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I decided to do the bad thing and show you what my pages look like under the bubbles. I AM SO LAZY I'm sorry, this is why I never show the art without bubbles, lol. Every page, man. When I had to do the KS book it was embarassing because I had to send my files to the gal who did the major color corrections, and she totally called me out v__v My thought is... if I was drawing it on a piece of paper I would also probably just bake the bubble right onto the page, so that art under the bubble doesn't exist in any dimension, right? r-right... 

Don't you think it's weird that people get so offended when we tell them we're acting like our parents? I remember my dad did that to my mom one time and... yeah it wasn't good. Even when the parent is a good parent, I think people resent the implication that they're doomed to repeat the mistakes they were raised with. People want to feel autonomous, virtuous, etc, and not pre-programmed by some outside entity, especially not one they likely grew up critiquing to some extent. My bf told me I was acting like my mom in jest recently, and I commented back that his bad behavior made me feel like I was his mom too, which I gave myself a mental high-five for. BUT ALSO too real, dangerous jokes, haha. Anyways, best not to take stuff like that too seriously, unlike these two. Then again my parents don't have deathhands, I'm sure I'd feel a little different if that was the case. 



Kyle D.

Hey, your laziness in this regard is more than made up for by your attention to detail in all other aspects!

Der-shing Helmer

I hope so XD What it actually does is it allows me to not spend time on stuff that doesn't really matter, and lets me get art/ pages out a little faster... if I were an engineer it would probably be called "efficient," but I'm an artist and find self-deprecation to be more amusing

Henrike Dijkstra

Why was your colour correction person calling you out? Did she have trouble with anything? Well, I would not call it lazy, efficiency is key in webcomics, right? Time saved is time gained..or something.

Der-shing Helmer

Ah, probably because she (correctly) thought I thought I could get away with it forever XD I don't like showing people the seedy underbelly of my pages if I can avoid it... the only reason I did here is I took the screencap, then closed the giant file, then realized I'd forgotten to turn on the bubbles (and was once more too lazy to fix it, haha)