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Hi there folks!

Okay, some interesting results from the market research! I'll keep that in mind for when I set up the bigger commission tier - hopefully later this month.

That said, there might be a delay, thanks to some annoying real life interruptions that hit this weekend which have stopped me from writing as much as I want to this week. This might result in the shorts release being pushed back by a week. Sorry for that, guys, life is occasionally a bitch, but I'm hoping to regain lost ground.

Either way, please enjoy this week's story, and let me know if you'd like to see a continuation!


(Contains gender bending and mind control)

It had seemed like an easy job. A corrupt teacher bullying and abusing his class? That had rung too many bells for the Phantom Thieves to ignore. None of them wanted another Kamoshida left to fester.

It was the sudden appearance of a palace that really worried them. Clearly, this was no simple weak shadow that would be easily corrected – but then, that made it all the more important that they do so. If Mr Shockman already held this much darkness in his heart, then there was no way they could allow it to grow worse.

The password had been a distressing sign of things to come. ‘Z-E-R-O-T-O-L-E-R-A-N-C-E’ – but they’d been confident. This wasn’t their first rodeo, they’d broken into palaces before. And the fact that this one looked like a giant school… Well, none of them were fond of it (Though Yusuke didn’t really seem to mind) but they were ready. They were prepared. Or so they thought.

But as they rushed in, looking for any clues to help them locate the Palace’s Treasure…

“Who’s this running in the halls?!”

A voice boomed out, and dark flames rolled along the edge of the school corridor, as a familiar – but bizarre – figure strode out of one of the many doors around them. A man who looked a lot like Mr Hiro Shockman – same lanky body, same flat-cropped dark hair, same beady brown eye… But while Mr Shockman dressed like a respectable teacher in the real world, in the outfits of a mid-level professional, here the man wore a smart suit, smoothed, long hair, and sunglasses darker than the blackest pitch of night.

In short, he looked like a Principal – if that Principal was from one of those over the top animes you saw on TV every now and then. Granted, he was a little too overweight to actually pull that outfit off, and there was a certain amount of growing widows-peak that offset the hairstyle he was trying to use, but that was just how Shadows worked – a mix between the real self, and how they imagined themselves to be.

Most people didn’t pull it off as effectively as Makoto’s sister, that’s all I’m saying.

“Everyone on guard!” Mona was the first to grasp the situation. “It’s Shockman’s Shadow!”

“Already?” Skull raised his fists. “Normally we have to put a little effort in! Well, he doesn’t look so tough – I say we take him down now!”

“There’s no point.” Queen was, fortunately, on top of the strategy side of things. “Even if we beat him now, his heart won’t change unless we take his treasure. He’ll just recover and be worse than ever.”

“Normally, I’d agree.” Panther was glaring, and you could practically hear her growl as she spoke. “But teachers like this make my skin crawl. Maybe a little punishment wouldn’t be so bad!”

“I’m not opposed…” And naturally, Noir was cradling her axe with an intent to use. She was a scary lady when she got the chance to cut loose.

“Sorry guys,” the chirpy voice of their navigator, Oracle, was swift to pipe up. “His stats are, uh – through the roof. We really don’t want to fight that without weakening him or something first…”

“Agreed.” And last but not least, Joker took charge. “Play it safe, everyone. If we need to, get ready to run.”

“Aha! So you’re the one leading this crew of delinquents through my school!” The Shadow closed in on their leader, his dark glasses flashing intently. “And telling them to run in the corridors? Unforgivable! There can be only one answer to this insubordination!”

He reached into his jacket, and then snapped out his arm, a piece of paper flying through the air straight at the dark haired Phantom Thief – who, naturally caught it out of the air. Hey, he had plenty of experience with calling cards by now. Though, that’s not what he saw when he turned the paper over.

“A detention slip?”

Suddenly, black flames leapt up around him, drawing shouts of shock and alarm from the other thieves as they jumped back in surprise. In the flash of a second, Joker had been entirely obscured – and a moment later, he was entirely gone, with no trace of him remaining when the flames died back down.

“Don’t worry!” Oracle’s fingers were already flying over her keyboards as she worked her scanners to melting point to figure out what had happened. “Joker’s lifesigns are okay! He’s just been teleported… Somewhere! Working on trying to pinpoint his location!”

Fox looked between the singed spot where his leader had been standing, and the smug looking Shadow Principal. “One would assume he’s been sent to a detention hall…”

“That’s right!” The Shadow grinned. “That’s where all troublemakers go, until they learn their lesson, and become good little students instead.” He cackled, and adjusted his glasses. “And speaking of – you’re all out of uniform!”

There was another chorus of alarmed yelps as more black flames arose around the thieves, swirling about and siging in close – but they died down just as quickly as the first set, and this time they didn’t carry off any of their group with them when they went.

Instead, each Phantom Thief found that they had been stripped of their outfits, with each being replaced by a dull grey and white school uniform – flat jackets and pants for the boys, and long dressed and white blouses for the girls. Even Morgana was left wearing a drab little outfit on his tiny frame. There was no shortage of disgusted expressions here.

Save for the Shadow’s, of course. His smug aura was more than enough to balance out their distaste. “I’ll let you all off with just the warning this time, but know this, students – the next time I catch any of you breaking my school’s rules, bam! Off to detention with you~”

More flames rose around him – and his laughter echoed through the halls as he vanished, leaving the thieves missing a leader, and with a difficult task to fulfil.

“That son of a- I’m going to kick his ass!” Skull was, of course, quick to react – only to be grabbed by Queen before he could take a step.

“Wait! Skull, stop.” The brown haired girl’s voice was forceful enough to hold him in place. “We can’t rush in like that. We’ve already lost one team mate to the rules of this Palace – we don’t want to lose more.”

“It’s true.” Morgana was already scratching at his new ‘uniform’. “Right now we’re just scouting the place out – we can’t afford to bring the strength of this Palace down on us before we’re ready. For the moment, we’re going to have to play by the rules.”

None of the thieves looked very happy about the idea – least of all Skull, who looked like he wanted to protest immediately, but couldn’t quite manage under Queen’s stern glare. Thanks to that, it was Fox who actually spoke up next.

“Fair enough. We shall assume that this place works like a regular school, and conduct ourselves accordingly. With any luck, we’ll soon find this detention hall, and free our leader from it’s confines.”

Queen nodded, breathing deep and firming her resolve. “Yeah. That’s the plan. Anyone object?”

The group looked around at each other – before all of them shook their heads. “Nah. That’s what Joker’d want too.” Even Skull agreed. “But let’s find him quick, alright?”

“Of course.” Fox nodded too. “I just hope he can endure whatever punishment Shockman is subjecting him to in the meantime…”


Joker was sweating. Of all the tortures that he’d braced himself for, this was the last thing he’d expected. He’d faced jail cells, torture chambers, laser traps… But all of it paled in comparison to this.

Detention with a really boring teacher. Ugh. The worst.

He was sat in a classroom full of student desks and uncomfortable chairs, placed near the centre of the front row, directly facing the blackboard. On it, written in chalk (because of course), were simple instructions.

Detention: Complete your punishment to be let out.

Punishment: Copy lines until you have completed three pages of your notebook. One line to each line. No skipping. Any mistakes will result in additional punishments.

Naturally, his first instinct had been to ignore all that, stand up and walk right out the door – as a rebel and a thief, he could do no less. Sadly, the handle refused to budge under his grip, and even a thrown chair left no dent in the door, nor in any of the classroom’s windows. It appeared that, unless he followed the instructions, he was trapped in here.

And, just like the other thieves – though he was unaware of that fact – his outfit had been replaced by a drab and unimaginative uniform.

… He still waited a few minutes, seeing if he’d hear anything from Oracle, or if his friends would find him before he had to indulge this power mad Principal in his games. But after a while, it was quite evident that his friends weren’t going to find him any time soon. Perhaps it’d be best to play along for the moment – if only to get out of here.

With a sigh, the curly haired thief returned to his desk, and took a seat. In front of him were three items – a pen, a notebook, and a worksheet – a work sheet covered in copies of the same sentence over and over.

‘I will obey the rules.’

Joker sighed, not even trying to hide a roll of his eyes. Well, whatever. If it was his best way out of here, then he had some writing to do. He snatched up his pen, double checked what he was copying, and set to work.

I will obey the rules.

I will obey the rules.

I will obey the rules.

As tasks went, it was monotonous, but not too strenuous. Joker had never been ashamed of his handwriting – his proficiency stat was way too high for that – and his spelling was just fine. As long as he went carefully, this wasn’t going to cause him any issues.

I will obey the rules.

I will obey the rules.

I will obey the rules.

Really, this was fair. As punishments went, one that was meant to correct misbehaviours were supposed to enlighten the person being punished as to what they’d done wrong. Breaking the rules was what had gotten him sent into detention, so it was only natural that his punishment would make that clear. The thief found his animosity for the pompous Principal starting to fade away. The guy was just doing his job after all – and it was important to obey the rules…

I will obey the rules.

I will obey the rules.

I will obey the rules.

… There. A full page done! Joker smiled, a warm feeling at a good, rule-obeying job done. Detention wasn’t supposed to be fun, of course, but he really did enjoy getting the opportunity to obey the rules like this. It was so fulfilling! Of course, what he’d done to get him thrown in here was an almost painfully embarrassing memory – one that made him cringe just to think about – but now he’d learned his lesson. The system worked!

Okay, now to do another page, and- huh?

Joker blinked, looking across at the worksheet. The lines he was supposed to be copying had changed. What was this, some strange effect of the palace? Weird… Well, what was he supposed to be copying now?

‘I will be a good girl.’

Eh? What the- What kind of line was that? Why was this here? He was a guy! Come on, he didn’t look that effeminate, did he?

Ugh. Whatever. Rules were rules. It was just copying lines in the end – what was the worst that could happen? Supressing a grunt of annoyance, the thief got to work copying this second set.

I will be a good girl.

I will be a good girl.

I will be a good girl.

Joker paused in the middle of his next line, stretching uncomfortably. He felt a weird twinge in his chest, like a kind of tightness – as though he’d cramped a muscle. Maybe he’d been bending over the desk too much, screwed up his posture. Trying to relax, he took a few deep breaths, filling his lungs up as much as he could, and that seemed to help. It did make his top feel tight instead, but that was much more tolerable, so he just ignored it. Carefully, he bent over again, going back to work even as a new pair of small but stylish breasts pushed against his desk…

I will be a good girl.

I will be a good girl.

I will be a good girl.

Ngh. Another cramp. This one in his hips. Ugh, these chairs were awful – so uncomfortable to sit in! Awkwardly, the thief squirmed, wiggling his ass around to try and sort the problem, tightening muscles this way and that. If he could just… Ah!

There was a sudden burst of relief as, hidden underneath the thief’s desk, his cock was slurped back up into his body, swallowed up by a rapidly forming slit. Slowly, as she worked her plumping ass muscles, rocking and squirming back and forth, she massaged her former man’s pride into a woman’s gift, a fully formed set of passages and ovaries – a working womb. Plus a fat ass that finally felt comfortable in this chair, that was nice too.

I will be a good girl.

I will be a good girl.

I will be a good girl.

Joker smiled, brushing her long hair back as her Adams apple vanished, and her features tweaked themselves to be just a little more feminine. Unnoticed, her grey jacket shimmered, and turned into a white blouse, while her pants shortened and merged into a grey skirt…

There. Copying all these lines was a long task, but she really did have to remember to try to be a good girl. Dressing pretty, respecting her seniors, and presenting a polite and cheerful demeanour were important things – and all part of being the good girl that she was!

She almost giggled as she moved on to her third and final page, and noticed her lines changing once again. What would she get this time, she wondered. Would it be as much common sense as the last two? Geeze, it was embarrassing that she needed reminding to obey the rules and be a good girl, but that was detention for you. As long as the last one was just as short and sensible, she’d be done in-

‘Good girls are dumb bimbos.’

Her pen nearly snapped in half.

Wh- What? What was… What was this? This wasn’t true! There was no way that was true! After all, she was a good girl, and she wasn’t a dumb bimbo. She wouldn’t write that, nuh-uh! Who put this kind of sexist crap in here?! That was it, she was going to get up and- and-

A-aahh… B-but that would mean not obeying the rules. She had to obey the rules. She had to be a good girl and sit here copying this out for one more page. It wouldn’t be so bad. It was just lines, right?

Good girls are dumb bimbos.

Good girls are dumb bimbos.

Good girls are dumb bimbos.

Joker giggled again as she relaxed. Gawd, what had she been getting so stressed about? It was just a bunch of dumb lines, y’know? It’s not like she was actually a bimbo or whatever.

Absently she twirled a lock of curly black hair around her finger, not noticing in the slightest as it started to lighten from the tip on down. This detention stuff was actually kinda hard, y’know? Like, she really had to concentrate to get this all down. Sucking on the end of her pen, she carefully moved to copy another line…

Good girls are dumb bimbos.

Good girls are dumb bimbos.

Good girls are dumb bimbos.

Her sucking was growing more and more intense with every copy, but somehow also less and less satisfying. She wanted something bigger in her mouth. Thicker. Longer. She couldn’t quite think of the thing she really wanted, but she could swear it was totally on the tip of her tongue!

But whatever. At least her uniform wasn’t bothering her anymore. It had been getting, like, really tight and stuff, but then it had gotten all shimmery, and now her new clothes were so much better! And, y’know, way more stylish and slutty, teehee~ Her blouse had grown and gotten unbuttoned and untucked, now tied off underneath her big titties with a big ol’ knot. And her skirt had shrunk into this cute little pink number that was totally gunna flash everyone her panties whenever she bent over~

Gawd, she was suuuuch a slut~ Good thing her tits were so big and her ass was, like amazing – it meant she could get all the guys she wanted! Hee, if she didn’t know any better, she’d totally think she really was a bimbo, how funny was that?

Good girls are dumb bimbos.

Good girls are dumb bimbos.

Good girls are dumb bimbos.

“Annnd… done!” She cheered, bouncing jubilantly in her chair as her pen finally hit the desk – her tits eagerly joining the jumpy celebration. “That was super easy. Even a bimbo like me could do it!”

Indeed, there was no mistaking it – where once a smart, rebellious young man had once sat, now there was only an empty headed, obedient bimbo. Her hair was blonde from root to tip, styled in cute curly ponytails. Her uniform was revealing and slutty. Her body was curvaceous, and unmistakably female – though if anyone wanted to confirm that fact she’d gladly let them. And her expression, lathered in makeup, was giggly and vapid.

A bimbo, through and through.

That was a fact that pleased the Principal, when he appeared in front of her with a tower of shadowy flames. “Aha – I see detention’s straightened you out. You won’t be causing any more trouble with your brains in your breasts, will you my girl?”

“Like, no way, Sir!” The bimbo giggled as she slid out of her seat and onto her feet, still respectful of the rules even if she was too dumb to know what they were. “I’m totally refor… Referm… Like, a good girl now!” She smiled… and then her eyes lit up, and she raised her hands under her chest suggestively. “Although, y’know, if you wanna give me a little extra, um, dicktation… Heehee~”

Whatever clever scheme she’d thought she had going immediately evaporated as she started fantasising over the word dick.

Alas, the Principal just laughed. “I would love to my dear, but I still have other delinquents to deal with. And you…” He smacked her on the ass, drawing a startled gasp, and then a happy moan from the girl as she was ushered out the door. “Have classes to attend. So get going – and if you do well on your tests, maybe I’ll see you again later.”

Jo-Jo the bimbo schoolgirl nodded, and happily strutted away, heading off to class. After all, she had a lot of important learning to do if she was going to pass her tests! Or maybe she could just suck off the teacher for a good grade… Oooh, that was a great plan!

Yeah, she was, like, such a genius. A scheme like that – it was almost like she was a real bona fide Phantom Thief!

Heehee, bone…~


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