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Hey friends, 

Sorry for the radio silence for a few days! Had some great feedback for demo and I'll be implementing a lot of suggestions from the community. 

Noticed a high Patreon turn around recently! If you started supporting and don't find the project to your standards yet, please drop back to a follow so you keep receiving updates, this is just the beginning and there will be some real delightful stuff to come

Haven't had much time recently to work on large improvements or start the new scene, so instead I've been doing bits and pieces to improve UX, specifically for VR players. This project isn't a VR port, I'm developing VR and non-VR in parallel, and I'd like to integrate systems in an appropriate way for every individual user's set up.

A suggestion from a Patron was to implement laser cursors, so I improved the VR cursor system with some visual & behind the scenes programming tweaks. UIs will be a big part of this experience once things like character customization comes into play, and there will be a fair amount of user settings to customize your locomotion and play style, so I want UIs to be very nice to use.

Gyfcat seems to have pooped the bed and so I'm using Twitter to host this clip, please check it out and read on -  https://twitter.com/NaughtySandbox/status/1202599292520878083

Unfinished design aside, the UI interaction system is close to finalized, with your motion controllers (in-game hand models soon) shooting out smoothed lasers when it's detected that you're pointing at a UI. Interaction with UIs needs to be fluid, I'm avoiding making a "pause menu mode" or similar where the user enters into a UI mode and then can't do anything gameplay related until they exit back into the world. 

Lasers also have a smooth spring feel, which functionally smooths out hand and / or tracking jitter of the controllers, so interacting with buttons or sliders from a distance has a nicer more controlled feel. 

This probably seems boring if you're horny and just want hot content, but I'm hoping if I spend some time developing systems that are super user friendly to use, it will speed up development time in the long run and will allow the user to not get frustrated with bad user experience while you're trying to get off, since bad UX can be a boner killer.

Posted this a while back and I'm still trying to follow it. The first part of this roadmap is somewhat complete with the Rodeo scene being released, some people were disappointed or curious about the lack of interactivity with this scene, but this was always the plan. I'm going to be working on the simulation stuff separately to the smaller less interactive experiences.

I'm thinking of doing a small change to this plan, and that's to replace Scene Voting with Scene 02. I am desperate to do a scene where she's fucking a dildo in the shower, and utilizing some of the plane squishing tech and physical penetration tech I've been developing. Was gonna leave it up to voting whether the scene was that or a darker BDSM scene, but I think maybe the shower fucking would have won anyway.

Plans to release "Doll Mode" builds where you just play with her physically and break her / find bugs is still on the agenda!!

Thanks everyone who's sticking with the project and can see its potential! I will be a little less active than usual in December because of holiday plans, but development will still be happening, hope I can get some teasers of new scene out before the New Year.


NaughtySandbox🔞 on Twitter

Testing some boring but important #VR user experience improvements - Naughty Sandbox will have very robust and customizable locomotion options and a UI that's nice to use - don't want peeps frustrated by bad UX when they're trying to get off #ue4 #gamedev #adultgame https://t.co/ScK2ff1oig


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