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Been feeling a little blah about my work lately, like I'm just going through the motions, so thought I'd take a step back and do some "fun" art to reset. 

The top sketch is what I started out with, which is SO boring and I hated myself for drawing it, haha. No life, just like, random side view, it made me mad. A lot of the life of a drawing is in the volume so I tried to force myself to draw a different angle, with a focus on shapes I liked (the swoopy back and tail mostly). The final is just a refined version of that sketch.

My biggest annoyance with sketches, esp simple ones like this, is when people add in tangents, so I went out of my way to make sure none of the big shapes or any lines intersect. Probably could have done an extra layer of volume in the arm and tail fur but I kinda like the simplicity too~

I might do a couple more animals, they're at my twitter if you want to see



Sue Donem

ohmygosh I was looking at that first sketch backwards, thought it might be Dagre XD