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Hi folks!

Alright, I'm still going through all these 'shorts', and I'm trying to pick up the pace. Hopefully I'll have them all taken care of by the time new ones start coming in. There's still a lot to do, though - and I may have to look into ways of limiting the amount of these I get each month in the future. I'm only one writer, after all ^^; Somewhat foolishly, I didn't expect these things to get so popular - I'll be looking into options and asking for feedback on making things more manageable in the next few weeks.

In the meantime, have a story! Hope you enjoy,


Rebecca Gold was in trouble, and she didn’t even know it. Oh, she knew about the normal dangers. As one of the richest women in the world, the owner of a massive multi-national corporation, she knew all about the legal threats and sinister perils that came with money and prestige. Those, she knew how to manage. Those were barely a bother.

She wasn’t even all that worried about supervillains and evil schemes for world domination! After all, secretly she was the superhero Glowbug, protector of the innocent and saviour of the planet a few times over. She definitely knew how to handle a few egomaniacs with more weaponry than sense. Besides, if any of them really kicked off, her girlfriend/fiancé was an ancient goddess with enough power in her pinkie to flatten an evil army. Even if her pinkie was actually green. Rebecca knew she had nothing to worry about there.

Of course, she probably should have paid a little more attention to that last one – and not just to her wonderfully distracting melons. Because as lovely as Natura, ancient nature goddess who was otherwise known as the Green Scourge, could be as a girlfriend, she was still a very dangerous lady. One who had, right up until Rebecca had snared her with a cunning trap and some rather intense brainwashing, been rather infamously at war with humanity, like a more proactive (and nicer to look at) Captain Planet. And though after said brainwashing she’d become a delightfully devoted girlfriend (albeit one with a still strong ecological bent)…

Well, Rebecca maybe should have considered maybe a good brainwashing might not hold forever on the mind of a goddess…

But right now, she just had other things on her mind. Namely, relaxing after a long day at the office/patrolling the city streets with her favourite lady in green! She was already stretching when she entered her apartment, a yawn escaping her lips as she brushed her long golden hair back over her shoulders. “Honey, I’m – haaah – home!”

“Welcome back dear.” She was greeted from the kitchen by her perfect partner, who emerged to snag her darling with an embrace and a kiss. “How was your day?”

“Oh, you know…” Rebecca kissed her back and smiled. “Same old, same old. Had a few meetings with the board, foiled a villain who wanted to turn a whole stadium of people into a robot army… Nothing big.”

“Ahh. Which stadium?” Nat chuckled and helped her partner take off her jacket.

“The old Powermeister place. You know, out in the greys.”

“My my, that is a big one. Good thing you put a stop to that then.” She pressed another kiss to Rebecca’s cheek, before stepping away to hang up her coat. “We hardly need more machines in the world.”

“Not unless they’re to help people,” the heroine agreed easily, before flopping onto the couch, leaning back, relieved to be off her feet. “So, what’s for dinner?”

Her reply was the clunk of a bowl on the table in front of her. “A nice healthy salad,” said a smiling Natura, offering her a glass full of some kind of green goo. “And a kale smoothie. For your health.”

“… Ah…” That was the thing about having the goddess of nature as your personal chef. She could make anything delicious and nutritious, but she didn’t care too much about looks. The meals she made were wonderful – as long as you ignored their appearance… “Th-thanks, dear…”

“Any time, beloved~” Oh well. As downsides to having a magical girlfriend went, this was a pretty minor one. With a shrug and a chuckle to herself, Rebecca leant forward and tucked in, shovelling greens onto her fork and shoving them into her mouth. Crisp, cool deliciousness soon washed over her, quickly revitalising her energies and making her feel like a trillion dollars. In moments, the exhaustion of the day was just washed away.

And with that refreshment, came another, more primal feeling… A low level heat that started to grow inside Rebecca’s chest, and between her legs. A hunger, a need – a desire that had to be sated!

“Oooh…” The golden heroine paused in her munching to take a breath and wipe her brow. “Did you… put anything extra in this?”

Natura giggled. “I might have added a little something to give it some… zest,” she answered, her knowing smirk making it clear just what kind of ‘zest’ she had in mind.

“Mmm…” Rebecca licked her lips, gazing in awe up at what she currently saw as the most attractive (or, possibly, most available) woman in the world. “Well I hope you’re willing to take responsibility if I get a little zesty myself…”

The goddess smiled – and then her dark dress collapsed into a swirl of petals, bursting off of her form and floating down to the ground, leaving her utterly naked. If that wasn’t an answer, then what was?

Unlike when most superheroes ripped open their shirts, this time Rebecca had no intention of revealing a costume underneath. Rather the opposite, honestly. In no time, the zest-driven heroine had swept her lover off of her feet and carried her to the bedroom. This was her kind of welcome home~

Her goddess’s lips were sweet as she captured them for a soul-rending kiss, but by the time the pair collapsed atop the bedsheets those lips couldn’t hope to sate her. Squirming hands possessively gripped green flesh as the golden haired hero kissed and licked her way down her beloved’s neck and chest, until she reached her target, and latched her mouth around one of Natura’s divine nipples.

To her surprise, her mischievous sucking was quickly rewarded, as a squirt of liquid – milk? – splashed into her unprepared mouth. But any questions she might have had about how and why she received such a treat now, for the first time, were quickly abandoned at the incredible taste overwhelmed her senses. D-delicious! Like the juice of every tasty fruit, squeezed into one.

She needed more. Now.

There was no resistance, no panic or frowns. Only a slight widening of the eyes at the shock of her first taste, followed by a dull glaze and a gentle lidding – and then it was just suck. Suck. Suck.

Natura moaned and purred as her favourite heroine nestled in her arms, slowly filling herself with the goddess’s divine milk. Ahhh, it felt so good when she allowed a mortal to sup from her directly! A rare treat indeed. In her many years, few had ever proven themselves worthy of such a gift – and even after Rebecca had qualified herself (by cheating her way in, admittedly), Natura had held back, not wanting to risk her beloved girlfriend to the side-effects of drinking from a goddess directly.

But after her mental meddling had worn off (sorry, dear, but you needed something a little stronger than mere hypnosis to ensnare a goddess for long), well… Natura still loved the girl deeply, of course (for her own reasons, surely. None of that brainwashing left over in here, no sir!), but she did need to be taught a lesson. Humans were like that. You needed to set boundaries, or they’d inevitably take things too far. So, maybe a few side-effects weren’t out of the question after all~

Oh, it wasn’t like dear little Rebecca would be harmed, no! Just… tweaked a little. Brought more in line with what she should be if she wanted to court a nature goddess. It was only fair.

Suck. Suck. Suck.

Smiling, Natura rested the blonde’s head between her breasts, gathering the rest of her up in her arms as the heroine’s dull blue eyes turned a nice emerald shade of green. Trails of lime were slowly spreading out through her skin, out from her lips which were almost done turning sage. Drip by drip, splash by splash, suck by suck, the green’s power was seeping into her.

It was taking a frightfully long time, though, and as delightful as it felt for Rebecca to be sucking on her teats like this, the two did have other things to be doing today. So, looking to speed the process up, she reached down between her beloved’s legs and let her divine power flow through her hand, morphing it from a human-like limb into a pair of plant-like tendrils. Then, with a grin, she plunged them both into Rebecca’s lower holes, and enjoyed the way her girlfriend suddenly squirmed in her arms.

This particular trick she had demonstrated for the blonde before, and it always got the same adorable reaction. Although, it would be wrong to call her a blonde now! Her hair was starting to take on some lovely forest green highlights, and soon they’d be lowlights as well.

Suck suck~ Fuck fuck~

Natura sighed as she felt the transformation rush through her silly little heroine. Her blood turning the chlorophyl, her hair turning to leaves (they rustled as she bounced, it was really cute)… Soon, Rebecca was far more plant than beast. But the goddess wouldn’t be satisfied by anything less than 100% pure green.

“Come on now, my little Glowbug. It’s time to bloom.” The goddess kissed her dazed lover on the brow. “Embrace nature~”

Her belly full of nymph’s milk and her goddess’s fingers still stroking inside her, Rebecca certainly had no chance to refuse. Within her breast, she felt the power starting to bloom, a transformation taking hold… And she gave in, letting it fill and change her…

“MMmph!” Honeyed juices spilled out of beleafed nethers as Rebecca Gold left the human race forever.

“Well hello there sleepyhead~”

Green eyes blinked open, coming into focus slowly. Huh, what had she been doing? It had been something important…

… Oh right! Worshiping her goddess! The green-skinned nymph quickly scrambled up to her knees, looking up at Natura with love and adoration written large over her face. “Mistress! I’m so sorry, I can’t believe I fell asleep while tending to your divine body!”

What a disaster! But her goddess only giggled and stroked her cheek. “Don’t worry about it, Rebecca,” she giggled. And just like that, the nymph stopped worrying about it! What a kind goddess~ “I just needed to make a few adjustments. And it looks like you came out wonderfully~”

Adjustments? The nymph blinked and looked down at herself, wondering what Natura could possibly- Oh. Oh wow. Those melons were a lot bigger, weren’t they?

“Do these please you, Mistress?” She asked, lifting up her chest shyly, offering them to her divine patron. If it was her goddess’s decision, she certainly couldn’t complain!

But Natura’s words shocked her. “Now now. Enough with the ‘Mistress’ talk. You’re still my girlfriend, after all. I just needed to make sure you behaved yourself if I was going to allow you in the role.”

“Oh.” Rebecca considered this. Huhm. Well, if that’s what her goddess wanted! “Okay then, Miiii-Natura! So, do they please you?” She was still offering up her chest.

The green god’s eyes glinted hungrily. “They most certainly do. In fact, I was going to get your help planning how to convert a few more of your rich friends into similar worshipers of Nature’s bounty, like you do now… But I suppose that can wait a while longer while we try out how green suits you~”

Rebecca the nymph smiled, and scooted forward as her goddess beckoned her to come closer on the bed. It was true what they said – it was good to go green.


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