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THE FURY IS BACK, BABY! That’s right, it’s time to show off another class from the MCDM RPG to you all, and this time it’s the fury previously known as the reaver (and yes, before we called it the reaver, we called it the fury … hence the title of the post).

Hey folks, James here! I want to share another prototype class with you. All the caveats from Matt’s post where he shared the tactician still apply. While this class is far more up to date with our latest design, it is still a prototype.

So, what is a fury? Well, the fury is a strong, tough, mobile melee warrior who uses rage as a Heroic Resource. As the fury builds up their rage, they earn passive bonuses. They can also spend that rage to dish out some devastating attacks.

This particular fury is an orc who uses the Panther kit, so you also get to see some rules for that ancestry and kit! A version of this prototype will soon be coming to all MCDM+ Patrons in the first Patreon playtest packet.

By the way, the BackerKit campaign for this RPG is currently underway. But if you’re only interested in getting the PDFs, you should read this announcement before you pledge!

We are beyond thrilled that the campaign has already funded! You folks have made the development of this game possible to the point where we could get it to crowdfunding, so we owe you a lot of thanks. In fact … I mean, we could show off just one more prototype, right? Just like, a little peek at a human conduit who might also be part of the same packet.

If you’re reading that, you’re probably wondering what the Prayer Table is. Well, each conduit has a prayer table that corresponds to the god they worship. Some favor wrath over virtue or vice versa, and some have a more even spread of both, like the one below, which is meant for 1st-level conduits.

Prayer Table

d6       Gift

1          0 virtue, 2 wrath

2-5     1 virtue, 1 wrath

6         2 virtue, 0 wrath

That’s it for now! If you want to talk about this design with other Patrons, don’t forget to head on over to the MCDM Discord. Thank you so much for your support, folks!

Ex animo,

James Introcaso

MCDM Lead Game Designer




I wanted to ask this question because I can foresee it coming up in my own games when I run this. For things that say "Spend 1 Fury: Add 1d4" I can see my players going like "Oh so if I spend 2 Fury, I can roll 2d4 right?" or something like that. Is it intended to be "Upcast" or is it you just can spend 1 Fury as written on the tin?


So excited to try these out when the Patreon playtest is released. I’d love to try out the Jagged Edge Hideaway with it.


Is there a reason why both the conduit and the fury have the same health but a different bloodied value?


I suspect Bloodied comes from the Base Health, whereas the actual Health counts the Kit's bonus. Which is to say, the Fury likely has higher base HP, but isn't wearing armor.


Devasting Rush 🔥