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I remember the last day I drew this guy, because it was the last page of Chapter 3 about 6 years ago, lol. I also have a hell of a time keeping his face consistent in general so I thought I'd make an updated ref sheet for myself.

His design is based on a bunch of "white" features that I tend to caricaturize a certain way. That maybe sounds racially something or other, but when I taught myself to draw initially, it was all based on cartoons and anime. When I tried to un-anime my style, I used my own face in the mirror as reference and assumed that most faces looked pretty similar when you study them up close, you'd just swap some shapes here and there. When I started dating my first white boyfriend, which allowed for creepy things like watching him sleep, I realized that his face had some unexpected features like

  • a pronounced brow
  • really recessed eyes (my face is pretty flat so staring into that canyon up close was completely weird)
  • big goddamn nose
  • non-rounded face

You can tell I reused a lot of these cues on Mike from MI too, just pushed and pulled a bit further. 

And, I should add, not all faces are the same, obviously. But there's definitely similar cues if you look hard enough... my current bf can spot other Persians from a mile away, and distinguish them from neighboring ethnicities, and I still have no idea how he does it, haha... 



Jack Marquez

This is super helpful to see. I’m familiar with character turnarounds and stuff like that to keep people looking consistent but I never considered labeling/callouts with so much detail. It makes a ton of sense to do, and seems like it would be super useful for someone like me who’s still nailing down the basics of drawing people and faces. It’s one thing to look at a turnaround/style sheet/etc but it seems like calling written attention to those kinds of details would make those guides so much more effective.

Lady Isak

This is super interesting to see! Also hearing about your process is great, too.