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Spelling is in English for the sake of clarity, but you get the point... there's a bunch of skeletons on the doorstep of the Processor because at some point you have nothing but time and the urge to make your presence known. 

Why does the processor leave them there instead of cleaning it up? Out of amusement or pity or respect? hard to say~




Killing yourself repeatedly just to make a point, that's dedication.

Lilian Stoltzfus

D-: Really though, why is Kalla the only whole Wollaria left? If the others are indeed in the neural sea, was Kalla just to be a relic of their old bodies? If so, how was she chosen to remain incarnate, and why was she chosen alone? Surely the preservation effort would take into account the fact that Wollaria are social creatures with families? Surely they'd want representatives of males and female minors as well? It just seems like a fairly major screw-up to have one sad Wollaria roaming about. Was this the Processor's doing, or the doing of the engineers of the Processor? Is the Processor actually an AI?