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Thank you for your patience as we continue to get caught up on everything now that we're past the worst of the COVID stupor! It was a tremendous struggle for us to chose our favorites this time around. Each of us had dozens of entries we'd love to see made, but in this cruel world (that we invented for ourselves) we can only pick one each.

So you voted, we agonized over every entry, and finally fortune's fickle favor fell upon one lucky entrant. That means it's time to announce the winning pitches! Thank you to everyone who entered or voted, and huge congratulations to the winners! Look out for emails from us in the next few days as we confirm delivery addresses for your fabulous prize bundles!

  • The Jury Selection Prize goes to Fruitso for Untitled Workplace Comedy:

The episode is a comedy about the Zeon mobile suit designers, taking place over the entirety of the OYW, as they are forced to come up with more and more ludicrous designs at an increasingly abbreviated pace. As the episode goes on, it becomes apparent that the project manager is a parody of Sunrise Advertising Executives, who cares more about the marketability and aesthetics of the mobile suits rather than their military applicability (the Zakrello being the highlight). The other engineers are shown to be exasperated by his antics, and at the high turnover rate they are forced to work under (caused by the Gundam almost instantly destroying their new designs as soon as they’re unveiled). They try to complain to Dozle Zabi, but when the project manager shows him a draft of his newest design, the Big Zam, Dozle falls in love, and the other engineers are resigned to the fact that their complaints will never be heeded. The episode ends on a gag about the ‘real’ reason the Zeong doesn’t have legs being that the designers have gone on strike.

  • The Nina Prize for Excellence in Appealing to Nina goes to Doogie H. for Untitled Newtype Horror Show:

In the final days of the One Year War a Zeon pilot is drifting through space in his damaged Rick-Dom, which has lost propulsion hours ago.  His fleet is destroyed, and looking for some life line when he realizes he’s drifting towards a partially destroyed Federation Magellan class ship.  Once close enough the pilot leaves his Mobile Suit, and uses his jet pack to enter the enemy ship.  Once on the ship searches it for federation soldiers, but all he finds is their remains.  Safe in the feeling that the ship is empty, the pilot looks for a functioning craft to be his salvation.   He finds the re-entry capsule is still with the ship, but a little damaged.  The pilot proceeds to search for repair parts, food, and some oxygen.  As he gets to work he starts to feel like he’s being watched.  He starts to hear whispers, see objects moving on their own, and feel the overwhelming pressure of pure hatred all around him.  A familiar hatred he felt every time he shot down an enemy.  As the pilot progresses the pressure gets stronger, and whispers become angry yelling all around him.  He hurries the repairs, and rushes to leave the ship as he sees the phantoms of federation soldiers he’s killed start to appear all around.  He closes the entry to the capsule just before the phantoms reach him, and escapes the ship.  He thinks he’s safe, but the pressure has not subsided.  He looks behind him in the capsule to see the phantoms appear.  By the time anyone finds the capsule the pilot has slipped into a coma.never to return to land of the conscious.   The pilot had not known he was a budding Newtype, and his victims used that for their revenge from the beyond.

  • The Thom Prize for Thomfoolery goes to EngelNUL for When a Good Pilot Goes to War, aka Roslyn Crantz and Guile Stern are Dead:

Pitch: Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead for Char’s mechanic and a tech in the OYW.

When: January - December UC 0079. Location: Space. 

Characters: Roslyn Crantz - Young (16-18) female. Spacenoid. Mechanically brilliant. Char’s personal mechanic. In love? Guile Stern - Middle Age (25) male. Spacenoid. Ship’s mechanic. Char Aznable aka the Red Comet. Various Wingmen for Char.

Cold Open: Battle of January 0079

Roslyn paints a Zaku II S red per Char’s request, but runs out of salmon, forcing her to finish the torso in the now iconic deeper maroon. She then borrows some black from Guile who is stenciling on the pilot’s name “Gene” for Char’s wingman. Roslyn states she hopes the war doesn’t last too long because she wants to visit her friend Bernie in Sydney come Christmas because she wants to see snow. Guile says thats ridiculous, snow cant fall to the ground in the southern hemisphere because the planet is upside down there and it falls to space.

Scene Ia: September 0079

Guile finishes prepping 3 Zaku II’s to go, overhearing Gene, Slender and Denim saying this is a waste of their time and the Federation can’t have Mobile suits. Gene gives a fist bump to Guile who says “Poker tonight?” Gene replies “You’re getting your money back over my dead body.” Roslyn pouts that Char won’t be going out in his newly cleaned Zaku II.

Scene Ib: Guile removes the camera footage from the destroyed Zaku II where Gene’s name is scorched.

Scene IIa: September 0079

Char complains to Roslyn the right knee motivator feels off and she says “You’re in space and the legs are just for show, the top brass don’t understand. Now go kick the Gundam’s ass.”

  • Fortune herself chose Shawn J. for The Fourth Black Tri-Star:

At a cemetery north of Odessa. Standing before a trio of graves, a woman takes out an Anaheim flask. She takes a swig and then pours the remnants on top of the headstones.

“I can't imagine how you three would be feeling now. Especially you Gaia nii san. Now that I’m helping to make suits for the white devil.”

Every November 7th, Benedita Dias arrives early to the cemetery in Northern Odessa with a bouquet of Hyacinths. She cleans up the graves of her brethren, shares a drink, and tries to live on for them.

0079 Side 3 military base, lecture hall 11A. A few months after the Battle of Loum

A few years younger than the famous trio, Bene was in the military academy during the 1 year war. She had a knack for her mobile suit development classes and even had a few fellowship offers. All of which she had declined, as since she was a little girl - she had her heart set on joining her brother on the front lines. 

Guest lecturer Ortega whips a piece of chalk across the hall, which Bene is able to duck under at the last moment.

“Hey you runt, I know the Rick Dom is old news to you, but the Dom is the pride of Zeon. The higher ups went out of their way to bring me from the front lines to give you some first hand knowledge for development, you better pay attention while you have me!”

Bene rolls her eyes, she never got along with Ortega.

Cuts back to cemetery

Crying looking at Ortegas name. “I made these Rick Dias’ for you three, but now it's time to do something for me.” She puts on her Titans patch, glares menacingly into the camera


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