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Hey Everybody,

With the launch of The MCDM RPG crowdfunding campaign, we wanted to let you know what that means for you.

When the Heroes book in PDF format is released, everyone who is an active MCDM+ Tier Patron and has been for the 5 months prior to when we release the PDF will get a copy of the PDF.  The same will be true when the Monsters book is released in PDF format. We do not know when this will occur as the production schedule is still being worked out and frankly depends on how well the crowdfunding campaign goes.

In large part this whole thing is possible because you all believed that we could pull it off, so it only feels right that you all get a copy of it.

Thank you for your support thus far,

The MCDM Team




I hope it's at least 5 months out, because I just decided to support via Patreon here :)


I am hoping to get to be a part of this! Starting to be active now just to join in on the fun! Got a whole new group lined up who want to try it out!


Ehh backed at the books+PDF levels anyway. Going to keep my patron going to see the sausage get squeezed out and thrown away only so you can squeeze out more :)


100% going to back the hard covers. I am wondering why no retailer tier in the crowd funder? I would love to support the game at my shop. It would be fantastic to run a playtest group, and potentially set up organized play when it releases. Back in the 4e days of rpga we would have 4 or 5 tables every Saturday morning. I think this game has the potential for something similar. The problem is I need to be able to put it on the shelves.


To be honest I ran into the same road block with your 5e products. I would love to use your products to enhance our D&D night. I think it would be amazing to set up run throughs of the encounters from Where Evil Lives. But not being able to get the books on the shelves for the customers that end up wanting it for themselves makes me hold back.


Came back for the Playtest 👊 Looking forward to more of “How the Sausage is Made”


Very intrested in the VTT stretch goal. If I as a patreon choose to not back on backerkit, will I still get the books on the VTT, since get Pdf from patreon?