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Yeah it's time for a Patreon giveaway contest I think!

To enter: simply leave a comment on any new post I make this month, starting from today's tutorial post! I'll be picking winners randomly at the end of the month. Comments can be of any sort, even a ":]"

 Contest duration: ends on March 31~ winners notified first week of April

The prize: A set of the new MI bookmarks (and TM bookmarks if you don't have a copy), and THREE gluten-free artisinal stickers: two big boys (approx 3.5x3.5 inches) and the ECCC exclusive smiley Kalla sticker (approx 2x2 inches). I might also throw in something else if I feel like it~

The winners: probably 5 people? I might up the number for funzies

Wait is this free or what: yep, I'll cover the shipping

Any questions? Feel free to ask here! it gets you in the running too :]

Have fun!




Yes! Sticker time!!

Barry Hatchel

Pretty sweet! Sounds like a pretty nifty printer.