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Hi folks!

Okay, enough is enough. We're going to be resuming regular services in June whether or not I fell 100%! I swear, every time I feel better I start aching the next day, but it's way less than it used to be, and my head finally feels clear, so I'm gunning for it. Worst comes to worst, I'll stop in July with a new batch of requests to write.

But that shouldn't happen, because I'm getting back on this horse, darn it. 

In the meantime, here's another request to tide you over!


“Th-this is getting really out of hand, Rebecca – we need to find a way out of this now!”

“I am well aware of that, Téa!” The former teen genius (now a young adult genius, though that title got much less celebration) was glaring at her cards, desperately trying to think of a solution to this steadily growing problem. Who could have expected things to turn out this way? Sure, now she knew it was a bad idea to steal cards from her grandfather’s latest archaeology findings and use them in a duel, but how was she supposed to see something like this coming?!

Okay, y’know, when she put it in those words…

W-well, nevermind about that! There was no point in getting mad over who unleashed whatever curse. The thing to focus on right now was un-unleashing it before things became irreversible!

Everything had started so ordinary, too. The well-known duelling prodigy had been visiting Domino City to catch up with her old friends (and maybe to try to impress the King of Games with her new deck while she was at it), when she’d agreed to have a just-for-fun match against Téa. The two of them were practically sisters at this point, despite maybe a bit of overlapping interest towards a certain spikey haired card game king, so when the older woman had asked to see her honed duelling skills, how could the blonde resist? Especially when it gave her the chance to test out this ancient card…

Of course the instant she’d drawn said card, shadows had sprung up everywhere and enveloped their entire duel in a dome of darkness – a shadow game. And from the card itself, a strange red mist had emerged…

Okay yeah, this one really was on her.

“After three thousand years, the seal is broken!” The voice had boomed through the duel grounds as the crimson mist had condensed into a very voluptuous female figure, floating in the middle of the arena. “Veristra is free once more! And already, she feels the call of love…”

“Uh…” Neither Rebecca or Téa were strangers to the dangers of shadow games by this point. This was the kind of situation where your cards could come to life and attack you, or where demons could steal your soul. They both knew they were in real danger here. Which meant that the glowing mist woman staring intently at them was probably not a good thing. “L-love?”

Maybe that wasn’t the part Rebecca should have focused on, but the spirit’s eyes lit up. “Yes! Yes, I sense it in you both – love! Pure and true! Both of you, delighted and devoted, towards one young man in particular…”

The girls glanced at one another worriedly. “Uh, w-well, I dunno if I’d say…”

“I mean that’s kinda…”

Bringing up their mutual interest in Yugi was always a good way to kill a conversation, so they tended to avoid it, both looking away from one another innocently.

If anything, their reaction seemed to amuse the spirit. “Ah, but now I see. So this is why I was drawn to you. You do not share a bond of love, but a contest! Wonderful, then that is what I shall arrange.”

Téa’s eyes narrowed. “Wait, a contest? What are you talking about? A contest for what?”

“For love, of course!” The spirit smirked, her red hands crackling with power. “Specifically, to see which of you deserves to be your love’s partner, and which deserves to be a simple member of their harem instead~”

“What?!?” Both women looked at the spirit, then at each other, and then back to the spirit. Neither liked the sound of that. “No, no, that’s not-”

But it was too late. Veristra snapped her fingers, and suddenly the pair found themselves on opposite sides of the battlefield, cards already in their hands, staring at one another with wide eyes. And thus had begun this nightmarish shadow game, with far more than just their lives on the line.

“What should we do?” Téa had seen her fair share of this kind of trouble as one of Yugi’s friends, but she wasn’t a duellist like him and Joey. Her being out on the field like this was not how this kind of thing usually went down, and as well as she was handling it, she knew she was in over her head.

“It’s fine,” Rebecca had been confident. “It’s not like she can make us play, right?”

“Oh can’t I?” Another snap of crimson red fingers, and an hourglass appeared hovering over the field, sands already trickling through the middle. “Here, this should speed you up. You have thirty seconds to play your turns. If your time runs out, then you lose by default! I mean, I suppose you could still stall out like that, but you’ll still run out of cards and lose that way in the end~”

“W-well…” Damn, there went that plan. The blonde puffed her cheeks and then firmed her resolve. “I guess we can just duel normally then, right? I mean, it’s just a card game. It’s not like it matters…”

Téa didn’t look convinced. “I don’t know – I’ve seen a lot of shadow games, and they’re never that simple.”

But Rebecca was confident. “No no, it’ll be fine. Here, look, we can do this quickly. Pass your turn over to me before she gets impatient…”

The brunette still looked nervous, but one glance at the half amused, half irritated red spirit floating overhead prompted her to get a move on. Best to listen to the actual duellist – she didn’t want to attack her friend anyway. “I pass.”

The hourglass flipped over, resetting just in time, and the turn order moved over to Rebecca. The blonde drew a card from her deck, barely even bothering to glance at it before nodding. “Okay. Then I summon my monster and attack you directly – it’s the fastest way!”

“Are you sure about-?”

But it was far too late to stop now. Attack declared, Rebecca’s swiftly summoned monster charged forward and struck at their opponent – Téa’s life points. Immediately, her counter started dropping, and the brunette steeled herself for a sudden shock of pain – she’d seen her friends take attacks like this, and it had always looked like it hurt like hell. But no pain came. Instead…

Instead she had to stop herself from making a very different kind of cry as pleasure crackled through her like lightning and made her knees shake. The former waitress grabbed the edge of the duel arena to stop herself falling over, her legs suddenly feeling like they were made of jelly, a thundering burst of delight still crackling between her thighs.

“Téa!” Rebecca, of course, could only see that her friend had pitched forward and gone pale, and she feared the worst – admittedly, a little later than would have been ideal. Still, it was nice that she cared. “Are you okay?”

“I… I’m okay…” Téa gasped, trying to get her breath back and her head on straight. “F-fine, actually! That, uh… That didn’t feel as bad as it looked…”

No, it had felt good. Really good. The brunette bit her lip just thinking about it, her legs unconsciously rubbing together at the memory…

… Wait. Something felt funny.

Blinking, Téa looked down – and this time there was no hiding her cry of shock. “Wha- what the hell?!?”

Because beneath her, holding her upright, were legs she had never seen before, right where her own legs should have been. But they definitely weren’t her legs. She knew her own body pretty well by this point, and she’d never seen such long, smooth legs stretching out below her hips! And speaking of, her hips had never been that… wide. Or heart shaped. No, no, she’d never been all that slim down there, but this was ridiculous!

And of course, all of this was on full display, since her skirt had also vanished, replaced with a few loose silken vales that made for a very revealing loincloth. Her shoes had been switched out too, turned into golden heeled sandals. In the space of a few seconds, Téa’s lower half had somehow been traded for a thick thighed stripper’s!

“What the hell is this?!” She yelled up at the spirit floating over them, her now roused fury more than enough to overcome her fear of the woman’s powers. “What are you doing to me?!?”

But if she was hoping to threaten Veristra, she was disappointed. The ancient creature just smirked. “Did I not tell you? Perhaps you weren’t listening. The winner of this duel will earn the right to court the man you both desire. The loser, though, will become no more than a simple harem slave – obedient and beautiful, but no longer a competitor for their chosen’s heart. The winner’s property, to do with as she desires – and a fine gift for her beloved, if she so choses.”

Both duellists stared, their mouths hanging open as the true stakes of their situation finally sank in. “You mean I’m… I’m turning into…”

“Into this delightful lady’s harem slave, yes!” Veristra clapped, happy to see her guests finally understood their situation. “Just about half done already, judging by the state of you. And, would you look at that, you’ve spent so much time yammering, it’s her turn again!” The spirit smiled at Rebecca. “Well, dear, she’s handed herself to you on a silver platter! Why don’t you finish her off and claim your reward, hm?”

Téa’s eyes widened. It was true – she’d lost almost half of her life points in that one attack, and now that it was Rebecca’s turn again, she could easily summon more monsters to cut down the rest. The two of them had been friends for years, but their mutual attraction to Yugi had always been the unspoken crack in their foundation. If she suddenly had the chance to take her competition out of the running – one she had to take in order to save herself from a similarly skimpy fate, even – would she take it?

A new terror took hold of her, and her gaze shot across the field to look her friend’s way. But to her relief, the blonde looked completely disgusted by the idea. “Like hell I will! I’d never do something like that to one of my friends!”

“Hmph.” Now Veristra seemed genuinely disappointed. “Well, it’s going to happen to one of you. It’s up to you two which one it is.” The spirit turned to look back at Téa. “Perhaps you will prove to be more decisive. After all, you seemed quite displeased with the effects of the contest that you’ve suffered already. Surely you would prefer them to be reversed?”

The brunette grit her teeth. “You’re saying if I win this duel, these changes will be reversed?”

“Of course. Only the loser will become a harem girl, after all.”

Well that was useful to know. All the same, though… “Sorry, lady – I have just as much interest in doing this to Rebecca as I do in having it done to me – which is to say, none at all!”

The two duellists nodded, both resolved, and completely confident in their faith in one another. That was the power of friendship, after all.

Veristra huffed unhappily. “Fine, be that way. Do as you like. One way or another, you’re not getting out of here until this duel is resolved.”

… And that, just about, brought everything back to the present, as round after round of passed turns wore on, and the two duellists decks were starting to grow thin. It was clear that something would have to change, and soon, or one of them was destined to turn into the other’s slave.

“We’re running out of time…” Téa swallowed, eyeing her deck. There couldn’t have been more than ten cards left in the pile – probably less. “We have to do something, or else…”

“I’m working on it…” Rebecca’s deck didn’t look any healthier either. The blonde stared at her cards for a few moments in pensive silence, and then looked up at her opponent. “… Okay. I have a plan.”

“You do?” The relief in Téa’s voice was palpable. “I knew you could do it. What is it?”

“I… Don’t want to say…” The blonde shot a glare at the spirit doing all of this to them, who was still watching from on high with a smug look on her face. “But you’re going to have to trust me, okay?”

“Of course!” Like it was ever in question. Téa was not the sort to doubt her friends in a pinch. “What do you need?”

“Right.” Rebecca nodded, suddenly looking quite nervous. “Okay, so, first, that monster you have in your hand, third from the left. I need you to summon it.”

The brunette looked down, and saw that her friend was correct. Trust a duelling genius to have kept track of her cards like that. Quickly, she did as she was asked – plucking the monster up and summoning it with a flourish. “There, like that?”

“Yeah, that’s the one.” Rebecca took a breath. “Right. So, next… I need you to have it attack me.”

“Huh?” Téa blinked. “Why…?”

“There’s no time for questions, just do it!” The blonde was suddenly incredibly intense, and Téa found herself taking a step back at the force of her yell. But she’d said she’d trust her friend, and Rebecca really seemed to mean it. So, as much as she didn’t want to…

“Alright – attack her life points directly!”

Rebecca winced as she too took a straight attack – and then moaned as the changes began. This time Téa got to watch from the outside as the blonde’s legs lengthened and tanned, her pants vanishing in a shimmer of glittery lights to reveal smooth, unblemished flesh. She saw clearly as her friend’s thighs thickened, her ass plumping out into real heavy hips, barely hidden by her new silken thong.

“Are… Are you okay?” She asked once the pleasant coos stopped reminding her of her own encounter with that delightful sensation…

“I… I’m fine,” Rebecca gasped, shaking her head to clear it. “Just wasn’t what I was expecting… But, there. Our life points are completely equal. Sorry to rush you, but if you hadn’t attacked then, we might not have had time before your deck ran out.”

“So your scores are even. So what?” Vestria didn’t sound impressed. “The loss will just go to whoever runs out of cards first. You’ve accomplished nothing, girl.”

“Not yet,” the blonde admitted. Then she held up a card from her hand. “Until I play this – Scales of Justice!”

“Scales of whatnow?” The spirit blinked.

“Justice. Not that you’d know what that is.” Rebecca grinned. “This card judges the hearts of both players on the field – assessing how much damage each has done… And then paying it back two fold!”

“But wait…” Vestria’s brow wrinkled. “You’ve both done direct damage to each other. If you use that card, then…”

“That’s right! We’ll both take the exact same amount of damage at the exact same-”

Alas, the duellist’s exposition was interrupted before she could quite finish, but the effect was clear as day. Giant glowing scales appeared in the middle of the field, their balance tipping one way then the other, before steadying at equal weight – and then exploding into a burst of light that washed over blonde and brunette alike.

The effect was immediate and overwhelming. Both women buckled and fell to their immaculately sculpted knees as pleasure flooded through them. The intense feelings rolled up their spines, leaving their shivering cheeks and forcing their backs to arch in delight, wanton cries of lust bursting from their chests. It just felt too good! Neither of them could do anything but writhe and bask in the sensation, even as their bodies began to shift and morph around them.

Their breasts were the most obvious change, swelling up from respectable bosoms to inescapably slutty melons as their tops disintegrated, along with any trace of their bras. Soon, their only clothing was a collection of straps and veils designed to hide as little as possible – displaying their whole bodies off so that anyone who saw them would envy their master and owner.

Tthat wasn’t the only change, of course. No, the magic running through them made sure to remove any imperfections in their skin, smoothing away wrinkles and scars. It massaged out any hint of muscles, leaving their arms weak and soft, their bodies gentle and curvy. Ideal for pleasure slaves, and nothing more.

By the time it was over, it was hard to recognise either woman as anything other than a harem girl. Blonde and brunette, they were both barely recognisable as Rebecca and Téa. But even if their bodies had changed, their minds still remained their own, and, panting heavily for breath (and dealing with the dizzying feeling of jigglyness that came with it), both women forced themselves to their feet.

“There…” Rebecca finally managed to speak, her body still shaking from the pleasure surge. “Game over. We both hit 0 at the same time. Your little challenge has failed – no one won.”

“Oh! I get it!” Téa’s eyes lit up as she realised the full implications of her friend’s plan. “Without a winner, Vestria’s whole game doesn’t work! She can’t pick who gets to be Yugi’s lover if no one wins the duel.”

“Exactly.” Rebecca nodded, relieved to hear someone else figure it out. “Well then, Vestria? The duel is over. Now you have no choice but to end this mess!”

“…” The spirit glared at them both, arms folded over her chest as she hovered in the air. “I see. Well then…” Her expression suddenly turned worryingly smug, and she raised her hand, fingers ready to snap. “I guess you’re both losers then.”

The blonde blinked. “Wha-?”


If the pair thought that the pleasure had been overwhelming before, then there were no words for the feeling that now blossomed in their minds. Even their thoughts felt like they were melting, their personalities and memories draining down into a hot pink goop. Twin screams of ecstasy rent the air as their very souls were wrapped up in a veil of sweet, sensual magic, and shaped just like their bodies had been…

Until at last, the two were left kneeling on the ground, their heads bowed, their eyes dull and glazed, vacant smiles lingering on their faces. A pair of thicc bodied, heavy hootered slave girls – and nothing more.

“And there we go.” The red spirit drifted down, landing between the two as the duel field vanished, and the ground carried the pair into the middle of the shadow zone. “Two losers, turned into harem slaves. Looks like neither of you were worthy of your love~ Oh well, I’m sure he’ll find someone worthy of him. And as for you two… I think I’ll keep you. You don’t have a problem with that, do you dears?”

“No Mistress~” Rebecca and Téa spoke in complete sync, both still smiling happily as Vestria outlined their fates. “Whatever you command, it’s our pleasure to obey~”

It was true. The very idea of disobedience, of desiring anything other than what their owner told them to desire, had been completely scrubbed from their brains. Their former lives, their dreams and goals, all of it had been wiped away. All they wanted, now and forever, was to obey and serve.

“Wonderful. I do love a happy ending. Now, I have a whole new world to explore with my seal finally broken – so let’s get you two put in a more transportable form…”

She snapped her fingers, and the two slaves began to glow. In flash, they were overtaken by light – and when it cleared…

… Two paper trading cards lay on the ground in their place. On one, was the image of a buxom woman with long blonde hair dressed in purple silk veils, posing with her hands under her chest, as if offering her breasts to the viewer, and who might, if you squinted, have born some slight similarity to the famous duel champion Rebecca Hawkins – with the cards name, ‘Slave Girl R.’ written large over her head. On the other, a picture of a woman with her back to the camera, presenting her heavenly behind and smooth curves to the watcher, winking over her shoulder with a smile on her face. Maybe, if you knew her, you might think she looked a little bit like Téa Gardner. Her cards name was ‘Slave Girl T.’

Vestria smirked, scooping both cards up and enjoying the view. “Cards like you two aren’t worth putting in a proper duelling deck – but don’t worry, girls. You’ll definitely be seeing a lot of use in other ways. And who knows…” Her eyes flashed. “Maybe you’ll be getting a few more sisters soon enough…”

Her laughter echoed on the wind as she – and the shadow arena she’d created – vanished, leaving nothing but a pair of forgotten duel decks behind…


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