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Hi folks!

So, after some consideration, I'm thinking of changing how the shorts system works. Originally, it was supposed to be a quick fiction kind of thing where I write what I can for your prompts as quickly as I'm able - but as time has gone on, I've written more for each request, and the amount of requests has gone up and up. Sadly, it's gotten to the point where I can't reasonably manage the workload, and it's biting into the time I need for other projects.

I'm not keen on cutting down - I really do love doing these challenges - but I do have to face the fact that sadly, I'm only one man, and I can't keep this sort of workload up.

Thus, I've been thinking of how to go about this. I don't want to stop doing shorts, or take away benefits from you guys (and patreon makes it a nightmare to move tiers around anyway). So I've come up with the following options - and I'd like to know what you guys are in favor of.

Shorter Shots: Essentially, this option is to reduce the current shorts down to proper flash fiction levels, as they were originally envisioned. A few hundred words or paragraphs each, instead of whole stories. I'd still be trying to get these all done in a week, and they shouldn't be as much of a strain to write!

Limited Request Slots: For this option, I'd be making a more expensive limited tier for short story commissions of a few thousand words - likely no more than five slots. I'm a little hesitant to do this one since it's difficult on patreon to open up new slots, but I do still want to do longer (but not too long) commissions for people, so this might be a nice balance.

Both: Basically, do both.

Vote below for options you think would be a good idea, and maybe let me know your thoughts in the comments below! I won't be changing anything for how shorts will work this month (June), but I'll definitely be considering it for July.


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