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Hi folks!

Sadly I do have to confirm that I'll be posting up the shorts next week instead of this week like I planned (the delay I mentioned last week really gummed up the works), but in their place, please enjoy part two of this Nanoha bimbofication saga!

(Check the 'Nanoha' tag to see part 1 if you've forgotten it)

Hopefully things'll be back on track, and this'll be the last kind of delay for a while! Have a good week, all, and I hope you're enjoying Halloween month!


With the two aces gone, Signum set herself in a ready stance, grip on her blade Laevatein tightening. Whatever was coming, there were a lot of footsteps. She’d have to be ready to face a great number of foes as a single unit. Not something that worried her, given that she’d performed that role many times over her career as an officer, and even longer as a servant of the tome of night sky. And Quattro’s forces so far hadn’t inspired much concern that they might prove to be more than she could handle.

Still, there was no call to be reckless. She would engage the threat with all the force and skill she was capable of. Her allies were relying on her to protect their backs, and she could do nothing less.

“Ooohhh, so bold and chivalrous.” Quattro’s voice was an unwelcome addition to the scene, but not one that Signum could afford to spend her attention on. She could sense the enemy closing in, and knew better than to let the combat cyborg distract her at a crucial moment. “And boring. Did I mention boring yet? Ugh, you stoic types are just the worst.”

As insults from the villain went, it was pretty pathetic, and just made it easy to ignore her.

“See? This is what I mean! How am I supposed to get a rise out of you if you just don’t react? Duuulll.” The combat cyborg’s image sighed – though her eyes still glinted with malice. “That said, maybe you do have a few uses. Hey, how about you help me run a little experiment?”

The pink haired knight’s silence continued, drawing an annoyed glare from Quattro. Naturally, she didn’t care about that – much more important to her was the approaching sound of footsteps. Doubtless, the escaped felon was just trying to distract her from her minions as they arrived, but it would take more than a petty scientist to distract her from her surroundings.

“I’ll take that as a yes~” The combat cyborg giggled, and then pushed a few buttons on whatever command terminal she was next to. “Alright girls, come on out and give little miss frowny a show.”

Three doors on the other side of the room slid open, finally revealing the source of the approaching sounds, and in stepped…

Signum blinked, a confused frown crossing her face. Her stern stoicism only went so far, apparently. “What in the world…?”

“Ah, do you like them?” Quattro giggled, pleased to finally get a reaction from the knight. “My Dumbers are a very special kind of combat cyborg. Upgraded in almost every way compared to my sister Numbers~”

“Upgraded must mean something very different to you than to me,” Signum snorted, trying to regain her composure – though the fact that she was even acknowledging Quattro’s presence meant that she wasn’t totally succeeding. But to be fair, it was hard to blame her for the snide response – the women advancing on her now looked anything but the counterparts to the infamous Number series. The Numbers had been sleek, fast, developed for both combat and strategy…

These things looked like sex dolls that had been brought to life. Breasts and hips that wide just didn’t happen without magical enhancement – and surely they would have made physical combat impossible! How could you grasp a sword and hold it ready around a chest like that?

It was absurd. But even more absurd was the look upon the women’s faces. Each of them wore a silver mask over their heads – some kind of uniform, along with the pink skin-tight bodysuits and long blonde hair – leaving only their mouths exposed, and hiding the rest of their features. But those mouths told Signum everything she needed to know about their mental states. Their vapid grins or wide, drooling smiles could never belong to the kind of intelligent, tactical enemy that the Numbers had proved to be. These creatures were… Well, they just looked plain dumb.

“Well, I admit, they got a pretty severe downgrade in one respect…” Quattro grinned. “But who needs smarts when you’ve got someone as smart as me to tell you what to do? Really, they’re much happier with their reduced cranial capacity. Just ask them~”

Yeah, Signum would only ever consider asking these creatures anything if she was deliberately trying to waste her own time. The brainless giggles that these ‘Dumbers’ were making as they stepped up to surround her only made her more certain of that. Their formation wasn’t entirely hopeless, though – and as they brought out weapons, each snapping out a set of long, dangerous looking pink energy whips. The knight frowned, and tightened her grip on her sword. If Quattro wanted a battle, she would be happy to provide.


“Anyway, I was looking forward to giving these girls a good test of their combat routines, but now we have that experiment to run! I’ve got a fun little theory that I’d love to see confirmed, so how about we activate prograaaaamm…” The fiendish genius stretched out the word as she browsed through her control pad’s options. “… SYRNlight4! I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.”

There was a beep, and the Dumbers sprang into motion. But as Signum steeled herself for an assault, she found herself surprised – not one of the supposed combat cyborgs moved to attack. Instead, all three began to circle her, evenly spread and carefully paced, forcing her to divide her attention in three directions. A reasonable opening move – though to someone with her combat experience, it was far too little to get much of a result. Her well-practiced awareness of everything around her could easily compensate for any confusion they hoped to cause.

That didn’t change when the whips cracked out. She was ready for a strike from any direction, so naturally they chose to feint – a basic tactic, designed to put her on edge and make her more likely to make a mistake. Each pink glowing line of energy crackled, and then began spinning in the air, creating a kind of swirling shield in front of its wielder – somehow not hitting their enlarged assets in the process. Not a problem, her sharp eyes were more than capable of…

… Capable of…

Signum blinked, catching her stumbling focus before it could wander too far from the situation at hand. That was odd. For a moment, her head had felt strangely… fuzzy. It had been difficult to remember what she was doing. Was there some kind of magical effect being used here to try to distract her? She’d have to be careful.

Fortunately, none of the Dumbers had thought to take advantage of her momentary lapse. Had it happened against a more threatening opponent, such an unforgivable flaw in her defences would have been punished severely – an injury, or potentially even defeat, would be a just reward for her stumble. But the three pink sexdolls just kept standing there, swirling their whips around and around and…

… Swirling…

There was something so… interesting… about the way those whips were moving, the pink haired knight slowly realised. They weren’t… Weren’t just spinning them around like a yoyo or… something. There was an even rhythm to their movements, a careful beat in each turn. It almost formed a… a pattern in the after image. She could… She could almost see it, almost make out the words, if she just focused a little more…

… Focused a little more on the spiral…

Yes… There were words there… She could almost make them out, if she focused… If she allowed her whole world to shrink down to just those spinning, swirling patterns… Let herself lose herself in their glow…




She… She could almost…





Signum didn’t catch herself a second time. The tip of her precious sword, already unsteady and wavering, toppled to the floor, slipping from her loose fingers as her mouth dropped open and her eyes glazed, drool starting to gather on her lower lip. Relieved of their burden, her arms dropped back to her sides, hanging limp as she gazes forward blankly into the twirling spiral of lights that had consumed her mind.

“Oh my logia.” Quattro sounded amazed – but only for a moment, before she started laughing her ass off. “That was even better than I thought! I suspected a stick in the mud like you might be weak to hypnosis, but there’s weak, and then there’s that. Some officer of the law – I bet you drop your pants for every thug with a coin on a string! Well…” The combat cyborg put a hand up to her mouth, covering her giggle as her cameras scanned over the entranced enforcer from all angles. “If your thoughts are this easy to subvert, I’ll be happy to relieve you of their responsibility entirely~”

She typed in a few more commands, before leaning forward with a grin, eyes flashing as she stared right into Signum’s blank gaze. “I should thank you for all the data you’re providing me with – I’ve been wanting to test out my Dumbers’ recruitment protocols on a live target for a while now.” She giggled again. “I’m sure you’ll enjoy them just as much as you enjoyed their hypnosis attack! Now, get to work, girls~”

The knight didn’t react to Quattro’s words, merely drooling and staring into space, her mind a blank. Nor did she react as the three Dumbers ceased to twirl their weapons, and stepped forward, surrounding her. Even their fingers slipping under her collar and waistband didn’t spark a troubled thought, the Enforcer remaining completely passive as she was helped out of her barrier jacket and stripped completely nude, eager hands stroking her chest and thighs before gently lowering her to her knees.

With her eyes left gazing forward, she soon lost sight of the two bimbos at her sides, but she didn’t miss a single movement of the one in front of her, though with her mind so deeply entranced it meant little to her. No, she got a full view as the giggling Dumber reached up to her collar and hooked a finger around a hidden zip, pulling it down to expose her own gigantic chest to the world. And it was a view that grew even clearer as said Dumber knelt down, and shoved said chest right in her face.

“Such a good, obedient girl already~” Quattro’s voice purred in from somewhere near her ear, sending warm tingles down Signum’s spine. “Normally I’d stick a helmet on you first and make sure you were well and truly with the program, buuuuut you’ve been so well behaved! Maybe we can just do this raw. So, be a good, good girl now, my boring little knight, and take the drink you’re being offered.”

A nipple, stiff and wet, pressed itself against her drooling mouth.

“That’s it. Just purse those slack little lips of yours and suck…”

It was a silly idea. Foolish. Beneath her. But right now, the pink haired Enforcer didn’t have any other ideas in her head to compete. And Quattro’s voice was so firm, so authoritative. Signum knew how to follow orders, it was part of her job, part of her reason for being. She’d been created to follow the orders of the one who held the Tome of Night Sky, and even after gaining so much independence, some things just resonated within her still.

Eyes still unfocused, her lips closed around the offered nipple, and weakly, she started to suck.

“Oh, good girl, very good girl!” Another warm tingle shot down Signum’s spine, and a dazed smile quirked at the edge of her mouth, even as she continued to suckle. “Oh you’re just my favourite little hypnoslut, aren’t you? Yes you are~ And you’d better get used to me talking to you like this, because thanks to the cocktail of chemicals and hormones your currently gulping down, soon you’re not going to be capable of understanding sentences with more than five syllables total~”

Liquid splashed onto the knight’s tongue, and then flooded her mouth as it truly began to flow. It tasted sweet, like strawberries and honey, and sent a warm, tickly sensation through her throat. She swallowed it down automatically, gulping loud enough that Quattro giggled in delight at the sound, and felt the warm feeling drop down into her belly.

“I think I’ll explain to you how it all works, just so you know, before those brains of yours start dribbling out of your ears. Not that you were using them all that much anyway~” The combat cyborg was delighting in the show, her holographic image zipping around to view it from all angles. “It’s actually pretty simple – even a moron from the middle-ages like you should be able to get it!”

The insult sailed right over the pink haired woman’s head, which only made Quattro’s grin wider.

“So, skipping all the complicated chemical compositions and whatnot - because trust me, just hearing about that stuff’ll turn your brain to sludge before the actual chemicals do - that Dumber milk you’re currently drinking is designed to stimulate growth in certain fun areas of your body! Lots and lots of growth.” She purred, eyeing Signum’s bare breasts and curved thighs. “Mmm. Oh, but you can’t just make something out of nothing, right? That’s a basic rule of physics, dummy! So in order to grow, certain other parts of you are going to have to shrink! Specifically, that big ol’ brain of yours. Like I said, you weren’t using it~”

The knight would have objected – as would many, many people who knew her as a ruthlessly intelligent woman – but right now all she could do was mindlessly suck. It kind of made the cyborg’s point for her.

“But once the process starts, all of that lovely mental energy potential of yours is going to be converted right into big boobs and bouncy booty! Ah, but wait – that’s right! I haven’t told you the most important part! See, that whole process needs a catalyst, something to activate it and keep the reaction going. Wanna know what it is?” She leaned in close looking for any glimmer of curiosity, or even base awareness in Signum’s glazed eyes. She didn’t find any. “Well, it’s pleasure! Specifically, when your nervous system lights up with delight, the chemical processes will activate, and… Oh, but I’m rambling. You’ll see soon enough. Just know that the better you feel, the faster it’ll happen~

Of course, she was just ranting to entertain herself – for her audience, it was all in one ear, and out the other. If any part of Signum Yagami was capable of thinking right now, it was only to the extent of enjoying the creamy sweet taste on her tongue, and the tingly warmth that was spreading through her entire body, radiating out from her belly.

“Hmmm.” Quattro skimmed through a few scans. “Seems like you’re just about ready! Looks like this is goodbye, dumbass – but hey, given how this works, I guess your ass is about to become a whole lot smarter than the rest of you!” She cackled at her own joke, then moved over to Signum’s ear once more. “Now, spread those legs, slut.”

Without moving her lips from their fountain in any way, the knight rose a little, spreading her kneeling legs wide without a single thought as to why.

The combat cyborg observed, nodding, before snapping her fingers. “Girls? Begin.”

Had Signum been unentranced and in possession of her full faculties, she wouldn’t have been prepared. The tongue that stuck itself up, wriggling and slick, between her already wet folds, would have drawn a startled yelp at the best of times as it penetrated through all of her defences. Even in her current state, she couldn’t help but moan, her glazed eyes fluttering, though her sucking went uninterrupted.

The second tongue that slipped inside her a moment later, stimulating her second hole in ways that she’d never imagined were possible, made her squeal, sucking down even more of her delicious milk as her eyes rolled up in her head, and her cheeks turned rosy red.

Pleasure ignited through her body, rushing through faster and harder than she’d ever felt before. And her body, by now well primed for the next step, was eager to react. In a matter of heartbeats, her chest was starting to swell, and her ass cheeks were beginning to thicken. And just as quickly, her brain started to shrink. It was easy, really – like squishing a deflating balloon. There were no thoughts to get in the way.

Her mind didn’t, couldn’t resist. It had already been neatly packed away in boxes, and now the removal company was here to carry it to its new homes. Signum’s brain had been sharp and incisive – but it had also been thoroughly organised and tightly efficient, traits which had, ultimately, proven to be her undoing. Such an organised mind had all too easily been ensnared by a hypnotic spiral, and smoothly swallowed down by her hungry curves. In the end, she’d simply been too rigid to oppose it. An empty mind was an efficient mind, after all.

And if that was the case, then she was becoming very efficient indeed. Her mind was shrinking by the second, her synapses slipping away to become nerves in the intricate pleasure fields being grown elsewhere in her body, her memories and skills turning into nothing more than fat to feed her inflating tits and ass. Entranced and driven wild by the writhing tongues inside her, she never noticed – and indeed, before long, she wasn’t capable of noticing her loss. She was just too dumb – any recollection of being otherwise was lost to her jiggling curves.

In a matter of seconds, her breasts were bigger than her head, her ass was thick enough to smother an incautious soul, her intelligence was evaporating out of her ears, and her body was building to a crescendo. Signum had never been one for indulgence, and had little to no experience holding off on pleasure. The new budding bimbo who had once been Signum had even less. It all built to one irresistible finale as the sensations finally overwhelmed and melted what was left of her brain.

She came, juices exploding out of her into an eager mouth, and her breasts doubled in size, her ass almost rocking her off her feet as it fattened up as well. Her mind Popped!, her lips at last coming away from the Dumber teat she’d been feasting on, her mouth curled up in a wide, stupid smile as her eyes crossed and glazed completely. As a final touch, her pink hair lightened, turning blonde out from the root as it fell out of its old ponytailed style to mimic the long loose locks of the Dumbers around her…

And then there was just one more naked Dumber, drooling in a pile with the rest. And of the sharp swordswoman who’d fought her way in here with her closest allies? There was no sign at all.

“Oh, bravo! Bravo!” Quattro was impressed. “From zero to bimbo in no time flat! I thought F had set a new record, but I think you might have beaten it, whatever your name was! I wonder if the last bitch will get there even faster?” She hummed as she looked her new blonde minion over. “I doubt it. You were always a bimbo at heart. You just needed a hand letting it out.” She giggled. “Okay, get her in uniform, girls! Can’t let a girl with a brain that small wander around without a helmet to tell her what to do~”

The bimbo whined as the tongues inside her suddenly slid away, but her disappointment was short lived – she was far too simple to remember things like that for long. And she certainly enjoyed what came next, as her lovely curvy body was fondled and squeezed into a familiar pink body suit, zipped up tight around her boobs. But what really made her go quiet was the silver helmet being planted over her head – immediately filling her eyes with hypnotic, swirling spirals.

If she’d fallen into a trance quickly before, this was instant. Her hands dropped limp to her sides and her jaw hung slack, already drooling, as her tiny mind went completely silent – enthralled before the spirals had even had a chance to spin.

“Oh, you were just plain destined for this,” her Mistress giggled, observing just how identical her new Dumber was to her three sisters now. Same massive curves, same stupid expressions. If someone didn’t know better, they’d think that all four were just ordinary Dumbers… And really, wasn’t that the truth?

“Well, thanks for helping me test out those recruitment protocols. I think we can call this a complete success. I might use them later on some of your former friends.” The sadist smirked, before waving the four off dismissively. “You might even be lucky enough to be one of the converters… But who knows. I’m just going to mix you in with the rest of my girls and forget which one you were. You’re not important enough to remember like F, or… Well, we’ll see. Now get going, girls – back to your stations. Let’s see if anyone else tries to break in here, shall we?”

None of the Dumbers reacted to her words – far too many syllables for them – but they certainly reacted to their helmets, swirling and flashing subliminal messages into their wonderfully soft brains. “Yes Mistress!” All four cheered, giggling and bouncing, before strutting off back to their bays, waiting to be summoned for another task.

And as Quattro watched them leave, each one strutting to shake their fat asses as much as possible… She smiled, slowly realising that she’d already lost track of whichever one was Signum. A perfect addition to the ranks. No one would ever recognise her by that name again. How lovely~

Now, that just left one last pest to deal with…


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