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Tutorial worksheet? grab it here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/proportion-8599257

This is that tutorial I wanted to do since day 1 and now I have done it B]

I am a total bitch about this but my #1 way of making friends with comic is by judging proportions... this is the way you tell if someone actually cares about their comic as a cohesive piece, or if they're just stumbling around making stuff thoughtlessly. TO BE COMPLETELY FAIR some people are still learning how to proportion their comics as beginners, but to be fair I also see a lot of more "professional" folks who care more about drawing character expressions than they do about making sure their entire work is tight from the ground up. This stuff requires almost zero art skills, but is the best thing you can do to make your comic art look amazing.

For the rest of the high-res patron tutorials, just click on the Tutorial tag down there!




Taylor Camp

Yeeeessssssss :D

Samantha Cornelius

This is really great! I read this just after looking at your discussion of the 2007 version of page 5.25, and the redrawn bottom three panels really do make that section more interesting and dynamic. I think it's great that you're putting together tutorials about the craft of comic-making beyond lineart/colors/etc. It's something, that like good film-editing, should be invisible if done well, but it painfully obvious if done poorly. Until looking at your tutorials, I'd never really thought about the visual-technical language of comics (and how similar it is to film in many ways!). Thanks for this and I look forward to your next one!