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I managed to screw this up. Please cast your actual votes here:


One more thing!

As I've mentioned, I'm planning on changing up how things work around here so I can offer more commission tiers. But to do that, I'd like to know what people are actually interested in from me. Like, I can offer tiers that get 10000000 word commissions, but that's not going to mean much if what people actually want is like 50 word stuff, right?

(Note: I am not actually offering 10000000 word commissions. I think that might actually kill me.)

So, please let me know what sort of commissions you'd actually be interested in getting from me, if you were to get a comm at all. I super appreciate any info you can give me, and I'll try to use it to direct how this patreon works going forward

Caption level comms:

So these are short. Like, short. 50 to 500 words maximum sort of deal. Enough to get a hit of the good stuff, and not much more. I've never done captions before (art rights are difficult to navigate!) but I mean I wouldn't object to writing captions for art the commissioner provided, that could be an option. 

Short level comms:

Okay so this is what I already do with the Shorts each month - roughly 1-2k word stories, with basic setup and payoff. Really, this length is about enough to fit maybe one or two characters getting MCed, TFed, or some combination of the two in!

Mid level comms:

This is what you'll usually see from my own stories - about 4-5k word long stuff, with room for a proper story base and a bit of a narrative. Can cover a decent group's worth of MCTFery and still be a good short story. These are what I'm currently looking at for 'longer' tier commissions.

Long level comms:

Okay, these are getting up there, dealing in the 7-10k range or longer. I've written a few pieces like this. It's an investment of time and effort, but it allows a lot of breathing room for detail and story structure. Typically, this format allows for a lot of different characters getting different fates, or sometimes one character getting a very drawn out, slow burn MCTF experience. I definitely can't do many of these in a month, but as a kind of top-tier, executive level thing, it's potentially an option.

So what kind of stuff are people interested in seeing? Feel free to vote for as many options as you like. And thanks for taking the time to look through all this - it really does help me out.


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