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Hey friends!!

Been working hard this weekend on the 'Doll Mode' which is gonna be developed and released as builds alongside the erotic scenes.

I made a nice architectural scene for it which should be a cool place to hang out in VR while you perv on her.

These scenes are gonna be highly experimental and she will be in an easily breakable state. But hopefully they'll be fun for peeps to play around with and play with her!

I've begun working on improving some of her base auto behaviors and laying the groundwork for some "AI" behavior. Since despite her being a dolly to use to your heart's content, reactionary behaviors, to me, make everything a ton hotter. The first of these behaviors is a vision & saccade system. 

There was some basic look stuff in the rodeo demo, but now we have the beginning of what will eventually be a pretty nice and organic look system.

Functionally, she could already track objects in the scene and turn her head and point her eyes towards dynamic scene objects, but I wanted to enhance this functionality with some additive aesthetic stuff to make her feel more alive. When she's looking at you, she'll scan different areas of your face and do dynamic blinks with some actual "rules", not just pure randomness. This goes a little way to making her feel a bit more believable I think!

I'd like her vision system to be relatively dynamic so that she reacts in random ways to your actions, rather than it being in the same way each time. Currently, these upcoming doll builds will allow you to touch her and pose her in any pose, so I'll be working in look reactions to being touched (she may look at where you're touching her) and look reactions to where you are looking yourself, so if you stare at a part of her body or elsewhere in the scene, she may check it out to see what you're looking at. I may have already mentioned that stuff, but hopefully soon I'll have clip and demo examples of it!

If this is boring to you horny peeps, be assured I'm also gonna be putting toys and stuff into these builds, and they will probably become a random test bed of interaction while I develop to make things more stable and performant.

Oh yeah and I tested some basic color picking UI stuff, just to see what implementation might be like if I want to allow players to customize some parts of her sooner than expected. So doll builds may have some very basic character customization things in too because I need to start experimenting with the best ways to do that, but that's to be determined!

Thanks peeps


Eye Saccades

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