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Hey MCDM patrons!

It’s James Introcaso, your ARCADIA Managing Editor and MCDM’s RPG Line Developer, back with another heaping helping of community content inspired by ARCADIA Issue #2. I really enjoy reading the discussions on Patreon, in the MDCM Discord, and on our subreddit. If you want more ARCADIA in your life, go here to see what folks in the community create after they read our articles.

First up, I want to share Gambits and War Chiefs, from Lucritius12. This is a whole dang ARCADIA style article Lucritius wrote to feed people’s hunger for RPG content between issues #1 and #2. Lucritius12 created the Path of the War Chief, a new barbarian subclass, a new feat, a new magic item, a war chief NPC stat block, and rules for gambits, special combat maneuvers akin to what the Battle Master fighter gets with Combat Superiority but with more barbarian flavor and mechanics.

Speaking of Lucritius12, this creator also made the Autumn Hunter, a new retainer based on Joshua Mendenhall’s Horned One warlock subclass from ARCADIA #2’s “Subclasses of the Seasons.” This retainer uses the rules in Strongholds & Followers and makes an excellent addition to any adventuring party.

The inspiration from “Subclasses of the Seasons” didn’t stop there! Community member onefromrlyeh is creating a crew of NPC villains that use the subclasses who call themselves the Circle of the Seasons. Check out the first two members of this band: Urakh, the Frigid Response, and Liannon, the Bane Returned.

CommonMan101 took inspiration from “Subclasses of the Seasons” and Makenzie De Armas’s “Periodic Table to Elementals” to bring the community The Lost Scrolls of Jötunkin, a supplement that includes new winter-themed spells for the Order of Hibernation wizard and the living blizzard, a new elemental.

Finally, vincependrell showed off the map of their campaign setting based on Brazillian folklore! While the map doesn’t relate to a specific ARCADIA article, vincependrell said our ARCADIA Q&A series inspired them to keep working on their world. (If you’re not familiar with the series, check out Matt’s YouTube channel where we talk to ARCADIA authors, editors, and artists.)

If ARCADIA inspired you to create, we want to know. For more awesome creations and to share your stuff, join the MDCM Discord and our subreddit.

Time to keep cranking on Issue #3...and beyond!




Thanks for the highlights James, love seeing what the community does with Arcadia and the inspiration it gives folks


I love these posts! Not only is it nice to see what the community's been doing, but it also gives me more DnD content to check out!


What exactly is a line developer? 👀


Sweeeeeet! Can't get enough Arcadia. These are like extra cherries on top of the sundae that is Arcadia


Someone who is in charge of a line of products. -Matt


James, I am blown away by all this. I especially love the Brazilian lore part. One of my first D&D Character was named Sam Guaxo. An orphaned Lightfoot Halfling Rouge discovered by a river with a Mastiff mount from his missing tribe taking care of him. I built that backstory in honor of my Gaucha wife’s father whom is a real traditional Brazilian Gaucho in Passo Fundo. We love to spend time with him on his farm during the holidays. I hope you don’t mind, but this is one of my all time favorite short documentaries about Gauchos. It’s very short: https://youtu.be/O0FoaBy_MWI


It's great to see what other people have made with Arcadia! Thank you for sharing.


Amazing! With that sentiment, I HOPE that with Arcadia you will exemplify the one reason I play D&D... The one reason I do anything... Roll initiative = HOPE. It doesn’t mean Murder Hobo... My tribe (adventure party) needs the pursuit of happiness = HOPE!!!