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Make sure your goats are fed and your tomatoes are watered, then fire up your favorite podcast app because it's time for the Chuchu Hour! Nina, Thom, and special guest Sean return to Asticassia School of Chuchu for episode four of Chuchu: The Chuchu from Earth. There might be other characters involved too? Frankly it's impossible to know. 



Bruce Ingram

Is episode 3 of the Witch Hour being locked to a higher tier a mistake or is episode 4 being unlocked the mistake?


Oops! This one should have been locked to the higher tier. Oh well, all patrons can enjoy this episode as a little treat


So Nina was pretty close about Suletta’s pajamas. Mecha designer, Gyoubu Ippei, posted on twitter after the episode (https://twitter.com/ippeigyoubu/status/1584099323314176004?s=20) that she borrowed Mio’s pajamas, and that they weren’t her size


Oooh thanks for sharing! Wild to live in a world where little details like this just get dropped at random on social media.