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Alright, here we go~

Some basic info for people looking to start a webcomic from the very ground floor. This is more of a practical tutorial vs a creative one, and is for people who have never done comics before. The supplement sheet will be out soon and covers more specific considerations about how to figure out what kind of host is right for you, why you would or would not certain layout designs for different types of comics, and more about update strategies. I'll let you guys know when that is up and ready to go~

One of the most frequent questions I get, aside from "how do I make a webcomic too" is "how did you know when to try to do your comics fulltime." The next tutorial will go over some more advanced webcomic topics, mostly related around at what point do you make a hobby comic into a higher-priority, or even full-time work. 



Mark Linimon

Doing a re-read of your stuff on Patreon. This is still good but alas Project Wonderful is RIP.

Mark Linimon

The other high-quality way to get readers IMHO is links from other artists. (It's pointless if you have to beg though). Some of the really cool things I've found is because someone I already liked recommended it. I have a better success rate with it than e.g. topwebcomics.com.

Rengin Tumer

Looking forward to part 2! I knew most of this, having started (and dropped) a few webcomics when I was young. Plan to do it right this time.