange scene began to play, warped by the subliminals pumping into her brain…

The stage was set. The clues had been collected. The suspects gathered. The crime unmasked. All that remained was that most critical of detective arts: The summation.

Swirling pink light shining in through every window, the great detective Kyoko Kirigiri stood at the head of the room, eyeing all of the various suspects arrayed before her – shadowy figures that looked suspiciously like silhouettes of her classmates. She’d chosen the school library for this, the traditional place for startling revelations. “You may be wondering why I’ve gathered you all here tonight…”

“For, like, a totally super-hot orgy?” Asked a pigtailed silhouette on the couch who, for some reason, had a much larger chest than the last time Kyoko had seen her real-life counterpart.

“What? No.” The purple haired sleuth rolled her eyes and brushed her hair back, a little flustered. “We’re here to discuss the case of the Ultimate Airhead!” She flipped over a blackboard she’d prepared specially for this occasion, revealing ‘Ultimate Airhead’ in big, purple, underlined letters to a series of gaps around the room.

“Yes, someone here, in this very room, is the infamous dunce - the stupidest person on the continent, no, perhaps in the whole wide world! Incapable of putting two and two together even with a calculator, they are the definition of dumb – a woman with no smarts whatsoever!”

A wave of curious whispers and quiet mutterings circled through the crowd, before the proud detective raised her hand again, an amused grin on her face.

“Legends say that if you listen at her ear, you can hear the sound of the ocean… I guess we’ll just have to test that with you!” She pointed dramatically. “Junko Enoshima!”


“Eh?” Kyoko blinked.

The busty Junko shade giggled, rising to her feet and skipping up to the front. “I said you’re wrong! I’m not the Ultimate Airhead. I might be dumb, but I’m not that dumb~”

“What?” The Ultimate Detective fumbled. “But- But I was so sure…”

“Welp, you were wrong!” The shadow fashionista put her arm around Kyoko, laying a head on her shoulder. “Try again~”

“O-oh, um… Right.” Steeling herself, the purple haired snoop took a breath. “If not you, then obviously… The Ultimate Airhead must be you – Mukuro Ikusaba!”

“Huh?” The normally taciturn shade of the Ultimate Soldier – who also looked strangely busty, now that she stood up – shook her head. “Oh, like, no way! I’m totally smarter than that slut~”

“But… But that’s not…” Kyoko stammered, licking her lips nervously. Something was wrong here, but for some reason she couldn’t work out what. It was just so difficult to think all of a sudden…

“Don’t worry about it, ‘Yoko~” Mukuro’s shade strutted up to the front with a grin, shaking her hips with every step. “You, like, did super good, considering!”

“The Ultimate Airhead is totally in this room!” The Junko shade nodded at her side as the Mukuro one joined her, leaning on her other shoulder. “But she’s not me~”

“Or me!” A pair of very busty chests were nestling against the detective’s sides.

Kyoko swallowed. Something was wrong… But she needed to find the truth. “Then… Who…?”

A pair of airy giggles danced around her ears. “C’mon Master, show her~”

Master? The detective blinked again as Chihiro’s shade rose up from the crowd, walking forward and pulling out… A hand-mirror?

Kyoko stared into her own reflection, confused. “What?”

“Awh, isn’t she so cute when she comes over all dumb, sis?” Junko leaned around behind her to grin at Mukuro.

Her twin – they were twins? How did she know – matched her expression eagerly. “That’s like all the time, sis!”

“C’mon, let’s help her out.”


The pair nodded to each other – and then, as one, leaned up, put their lips against Kyoko’s ears, and began to blow. Instantly the detective’s eyes started to flutter as she felt an incredible warm, wet sensation flood into her head – like warm air rushing in to puff up her thoughts. It was… strangely pleasant…

“That’s not… like… I… Oooohhhh…” She moaned, her mouth dropping open and starting to drool as air filled her up. The twins must have had lungs the size of their tits, because they just didn’t run out of blow, pumping more and more into her steadily inflating brain, stretching her mind wider and wider. And the bigger it got, the more distance her thoughts had to travel, so the slower her brain became…

When it was too much for her head, the air flowed to other places. Her tits were soon inflating too, stretching her shirt tight before completely ripping through it, sending buttons bouncing everywhere as her now beachball sized boobs jiggled proudly for the shadowy audience. Her ass, naturally, plumped up too, making her skirt ride high on her curvaceous frame.

But soon, there was nowhere left for the air to go – and more was still flooding in from two very plump, soft sets of lips. Her mind swelled bigger and bigger, squeaking against the edge of her braincase, strained to almost bursting point. And then…

“This isn’t… Like… I’m totally not…” Kyoko giggled, her lips quirking up in a stupid smile as her eyes crossed. “This is super fun, but… I’m totally not d… I’m not d… I’m, like, super not du-”


“Duuuuuuhhhhhh…” The great detective slumped as her eyes turned into totally pink spirals, drool pouring from her lips and onto her titanic tits. And as the two shadows at her side finally released her, giggling at each other over the top of her empty head, even Kyoko had to admit that the moronic slut in the mirror was definitely the Ultimate Airhead~

Back in the real world, Kyoko’s phone snapped shut, dispelling the spiral – and suddenly, the purple haired girl felt awareness flood back in. Specifically, awareness of the hand in her pants.

“Oooh~!” She moaned, doing little about the fingers rubbing at her except spreading her legs a little wider. “That feels, like, super nice~ Oh, and my titties got bigger! Awesome!” She only really noticed because of the black-haired girl currently sucking on them, but still!

“Yeah~” At her side, busty bimbo with a hand up her skirt, Junko, grinned at the girl she’d been sent to collect. “Master’s spiral is, like, totally the best. It makes brains small and boobs big! What more could a bimbo want?”

The ditzified detective recognised she was being asked a question, putting a finger to her cheek and pondering. “Uh. I dunno? Oooh, that feels like, super good tho~”

The Ultimate Bimbo leaned in, her breath hot against Kyoko’s ear. “Just wait until you get Master’s dick in you~”

“!!!” The formerly stoic idea gasped in delight at the idea, juices gushing over Junko’s fingers as she came from the very thought alone – and squirting out any last remnants of the Ultimate Detective as she did so.

Master’s dick… Now that was one mystery she couldn’t wait to solve – and was probably the only kind of sleuthing she was capable of anymore. The Ultimate Airhead had fully joined the bimbo collection.

But now that things had come this far, there was no chance she’d be the last to do so…


Request: Persona 5 - Ann, Makoto,and Haru stumble across a strange set of jewelry in the Metaverse. Upon donning them, the four are transformed from mere phantom thieves to magical heroines of love and Justice determined to punish anyone who dares try to steal hearts. Even if their own hearts have already been stolen by the handsome rogue known as Joker.

The metaverse was a dangerous place. Diving into the physical manifestation of the human collective unconscious, a realm filled with a chaotic assortment of monsters and all kinds of magic was always going to be a risky proposition, even if you had a monster and magic of your own. The Phantom Thieves were well acquainted with the risks by this point. But even they could be surprised from time to time…

“This one is weird,” Panther muttered, standing at the entrance gate and looking out over a realm of bright colours and thick black lines, a palace designed to look like a city straight out of an anime. The effect was like stepping into a cartoon version of Tokyo, complete with poorly animated crowds and flat looking characters. “Maybe we should just leave it for the boys to check out.”

“No way. We’ll be hearing Fox critiquing the art style of this guy’s imagination for weeks.” Queen shook her head with a grin, already advancing in. “Come on, we’re just scouting today. We’ll see how deep we can go, and at the first sign of real resistance we’ll retreat. We’ve got a month to find the treasure.”

Noir followed, adjusting her hat as she peered down the city streets towards the far horizon. In the distance, a very brightly lit Toyko Tower climbed into the sky, lined with search lights and unusually sturdy looking security systems. “Well I think I can already guess where it’s hidden…”

“Fair. But we have to find a route in first anyway.” The three nodded to each other, and started in.

Once they were past the first street, the palace started to take on a more familiar shape – a lot of the roads and alleyways leading into room-like squares and passages patrolled by blank faced anime police officer shadows. They were easy to slip past, and the lady thieves didn’t have to worry about getting into any fights as they explored. Honestly, this entire palace felt very poorly defended. They weren’t going to have any trouble stealing this heart.

So, none of the thieves were really on their guard when they stumbled across the chest. It looked just like the dozens of others they’d seen since they’d started exploring the metaverse, the kind that usually contained useful equipment or items. There wasn’t even a lock on it, so opening it up wouldn’t require a lockpick. What could there be to worry about? They didn’t think twice about opening it. And within…

“Huh. Jewellery?” Panther lifted a pair of golden earings out of the box, holding them up to the light.

“And multiple pieces, too,” Queen added, pulling out a thin golden chain necklace. “They don’t seem to be a set.”

Noir peered at a pair of golden bracelets closely. “These stat boosts are incredible. I didn’t realise that the items in this palace would be so powerful. We’ll have to let the boys know about this.”

“We will,” Panther agreed – already clipping the earrings on. “But finders keepers.”

Queen was suspicious. “I don’t know. This seems a little too easy…”

“Oh, what’s the worst that could happen?” The blonde thief asked, flipping her hair back into place. “It’s just a little jewellery.”

At her side, Noir nodded, adjusting her new bracelets to try to make them work with her outfit. They didn’t clash hideously or anything, but they didn’t go great with her Zorro look either…

The group strategist sighed, acknowledging their point. “Fine,” she said, slipping the necklace over her head. “I’m probably just worrying over nothing. Come on, let’s investigate the next areEEAahh?!”

Her voice hitched suddenly as her necklace began to glow, and without warning a strange current zapped through her body, forcing her to stand upright, back straight. Beside her, she could see Panther and Noir doing the same, a golden energy crackling around them.

“Wh-What’s – happen’ng?” Noir managed to ask between gritted teeth.

“Don’t. Know!” Queen gasped, trying to mimic her. “Gotta. Get. These. Things… Off!”

Which was easier said than done (and saying it wasn’t easy). Their muscles just wouldn’t move as the glow grew stronger and stronger, light starting to shine so bright that it filled the alleyway… Until suddenly, all three of them snapped up straight and found themselves shouting a single phrase in unison!

“Magical Star Princess Guardian – Henshin!”

Power exploded around them, the anime-styled palace vanishing completely as the trio were enveloped in a world filled with distant stars and stock footage. The three found themselves helpless, carried and twirled around by the golden magic emanating from their new jewellery and wrapping around them.

Panther tried to yell as she was carried off, but before she could cry more than a single syllable, whatever power had grasped them began to spin her in place. The blonde found herself twirling like a ballerina, her leg kicking out and her arms posing over her head – before, even more alarmingly, her clothes, her phantom thief outfit, disintegrated into pink dust around her, leaving a naked and panicked Ann Tamaki twisting in the air.

Fortunately, she wasn’t left nude for long. The pink dust swirled around her, turning a glittering gold, before swarming back in around her, forming new clothes as the cloud moved up her body. Pink and white high heels materialised around her feet, then a pink mini-skirt coalesced around her hips, and a white top with pink lining formed around her chest (leaving her belly totally bare). The final touches were a pair of pink ribbons tying themselves around her pigtails, and a thin golden tiara settling over her head.

Something changed when the tiara touched her brow, though. All of a sudden, the panic in her eyes vanished – replaced by a faint pink glow around her irises. A giddy, proud smile grew on her lips, and the blonde struck a pose. Her earrings glittered.

“Pretty Star Guardian Kitten, Ready!”

‘What the hell?!’ But before Queen could force her disobedient jaw to ask if her friend was okay, Noir was ripped from her side, sent spinning just like Panther had been. She, too, had her outfit dissolve away, revealing a red cheeked Haru Okumura clad in just a pair of golden bracelets.

The process continued much the same for her as it did for Ann – high-heels, miniskirt, a fluffy top all stitching themselves into existence around her. The main difference seemed to be that hers were coloured a darker shade of red instead of pink. The ribbons in her hair were a little different too, flowing freely behind her rather than tying up her style. But she received the same golden crown on her head – her eyes taking the same dull glaze behind their sudden red glow.

“Pretty Star Guardian Rouge, Ready!”

And then it was Queen’s turn. She knew what to expect, but she still couldn’t help but feel dizzy as she found herself spun up into the air – nor could she fight the embarrassed blush in her cheeks as her armoured bodysuit burst around her like confetti. Makoto Niijima was a hardy girl, but this one was a bit much, even for her.

She felt more than saw her new high-heels squeeze around her feet, felt the ruffling of her new skirt, and despite herself she felt a twitch of relief when her new top covered her chest, ending the nudity portion of the ride. Her colour, she observed, was a dark midnight blue – and presumably that was the colour of the ribbon that tied itself around her neck as her transformation finalised.

What really worried her was the crown though. Ann and Haru had both started acting differently when theirs had been put on them, and she expected the same to happen to her. She could already feel it starting to slide on over her hair. She’d just have to do her best to resist it, and hopefully break free when-

But she didn’t have the chance. The interest that the shining gold tiara settled on her head, her mind just went silent. The thoughts she’d been mid-way through stopped dead, unfinished. A thick empty glaze settled over her eyes, soon followed by a blue glow around her irises. Her necklace felt warm against her chest.

Then her lips quirked up into a smile. “Pretty Star Guardian Princess, Ready!”

Suddenly, everything that had seemed so very important a moment ago… didn’t, anymore! No, why should she care about these strange pieces of jewellery, or about the Palace’s treasure, or any of that? She had a far more important duty than any of that silly stuff!

She was Pretty Star Guardian Princess, the sworn protector of love and justice, the defender of Neo Anime Tokyo City! What had she been thinking, acting like some kind of sinister Phantom Thief? How unlike her – it was her job to punish those who’d steal the hearts of others!

She struck a pose, Kitten and Rouge doing the same on either side of her, and with a flash the anime world snapped back into place around them. “Pretty Star Go!”

“Phew. Great work girls!” Princess giggled, flipping her scarf back. “That transformation sequence was perfect!”

“Thanks~” Panther adjusted her skirt. “I’ve been working on those kicks all week.”

“We’ll definitely put the fear of good into any evil thieves sneaking around our fair city!” Rouge cheered, drawing a pleased nod from the other two magical girls.

“Definitely. Even that devilishly handsome rogue Joker will have to cower before our magical star might now~”

Kitten purred eagerly. “Ohh, I hope so – I like my men dark and spineless~”

“Mmm, I hope he shows more backbone.” Rouge sighed, stroking her magical baseball bat wistfully. “He’s no good if he can’t take a beating.”

Princess just rolled her eyes. “Girls, girls. Remember! Joker is a Phantom Thief. We have to defeat him to save Neo Anime Tokyo! We can’t just sit around fantasising about what a dreamy stud he is. Although if he asks for a date and swears off all his evil ways, that might be different…”

The three sighed happily, lost in thought for a moment.

Finally, their leader shook her head, snapping out of her daze. “Anyway! Come on girls – we have a city to patrol! You never know when those dastardly thieves might try to break in!”

The trio nodded together. “Pretty Star – Blast Off!”

And with that, the three bounded up onto the rooftops, their miniskirts fluttering in the wind, and spread out into the city that was now their home. And behind them, forgotten and unnoticed, three familiar masks lay on the alleyway floor – a warning of what might happen to any other phantom thieves who tried to infiltrate Neo Anime Tokyo City.

If the Pretty Star Guardians didn’t catch them first, that is…


Request: Picking up right from where we left off our new mystery visitor entering the shrine. It’s revealed to be a delinquent looking for a place to hide after performing a robbery. The kitsune spirit transforms the poor fool into a perfect vessel just like the tanuki did. The reborn Yokai decide to consummate their rebirth with hot girl-on-dickgirl sex. They also begin discussing restoring the shrine with the thief’s bag full of stolen jewelry.

Jin Nakamura was not the kind of man any decent person wanted to know, and he liked it that way. No one had ever done him any favours as far as he was concerned, and thus he felt no need to do any for anyone else. The only way you got ahead in life was when you took what you wanted, and made sure that anyone who got in your way learned not to make that kind of mistake a second time.

Of course, despite such a grandiose sounding philosophy, Jin was little more than a small-time crook. Even his dark leather jacket was stolen goods, ‘shoplifted’ out of the store when the security guard had been too nervous to actually threaten him. He was a big guy, after all, and he made sure everyone felt nervous around him. Kept them from getting ideas. Kept them from making a fuss.

The addition of a baseball bat to his repertoire had made knocking over that jewellery place the easiest thing in the world. A little yelling, some glass case smashing, and everyone had just been so happy to hand over everything they’d had on display, plus the cash in the register. See? He wanted it, so he took it. And anyone who got in the way got dealt with. Those were the rules of nature, as far as he was concerned.

Of course, now he needed to stash the loot and lay low for a bit. That was why he was out here in the wilderness and rain, off the beaten path, shoving his way though branches and bushes with a full duffel bag of jewels slung over his shoulder. Yeah, he wasn’t too worried about being recognised himself – he’d been wearing a balaclava that hid his distinctive spikey black hair, and his sunglasses hid his eyes most of the time anyway. But it’d be harder to explain where he got all these riches from until the heat died down. Better to just find a quiet place to bury them until he was ready…

Or, maybe…

The thug smirked as a building loomed out of the pouring rain in front of him. A delipidated old shrine, by the looks of things. Old, abandoned – but it still had a functioning roof that’d shelter him from the rain. This place was perfect! He could hide out in the dry for a bit, and finding where he left his loot’d be easy if he stashed it here. Ha! The spirits must have been smiling down on him today.

… Well, that was certainly true – though it was only one spirit watching him as he crossed the threshold into the temple, and if he’d been able to see the kind of smile she was giving him, Jin might not have felt so confident.

But since he couldn’t, he strode in as bold as brass, kicking down the hanging door in his way. “Oi!” He called, voice booming through the building. “Anyone in here?”

There was, of course – an amused Tanuki sitting in the back rooms exploring her new body. But she had already agreed to leave this one to her sister spirit, and thus, she wouldn’t be announcing herself at the moment. The poor fool would never know she was there.

His call was answered, though – by a mischievous ghostly snickering, from somewhere just behind his left ear.

Snarling, he spun around, baseball bat already in his hand and pointing… But there was no one there. At least, no one that he could see.

Over his head, the spirit of a currently bodiless Kitsune smirked. Oh, she did enjoy toying with her food…

“Oi,” Jin growled, looking around. “This ain’t funny. Whoever’s there, get your ass where I can see it, or I ain’t gunna leave a single bone in your body unbroke, you hear me?!”

Ghostly snickering upgraded into full on phantom laughter.

“Hey! This ain’t no joke!” The delinquent “Face me now, or I’ll-!”

“Or you’ll what?” Suddenly, the spirit was visible – and directly in front of him, her eyes glowing gold. Oh yes, she loved toying with her food – but she loved having a vessel even more. It was time to stop playing around. “What will you do, Mortal?”

“Holy shi-!” The thug startled, drawing back and trying to jump away from the sudden spectre – but she moved faster. As quick as a stalk of corn on a blustery day, her finger whipped out to lightly bop him on the nose – and as he felt her cold touch, every muscle in his body froze in place.

“What was that?” The Kitsune lifted a hand to her pointed ear, as if straining to hear. “Didn’t quite catch… Hmm? What? You’ll be paralysed by my majestic beauty? Fufufufu~ How nice of you to say!” She lowered her hand, her grin practically feral. “If you like my look so much, I’m happy to share.”

‘What was that supposed to mean?!’ He would have screamed at her if he’d been able – but all he could do was widen his eyes as she giggled and leaned in, reaching up to cup his face between her ghostly palms. Her touch was cold – but also, somehow, warm. Like a chill followed by a hot beverage. And there was nothing he was able to do as she began to work his flesh, her thumbs massaging his cheeks as her hands slipped up the side of his head…

It was a strange sensation. Jin wasn’t the sort of person who got regular massages, but the feeling wasn’t dissimilar to what he figured it felt like – his muscles being squeezed and stretched in a gentle, firm manner that left a strange, relaxing tingling in its wake. But this was more than just that – the massage was going deeper than just his flesh. His unwilling body felt like clay on the sculptor’s wheel, the Kitsune the artist working on him. And as she went, she was drawing his features in, or softly drawing circles inside his ears, steadily moving pieces she wanted and flattening those she didn’t…

Until, with a smirk, she backed up. “There! Much better. Oh, but here, let me help you admire my handiwork~” She raised a hand, and conjured a ghostly mirror out of thin air. It was a little transparent, but it still reflected enough for the thug to see his face in it. Or rather, the Kitsune’s face in it…

His eyes widened in realisation – and his Kitsune reflection’s eyes widened in sync. Sharp, feminine features mimicked his every expression, including the growing anger/panic in his now golden eyes.

“Perfect~” The Kitsune herself was enjoying every second. “Oh, but I forgot a few touches. Silly me! Let me get those…” She left the mirror floating in front of him and reached up, firmly hooking the delinquent’s ears upwards to the top of his head – the motion shaping them into points. A quick tickle of her fingers covered the little triangles in fur, with soft tufts inside, just like the ones the spirit possessed.

She wasn’t finished, either. As her hands retracted, they seized big clumps of his spikey hair, and then yanked it backwards, behind him. Jin had a momentary hot sensation running through his head like a ream of tape being unspooled – and his hair was pulled out of his head, growing longer by the second; all the way down to his ass, and taking on a solid golden sheen as his dark colouration wiped off on the spirit’s palms. Now from the neck up, he was a complete mirror image of the Kitsune dancing around him.

Except for his expression, of course, which was still wide-eyed rage, but who cared about that?

“Lovely!” The spirit clapped happily. “What do you think? Hm? Too stunned by your own good looks to speak? Oh, but my dear, we’ve only just begun!” She snapped her fingers, Jin’s clothes vanishing in a puff of smoke – including the jacket he was so proud of, and the baseball bat that had done little to help him against spiritual attacks. “And oh my, look at all these muscles. We’ll have to get rid of those. Hmm, I might need a hand with this.” Another snap of her fingers, and three sets of floating hands materialised next to her as she grinned. “Hm? Get it? A hand? Oh, you can laugh later, I don’t mind~”

The human didn’t look at all amused, but she wasn’t bothered about that. Instead, she just got to work shaping the rest of his body to her pleasing – starting by grabbing his shoulders, her magical hands melting away the slab-like muscles into a slim, thin frame of soft, supple smoothness. Jin got to experience losing several inches worth of height, and maybe twice that in broadness, before she was done. Or at least, done with his shoulders.

Because she certainly wasn’t done with the rest of him. While a pair of phantom hands slid down his arms to smoothen and soften them up, her focus slid down to his chest – and to the pecs that he’d always been so proud of. They got another amused smirk out of her. “How helpful~”

Then she laid her hands over his chest, palm down, and began to squeeze. If Jin could have moved, he would have gasped as the heat began to pour into him, building as she kneaded and stretched his flesh. As it was though, he was just forced to stand there, glaring at her teasing grin, as she merrily worked him like rising dough, steadily plumping up two fine and proud breasts on his now much softer chest.

She didn’t stop until she had a reasonable palmful-sized helping on either side – a fine, firm pair of breasts that any woman could be proud of. But of course, she was hardly ‘any’ woman, and thus was far from done. “I’ll just leave these one auto-grow for the moment,” she giggled, winking at her captive as a pair of phantom hands moved in to resume her work, slowly but steadily inflating Jin’s new chest at a level rate.

The Kitsune herself moved down at that point – gently urging the human’s waist in a little, before grabbing big, meaty handfuls of his ass. “Now here I can definitely do some improvements!”

Jin, alas, could do nothing to stop her, nothing to object, nothing to even express that strange, almost pleasant feelings rolling through him as he was firmly, relentlessly massaged into a new shape. His hips puffed outwards, his ass growing larger, his thighs thicker, until he possessed an incredible behind, the kind that ballads would have been written about in olden times. Certainly, with seating like that, he never risked sitting uncomfortably ever again.

Why, his cheeks were almost as magnificent as his still growing breasts! Almost.

The Kitsune eyed his chest as she stepped back, assessing the progress her phantom hands had made. “Hmm, still needs more,” she said, adding a second set – their impressive, gravity defying swell doubling in pace.

But she still wasn’t done elsewhere, either. No, of course a body like this would need something else if it was to serve as her vessel. Something important. She sent a pair of phantom hands to smooth and straighten his legs, and then curled around him, pressing her hands against the base of his spine. There, she started working her real magic, drawing out the tails she had been preparing his body for.

At first, just one came to her call, her fingers merrily stroking it as it rose, helping it grow – until it was almost longer than Jin was tall, a thick, golden tail with a white tip flicking in the air behind him. Then, under her guiding hands, one became two, two became four, four became eight…

And then at last, a full nine tails fanned out behind an almost fully sculpted vessel, each waving freely, crackling with the power that they represented, white tips like golden paint brushes stroking at Jin’s soft skin.

He was almost done. The Kitsune circled back around him, returning to his front just in time to see her auto-boobs finally finish their growth – now both breasts standing proudly, both bigger than the human’s dainty head. Neither held so much as a hint of sag, full to the brim with bounce and perk, despite looking entirely natural – a benefit of a youkai’s beauty regimen. He was a complete top-heavy hourglass.

There was just one part left that had yet to feel her morphing touch.

With a grin, she bent down, smiling up at her captive as she wrapped one hand around his shaft. To Jin’s frustration and shame, it was as stiff as an iron bar, the spirit’s massage having been more than enough to get his hormone’s pumping. And now he could do nothing more than watch, his gaze directed to her mirror so that he couldn’t miss a moment, as she began to pump him back and forth.

The pleasure was indescribable, despite the violation it represented. Each stroke of her palm sent a wave of sensations through the man – his cock, if anything, growing stiffer by the moment. And yet, forced to watch as he was, it didn’t look like that was what was happening. If anything, with every pump, it looked like he was getting smaller…

He didn’t believe his eyes, thought it was some kind of optical illusion – until, with one last pump, the spirit’s ghostly fingers plunged inside of him – and took the shrunken remnants of his manhood with them, creating a new valley where once there had been a mountain. Instantly, said valley moistened, arousal dripping from its clefts, not banished in the slightest – and Jin shook as she realised she had just been converted to the ranks of the fairer sex.

Indeed, there was no trace of masculinity left in her now – nor, for that matter, was there any trace of her original self at all. From head to toe, from tits to tails, everything that was Jin was gone, and all that remained was a mirror image of the Kitsune who was still playing with her.

Well… Almost everything. There was still the pesky matter of her soul – but the Kitsune was working on that.

After all, her hand hadn’t stopped yet. In fact, as Jin got over her shock, she realised the spirit had only sped up – her fingers plunging inside the newly formed slit, still pumping in and out. And before she could process that feeling, the phantom hands returned to her chest, massaging her tits and flooding her brain with incredible pleasure, more than she could possibly hope to resist. She didn’t even have the chance to realise she should resist. Before she knew it, an unstoppable climax was building, reaching to a crescendo, and she felt a strange pulling sensation…

Her golden eye clouded, turned dull and glazed, as the mind behind them was sucked down, down, down, and…


A small pebble, made of some mystery substance and coloured a light shade of pink, tumbled from the human’s dripping lower lips as she came, bouncing off the wooden floor once before rolling to a slick stop. A simple condensed soul, a little bigger than the last one to rest on the temple floor, but not by much.

Fingers that had once belonged to her scooped her up, held her to be examined by golden eyes that had once been hers. Golden, white tipped tails flicked in amusement as the Kitsune, finally inhabiting a flesh and blood body once again after all these years, pressed a soft kiss against the pebble’s side – before wrapping her lips around it and pulling it into her mouth.


“Ahhh…” She sighed as the former man’s essence melted into her own, his knowledge and experience becoming hers. “That was fun~ Just the rules of nature, hun! Mmn, but now I’m all horny…” Her fingers stroked against the edge of her still soaked lower lips. “However will I deal with this…?”

A few moments later, and a Tanuki’s self-exploration was rudely interrupted as the door to her room was kicked down by a tail-writhingly horny fox girl. “Hey!” She protested as the other former spirit advanced on her. “This temple is already a mess – don’t break it more!”

“Oh, don’t worry about that,” the Kitsune giggled, absently tossing a duffel bag full of shining gems to the side of the room with one of her tails. “We’ll have plenty of money for repairs, once we’ve broken these new bodies in, anyway~”

The Tanuki blinked, her bushy tail wavering behind her in surprise. “Where did you get…?”

And the Kitsune slid up to her, her gigantic tits jiggling, bending down to stroke at her companion’s massive shaft teasingly. “Does it really matter?”

The other spirit didn’t need to think on it for long. “Mm. No.” She reached out, and pulled her companion into the bed with her. Their lips locked, their chests pushing up and rubbing against one another (the Kitsune’s being the bigger bust by far), their tails entangling, stroking, wrapping around one another. It wasn’t long before their hips aligned, the fox girl positioning her open legs on either side of her lover’s much wider hips – and the Tanuki, in return, taking no time to hammer herself home inside the other’s new vessel, spreading her wide around her girth.

The pair moaned, their frantic, fevered motions pounding with the incessant beat of the rain, their hips thrusting like thunder, lips and tongues twirling around one another, still tasting the last of their vessels former owners. Heat dominated, the two enjoying their first fuck in centuries as their bodies were well and truly melded to their spirits forevermore.

“Haaahh…” The fox girl sighed, resting on her back during a lull in their lovemaking, her tails still playfully entwining around her companions. “So what do you think we should fix up first…?”

The Tanuki smiled, her head nestled snugly between the Kitsune’s breasts. Then her brow wrinkled, her eyes crossing to focus on her nose as a raindrop splattered against it. “The roof,” she muttered, ignoring her companion’s laughter. Instead, she just glanced towards the bag full of treasure. “I think we can afford that. And maybe Wi-Fi.”

The fox girl snorted, wrapping her arms around the Tanuki and pulling her over, giving her a nice boob-sandwich to motorboat her way out of. “Sure. We’ll get ourselves a nice ether-net. Eh? Eh?”

“…” The Tanuki reached up and pinched the Kitsune’s nipples, drawing a surprised wanton moan, before sliding her dick back into the titty-beast’s waiting holes. Hopefully fucking her brains out would distract her from making any more puns… Otherwise, there’d be no stopping the great evil that had been unleashed upon the world this day.

But hey – in the end, that too, was just the rules of nature~


Request: It’s down to the last member of the Kono gang, but can Megumin really defeat a goddess and demon queen on her own? Probably not, but she might get in at least one good hit! The explosive finale to Aeris and her wonderful takeover.

Megumin was annoyed.

These three words should have sent people into a panic. Her team should have been treading wary, ready to wrestle her staff away from her at a moment’s notice. Fear should have ruled the house, no, the town, no, the entire nation! Fear that the most powerful Crimson Demon was itching to pull out the most powerful, most awesomest spell in existence at a moment’s notice. Fear that with a simple whispered word – okay, a whispered speech – she could destroy them all.


She huffed, slumping against the floor, her feet kicking under the kotatsu. No one was here to be afraid. The house was empty, and the town was doing its own thing that she’d apparently missed the event-quest for. Ugh, what was the point of having ultimate power if no one was afraid of you for it?

It was to cast Explosion, by the way. No better reason needed. Little trick question for you there.

That said, the mage was bored. And that was never a great thing. Honestly, one of the main reasons she was still in a party with the others after all these years was because life was rarely boring around them. Whenever there was a quiet moment, Aqua would run some scheme, Kazuma would do something perverted and/or impressive, and Darkness would find a quest far, far above their level to try to convince everyone to try. And Megumin would, obviously, look for a chance to explode something.

She’d been levelling up a lot recently. She was so close to living the dream – two explosions a day!

But now, for some reason, everyone had disappeared. And while the mage was no sleuth, so she hadn’t tried tracking them down, she was starting to worry about them. It wasn’t like everyone to vanish like this – certainly not one by one like they had. First Darkness, then Aqua, and now Kazuma. Sure, if something had swept them all up at once, that was one thing, but this was different. More concerning.

… She still waited a day to see if they’d come back on their own after deciding that enough was enough, of course. It’d be the worst thing if she went out looking, only to find them all coming back the other way. But eventually, enough was enough of enough being enough.

So, off she set. And honestly, it was insulting how little time it took to find the source of her problem. It was the big dark building in the middle of town where all the townspeople were flocking in like zombies and praying to ‘Aeris’. It was obviously evil! She was tempted to fire off an explosion at it right away!

But, since her idiot party was probably in there, and would definitely yell at her if she blew them up, she restrained herself. I mean, she was also quite fond of them and didn’t especially want to blow them up, but it was definitely the yelling that was a main factor.

… She was already starting to regret her choice when she found the golden statue outside the corrupted cathedral’s front gates.

“Did you get this done to yourself on purpose?” She asked flatly. Obviously, the petrified Darkness had no answer for her. But judging by the slight smile on her lips, the mage was pretty sure she had her answer.

Right. Well, defeating whatever overlord had done this would probably reverse it. Not that Darkness would ever forgive her for reversing it, but still. Look, the party needed a tank, especially the squishy mage. The Paladin would have to accept being rescued just like everybody else.

Sighing, Megumin advanced. She’d clearly found the right place (as if there was any doubt). Now she needed to see if the others were in just as dire a state before she blew up the bad guy.

They weren’t, though. If anything, their state was worse.

“Have you heard the glory of the goddess Aeris?!”

“Gyah!” Megumin warded off this new red headed version of Aqua off with her staff after she jumped out at her in the main church. “Back! Back, foul beast! I’ll Explode you! Don’t think I won’t!”

“C’mon, Megumin, just sign up!” The high priestess easily stepped around the mage’s swings, smiling serenely. “Hand over your soul and worship to our most glorious definitely-not-wearing-pads lady, and you’ll finally know the peace and love of true organized religion!”

Oh hell, she’d gotten in on another scam.

“I thought you were all about the Axis cult?” The mage tried, backing up and steadily running out of room as she tried to avoid the contract Aqua was shoving at her.

To her surprise, the priestess reared back as if struck. “Axis?!” She spat, literally, disgusted. “Do not utter such a filthy word upon Lady Aeris’s sacred grounds! That foolish cult was dedicated to nonsense, crowned by a useless goddess – not like lady Aeris, who is perfect and wonderous in all things that she does!”

Yeah, she had it bad. Maybe they’d paid her in liquor. “Uh. Sooo you’re pretty keen on this god, huh?” The mage

Aqua nodded, a manic glint in her eyes. “My devotion to her is as pure as the driven snow!”

Megumin’s back bumped against the wall. There was nowhere left to run. She swallowed. It was time to bring out the big guns. “Uh. You know it’s happy hour down at the adventurer’s guild, right?”

She wasn’t sure what happened next. Perception was a physical stat, after all. All she knew was that one moment Aqua was there – and then the next, she was gone, leaving only a wooden sign on her podium in her wake. ‘Back in 5!’, it read. 5 of what, it did not specify.

The mage breathed a sigh of relief. Okay, that was one obstacle down. If this was the evil goddess’s head church, then surely she had to be around here somewhere…

“Oh my me, she really doesn’t change, does she?” And speak of the devil, another redheaded woman stepped out from a door at the front of the chapel, rubbing the bridge of her nose as she stared at the sign Aqua had left. The red hair, the divine aura, the evil overlady style fashion… Yep, this had to be the woman she was looking for.

But she wasn’t alone. “Of course she doesn’t,” giggled an oddly familiar looking succubus at the goddess’s side. The dark-haired demon wrapped an arm around the god’s waist, kissing her cheek. “If it was possible to change her, I would have done it a long time ago.”

Megumin squinted. These two were definitely the ones behind everything that had happened – she was sure of it. If anyone was in need of a good explosion, it was them. So then, why did she hesitate? Something was holding her back, but what? She needed to go on the attack now, before they noticed-

“Oh hey Megumin!” The succubus waved. “Come to sign up?”

“Oh.” Aeris’s gaze flicked towards the mage. “The explosion kid is here now too.” Her tone was anything but complimentary.

Despite her vulnerable position, Megumin’s eyes narrowed. “Hey!” She yelled, glaring. “I’m not a kid!”

“It’s true, she’s not,” the demon agreed, shrugging, her chest bouncing as a succubus’s chest is wont to bounce. “She made us check her birth certificate and everything. She’s a full adult – and perfect candidate for joining our new empire. Oooh, she could be my first general!”

“Hmph.” The goddess folded her arms over her chest. “I should have known you’d want to take her with you.”

The mage blinked. This was… Not the kind of attitude she’d been expecting from the villains. “Uh, what?”

The demoness seemed confused too. “Eh? What’s wrong?” Her spaded tail reached up to stroke under the dark goddess’s chin. “C’mon Aery, don’t huff. What’s the matter?”

Her affection seemed to help a little, though the redhead still looked frustrated. “I can tell you’re attracted to her, y’know!”

This time it was the demon who blinked. “Well yeah, babe, you turned me into a succubus. And a damn fine succubus, too.” She grinned, strutting in front of Aeris and showing off her body. “I’m attracted to everyone – it’s kind of my thing!”

Logic didn’t seem to help – the goddess was still grumbling. “I mean before that.”

“Oh.” The demon paused. “Ooooooh. I get it! You’re jealous~”

“What?!” Aeris turned as red as her hair. “I am not!”

“You super are. Awh, you’re super cute like this.”

“Kaaaz…” The goddess was flustered, but she looked pretty pleased about it. “Don’t tease me like that~”

“Wait.” And then everything ground to a halt. “Kaz? Kazuma? You’re Kazuma?!?”

The evil duo blinked, looking around to Megumin, who both had forgotten was there. “Uh.”

“You turned Kazuma into a succubus?” The mage’s eyes were blazing red. “You turned Kazuma into a succubus with bigger tits than me?!?!”

“Uh oh. She sounds mad.” Kaz blanched. She was all too familiar with what Megumin did when she was mad.

Aeris, though, looked unconcerned. “So what? She’s just a mortal mage. She only knows one spell.”

“She’s really good at that one spell though!”

And it seemed that the crimson demon was going to give them a demonstration! “Feel the righteous fury of a mature woman scorned! Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson blood or whatever, blah blah blah-”

“Here it comes!”

“Hmph.” Aeris extended her hand, air already crackling with divine power. “Let’s see what she’s got.”


Magics surged, spell circles glowing in the air as power shot forth, a blast that could level a town striking straight for the redheaded goddess – who greeted it with her own prepared spell. The two clashed, Aeris gritting her teeth as she set herself to absorb the mage’s attack – to take her power for her own. It was… more than she expected. Significantly more, in fact, forcing her to use both hands, throwing herself into the conflict.

But she was a goddess – and she would not lose.

Slowly, pushed harder than she’d ever anticipated, she got the wild magics under control, draining their strength and absorbing its might into herself. The sudden shock of added mana to her system was a rush, sending sparks through her hair and turning the stone under her feet a glowing red. But she succeeded – she swallowed the explosion whole, and the blast never came.

“There,” she panted. “Easy.”

That should have been that. Megumin only had the strength for one cast of her spell. She knew that. Everyone knew that. Any moment now, the mage would topple over like an unbalanced sack of potatoes, and then they could do… Whatever with her. It was simple. Any moment now.

So then, why did it look like she was gearing up for another spell?

“Did you think… That was all?” The mage snarled, gripping her staff even tighter. “Take this! God killing drive, activate! Reduce this world to rubble! EXPLOSION!”

Oh shit. Ohshitohshitohshit. How had she cast it twice? When had she gotten the levels?! Aeris set herself to absorb the second spell, but she was still reeling from the first – there was no way she’d be able to do it! The redhead watched the bolt of magic shoot towards her with actual dread for the first time since she’d stuck an A on the front of her name, knowing there was nothing she could do…

… Only for a hand to take hers, joining in her spell. Jolting in shock, she looked to the side – and saw Kaz there with her, smiling as she helped share the spell’s burden.

Together, they held – the absorption spell working its magic just long enough to take the second devastating explosion, before the goddess fell to her knees, gasping for breath as pure power circulated inside her. And across from them…


Megumin lay passed out face first on the floor. All was right with the world once more.

“I ought… to make… the bitch… a sex toy… at the… succubus… café… for that… bullshit!” Aeris finally managed, her chest still heaving.

“Oh come on now.” Kaz was still on her feet, and in much better spirits. “Did you see that? Two full power casts of Explosion! That’s incredible!” She considered her former teammate. “And having that kind of power at our disposal would be really useful…”

“You want… That power?” The redhead squinted up at the demon, before rolling her eyes. “Then fine. Let’s use her… for what she’s good for.”

Magic swirled around the goddess, the bright fiery energy of twin Explosion spells mingling with her own spells, until everything took on an energetic pink glow. Then, eye still twitching at her near death experience, she raised a hand, and poured all of it straight back into the source.

Megumin, who was out of mp and then some, didn’t really do much as the wave of magic rolled over her. A soothing haze fell over her tired mind, gently massaging any further thoughts of anger or resistance out of her skull. Exhausted as she was, she couldn’t really resist, but that was okay. Honestly, she was still pretty giddy about managing two Explosions…

‘Hey,’ A voice whispered in the mage’s ear. ‘Wanna try for a third?’ The idea drew an excited gasp from her lips as her addled mind latched onto it. Was it possible? Could she do it?

‘Of course you can~’ the voice assured her. ‘Just relax, think explodey thoughts… And leave the rest to me…’

For a moment, Megumin wondered if that was really such a good idea… But then that delightful haze wrapped that thought up in woollen fluff, and spirited it straight out of her head. It was the best idea, of course! Just do what you’re told, dear.

A dopey smile spread over the mage’s lips. Oh sure… She could do that~

Her mind occupied with such happy, obedient thoughts, she didn’t really pay any attention to her body being lifted upright, floating in the air as she was slowly unwrapped of her clothes. Nudity failed to bother her, even under the eager gaze of the succubus queen – who had, until not long ago, been the boy she’d had a crush on…

But there was no time to worry about that now! She had much more important things to focus on.

Explosion… Explosion… Wanna cast Explosion…

This was not a new line of thought for the mage. No, honestly, this one could basically be assumed at pretty much any time, any place. When Megumin wasn’t casting Explosion, she was either dreaming about casting Explosion, looking for an excuse to cast Explosion, or being frantically held back from casting Explosion. That was the kind of woman she was. She had levelled up many, many times over the years, after starting her career as a wizard with the most casting potential her village had seen in centuries. And how had she used all of those character points? That’s right – they had all gone into Explosion.

It was kind of her thing, so falling into a loop really didn’t take much effort on the spell’s part. She was already more than primed – and with the promise of more Explosions to come, and all opposing thought massaged out of her head? She was well ahead of schedule!

A stiffness took her limbs, pressing them inwards, arms to her sides, legs together, firm and tight. Invisible hands stroked along her body, drawing moans as they found her meagre-but-still-present chest, and slid between her thighs. A dazzling inner heat began to build.

‘That’s it. Let the power grow…’

Megumin had no ability nor desire to resist. Her body twitched, eyes fluttering as the heat grew hotter and hotter, her nethers beginning to drip. She was almost ready. The power was building to a crescendo. Just a little more, and-!

A phantom finger slid around her slit, stoking her pleasure – and then leaned in, phantom lips wrapping around her clit to give it a deep, stimulating kiss.

“Huah!” The mage moaned as she finally came, unleashing the Explosion within-

- And froze in place, caught in her moment of ecstasy, the feelings of pleasure and lust still blasting through her body, driving every single thought out of her head. For a second she hung there, mouth open in a scream of delight, juices paused mid-drizzle down her thighs, a statue of carnal surrender in flesh…

Then her skin hardened, turning a shiny, varnished brown, and she was a statue of flesh no longer. No, her body changed from the outside in, hardening, stiffening into solid wood of the finest quality, every inch of her polished to the cleanest shine. Even her brain turned into a solid chunk of oak, locking the mage’s mind in an eternal explosion of pleasure.

‘Yes! Explosion! Explosion! I cast Explosion…!’

Finally, she shrank, thinning down as her legs merged together, feet smoothing out into a long, solid wooden cylinder, a firm base – of which her body, from the thighs up, formed the head. And then, with the transformation complete…


The new staff fell to the floor, clattering against the stone. It was a fine piece, clearly carved by an expert craftsman, and enchanted with incredible power. A legendary weapon, if ever there was one – though perhaps the image of a naked woman in ecstasy might make it a little unsuitable for polite company.

The demon queen certainly didn’t seem to mind it though, scooping the new magical item up off the ground with a grin. She could feel the power pulsing inside it, ready to answer to the slightest call.

“Wow,” she whispered, gently running her fingers over the wooden curves. “I think you’ve found your calling…”

Indeed – for as a staff, Megumin never had to worry about mp ever again. She could cast Explosion all day long, and never feel even the slightest bit of strain. She even had metamagic options installed in her that would allow her to modify her Explosion’s effect – to, say, turn everyone hit by it into demon girls, or bimbos, or statues, whatever her owner desired. Honestly, being a magical item was OP as hell. This was practically a dream come true!

Kaz grinned, looking over her shoulder at her still winded goddess. “And she really wants to be used. Mind if I pay a visit to the Crimson Demon village? I could do with some spellcasters in my demon girl army.”

“Not at all,” Aeris sighed. “In fact, I’ll come with you. Maybe seeing someone else get hit by that spell will make me feel better…”

Giggling, the succubus took her goddess by the hand, and led her out of the temple, of into the wide world that, soon, they would be working to conquer. And now, they would be aided by their new tool – a legendary item that was soon to become infamous as one of the most powerful staves ever created.

Megumin didn’t care about that, though. All her block-head brain cared about now was casting Explosion after Explosion – and in that wish, she would be well sated.

… Really, not all that much had changed, when you thought about it. Megumin just wanted to blow things up. Darkness was still delighting in torment. Aqua was still an energetic idiot. Kazuma was still a perv. Things were just a slightly different shade of normal now.

That was just what happened, when a new goddess tried her hand at offering her blessings upon a wonderful world~


Request: How about Tsunade takes Sakura Hinata and ino to a very shady village to go gambling and they go to a casino and they slowly lose as they slowly lose they slowly become more and more bimbo until they become robotic bimbo dolls that serve the casino (Part 1)

“This is the place.” Tsunade, the fifth Hokage, ninja in chief of Konoha, turned to face the rest of her team with a look of utmost seriousness on her face. “Are you ready for this? The fate of the village rests upon your shoulders.”

Her team… looked less than impressed, to be honest. Ino and Hinata at least made a decent show of respectful nods, but Sakura – her actual apprentice, and thus, the one least likely to be cowed by her fearsome reputation and political power – just raised an eyebrow. “… Sensei. This is a gambling hall.”

“It is.” The Hokage nodded.

“You brought a squad of jonin out gambling with you.”

“Correct.” Once again, the blonde ninja saw no problems with this.

“… Shizune’s going to kill you when she finds out.”

“…” Tsunade’s eyelid twitched. “No. She’s not. Because the first person to tell my worrywart of an assistant about this will be getting an extra thousand hours of target practice- I mean, dodging exercises. With explosive kunai. Clear?” She smiled tightly.

“Clear!” Ino and Hinata bowed hurriedly, while Sakura – who had to deal with that particular ‘exercise’ pretty regularly anyway, just sighed and nodded. Disapproving she may have been, but she knew there was no force on earth that could actually get between her teacher and her vices when the mood took her.

The Hokage’s smile widened. “Besides, why would she need to know? This is a perfectly legitimate fundraising mission. This is The Silver Fox, the richest gambling hall in all the five nations. Packed with the finest comforts and the richest payouts.” She turned to face the hall, grinning. “One jackpot here, and Konoha’s budget issues are a thing of the past!”

The trio of younger ninjas exchanged pained looks. This wasn’t just a matter of professionalism. All three of them were well aware of their leader’s luck when it came to gambling. Her secondary, much less noble title said it all: The Legendary Sucker. She would lose a game of tic tac toe if money was on the line. In fact, rumour said that the reason she became Hokage in the first place was because she’d lost a bet…

“Of course, they only let you play here by invitation – something they always denied me because of my incredibly unfair reputation,” the blonde grumbled. “So I was going to say this would be an infiltration mission – but then last week I met someone while out drinking and we had a few hands of cards, and…” She drew four silver passes from her pocket. “Guess who won a few tickets~?”

The trio exchanged another set of looks – this one more wide-eyed than before. Tsunade had won a bet? Could it be that her legendary curse had ended?  Surely it couldn’t – she was only supposed to win when it would be a worse result for her!

Oblivious to her subordinate’s silent conversation, their leader folded her arms over her chest, looking the absolute picture of confidence. “This is a rare opportunity to get inside one of the most prestigious gambling resorts on the continent – let’s not waste it. We’ll be dividing up into pairs once we’re on the inside. I’ll be going with Hinata…” She smiled and patted the white-eyed ninja’s shoulder. “And we’ll be taking a look at their card tables. I doubt they have anything that can fool her eyes.”

The dark-haired heiress swallowed – taking the mission from the head of her village seriously.

“Meanwhile, you two…” Tsunade looked to Ino and Sakura. “… Will be scouting out the rest of their games for anything we can take advantage of. They have security that’s bound to have protected their winnings from most ninja tricks, but I’ve no doubt the pair of you will be able to come up with something. All clear?”

“Clear!” The two nodded, sharing one last look. At the very least, their part of the mission should be pretty easy.

“Good. Remember girls – we’re here for a payday, and we’re not leaving until we’ve drained their coffers dry~”

With a broad grin and a resolute stride, the Legendary Sucker led her team in to gamble.

“Poor Hinata…” Ino stretched, resting her arms behind her head as she and her best friend/greatest rival wandered through the halls of The Silver Fox. “She’s doomed.”

“Yeah…” Sakura had to agree. “Nothing’s going to beat shisho’s luck. Our main job is going to be winning back more than she loses…”

“Well, that should be easy enough…” the blonde chuckled, confident as always. “There’s only so much she can bet, right? They didn’t give us that many tokens…”

“Mmm…” her pink haired friend/rival didn’t sound so convinced, but Ino saw no reason to worry. The Silver Fox apparently operated on a strange system – each of them had been provided silver gambling chips when they arrived, irrespective of the money they’d brought to offer. There had been some confusion over that, but the woman at the exchange counter had explained that everything was in order, and that the amount they received was based on a separate assessment of each client. Once they cashed in, their winnings would be valued based on how many more chips they’d won, valued by their initial investment.

Which was a very weird and overly complicated way of doing things, but the group wasn’t there to kick up a fuss, so they’d gone along with it with a shrug. Though Ino had been somewhat annoyed to note that she’d been given the smallest number of chips – with Hinata only getting a few more, and Sakura and Tsunade roughly tied for receiving the most. Why was that?

Anyway, between their ninja skills, they couldn’t possibly have any problems cleaning house. The only challenge was not getting caught – and they were all more than skilled enough to handle that. In fact…

“Saaaay, Forehead,” the blonde gave her friend a sly look as she used a nickname sure to fire her up. “If you’re so worried about not making enough, how about we make it a contest, huh?”

Sakura’s eyes narrowed. “What do you have in mind, Pig?” Naturally, she fired back.

Ino grinned. Her rival was so easy to play. “Simple. You and me hit the tables. Whoever’s won the most by the end of the night wins. And as forfeit… Uh, how about they have to treat the other to a nice fancy dinner? Should be plenty of money for that after a night on the cards~”

The pink haired ninja folded her arms, snorting dismissively. “Ino, we’re here for the village, not to sate our own egos. This isn’t a game we can use to satisfy our childish egos… On the record. Off the record, you’re on – and you’re going down.” Her eyes flashed as her smile turned savage.

Ino’s returned grin was just as savage. “Oh don’t worry about me, I just have to keep an eye on your cards. That’ll be easy – I’ll just use their reflections on your massive forehead!”

“I’m going to roast you alive, Ino-pig!”

Their good-natured argument continued all the way to the card table. Once they were seated, though, everything was serious. In fact, even the card dealer noticed the tension between the two women standing in front of her. “Is everything okay here ladies?”

“Just fine,” both ninja replied at once, with smiles that didn’t reach their eyes. Whenever she wasn’t looking, the pair shot straight back to glaring lightning at one another.

“Oookay. Alright, well – shall we play then?” The dealer shrugged. None of her business if the customers were acting weird. All she needed to worry about was shuffling the cards, and taking care of any losers who ended up at her table – and she had a good feeling about these two. “The game is the house’s variation of blackjack, only one winner allowed – state your bets.”

“5 chips.” Ino casually slid a few silver tokens out of her pile. She had 30 left, so this felt like a reasonable start.

“Only 5?” Sakura looked smug, pushing 10 onto the table. “You’ve got to be willing to spend money to make money, Pig.”

Of course, since she’d started with more chips, she still had 40 left after her bet. Ino just snorted. “Did your Master teach you that one, Forehead?”

More lightning bolts crackled over the table.

The cards were dealt, and Ino surreptitiously checked hers. Hm. A 3 and a 7. Plenty of room for another card. She beckoned to the dealer, smirking at Sakura all the while, and kept her expression even as she saw a 9 added to her hand. Huhm. Not the best cards, but respectable enough. She waved off the next hit. “I’ll stick with this.”

Sakura, up next, now had a choice. Her cards – a 9 and a 6 – added up to 15. Going for another card had a roughly fifty-fifty split of taking her over 21 – which would mean she lost instantly. It was a bad place to start, and she’d been hoping that Ino would screw up and go bust so that she had the option of sticking with her low total and hoping the dealer would bust as well… But since her rival had drawn a card before sticking, it was incredibly unlikely that she had below 16. She had to draw.

“I’ll hit,” she sighed, accepting another card – before swearing, bluntly. An 8. “Bust.” She slapped her cards down on the table.

“Niiiice pokerface, Forehead,” Ino giggled as the dealer revealed they’d stayed on 18 – and thus, that Ino had won. The chips moved over the table – pink chips from the dealer, and silver ones from Sakura.

And that was when Sakura first began to feel… strange.

It wasn’t anything big, nothing alarming, just an odd tingling behind her eyes. She thought she might have just moved her head a bit too quickly or something. Blinking, she rubbed her temple – only to pause in surprise at how cool her skin felt to the touch. Huh. She took a look at her hand, wondering if she’d touched something unexpected or something.

But even as she studied her digits, the reason why she was doing so just… vanished from her head. Dissolved into a shower of pink sparkles that hissed out of her ears unseen, drawn off elsewhere - along with a good chunk of all of the other thoughts she’d had knocking around in her head.

And so, as her brow furrowed while she tried to work out why she was staring at her hand, she was thoroughly distracted as that odd tingling spread to other places in her body. Places like her chest, which slowly started to swell, her breasts pressing a little firmer against her top. Places like her ass, which pumped up a little bigger underneath her. Even places like the nails on her half-gloved hands, which grew longer and developed a nice metallic pink nail polish sheen, which she missed despite staring straight at them.

She just was feeling a little spacy at the moment.

Over in Ino’s hands, the chips Sakura had lost sparkled too, a faint image starting to appear on each of them. Not that the blonde ninja noticed – she’d slid those ones aside as little trophies of her victory over her rival, and was now considering her next bet. Naturally she’d been watching the dealer’s movements and counting the cards she’d dealt – soon, she’d have a good enough read on her that she was sure she’d be able to rig this game however she pleased, even if the woman wasn’t monitoring her deck somehow (Yeah right). And surely Sakura was in a similar position, right?

For now, though, she needed to get more information – and whittle down her rival’s advantage. Maybe encourage her to keep betting big.

“I’ll go 15 chips in this time,” she said, easily pushing more of her original silver chips in. Sure, this only left her with 20 left, but she had a bunch more in her winnings to tap into as well. No big deal.

Then she blinked. Where was- Huh. Why was Sakura distracted staring at her hand instead of focusing on the game? Tch, was she not taking this seriously? “Uh, Forehead? C’mon, Billboard brow, it’s your turn to bet.”

“Huh? Oh, right.”

Sakura shook her head. Weird, why was she so… y’know, like, distracted…? Mmf, and why was she so uncomfortable all of a sudden? She squirmed in her seat and pulled at her collar, trying to relieve this sudden odd tightness pressing on her chest. “Uh. I’ll, like… I’ll match.” She paused to count her tokens, before pushing them in. That left her with 25 left, so… should be fine. She just needed to win this one, yeah.

The cards were dealt out. Ino viewed hers with the same dispassionate look as she had the turn before. Hm. A Jack and a 4 – so 14. Not amazing, not awful. She definitely couldn’t hold here though. Without hesitation, she gestured for another card, and…

Grimaced. 9. Damnit. Without a word, she set her cards down and huffed. “Bust.”

Then she spun around to glare at Sakura’s quiet giggle on the other side of the table. “Well let’s see you do better then!”

“Oh, sure thing, Piggy~” The pink haired ninja was feeling in much better spirits now that her rival had taken such a tumble. Let’s see here. She had… Ohh, this Queen card was so pretty! Heehee~ Oh, and she had a 9 as well. Hm, that made… Uh… Oh, that was, like, 19, right? That seemed fine. “I’ll stick.”

Then she stuck her tongue out at Ino as the dealer revealed 18 again, giving the win to Sakura this time. The chips were quickly pushed over her way, the pink nin giggling to herself as she gathered them up.

And naturally, she was oblivious as her rival put a hand to her brow, suddenly feeling just as strange as Sakura had not long before…

This one struck harder though. It wasn’t a light tingle behind her eyes, but a thick fog descending rapidly over her mind, clouding her thoughts and smothering her instincts before she could even realise anything weird was happening. Knowledge dissolved, facts and figures, skills and sequences draining out of her brain so fast that someone must have pulled a plug in there somewhere.

In an instant, her normally sharp and cunning eyes turned vapid and dull, her jaw dropping slack as her lips tingled and plumped. Her eyelids fluttered as her suddenly empty head stalled and struggled to reboot – and as it did, the rest of her body was changing too. Her purple top actually tore as her breasts swelled into door-smashing knockers, and her seat groaned as her ass swelled into the arm rests, testing the strength of its joints.

Those weren’t the only joints being tested though. In fact, Ino’s joints were undergoing an even stranger transformation – one that her newly dimmed mind remained entirely oblivious to. Unseen beneath the table, her knees were turning a shiny metallic colour, and developing into hinged, mechanical devices – metal perfection instead of fallible flesh. The same was happening elsewhere too – her shoulders, her elbows, even her fingers taking on a metallic sheen…

And over in Sakura’s pile of chips, the silver ones that had originally belonged to Ino began to sparkle, images starting to form on every face. Not that the pink haired ninja noticed, though – she was distracted playing with her hair currently. The only one paying any attention to the changes the two ninja were going through was the dealer – and she just smirked, dealing out another hand.

Another round of cards were played around the table – and a pair of stiff, slightly silver-looking fingers plucked a couple up. Ino stared at her hand with a confused expression. Uh. Like, what was she doing again? Thick lips pouted as she pondered.

Right, these cards. Uh, how much did these make again? One was a 5, and the other was a 7, so that was… Um… She carefully began counting on her fingers.

Ugh, like, whatever. Math was haaaard! And dull. Boring! She just wanted more of these pretty cards~ “Ooh, like, gimme s’more of these!”

“You want more than one?” The dealer raised an amused eyebrow. “Sure. How many?”

“Uh.” The bimbified blonde stared at her with vapid eyes. “Like… ten…?”

“Sure.” She slid the cards across the table with a chuckle, before turning to Sakura. “And you?”

“Huh?” The pinkette blinked, pausing twirling her hair around her finger as she suddenly remembered where she was and what she was doing. She still had more of a brain left than her rival, but that wasn’t saying much. “Oh right! Sorry, lemme check my cards…”

She flipped hers over – not even bothering to hide them from the rest of the table. A 2 and a 3 stared up at her. “That’s… Okay, so, like, I wanna make sure I don’t go over… 21? I think? Or was it 12?”

The ninja bit her lip in deep thought. This was so much harder than she remembered! No wonder Tsunade was always losing money on these things. All those numbers and possibilities which had seemed so easy not long ago seemed impossibly difficult now. What were her odds if she drew another card? Argh, she couldn’t work it out. Best to- Oh, best to play it safe, right!

“I’ll stick with this!” She declared, smiling brightly. Yeah, she knew this was a safe hand, so she’d just go with this! Easy.

“Oh really? Well let’s see…” The dealer smirked. She’d been right about these two. “Adding up all your cards, you have… 57. Impressive!” She told the blonde.

Ino blinked owlishly. “Is that, like, a lot?”

The dealer giggled and turned to Sakura. “And you have 5.”

“Didn’t go bust!” Sakura cheered, giggling all the while.

“That’s true!” The dealer nodded – before revealing her own cards. “And the house… has 21. Though I really didn’t need to bother, did I? The house wins!”

And as all of the chips were pulled over the table to the dealer’s hands, both ninja went stock still as an electric jolt shot down their spines, straightening them up and shoving their chests forwards – just in time for their outfits to rip open as their tits swelled out at astonishing speed. Their chairs also suffered, straining as their behinds plumped up to make sure they had a nice hourglass shape to their curvy figures. Naturally, their pants were split to shreds along the seams.

None of that mattered to them though, because at the same time that their boobs were breaking their bras, their brains were bursting like bubbles. Thoughts, memories, even base concepts like identity and self were popping like candy, fizzing through their heads and reducing everything in there to sugary mush. Both jaws dropped open, drool draining freely down onto their tits as their minds evaporated out of their ears, hissing away with little sparkles on the breeze.

And finally, once their heads were hollow and their bodies were done growing into bimified caricatures of their old selves, a wave of grey, shiny metal washed over them, spreading out over their bodies and sealing the changes in. Their legs solidified into smooth, silver limbs, their feet becoming flexible and their toes developing articulated grip. Their arms became lithe, their hands inhumanly soft and impossibly fast. Even their tits took on a proud, firm metallic sheen, while their nethers turned into lubricated rubber holes ready to be fucked.

The last things to change were their faces, a silver wave washing over them and locking in their stupefied expressions, even as their jaws slid shut and their lips pumped up to thick, soft cocksuckers. Their hair shimmered, becoming blonde and pink nylon, and their eyes turned to solid pink glass.

And where two ninja had once sat, all that was left was a pair of bim-bots in shredded clothes.

The silver chips all sparkled again, brighter than ever. And once the light faded, the images on each coin were clear. On one side, was an ordinary engraving of a smiling Sakura or a haughty Ino – depending on who had owned the chip first. And on the other, just the image of the large breasted, empty headed bim-bots they’d become.

The dealer laughed as she picked up their tokens, tossing a few before sliding them all away – to be folded into the casino’s chip collection and handed out to the real players to gamble with.

“Intelligence. Individuality. Identity. We turn it all into chips for you, and you just give it all away~” She giggled, a Sakura coin rolling over the back of her palm. “So generous of you. But then, there really is a sucker born every minute, isn’t there?”

“Oh, speaking of – it’s time you two got upstairs to the VIP ‘customer service’ rooms. Don’t worry – you’ll be putting those new slutty bodies of yours to work real soon.

Mindless and obedient, the two bim-bots rose, the remains of their old clothes sliding off them like the last remnants of their old lives, and, tits jiggling, asses swaying, they strutted off to begin their new ones as brainless sexbots. They were bound to be very popular in the role~

But, of course, the evening wasn’t over yet. There were still other suckers at the casino, waiting for their turn…


Request: I’m thinking of a corruption fic where Yukari (Persona Ultimax) gets fired from her acting job and out of desperation for more work becomes like overly pampered bratty arm candy after being hired as a model for a new Strega related organisation.

“Uuuugh…” Yukari Takeba groaned into her pillow; face screwed up as she relieved the last day of her life on repeat inside her head. It had not been one of her best. Someone had made some comments to her at work that she had felt were inappropriate. She had let him know what she thought about that in no uncertain terms. And unfortunately, it had turned out he’d been the producer’s son.

More unfortunate, ‘no uncertain terms’ had involved a fair bit of throwing heavy objects at him. Which he had deserved, damnit, she’d stand by that until the day she died! But it did mean she no longer had a job. Damnit.

Groaning, the brunette rolled over, giving a pleading look to the ceiling. What was she going to do now? Rent was due at the end of the month, and she had not planned to be out of work. Her savings account wasn’t in the best state…

Oh hell, she really didn’t want to have to ask Mitsuru for help. She knew her old friend would be there in a heartbeat for her, but it was still humiliating to have to rely on someone else like that. What other option did she have, though? It wasn’t like jobs just grew on trees around here, you know? Especially in this economy…

Her moping was interrupted by a sound from the door to her apartment. Sitting up, the (former) actress and occasional persona user blinked as she noticed a letter sticking through her letterbox. Huh – she hadn’t been expecting any mail.

Curious – and eager to distract herself from her situation – Yukari slid off of her bed and snatched the paper up.

‘Miss Takeba’, it read. ‘We represent the Agerts modelling agency, and we would like to extend you an offer of a contract. We are currently handling the modelling of the Midnight fashion series, and our client has expressed interest in your profile for some specific pieces. As such, we are interested in offering you a one time contract, with potential for further work, at a salary of-‘

“Wait, how much?!” Yukari stared at the letter, reading it through a second and third time, just to be sure that it said what she thought it said, that she hadn’t somehow misunderstood it. They wanted her to model for them? She’d done some modelling before, a while back, before she’d been hired to work on Featherman, but she’d never really thought anyone would be digging up her contact info after all this time…

… But hey, why worry about that? She needed a job – this was a job! It was perfect, just when she needed it! In fact it was almost too suspicious – but seriously, what did she have to be worried about? They were offering more than enough money to cover her bills for the month – long enough for her to get properly back on her feet. What would be the harm?

Suddenly feeling a lot better about how this day was going, she reached for her phone.

“Welcome, Miss Takeba.” She was greeted at the sliding glass doors by a smiling black-haired woman in a red business suit. “We’re so glad you decided to accept our offer.”

“Well, I’ve not decided anything yet,” Yukari answered, a little nervously. “I do want to see what I’ll be modelling before I sign anything…”

“Of course.” The woman nodded understandingly. “That’s very sensible. And I’d be happy to show you! Please, come this way.”

The former SEES agent was led through a modern looking building – very stylish, just the kind of thing you’d expect to see from a modelling agency – up the stairs to a cozy studio, complete with a changing room for her. It all seemed pretty professional, and set any nerves Yukari had at ease.

“You’ll be modelling the Midnight collection,” the red suited woman explained. “It’s a three-piece jewellery ensemble. Just a simple belt, necklace, and earrings combo. We’d like you to show off each piece separately, and then all three together. Sound good?”

“Sounds perfect!” The brunette smiled, another weight off her chest. Okay, so she wouldn’t even be modelling anything risqué. Well this was just easy money then! “How should I start?”

“We’ll go with the belt first.” The dark-haired woman said, handing her a green strap of fabric inlaid with expensive-looking red gems. For some reason, the colours reminded Yukari of something… “And, of course, this dress to show it off against.”

“Huh?” The persona user blinked, her train of thought banished as a blue evening dress was pushed into her hands. “Oh – oh, of course.” Duh, there was no way she could model this stuff against her normal clothes. Silly to forget that. “Okay – are the cameras already set up?”

“You know it.” The woman nodded. “We like to get things done quick and painless here at Agerts.”

Yukari chuckled. “I approve. Alright, give me a moment – I’ll go get changed.”

Honestly, this had always been the part of the modelling profession that Yukari liked the least. Putting on someone else’s clothes in order to show them off, thinking carefully about how to wear each piece… Ugh, it was a lot of pressure, and not a lot of fun. Fortunately, her career as an actress had gotten her a lot of practice with this part – her role in Featherman had involved changing into a loooot of costumes. So, it wasn’t long after stepping into the changing room that she was checking out her new look in the mirror.

She looked nice, she had to say! The gems really stood out against the belt, and it framed her figure nicely, even if it looked a little loose. Smiling, she struck a little pose, arms behind her head, enjoying the glamorous look.

The gems glittered in the light.

Yukari gasped, bending down and grabbing her dresser as she felt a sudden surge of heat in her hips. Her fingers gripped the lid of the table, her eyes going wide as, without warning, her behind grew wide and fat, her thighs gaining a new layer of thickness. It didn’t take long – and it felt shockingly good – but before the persona user knew it, her ass had swelled up to true blue booty levels. By the time the heat had died down, and she could stand upright again, she looked like a bowling pin with the way her curves blossomed down below.

“Wh-What the…?” She stared at herself in complete shock. This couldn’t be real, could it? There was no way that…

There was a knock at the door, disrupting her panicked denial. “Miss Takeba? Are you ready in there?”

“Uh. I. Uh!” Wide eyed, the brunette gave her reflection another look. The non-panicking part of her brain noted that she didn’t actually look that bad. The belt now fit nicely, and she still looked good in this dress… Of course, the non-panicking part was definitely in the minority here.

And, alas, the panicking part wasn’t able to come up with a reply before the door was pushed open, and the agency woman looked in. “Ah, there you are. And you’re looking lovely in the Midnight belt! Come along then, let’s take the pictures quickly – time is money after all!”

Without even giving Yukari the chance to object, she snatched the brunette’s wrist and pulled her out into the studio proper, helpfully guiding her over to the stage where she could be photographed. And Yukari didn’t really have the wherewithal to object, allowing herself to be walked over and positioned. The woman was acting as if nothing was wrong. Had… Had she really not noticed?

It was a moment before she noticed the cameras pointed at her, but when she did, her modelling instincts took over. Nervously, she struck a few poses… And was surprised at the delight she felt as she her the shutters start snapping.

“Perfect! Wonderful! I can see you’re a real professional, Miss Takeba!”

“R-Really?” Yukari found herself blushing. It felt nice to be told she was good at this. And it felt good to be the centre of so much attention. It had never been a big draw for her before, but now, something was different. Maybe after her acting career she just found this more enjoyable.

“Really! And that should do for the belt alone. Here – the necklace is next. It’s waiting for you in the changing room.”

“Th-thanks…” A little red in the face, the brunette quickly strutted back to her private room, almost slamming the door behind her as she pushed it closed and rested against it. Wow. That had been… Fun? More fun than she remembered…

Curiously, she approached the mirror, studying her reflection. Yep, her ass had definitely grown. But…

She put her hands on her hips. She really did pull this look off. Heck, she looked damn good like this. Why had it happened? Some kind of side-effect of her days in SEES? Maybe some weird reaction of her persona after all the stress she’d been through lately? It didn’t matter. Either way, it was helping her out now.

Carefully, she removed the belt, laying it aside neatly, and picked up the necklace. Would it have an effect on her too? Should she risk it…?

… Well, if she didn’t try it, she’d never know. And the last one hadn’t turned out too bad. Shrugging, the brunette reached back and clipped the black chain around her neck.

Against her chest, the red gem glittered.

Yukari was a little better prepared for the surge of heat this time, so she didn’t double over as warmth filled her chest. Instead, she got to watch with wide eyes as her bust inflated, her breasts swelling like a pair of balloons. In moments, she’d gone from a respectable cup size to a knockout – and her frame’s bowling pin had been replaced by an hourglass.

And it was a damn fine hourglass, too, if she said so herself! She filled out this dress nicely. Holy crap, with this kind of body, modelling would be a sinch! The idea of eager onlookers applauding her walking down the runway sent a very different kind of heat flowing through her…

This time she opened the door and stepped out before the agency woman could get worried, striding back to the stage with a confident smile. “Sorry for the wait! Ready for the next set?”

The snapping of the cameras sounded like a wave of applause to her ears, and by the time her second photo set was done, she was feeling almost giddy. Had it always been so much fun to model? God, why had she ever stopped? It was so nice being the centre of attention like this…

“Yet more wonderful work, Miss Takeba. The last piece of the collection is on your counter. Why don’t you wear them all? We should be able to handle everything with the last set.”

Yukari’s reply was a light and airy “Sure…” as she practically glided her way back to the changing room. She even blew a kiss to her sexy reflection as she walked up to the counter.

All three this time? Okay. She slid the belt back on – only a little disappointed that it didn’t result in any changes this time – and then reached for the earrings…

Only to stop short, frowning. For some reason… For some reason, she had the oddest feeling that if she did this, if she wore all three at once… Then there would be no going back. That the changes made to her body would be permanent. That she’d be stuck like this forever… A glamorous… sexy… curvy supermodel for all time…

The brunette giggled. Well why would she say no? She snatched up the earrings and clipped them into place – greenish black metal and beautiful red rubies dangling from her ears. They glittered in her reflection.

Yukari bit back a moan as that now-familiar warmth surged in her head, dancing over her scalp as her hair grew longer and silkier, smooth and impeccably styled. Her makeup grew a little more perfect, her lips just a touch thicker, a faint red glint sparkling in her eyes. And everything fell into place.

She looked beautiful – and the pictures were going to eat it up~

She marched out of the changing room with a spring in her step, arriving on the stage with grace and poise – and a wink for the cameras. The shutters roared like a crowd hollering for more.

“Magnificent!” The agency woman was almost as pleased as she was. “I must say, Miss Takeba, you’re really the perfect fit for our Midnight collection. Could I possibly convince you to wear it to an event we’re holding tonight?”

Oooh. An event? More people? More cameras? More stares? How could she possibly refuse?

“I’d be delighted,” Yukari purred, stepping down from the stage with a confident grin. “It sounds like a lot of fun.”

“Oh, it will be.” The woman smiled as she started to lead her newest model out of the studio. “And I think our host will be very eager to meet you. You might know him – I think his father works in television. Play your cards right, and I think he has a lot of attention to lavish on a pretty thing like you…”

The thought of it sent chills down the model’s spine, and a purr rumbling up through her throat. “My dear,” she sighed, a smirk on her lips. “You absolutely must introduce us…”

On her ears, around her neck, and over her waist, red gems glittered – almost as eager for the spotlight as their wearer. Things were certainly looking up. If she played her cards right tonight, she might not even need to worry Mitsuru…

Though, of course, if things didn’t work out, she was sure her old friend had just as much money and attention to lavish on her. Mm, she didn’t care who’s arm she was on – just as long as they knew how to treat her right!

It hadn’t been such a bad day after all~


Request: Servant Trap: Would Nitocris be acceptable?

The club was rather dark, with a somewhat smoky atmosphere. For some servants, it would have been a pleasant place to spend an evening drinking and playing cards – but for Nitocris, it was entirely too slovenly to be an enjoyable place to spend her time. “Master,” she said, her arms folded and a frown on her face. “Are you sure this is the kind of place where we should be discussing our contract? It seems more like a den of thieves than a respectable venue. Unworthy though I may be, I am a Pharaoh, and my title deserves respect!”

She had a point. In normal times, bringing the great Nitocris to such a hole in the wall would have been an unthinkable insult to the noble heroic spirit, and a sure-fire way to start an important relationship off on the wrong foot. No self-respecting mage would dream of bringing such a proud servant to a place like this to discuss the terms of their summoning.

But these were not normal times, for normal time did not flow within the great city of Cockaigne, the infinite realm of eternal pleasures. And her master was no self-respecting mage, though she was not to know that. After all, if she were to become aware that her summoning had been hijacked, and drawn into a singularity designed to deal with her and her ilk, she probably would have been rather upset, and that wasn’t how Cockaigne liked to do things.

So instead of revealing these truths to her, her Master – a cloaked figure with a charming smile and little else in the way of revealed features – simply said, “Of course, my Pharaoh. That is absolutely the case. But, given that the grail has chosen not to inform you of the world to which you have been summoned, I thought that perhaps it would be best if I gave you a proper introduction to our fair city’s culture in the best way that I could.”

“Oh?” The Pharaoh raised an impetuous eyebrow. “And this dingy rat den is the height of your culture?”

It wasn’t that bad, but she had royal standards. Those were hard to meet.

“Not quite,” her Master chuckled. “Actually, what I want you to see is the show they’re about to put on. Come on, just through here…”

They beckoned their Servant to follow them, and stepped away down one of many dark passages, easily pushing their way through a few curtained doorways. Following him cautiously – and still far from impressed – Nitocris found herself standing at the back of a small theatre-like room, with a stage at the front, and many tables dotted around the floor – all of which seemed to be filled with cloaked figures similar to her Master. There was, in fact, only one empty table in the whole room, right in the middle of it all, and that was where the pair took their seats – the Pharaoh only doing so  with fair hesitation.

“Master,” she asked, already suspicious. “Just what kind of show-?”

“Welcome, one and all!” Suddenly, the lights went dim, and a spotlight shone down on the stage. Nitocris grunted with annoyance. At least her question would be answered soon. “To the Marvellous Magical Mischiefs of… Mister M!”

There was a puff of smoke as a musical sting played over the speakers, and suddenly there was a man on stage, dressed in a dark cloak like all the others – though this one had a black top-hat on over his hood. It would have been an impressive trick, had the Pharaoh’s enhanced Servant senses let her see him sneaking up out of a hidden trap door.

“Good evening, everyone!” ‘Mister M’ greeted the crowd, to great cheers and applause. “I hope you’re all ready for a magical show!”

Nitocris’s eyes were boring into her Master’s side. They tried to pretend they didn’t notice.

“For my first trick!” The performer on stage announced, removing his hat. “I shall pull a rabbit…” He reached into it, his hand rooting around. “Out of… Out of… Hm.” Then he paused. “Where’s the little rat gone… Damn. Uh. N-never mind, then!”

A purple eyebrow began to twitch.

Undaunted, Mister M replaced his hat and bowed to his audience, pulling a pair of large metal rings looped through one another from under his cloak. “For my next trick, I shall now pull these two rings apart without damaging eith-oh.” He paused as, in his eagerness to show off how strong the rings were, he accidentally pulled too hard and bent both completely out of shape – revealing the gaps in them that he’d been trying to hide with his hand. “Okay, forget that one.”

The twitching was getting even worse.

“Right, right, okay, got a good one for you now.” The man on stage reached behind a curtain and pulled over a man-sized mirror. “So, this ancient magical mirror was given to me by the great-”

And that was as far as he got before, in his haste to pull the mirror out, he accidentally yanked it over, and it fell to the floor with a SMASH!

Said fall accidentally showed off the secret compartment on the back of the prop, too. Not good.

“Ah. So, moving on…”

The twitching was-

“ENOUGH!” Nitocris roared, jumping to her feet and angrily slamming her hands against her table – nearly splitting the top in two as she did so. “This is not magic! This is a disgraceful display! An insult to true practitioners!”

Normally her temper wouldn’t break so much, or so easily, but magic was the realm of the gods – and thus, the Pharaohs. And Nitocris would never take an insult to the Pharaohs lying down. Also, mirrors were kind of her thing.

“Apologise for your misdeeds and repent, now, or I shall show you to the underworld myself!”

“Now now, Miss,” the ‘magician’ raised his hands to try to soothe her, stepping down from the stage and over to her table. “I know the show hasn’t gone quite to plan, but I assure you, I’m a real magician. Here, I’ll prove it.” He produced a pack of cards, and then with a flourish, slid them out into a fan and offered them to his heckler. “Pick a card, any card.”

“I’ve no time for your foolishness, charlatan!” Nitocris was on a roll, and wasn’t about to get off her high horse because someone waved some cards in her face.

But Mr M was insistent. “Please, go on. Help me out, and I’ll prove I’m doing real magic for you. And if I can’t, I’ll give you any apology you like, okay?”

“Hmph.” The purple haired servant glanced towards her Master, who was nodding, urging her to take the deal. “Very well. Let it not be said that the Pharaoh isn’t merciful. I’ll take… this one.” She plucked a card from his hand and turned it over to look at it. “What the…?”

On its face was a picture of her – though, said picture was lacking any of her royal regalia. Instead, she was dressed in purple leotard, with a white fluffy tail stuck to her rear and tall purple high heels on her feet. In fact, the only part of her normal clothing still in evidence were the jackal ears she wore on her head.

“Aha!” The so-called magician nodded, peering around at her card. “It seems the deck has decided that you must be my assistant tonight! Well, you already have some of your costume. Let’s sort out the rest, shall we?”

He snapped his fingers, and-


There was a puff of smoke all around her, making the Pharaoh cough. Then, once the smoke cleared, she looked down – and screamed.

Her outfit was gone. Her sacred divine robes, vanished. Instead, she was now clad in that very same insulting leotard she had just seen on the card. How? How had her outfits been switched?

“What kind of blasphemous-?!” She glared up at the magician, ready to rain the kind of hell that only an ancient queen of Egypt could rain on him – only to draw up short as he dropped something down in front of her. A golden coin, hooked on a string.

“And for my next trick,” he announced, swinging the coin from side to side in front of her, “hypnosis!”

What? How ridiculous. Hypnosis? Was that even a real thing? Of course she knew there were plenty of creatures and spellcasters able to mesmerise an unwary mind, but there was no way this cretin could be capable of such an act.

“You can’t be serious,” she growled, glaring at him through the coin’s arc.

“Just keep a close eye on that coin, miss! You’ll make a fantastic assistant yet!”

Hmph, nonsense! Even if he was capable (as if), she was much too strong minded for such a simple trick to work on her! She was Nitocris, Pharaoh of Egypt and reincarnation of Horus! There was no chance of… of… Huh, that was a really shiny coin though. The way it kept catching the light, glittering, pulling her eye…

“That’s not… That’s not going to work,” she still protested with exasperation, her eyes flicking left to right to follow the coin despite herself. “There’s no way that I’d ever…”

“Shhh…” He soothed her. “Just follow the coin. You’ll see the trick soon.”

T-trick…? There… There was a trick to this? Huh… Maybe if she watched closely she’d spot it. It… It wasn’t like it mattered, after all. She was far too powerful to be… hypnotised…

She raised a hand to cover a sudden yawn, just barely managing to keep one eye open as she did to follow the coin. Swing, swing, swing. There was something reassuring about its constant pattern. Never drifting, never swaying. Just swinging back and forth. Back and forth.

It was kind of… relaxing…

Not… Not that she’d ever… Yawn

“I won’t… This isn’t” The Pharaoh mumbled, her shoulders slumping, eyes glued to the coin. “There’s no way that I…”

“You seem pretty tired,” Mister M’s voice floated into her ears from somewhere beyond the swinging shine that was her world. “It’s been such a stressful day. Tell you what. I’m going to count down from three – and once I reach the bottom, you can fall into a nice, relaxing sleep, and let me handle all the stressful thinking for you. Sound good?”

Wh-what? No, that… that didn’t sound right…


But he was already counting. Nitocris’s eyes fluttered, and she found herself yawning again, the edges of her vision growing dark.


Well, it… it wasn’t like she needed to worry, right? Even as her eyes were slowly sliding closed, and her arms had dropped limp to her sides.


After all…


“I’ll never… be… hypno… tizzZZzzzzZZZzzzzz…” The Pharaoh’s head drooped, eyes sliding firmly shut and her chin resting against her chest as her snores filled the room. The coin in front of her slid to a stop, dangling still and motionless, no longer needed. She was under.

“Very good. Now.” Mister M chuckled as he raised his hand, fingers held next to the sleeping Servant’s ear, and…


Nitocris stood up straight, her eyes snapping open to reveal a vapid gaze staring straight ahead, with a wide, blank smile spreading over her face. Her arms were held stiffly at her sides, and one got the feeling that if they knocked her over, she’d clatter like a plank.

The magician looked pleased to see it, and bowed as a smattering of applause came in from the room around them. “Thank you, thank you.”

Then he turned to his hypnotised subject. “You’ve been a wonderful assistant so far! In fact, I wonder if you might be able to help me fix a trick I was trying earlier…”

Reaching up, he removed his top hat from his head. “I think I know what I did wrong – I forgot to put the rabbit in the hat first! Here, let’s fix that now.” And then he moved to slide said hat over Nitocris’ jackal/bunny ears. Down it dropped, swallowing up the ears quickly – and then the rest of her too, quickly slipping over her entire body, somehow fitting her inside without changing size, until it was resting against the floor, with no Pharaoh anywhere to be seen.

“That ought to do it,” Mister M nodded, plucking the hat up off the floor and spinning it over, showing it around to the room so that everyone could see it was empty, before walking back up to the stage. “Now, let’s try this again, shall we? Oh, but before we do…”

His hand dipped under his cloak, and then emerged holding a glowing pink bottle of Cockaigne’s finest Dumb Bitch Juice. “How about we give her a little treat for being so well behaved?”

To a round of cheers from the audience, he popped the cork, and tipped the bottle, bright pink liquid pouring into his hat like a waterfall. Once it was empty he gave it a little shake, sprinkling the last few droplets in, before tossing the now empty bottle off stage. Then, he reached in, rummaged around, grabbed something, and started to pull.

The first thing to emerge were a pair of long, tanned legs, capped by a familiar pair of purple high heels. But then something seemed to go wrong. As the magician pulled, her thick thighs emerging slowly, her arrival suddenly stopped short, jamming against the mouth of the hat. She was stuck.

Mister M just rolled his eyes, turning the hat over so that her legs were dangling down, and then smacking the top of it with his wand a few times. That seemed to do the trick – a solid thwack and her ass slid through, popping out to great applause. Her chocolate curves were still tightly wrapped in her purple leotard, but now there was much more curve for the cloth to cover, and it wasn’t doing nearly as good of a job anymore.

Her slim waist slid out of the hat without any further difficulty, but another jam was inevitable, considering what came next. Her legs wiggled in the air as small pockets of underboob poked around the rim of the hat, but that was as far as she got before she was once again completely clogged.

This time the magician left the hat floating in the air, and bent down to grab her legs fully, pulling on them with all his weight. For a moment, it didn’t seem like even that would be enough, but finally, after a little jumping up and down…


Her breasts, now magnificently bigger than her head, burst free of the hat, and almost burst free of her leotard as well – the cloth straining to just barely cover her nipples. The rest of her swiftly followed, the purple haired big boobed bunnygirl landing on her high heeled feet with her hands raised high.

“Ta-dah~” She cheered brainlessly, giggling at the audience as they clapped for her trick. Her eyes were, somehow, even more vapid than before – her irises replaced with little pink hearts, and not even a glint of intelligence remaining in them.

“And there we go. One rabbit, out of a hat,” Mister M grinned, dusting himself off as he got back to his feet. “What do you think of my magic now, dear?”

It was a bit of a rhetorical question. After all, given the dip Nitocris had just taken in Cockaigne’s proudest alcoholic tradition, she really wouldn’t be doing much ‘thinking’ at all from this point forward. That stuff melted brains like lava melted ice, and he could already see from her new curves that the resulting energy had been redistributed to much more fun places. Still, he did want to hear her answer… And he wasn’t disappointed.

“Oh wow, Mister M! That was, like, the bestest magical trick ever!” The bimbofied bunnygirl giggled, her bouncy bust jiggling even more as she raised a ringer to her cheek, pink eyes sparkling. “You must be, like, the powerfullest mage man ever! I’m such a total fan!”

“Is that so? Well then you’ll be glad to know I’ve decided to hire you on as my permanent assistant from now on~” He chuckled, wrapping an arm around her to guide her to the centre of the stage – and giving her fat ass a good squeeze on the way. “I think you’ll like this next trick. It’s a little like that old sword swallowing trick – although you’ll be the one doing the swallowing. And it’ll involve another disappearing act – this time for your uniform.”

“Yay! Awesome!” Nito the bunny giggled and clapped, before happily sinking to her knees. Another magic trick? She must have been the luckiest bun in all of Cockaigne~ Ooh, she hoped the audience enjoyed the show as much as she would! Maybe they could get some volunteers coming up to participate soon…

She really needed to reward her Master for bringing her to such an amazing act! And for summoning her to Cockaigne in the first place. This city was so wonderful, she hoped she never had to leave!

And she never would – another noble servant lost, to the City of Eternal Pleasure…


Request: James loves Raves or rather he loves watching girls at Raves. Those wild neon clothes, the platform shoes, and heck even the furry leggings. But after losing his job and having to move back home in the boondocks he is lamenting that he will only be able to enjoy by proxy on the internet from now on. But what is this? An Ad from Bimbotech about some new Special DJ equipment. Maybe with that he can turn his sleeply little down into one hell of a bash.

James sighed, shoving the last box containing the memories of his life in the big city into place in the garage. Hopefully, one day he’d be able to return, but now that he’d lost his job it was looking less than likely. It was expensive living out there, after all – one of the crucial factors that had forced him to move back to his old family home out in the sticks.

They barely even had the internet out here. It was going to be hell.

Worse for him, though, was the complete lack of any kind of party scene. He’d really fallen in love with the clubs during his years out living the high life, and losing them was the hardest hitting part of his great run of misfortune. The music, the lights, the girls, oh god, the girls. Neon clothes, platform shoes, the flirtatious winks, the whole energy of a raver babe…

He wasn’t going to be seeing any of that out here.

Sighing, her pulled the garage door down, wandering around to the front yard. He hadn’t even found a new job yet. He wasn’t even sure what kind of job he could get. There wasn’t much call for X out here, and even if there was… Did he really want to keep doing it? Like, his job had paid the bills – right up until it hadn’t – but he’d never really enjoyed it. Maybe this was a call to try something new…

He nearly tripped on the front doorstep – a bunch of magazines had been delivered while he was off shifting boxes, apparently. Grumbling, he bent down to gather them up – when he paused. One of them, one of the national papers, had gotten kicked when he almost tripped. It had open landed on the small ads page, and as he looked down at it, one ad in particular caught his eye.

‘Wanna be the life of the party? Try out BimTron’s latest product – the DimJay DJ System! Hot and Scintillating nights guaranteed! Order online now!’

Huh. ‘BimTron’? He’d heard of them, hadn’t he? Some weird rumours on the net, the occasional ad on a porn video. ‘A woman’s place is on…’ Wait, wait, no, that was the other one. BimTron had always seemed like a pretty shoddy knockoff brand to him, but he’d still seen their name around. And it wasn’t like he had much to lose.

He glanced towards the quiet rural street behind him. Autumn leaves were just starting to fall. Perhaps this small, sleepy town could do with a bit of a night scene. You never knew, sometimes a quiet place like this was just waiting for the right party scene. It was definitely the only way he was going to see any rave babes without a dial-up level download speed…

That last argument was the clincher. With a chuckle, he picked up the paper, along with the other magazines, and carried them inside to make a phone call. It was time to try out a whole new career.

Fall was nearly past by the time Samantha found herself driving through what should have been a quiet rural town, with the touches of winter already starting to make themselves known. Frost on the window panes, grass crunching under foot…

And yet none of that seemed to be in evidence here. It was strange. She’d expected to see a few signs of the season in the way people dressed on the way to the hotel she was spending the night in, perhaps some early Christmas lights going up, but… No, no, none of that.

Instead, the dark haired business woman saw people – mostly women – walking around in very unseasonal clothing. Neon tops, metallic mini-skirts, rainbow-coloured fuzzy leggings… It was odd, more the kind of thing she’d expect to see in Ibiza rather than a quiet American town. Perhaps they’d just had a festival or something?

It was none of her business, either way. She wasn’t in town for long – she was just planning a short stay at the hotel overnight, to get back on the road tomorrow. She had three states to cross before this trip was done, and she had no intention of hanging around out here in the sticks any longer than she had to.

Though it was weird that even the receptionist at the front desk was in on the craze. Those clothes showed off quite a lot. Though Sam had to admit, if she had a figure like that, she’d probably show it off too. Good god, those curves…

“So, like, are you going to the party tonight?”

The business woman’s jealous introspection was interrupted by the receptionist’s sudden question, and she blinked in confusion. “Party?”

“Yeah!” The receptionist – a blonde with red streaks through her hair – nodded eagerly. “The big bash in the heart of town! We have one every night, they’re super fun. Everyone’ll be there - you should totally come!”

Sam raised an eyebrow. Well, that went some ways towards explaining the outfits. “Uh, no thanks – really not my thing.”

“Awh, that’s a shame.” The woman pouted, but handed over the key to the business woman’s room without pushing further. “Well, if you ever change your mind, you’ll know where to find us!”

“Uh. Sure.” Like that was going to happen. Sam rolled her eyes and turned away, heading for the stairs – and as she went, she passed another group of giggling women in rave gear that were going the other way. Holy crap, did everyone in this town have boobs as big as their heads? Ugh. Screw it, she was turning in now and getting an early start in the morning. The sooner she got out of here, the better.

But even that simple goal would prove to be more difficult than she expected.

~Bom … Bom … Bom~

She felt like she’d barely shut her eyes when a distant rhythmic sound drew them open again. A pounding base, rumbling through the entire room, and ringing in her ears. Her tired gaze rolled over towards the window – where coloured lights were dancing through the glass, playing out on the ceiling.

“They can’t be serious,” she groaned, rising to sit up in her bed as it became clear that the noise wasn’t about to stop. It was music, she could tell that, but it was muted, blocked by bricks and glass and space. But it was still impossible to ignore – vibrating through her like a plane flying low overhead. How was anyone supposed to sleep with this racket?

~Bom … Bom … Bom~

Grumbling, she slid out of bed to fetch a glass of water. It tasted strangely sweet out of the tap, but everything in this town tasted sweet, and she ignored it, gulping it all down. On the way back, though, she paused by the window. From up here on the third floor, she had a good view of the town, and she could see the lightshow down below clearly. The building right across from the hotel was apparently the local dance club, judging by the lights and sounds pouring out of it. The source of her problem.

~Bom … Bom … Bom~

For a second she considered pulling the window open and screaming at them to turn down the noise, but she quickly dismissed the idea. No, judging by the crowds moving in and out of that place – mostly female, though it was hard to be sure from up here – no one was going to be paying her any attention. They were too busy with their ‘big bash’.

She grunted, pulling the curtains closed, and tried to think. How could she sleep like this? She had ear plugs, but these vibrations just rolled right through them. Maybe she could change rooms? It was late, but this was ridiculous! … But no, wait. The receptionist she needed to speak to would be at the party across the road by now too, wouldn’t she?

~Bom … Bom … Bom~

… Then, why not head over there and find her? It couldn’t be too hard. Yeah, she’d just be in and out…

She held her head for a moment, feeling a bit dizzy. Was that really such a great idea? Surely it’d be impossible to find someone in a crowd covered in dizzying lights and pounding music.

~Bom … Bom … Bom~

But she should try anyway! Yes, definitely. This was a great idea. She was going to head over there right this second.

… Well, not right this second. She needed to get dressed first. She wasn’t going to storm over there dressed in her night clothes.

~Bom … Bom … Bom~

Although since she’d only be quick, she didn’t need to get too dressed up…

As soon as the doors opened, the music swept over Samantha like an explosion in an action film. The loose jacket she’d donned was almost swept clean off her shoulders, and she had to fight to keep her feet.

~Bom Bom Bom Bom Bom~

The pounding beat made her eyes flutter for a second, the music seeming to sink in through her ears and vibrate right to her very core. For a second she considered turning back, the sensation knocking her out of the strange haze that had drawn her in – but before she could act on it, hands reached out and pulled her in, the doors slamming shut behind her.

Wide eyed, she found herself on a darkened dance floor, surrounded by wild women in raver outfits, all dancing the night away, each curvier than the last. Coloured stockings kicked out around her, neon tops swayed as she stumbled past, glowsticks waving as coloured lights occasionally flashed through the fog. This was… this was…!

~Bom Bom Bom Bom Bom~

The beat pulsed through her, and whatever she was trying to think was blasted to bits, along with the rest of her thoughts. Her eyes rolled up in her head, body trembling as the music poured through it – and then all she could do was moan as she felt that body start to change to the rhythm’s flow.


Her chest started to swell, plumping up, breasts pressing tight against the inside of the casual t-shirt she’d thrown on. Her breath grew quick and hot, struggling against the uncomfortable and unfamiliar binding.


Her jeans began to groan and protest, stitches snapping and buttons popping as her ass followed suit. Beneath the tight fabric her cheeks were growing by the second, expanding with every rumbling beat that pounded through her, heat and pleasure pulsing through her body and gathering between her legs.


Until another beat tore through her, and carried the blasted remnants of her mind right out of her, pleasure spiking and juices dripping down her legs as she climaxed just from the music alone.

“Huauh…” Her jaw dropped, her mind empty, her arms limp at her sides. She was just left standing there, dazed on the dancefloor, eyes filled with flashing lights, body pounding to the rhythm…

And then the music got louder.

~Bom Bom Bom Bom Bom~

The casual clothes she wore, the ones that had already been torn and shredded by her body’s growth, were ripped apart, stripped from her frame and reduced to ribbons and thread by the music’s demand. Her outfit just plain disintegrated around her, destroyed by pitches and harmonics she couldn’t hope to understand. She was left naked, eyes crossed and knees pressed together, naked on the dance floor.

But not for long.

As if guided by an unspoken plan, the dancers around her drew nearer, reaching out to her.

A pink crop top slid over her head, glowing bright under the dancefloor’s darklight. Glowbands and chains were wrapped around her wrists. A metallic skirt, squeezed tight around her ass. Platform shoes eased onto her feet. In a matter of moments, she was dressed again – and now, she looked just like all the other rave girls around her.

And the music began to play again.

~Bom Bom Bom Bom Bom~

This time, the effect on her was electric. Movement returned to her limbs. Life flooded back to her vapid eyes. An eager grin took her lips, and her arms raised over her head as she shook her hips and thrust her chest.

“Yeah!” She cheered, voice perky and clear. “This is the greatest party evar!”

Her trip? Forgotten. Her name? Discarded. Her job? Didn’t matter. All she cared about now was the rave. Her only want, to dance in the biggest bash in the world, forever and ever!

Oh, and to give that studly DJ a nice reward for showing her the neon light~

James grinned in his booth, commanding the tunes with a wave of his hand, lights flashing and speakers booming to his command. Who would have thought BimTron products could be this potent? Not bad for a knockoff, right?

Life had certainly picked up in this town. Who needed the big city when out here you could have the best party in the world every night? And at the heart of it all was him, enjoying the view. Everything was coing up James, ever since he’d found that ad.

The door slid open, and a girl he didn’t recognise strutted in, pressing her neon wrapped breasts against his chest, grinding against his crotch with need. He grinned, and gently pushed her to her knees, underneath his table. Fuck, he just really couldn’t get enough of Rave girls~

Thanks BimTron!


Request: Persona 5: Makato and Ann have accidentally went into a new palace with no knowledge of what’s going on there. Unluckily for them, this palace has a way of changing anyone who enters in extremely interesting ways.

“Where are we?” Wasn’t the most comforting thing to hear after a crash, but Makoto could forgive Ann for saying it. Their surroundings were completely different from the dark tunnels of Mementos that they’d been travelling through only a few moments ago. Instead, they were surrounded by a strange landscape – an almost desert-like place, not dissimilar to Futaba’s palace. This one was different though, with more of an arabian nights feel than an ancient pyramid deal. There were buildings, for a start, with towers and minarets clouding the horizon. It was a very strange place to suddenly find yourself.

“More importantly,” Makoto muttered, getting back to her feet and looking around, “where are the others?”

Indeed, there was no sign of the rest of their party. Nor was there any trace of the crash that had brought them there. They were on their own, in the middle of this strange sandy city…

“Is this a palace?” Ann asked, biting her lip. “It sure looks like one. Do you think we were somehow… thrown in here by accident?”

“I didn’t know that was possible… But then, there’s a lot we don’t know about the metaverse,” Makoto conceded. “That could be it. In which case, we’d best find the way out as soon as possible. Maybe the others will be able to find us outside.”

It was a decent plan. A bit basic, but considering their situation, it was reasonable enough. Alas, they weren’t going to be given the chance to execute it without some obstacles getting in their way…

“Panther! Look out!” They’d barely taken three steps before Makoto noticed a shadow moving in the corner of her eye. It was acreature that looked like it had stepped out of some adult version of the 1001 nights – a pink genie floating out of a golden lamp, with an incredibly bottom heavy hourglass type figure, and it was drawing closer. Indeed, even as the phantom thief yelled out her warning, it launched an attack, hurling a ball of pink energy directly at the unprepared Ann…

Only for Makoto to jump in the way, taking the hit.

Instantly, the brunette knew something was wrong. She’d taken attacks from shadows before, but none of them had ever felt like this. The breath was driven from her lungs as an unfamiliar heat surged through her, focusing on her ass. Then a moan slipped from her lips, her thighs rubbing together instinctively as her cheeks began to grow. She couldn’t help it – she hadn’t been prepared for the sheer pleasure pounding into her brain as her behind swelled up, her leather armour creaking and straining…

Until it finally stopped, having more than doubled its original size, leaving Makoto gasping for air.

“Queen!” Ann was by her side in an instant. “Are you okay?”

“I… I think so,” she replied, still breathing hard. “But… Wh- What the hell?” She looked down at herself with wide eyes, twisting her tips to get a better look at her expanded assets. “What kind of status effect is this supposed to be?!”

“Uh, good question…” The blonde thief scratched her head, tilting her head as she examined Makoto’s ‘problem’. “But do you think we could take the effect back with us to the real world? I’ve got a few modelling contracts coming up that might…”

“Panther, please.” The team strategist shot her a scathing look, getting a nervous giggle in return. “… Besides, I don’t see the shadow anymore. I think it’s run off.”

It was true. The creature that had attacked them had vanished without a trace, leaving the pair alone once again on the strange city streets. Only now, Makoto had an ass she wasn’t sure she could fit through doors without struggling.

“Well this is just great,” she grumbled, reaching down to pat her hands over her morphed body, pressing against it to see if it’d shrink back down. No luck – she was just making grip marks. “How long is this going to last? I look ridiculous! Thank god none of the boys are here to see this.”

“Yeah,” Ann sighed, watching her work. “There’s no way they’d ever stop staring.” Of course, neither would she, but she was a girl as well, so that was fine, right?

With a grunt, Makoto tried walking forward, only to find that her legs would now only move in a sultry strut, one foot in front of the other, forcing her hips to sway from side to side with every step. “Oh perfect!” She growled, putting her hands on her ass to try to stop it, but that just made her cheeks jiggle more. “I can’t even walk right! I look like some kind of big butt bimbo!”

Meanwhile, Ann’s eyes were still locked on Makoto’s ass. There was something about it that she couldn’t quite put her finger on, though part of her hoped she’d work it out if she just kept watching. Something alluring. Attractive. She- She wasn’t into other girls or anything, but there was just something impossible to look away from about her friend’s new bubble butt. “Yeah… Big butt bimbo…”

The strategist wasn’t paying attention to her fellow thief, though. All of her ire was currently directed down at her hips, a frustrated rant bubbling up from inside her after a stressful day. “You know who has thighs like this?” She asked, bending over and wiggling her rear, hoping that’d snap everything back to normal. And when it didn’t, she raised a hand, and-


- Slapped it down on her cheeks, like she was trying to burst a balloon. “A dumbass - Ngh! - Booty whore!”

Ann’s mouth was hanging open, her eyes completely locked on her friend’s jiggling ass. She couldn’t tear them away. Couldn’t stop watching the cheeks bounce and slap together. They were so magnificent. So wonderful. So… perfect! The sight filled her head, every smack slapping more and more thoughts out of her brain. “Dumbass… Booty whore…”

“Right! God, I look like such a slut!” Makoto remained oblivious, now hopping up and down, hoping against hope that a little movement would make this stupid status effect go away. And of course, that only made her jiggle harder. “Anyone who sees me like this is going to think all my brains went to my ass!”

“Slut…” Drool was starting to drip down the front of Ann’s red panther suit, drizzling from her slack jaw. Her head had been emptying quickly before, but now Makoto’s ass was jumping up and slamming down on her thoughts, squashing them all flatter than a pancake beneath her perfect booty. Now there was nothing to stand in the way of the words slowly filtering into the blonde’s mind. “My brains went to my ass…”

And that was starting to effect more than just her head. As she stood there, entranced and mindlessly staring at her friend’s quivering butt, Makoto’s words rang out in her head, bouncing, echoing in the empty chamber of her mind. ‘Big Butt Bimbo~’

Ann groaned in quiet delight as the words trickled down her spine, flowing into her hips, and her body responded - her own ass was starting to expand. That same bubbling heat that Makoto had felt, she now got to experience, warming her cheeks and massaging her hips, slowly, steadily, widening her hips and fattening her thighs. It wasn’t long before she was practically her friend’s equal in the booty department.

But that wasn’t all! The words were still rolling about in her head, bouncing on the glorious cheeks that dominated her mind.

‘Dumbass booty whore~’

The heat grew hotter, dripping through her head as her brain started to shrink, her lips quirking up into a vapid smile as her intellect dropped. Ann had been a smart girl, if not quite as sharp as Makoto – but not anymore. She was just a dumbass booty whore, after all – she didn’t need facts or figures in her head, she just needed to shake her moneymaker! And god did she love to shake it, another quiet moan escaping her lips as her nethers started to drip – an eternal flame of lust now burning between her legs, fitting for a booty whore~


And now the juices were really starting to flow. A horny, slutty energy coursed through the blonde, energising her body. Her nipples stiffened underneath her leather catsuit, her thighs tingling, her ass heating. Her slowed mind filled with images of naked men and women, of proud cocks and soft tits, all wrapped around bountiful booties. A pleased, sultry purr climbed up out of her throat, a promise of the hunger she felt within.

‘Brains into ass~’

And then everything else in her head not dedicated to being the best damn booty slut bimbo she could be, just… slid out. Squished and flattened by Makoto’s ass, it was pushed right out of her head, all to way down to her butt, where…


She expanded once again, her red leather catsuit actually ripping along the seams as her ass swelled even larger, positively dwarfing Makoto’s behind now. And that was paired with an equal but inverse effect on her brain, which practically popped, bursting into nothingness, leaving nothing but an empty headed booty bimbo where once had stood a proud phantom thief. Her smile widened into a truly stupid grin, her eyes glazing over completely as her pupils turned pink and heart-shaped (or perhaps, those were heart shaped hips).

Fortunately – although perhaps it was a bit late – her orgasmic cry of joy as her brain popped and her ass expanded finally succeeded in attracting Makoto’s attention and interrupting her rant. Surprised, the strategist turned around… And her jaw dropped as she saw what had become of her fellow thief.

“Panther!” She rushed over. “What happened? Are you okay?”

“I’m, like, totally great, Queenie!” Ann giggled, bouncing on her feet and enjoying the way her butt jiggled. “I’m a big booty bimbo slut through and through! Isn’t it great?”

Makoto stared, wide eyed – before her gaze quickly turned to their surroundings, desperately searching the city streets around them. “Damnit. That shadow must have gotten you too. We can’t let our guard down here. Come on, we’ve got to get out of here. Follow me!”

“Oooh, I’d love to,” the booty bimbo agreed, her eyes firmly locked on Makoto’s ass once again. She’d follow those cheeks to the ends of the earth!

And so the two thieves retreated – one now an empty headed butt slut, and the other dangerously oblivious to the power she was sitting on. But it’d be okay – these status effects were sure to wear off once they escaped the palace… right?

Well, look at it this way: If they didn’t, at least Ann was a shoe-in for those modelling contracts now!


Request: A male human captured while fighting against the forces of the High Elf Empire finds himself transformed into one of the Empire's ruling High Elf Lords. No TG please, he should remain male. Otherwise I leave everything up to you as normal.

Farel cursed his luck for the thousandth time as the sharpened edge he’d spent that past five hours working on slipped from his fingers and tumbled through the gaps in the bars in the bottom of his cage, vanishing from sight. There went another escape attempt. Not that he’d been expecting much – his restraints were ruthlessly secure, and the cage lock was out of reach even if they weren’t… But still, it had been something to work on.

The ranger was a strong man, and his muscles hadn’t had time to atrophy since his capture – hell, he hadn’t even had the chance to grow more than a short blonde stubble on his chin yet – but this prison was certainly beyond his abilities. He was alone here, suspended in a metal cage in a large chamber, mostly filled with shadows – none of his abilities would work to free him from this. It had likely been designed with him in mind. He’d been causing enough trouble for the High Elven Empire over the years now. His capture had surely been no accident – that ambush had been carefully planned.

And as if to confirm that suspicion…

“Still you try to escape your fate?” An all too familiar voice echoed through the chamber – and Farel looked up to see General Al’ciya stepping into the room. The elf was as beautiful as ever – and as dangerous. Unlike him, after all, she was still in possession of her weapons and armor. “It will do you no good.”

The ranger rolled his eyes. “Forgive me if I don’t take the word of an elf for that.” He and Ciya had clashed more times than he cared to count on the battlefield, and he knew her far better than he had ever wanted to. After enough skirmishes, the mind of your enemy became all too clear. The pale skinned woman had to be the one behind his capture, and given her infamous ruthlessness, that was not comforting news.

She just chuckled at his retort, confidently striding across the room. “I think you may have to get used to taking our word, Farel of the Ox. You’ll be getting that a lot from now.”

He raised an eyebrow, staring at her through the bars of his cage. “Oh? Do you not intend to execute me then, Ciya? I promise you, if I live, I will find a way to escape – and you invaders will learn to regret your mistake.”

The elf laughed at that, drawing close and grinning back into his prison. “Ever the bold one, Farel. That’s what I like about you. Despite being born to such a… disadvantages race, you’ve always seen yourself as our equal. You know, I used to find that attitude infuriating… But, I admit. It’s grown on me.” She brushed back her long silver hair, peering at him with a curious blue eye. “It will do our forces good to have a man like you on our side.”

That got a bark of laughter from the prisoner. “Did you fall out of a tree and hit your head, Ciya? Torture me as you like – I’ll never sell out humanity to work with creatures like you.”

She smiled. “We will see, Ranger.” She stepped back, into the wider chamber. “Tell me. You’ve been fighting our forces for years. You know more about us and our people than anyone outside the Empire. How much have you heard about our goddess?”

His eyes narrowed at the odd change of topic. “Bet’nena? Oh, not much. Normally, the only time I hear that name is on the lips of your dying soldiers.”

If he hoped to rile her, he failed. If anything, she just looked amused at his barb. “Humour me.”

The ranger sighed. Why not? “A lunar deity primarily, concerning herself with creatures of the night and moon. She doesn’t bother answering the prayers of humans, so we don’t give much thought to her.”

Al’ciya nodded, pleased. “Good! Far more than I’d expect from an ordinary human. But then, you are hardly ordinary. If you were, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.”

“And what ‘conversation’ are we actually having here, Ciya?” He growled. “Riddles like this aren’t your style. Get to the point.”

“Ah, but I am.” In contrast, she was almost purring. “You see, you were almost right in your description of our glorious night lady. But you missed a detail. You see, Bet’nena is no mere goddess – she is an elder deity. Far older, and far more powerful, than any of the minor spirits you pray to in your Harvest Conclave. And we, the elves, are her most favoured children of the moon, blessed in her name.”

A yawn was the only response she received for her grand speech. “You elves never get tired of hearing yourselves talk, do you? If you wanted to discuss religion, find a priest, not a ranger.”

But again, she just brushed his words off. “Perhaps. It’s a bad habit. I do find myself getting more longwinded as I grow older. Did you know that I’ve just about reached the age of motherhood? Soon I’ll be called away from the war, back to my homeland, and I’ll not be allowed to return until my children are full grown.”

“A vicious thing like you, forced to become a housewife? Hmph, I’m sure that’ll be almost as painful for you as it will be for the misfortunate children stuck with you as a mother.”

She cackled. “Ah, well you’ve not met elven children yet. But it’s true, I wasn’t looking forward to it. Despite my long hunt, none of the men I’ve met have reached my standards for cunning and strength. None of them are worthy of being my mate.” Her blue eyes shone silver in the darkness. “None save one.”

That got a snort. “Well congratulations to the lucky bastard. Hope you both rot in the fellplanes. Is there a reason you’re bragging to me about this? What, do you plan to present him with my heart as a betrothal gift?”

“Not… quite.” She tilted her head, brushing her hair back again as it fell out of place. “Good guess, though. How about I show you? The time is drawing near…”

Well that couldn’t be good. Doubtless, she had some terrible fate in mind for him – but at the moment, he saw little that he could do about it. He had been prepared to die since his capture. If she thought he’d beg for his life, she’d soon learn better.

Before he could work out her plan though, Farel noticed something strange. The room was growing brighter. Looking up, he saw something he’d not noticed before – a large hole in the roof, round and smoothly carved through the stone, revealing the dark night sky above. Or, it had been dark. But now, as he watched, the moon was slowly inching its way overhead, its light spilling through the hole into the chamber below, falling on both him and his captor.

“Wonderful.” Al’ciya looked delighted. “The night lady has come. Do try to enjoy this next part, ranger. It’s a blessing few of your kind will ever receive.”

And without waiting for him to puzzle that out, she raised her hands to the heavens, and cried out. “Lady Bet’nena, hear my plea! This enemy of our tribe has proven cunning, resourceful, and strong. Please, wash away his sins and his low birth, and grant him entry to the ranks of your most blessed!”

Farel had a split second to blink in confusion – and then light, pure and silver, crashed down over him like a waterfall, pouring with divine intensity from on high. In an instant, everything fell away. The dark chamber, the taunting elf, the metal cage, the firm restraints… And more than that. His body vanished in the glow, his past swept away in the flood. In the warm embrace of the moon, everything that he was reduced to its smallest elements, and then discarded.

All that was left was a pitiful glow, faint in the brightest of lights. But slowly, as the light intensified around him, the glow began to grow bright as well. Power and strength poured into him, history and grace unlike any he’d previously possessed. He had been stripped of his inferior elements, and granted new, stronger ones.

And as the light from above began to dim, his grew ever stronger. Steadily, his body returned, constructed anew out of the ether. But this wasn’t the muscled frame of a human ranger. This was the sleek, graceful, strong yet smooth frame of an elven lord. His hair grew long and silken as pointed ears poked through its now silver hue. His skin was pale, cast without blemish or scar. He stood tall – taller than he’d ever been as a mere man. Even his clothes were rewoven, forming into long, silken robes that proclaimed his power and status.

His blue eyes opened, glittering with a hint of moonlight. The cage was gone. And in front of him, was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

“Al’ciya.” He smiled and moved closer to her, his voice almost unfamiliar to his own ears, so deep and purposeful it was. “A warm and fair night to you.”

“Fe’ral…” She was almost drooling at the sight of him, and as he stepped close she leaned in, her fingers dancing on his chest, tracing his abs. “You are everything I dreamed you would be~”

He chuckled, his voice rumbling through the room. “So glad to please. How about we retire to your chambers to discuss our upcoming bonding?”

“I’d like that…” She giggled, sliding her arm around his. “And once our bonding is complete, you shall be my equal – you will join the ruling Lords, and fight alongside me in battle. It will be glorious~”

“It shall,” he agreed, the pair walking together to the exit. “I look forward to it. A few decades in our homeland to raise our children should be all the peace that the humans need. Then we’ll return to the front, and cut through their ranks like a moonsteel scythe through wheat.”

“Oooh~” Ciya purred, leaning her head on her man’s shoulder. “Save some of the sweet talk for the bedroom, Ral~”

The pair’s laughter filled the halls of the elven keep – and across the land, people shuddered in the darkness, a cold foreboding steeling across even the most optimistic of souls. Though it would be some time before anyone realised it, on this night, the war had taken a fearful turn…


Request: P4-It turns out there are some...interesting side effects if someone changes the channel while there are people inside of the TV world. Naoto and Chie find this out the hard way when they end up stuck in some old timey cartoon world. And find themselves subjected to toon physics. Which means that the corny stage magician with the swinging pocket watch easily hypnotizes them and turns them into his brainless bimbo bunny assistants as thier bodies and minds change with each swing of the watch.

The midnight channel was something of a mystery, even to the Investigation Team. Teddie could only provide so much information after all, and most of that info was about the fluff composition of his brain. Shadows, fog, ancient deities bent on the destruction/salvation of mankind… There was a lot going on in that other world, and to some, it seemed prudent that someone investigate the matter.

Naturally, if there was any investigation to be done, it would be conducted by Naoto Shirogane. They didn’t call her the detective prince for nothing, after all. And without any other cases to distract her – Inaba was distressingly dull for someone of her skills when there wasn’t a magical serial killer lurking about – what better use was there for her time?

So, she had diligently begun her work. Even with the fog gone, there was so much to learn about the other world. It would require a proper in-depth study – the kind that needed to be conducted in person. And while she was reasonably confident in her ability to defend herself in the other world, it seemed like it would just be asking for trouble to go alone.

“And that’s where I come in?” Chie Satonaka asked, hands resting behind her head as she followed the detective into Junes.

“Indeed.” Naoto nodded. “I didn’t want to trouble too many of our friends for this, and with everyone else busy…”

“I getcha.” Yeah, Yukiko had the Inn, Kanji had the textile shop, Rise had her idol work, Yu was back home with his family, Yosuke had Junes, and… Okay, no one wanted to do long investigations with Teddie making bear puns in the background, even if he was the person with the most knowledge about the other world. Everyone was really busy around this time of year. “So what are we going to be doing?”

“For the most part, this is just exploration. We’ll go in, and take a look around, check for interesting that might warrant further investigation,” the detective explained. “I’ll only know what’s worth checking out once I’ve seen how the place functions now with my own eyes.”

“So, jump into the TV, wander around, and kick the butts of any shadows that cross our path! That, I can do.” Chie grinned, adjusting her trademark green jacket. “Heck, I’ve been looking for a good excuse to get some exercise in.”

By this point, the two had reached the giant TV in the Junes electronics store that the Investigation Team had gotten to know so well. Big enough for anyone with the power to enter the other world to walk through, and expensive enough that it would probably never be sold, it was their ever-reliable entrance to the Midnight Channel.

Naoto was the one that did the traditional check – looking down the aisles to make sure no one was watching. There was someone nearby fiddling with some of the other TV sets, but they looked rather distracted. “All clear,” she signalled. “After you.”

The brunette bruiser gave a cheerful salute, and then hopped into the screen, vanishing in a swirling spiral. A moment later, and Naoto had vanished after her – both heading straight in to the TV world.


What neither woman was aware of as they entered was that their ‘ever-reliable’ TV had undergone a small change recently. Specifically, someone had found its remote control, and replaced its batteries, leaving it out for any potential customers to use. It hadn’t seemed important, so Naoto and Chie had ignored it, but…

“Oh, huh.” The guy who had been playing with the smaller TVs wandered over. “I thought I heard something over here.” And then his eyes fell on the remote. “Oh hey, does this thing work? Let’s get rid of that weird static…”

He snatched it up and pointed it at the big screen.


The pair of persona uses stepped out onto unfamiliar ground – blinking, as neither the natural paradise, nor the foggy backstage studio materialised around them. Instead, things looked rather… grey. Uh, everything looked grey, in fact. That, or straight black and white. Everything was in monochrome… Even themselves, they realised as they looked at each other.

They were in some kind of theatre, they realise once their senses adjusted to such a strange black and white world. There were rows and rows of seats, stretching off towards the back of the room, and at the front, a stage, framed by long, flowing curtains. They could even see the backstage off in the wings. And everything, absolutely everything, had a thick black outline around it, separating it from everything else.

Chie was the first one to open her mouth, but no sound came out.

A moment later, and the world went dark, pitch black, with white words in a large font floating in the void. [What the frickity frick?!]

A few seconds later, and everything snapped back. The two women blinked.

Cautiously, Naoto raised a finger, asking for silence… And then spoke as well, her voice utterly silent. Then she paused, waiting.

Blackness descended. [Hold on, let me just test something.]

When the world snapped back, she seemed satisfied. Chie, however, just looked confused. Once again, her lips moved, with no sound coming out.

[Naoto, what’s going on?]

The detective nodded and started talking, casually gesturing to the world around them for several seconds, before reaching back to stroke her chin in consideration

[It’s simple, Chie-senpai. Somehow, we’ve been diverted from our normal course through the TV to the backstage world of the Midnight Channel, and we’ve ended up in what I can only assume is a rerun of a decades old animation instead. Judging by the experimentation we’ve already done, it seems that reality here works like the old silent films, where, because sound was a late addition to the theatre experience, our words are instead taken and put up on screen as text once we stop speaking. This is fascinating – I wonder how it happened…]

The text flashed by in a couple of seconds, leaving a visibly sweating Chie scratching her head.

[Naoto, I didn’t have time to read all that.]

Her friend had the grace to rub the back of her neck in embarrassment.

[Uh, we got thrown into a cartoon.]


The light of realisation dawned in the normally-brown-haired girl’s eyes. But before she could say anything else – probably something about how cool this was, judging by her expression – a long leg stretched out of the backstage shadows, stepping down in the centre of the stage – before, in a snap, being joined by its owner and the rest of his body. He was a sinister looking man, in a black cloak and top hat, with a thin moustache and a pointy beard.

[Why, what’s this? Two helpless maidens have wandered into the lair of Mesmero the Magnificent, the greatest villain the stage has ever known? How convenient for my schemes!]

The two women paused to read, and then looked at each other, both with a raised eyebrow.

[Naoto, who’s this clown supposed to be?]

The detective shrugged.

[I don’t know. Old cartoons are more Yosuke’s thing, aren’t they?]

[True. Either way, he seems like bad news.]

The black and white man didn’t seem to take kindly to them ignoring him, raising his fist and shaking it in the air, his top hat wobbling menacingly.

[Fools! I am no clown! I am the most mesmeric magician in all the land! Treat me lightly at your peril!]

Chie just rolled her eyes, turning to address the guy – before breaking into a run, charging at him and throwing herself into a flying kick!

[Yeah yeah, we heard you. Now how about you hear this! HYAH!]

But to her surprise, as the world came back following her text, the sinister magician slipped around her attack like he was made of water, bending at impossible angles… And she found herself carrying on past him, crashing straight into the back wall.


Naoto quickly rushed to her downed companion, checking her for injuries

[Chie-senpai, are you alright?]

The martial artist rose, her eyes spinning in her head, small doves circling her head.

[H-hey, who let all da’ pretty burdies in here…?]


Chie blinked, then shook her head, the birds all vanishing in a puff of smoke.

[Woah. That was weird.]

Naoto nodded at her side.

[It appears we too are at the mercy of cartoon logic in here. Be careful, we have no idea what might happen.]

Meanwhile, Mesmero seemed quite pleased by how events were turning out, silently cackling as he gave them another melodramatic speech.

[Muahahaha! I see you have learned some respect! Good! I’ve been looking for some girls to serve as my beautiful henchwenches. You two are perfect for the part!]

That got another pair of incredulous looks, with Chie being the one to yell at him first.

[What? No way! We’ll never work for you!]

The magical menace just laughed, before pulling out an old fashioned pocket watch on a lengthy chain, swinging it in front of him.

[Oh, but you will! Just look here at the pretty watch…]

Chie’s face scrunched up in confusion, brow wrinkling as she read the strange dialogue, but Naoto’s eyes widened. Immediately she started speaking, her body language clearly alarmed.

[Wait! Don’t do it, Chie-senpai – don’t look at the watch!]

However, her warning came a little too late. The long period of silence while she was speaking gave her friend ample opportunity to stare directly where she wasn’t supposed to, her eyes following the watch as it swung left to right…

[Whu… Why not? It’s just… a silly little watch…]

Alarmed, Naoto reached out and shook Chie’s shoulder, trying to turn her away, but it was as though the woman was made of lead – she couldn’t shift her. And all the while, the martial artist’s eyes kept following the watch’s swing.

[That’s it. Just watch the watch. See the way it goes back and forth… Back and forth… So nice to look at, isn’t it? So relaxing. You’re so relaxed…]

There was a hint of a goofy smile spreading on Chie’s lips now, faint spirals starting to swirl in her eyes as she fell deeper and deeper into the hypnotist’s trap. Even Naoto waving a hand in front of her face couldn’t pull her back. Furious, the detective turned to the magician, carefully keeping her vision away from the watch as she reached for her gun.

[Stop it this instant! or I’ll be forced to take extreme measures.]

If her threat scared Mesmero, he didn’t show it, simply cackling at her.

[Silly girl! If you want to save your friend, all you have to do is-]

Suddenly, the text dropped, and Naoto found herself staring at where the text had been – which, by total coincidence, was a space now occupied by a swinging pocket watch. She immediately reared back, trying to cover her eyes with her arm – but it was too late. Even as she attempted to block it out, her gaze was already following along with the swing.

[No! That’s… Not… f-fair…!]

But despite her protests, her gun was already falling from her limp fingers, spirals flickering in her pupils. A few swings later, and she was in the exact same position as Chie – falling to her knees, a blank, empty smile on her face as her eyes were swallowed completely by the black and white spirals.

The malicious magician chuckled silently, before miming snapping his fingers. Even though there was no sound, both girls reacted, jumping straight to their feet, arms locked by their sides, swirling eyes still staring straight at his swinging watch.

[Very good girls. Now, I don’t need any nosey snoops poking about my theatre, so kindly forget all about that…]

Subtly, the girl’s grins grew even goofier – especially Naoto’s, as drool began to pour from the edge of her lip, her logical detective brain scrubbing itself clean of all her snooping skills.

[Instead, you will now become…]

Mesmero’s words flickered before their eyes, glowing bright, stamping themselves on their souls. Each swing of the watch was accompanied by a powerful command that both women could do nothing but obey.


Jaws dropped open, tongues lolling out as the two former investigators brains – already rather stupefied – utterly melted. The collective IQ of the entire Investigation Team dropped like a stone as Naoto’s mind evaporated into thin air, hissing out through her ears in an animated cloud of steam (and dropped just a little bit more for Chie’s contribution). There would be no further chance of resistance from these two.


Even though hypnotism was just a mental phenomenon, the magician’s commands affected their bodies all the same. No sooner had the word appeared before their eyes than Chie’s jacket was starting to unzip itself, zipper sliding down as her bust grew out, swelling larger and larger until she had reached properly cartoonish proportions. Naoto, who had started bigger, experienced something similar, the buttons on her uniform popping off one by one and bouncing all over the stage, until it finally just burst open entirely, revealing her enhanced bust to the world.


Any clothing woes were quickly forgotten, though, as their torn outfits blended together, spreading themselves over the girls’ bare bodies, before forming into a proper pair of bunny suits – black for Chie, white for Naoto. They were complete in every sense of the word, with fluffy tails stuck to the rears of their tight leotards, bow-tie collars, detached cuffs around their wrists, dark stockings and high heels on their legs, and, of course, floppy bunny ears on their heads.


Bright smiles slapped themselves on the girls faces as their transformation from heroines to minions completed. As one, they both giggled silently, their barely contained tits jiggling merrily as only toon tits can, and then stepped forward, wrapping their arms around the magnificent Mesmero in such syntonisation that one would think someone was mirroring their animation.

The evil hypnotist flipped his watch up into his hand and tucked it away with a villainous laugh.

[Perfect! Now with these two beauties under my power, everyone will be eager to come and watch my show – and join them as my thralls! Soon, I will have the nation’s leaders in my hands – and after them, the world! Muahahaha! Girls! Attend to me. There is much to be done before tonight’s performance!]

Then, with a fiendish sweep of his cloak, the cartoon villain vanished off stage, leaving his two new bunnies behind.

For a moment, the two just blinked owlishly at each other. Then, the one in black asked a question, finger pressed against her chin.

[Like, what do you think he just said?]

The one in white giggled.

[I dunno~ I can’t read either, silly!]

And at that, the one in black smacked the top of her head, sticking her tongue out cutely.

[Oops. Oh well. Guess we’d better just stand around looking pretty!]

[Sounds fun to me~]

The two hugged, squeezing their chests together and exchanging a quick kiss, before skipping off the stage after their master – just as the screen faded to white, and the credits began to play…

Back in Junes, a confused teen watched the end credits with a raised eyebrow. “Wow, didn’t think they put stuff like that on TV. There were really risqué back in those days.” He paused, thinking as he set the TV remote down. “… I’ll have to look it up and see if I can find that series online.”

With a shrug, he set off, walking out of the department store none the wiser about what his actions had caused. But in fairness, he had done the girls a small favour. They’d wanted to learn more about how the TV world worked, and they had! They’d just then forgotten all of that, and everything else, exchanging it all for a giggly jiggly future as cartoon eye candy.

Oh well, there was always next week’s episode~


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