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Hey all! It’s James Introcaso, here to let you know that ARCADIA Issue #2 is here (with cover art by Ejiwa “Edge” Ebenebe)! The three articles in this issue are:

Subclasses of the Seasons by Joshua Mendenhall. Make every part of the year epic with four season-themed spellcasting subclasses: the College of Springtide for bards, the Child of the Sun Bloodline for sorcerers, the Horned One patron for Warlocks, and the Order of Hibernation for wizards. Art by Marlowe Lune.

Periodic Table of Elementals from Makenzie De Armas. Lethal, reactive, and unstable...meet four new elementals that make encounters explode with possibility! Plus, rules for reactivities: extra powers an elemental receives when it teams up with a different, but complementary elemental ally. Art by Grace Cheung.

Well of the Lost Gods by Rich Lescouflair. Stop an ancient laboratory from creating hazardous magic in this short adventure for 8th-level characters. Art by Nick De Spain, Faizal Fikri, Jason Hasenauer, and Diana Muñoz.

You’ll notice little changes between issues #1 and #2 that should make the latter easier to navigate. We’ve got tags on the table of contents and blurbs on the title page of each article so you know exactly what you’re getting. This was thanks to your feedback, so please let us know what you think about ARCADIA on Discord and Reddit. If you missed issue #1, you can find it in the MCDM Shop.

We’re more than halfway through our ARCADIA experiment so far and things look great. We’re reviewing pitches for issue #4 and beyond. Right now, all signs point to ARCADIA continuing at least for the foreseeable future, but it still may take us several issues before we’re on a tight and regular schedule. Thank you for helping to make it a success!

We hope to get issue #3 to you in March. We’ll keep you posted.

The Arcadia Issue #2 PDF attached to this post will be removed when ARCADIA Issue #3 is posted (which will be sometime on or after March 19, 2021). Each issue of Arcadia is also available in the MCDM Shop as they are published.

—James and the ARCADIA crew


Q: How long will I be able to download the ARCADIA PDF attached to this post?

A: You will have at least until March 19, 2021 to download the article from this post. Once ARCADIA Issue #3 is posted on Patreon, Issue #2 will be removed from this post. Please make sure to download your issue before March 19, 2021, and if you use a cloud storage tool like Google Drive or Dropbox we recommend you save it there for recovering it easily—especially if you need to access it from another device or if something terrible and unfortunate befalls your computer! Just please make sure if you save it to the cloud it's only you who can access its location.

Q: I didn't download the PDF on the post in time, even though I was an active Patron during the 30-day period! How else can I get a copy of my issue?

A: A few days after we remove the attachment from the post, we'll be compiling the list of Patrons who had active subscriptions while the Issue was available. Once we have that list, we'll email you a special, Patron-only discount code that works on the MCDM Shop; this way you can pick up your copy of ARCADIA for free and it'll get added to your account's order history which makes relocating it a breeze :) We'll be sending that message to the email associated with your Patreon account, so make sure to keep an eye out for it!

Q: I just joined but it looks like the previous issues have been removed from their posts before I became a Patron. Do new Patrons get back-issues? How else can I get a copy of ARCADIA?

A: First off, welcome and thanks for supporting us! Currently, you'll always be able to download the current issue of ARCADIA when you become a Patron until the next issue is published. When a new issue comes out, we remove the previous one and it becomes available exclusively through the MCDM Shop (that's where we plan to keep all the back-issues). As far as other content goes, you should now have access to all of our Patron-locked posts! There's quite a few of them and we hope you find some interesting stuff inside :)

Q: There's a lightning bolt icon that says a special offer is currently running for the MCDM Patreon—what's that about? Do I need to do anything if I want to get the special offer?

A: If you're already an active Patron in the $5 or $10 tier, then you're all set, you don't need to change anything!

The "special offer" is a new Patreon feature we're testing to help communicate that this sign-up period includes something special: ARCADIA #2! The special offer informs non-Patrons viewing the page that if they want to download the current issue of ARCADIA directly from Patreon without having to go through the MCDM Shop, they'll need to subscribe before the special offer expires.

We'll see if using this kind of feature is actually helpful; if it is we'll keep updating it to relay that important information to make it clear what's available right now :)

Q: I know someone who wants to get a copy of ARCADIA, but they don't want to use Patreon. Is there somewhere else they can get it?

A: Definitely, and we understand! That's why, when we post the current issue of ARCADIA to Patreon, we add it to the MCDM Shop at the same time :D. On the MCDM Shop an issue of ARCADIA is $7.

While we're on the topic of alternative ways to get your hands on ARCADIA… Piracy sucks extra hard for very, very small teams like us. We're only a handful of people, and most of us jumped from something familiar and stable into the wild world of tabletop game development and media! We've been so fortunate to be able to make dope shit like ARCADIA and we wanna keep making dope shit for the foreseeable future, and pay people we work with well enough that they can keep making dope shit, too! Products like ARCADIA are what keep the lights on and families fed, and this year that's extra important to everyone we think. Thanks to those who have shared their warmth by supporting our team, and we hope others who have gone down the path of darkness enjoy our work enough to reconsider.

Q: What is this... an FAQ for ANTS? I have a question and it's not one of the ones listed here!

A: Oh no! D: If you need help with anything MCDM-related, email our support inbox and we'll respond as soon as we can. We're looking forward to reaching the point where we can bring on a dedicated support team member to help everyone lickety-split, but until we get there we try to check for new messages every week or two. We've got many tools at our disposal, so rest assured that when you hear back from us we will do everything we can to make sure you're taken care of! :)

💌 hello@mcdmproductions.com


Arcadia Issue 2 is Out!

Arcadia #2 ... More dope stuff for your games. https://shop.mcdmproductions.com/collections/arcadia Patreon: https://patreon.com/MCDM Shop: https://shop.mcdmproductions.com Discord: https://discord.gg/MCDM Managing Editor: James Introcaso: https://twitter.com/JamesIntrocaso Writers: Subclasses of the Seasons - Joshua Mendenhall: https://twitter.com/HTTPaladin Periodic Table of Elementals - Makenzie De Armas: https://twitter.com/MakenzieLaneDA Well of the Lost Gods - Rich Lescouflair: https://twitter.com/skydawn1 Artists: Cover - Ejiwa "Edge" Ebenebe: https://www.artofedge.com/ Arcadia Logo: Töm Schmuck Subclasses of the Seasons - Marlowe Lune: https://www.marlowelune.com/ Periodic Table of Elementals - Grace Cheung: https://www.artstation.com/eriopsis Well of the Lost Gods - Nick De Spain: https://www.artstation.com/nickdespain - Faizal Fikri: https://www.artstation.com/fidelfaizz - Jason Hasenauer: https://www.artstation.com/jasonhasenauer - Diana Muñoz: https://www.dmfantasymaps.com/ Editor - Hannah Rose: https://twitter.com/wildrosemage #mattcolville #dnd #arcadia



Heck yeah! Arcadia here we come!!!


Hell yeah! I've been waiting for Arcadia 2


Oh, that cover is PRETTY


The cover is gorgeous.


What a nice thing to wake up to (in Auatralia). Cover art looms awsome. Now to see how much I can read before my daughter wakes up. Thanks MCDM :)


Holy cow that cover... its almost startling with its colors.


OH man. I love the cover art! It's so pretty! <3


This just made my day!


Yes!! I'm hugely excited to throw these elemental rules into my campaign!


First of all the cover OH MY GOD looks amazing, I can't wait to try the bard subclass and the magitech guys 🤩


My God... this cover is beautiful!


Never commented on anything MCDM, even though I love the videos and books. Just wanted to finally comment because you guys are doing a great job and ARCADIA rocks!


Heck yeah! Edge is amazing.


What a wonderful and gorgeous surprise!


Fantastic job! Every issue leaves me wanting more!


The cover looks amazing, look forward to reading and using, thanks.


Huge fan of Joshua Mendenhall's "Subclasses of the Seasons." I especially like the Autumn and Winter concepts. I grew up flipping through my dad's old Dragon Magazine artbook. I would imagine getting the chance to venture into these fantasy worlds to play these heroic adventurers and battle these terrifying monsters. Arcadia is bringing back that childlike wonder for me.


That cover art! WOW


Thematically, the Horned One patron is just DOPE. All the other subclasses are really fun too!


Another beautiful-looking edition! I had a suggestion (if this is the place for it) - for future subclasses it might be worth putting the name of the class it is for next to it, as a subtitle or something. There's references in the intro text for most of them and it's not like you can't work it out, but for ease of reading (and I'm thinking about in a few months time when I want to find that "cool wizard subclass" again) it would help. Not particularly important, but I REALLY like Arcadia so thought I'd suggest it.


This is fantastic! The work you're doing on Arcadia is incredible and the talent of the writers 100% shows!


After reading about the Elementals, I immediately started writing a new adventure hook! Inspiring stuff!


Woohoohoohoo! The cosmology expansions to be done with these elemental ideas!


Really freaking dope.


Where can I put in my request to get some new celestials made in the Arcadia? I need more celestials!


I love it. And I love you folks. Thanks for MCDM <3




Love the horned one patron! I have a warlock with hunter-esque flavour that I might remake with this subclass, if I can convince my DM ;)


I thought peak dnd was the first issue. The second issue just blows me out of the water <3 such beautiful art and great ready to use content


Looks like another great product. Continue taking my money please.


Who has 2 thumbs and has reading to do tonight? THIS GUY!


Welp the Elekron is going right into my new Norse-themed campaign. Great art and love the concept <3 PLEEEEASE continue with more than 3 issues!!


Dope cover!


And into my Saltmarsh game...heh take that Tempest Cleric...heh


I'm loving this edition too! My only niggling criticism is it would be helpful if the subclasses had their main class subheaded with them - I found myself going back through paragraphs to figure out the main class with each one.


The seasonal subclasses are awesome, but not immediately obvious which class each of them are for.


The art is so good, I can't wait to sit down and read this out!


I agree, we could have done a better job with that. It's a learning process. -Matt


You were right, Matt. I went, "whoooaaa." What a way to get me excited to crack it open!


Yeah I agree, we'll do better with that next time. We're still learning. -Matt


CAN NOT WAIT to try that warlock!!!




Any plans on selling t-shirts or something of that cover?!


The individual cover artists retain the rights to merchandise the cover art. You can ask the artist (https://twitter.com/ArtOfEdge). She's already got a print shop, so I don't see why not.


Oh wow, the art cover looks amazing!


The subclasses are so cool! I can't wait to run a warlock of The Horned One. And the art oh my goodness it's all beautiful


Another absolute humdinger of a supplement. Really fantastic work from all involved. Incredibly polished and professional.


I would love to buy this cover as a poster!


Does anyone know someone who can professionally print and bind this for me?


I'm going to need a follow-up on the elementals. I'd love to see a proper Ice, Marsh/Mud, Smoke, and Magma elemental. With more of the reactivities. The subclasses are sick too.


The cover is Amazeballs and I'm so running the Well of the lost gods with my group. well done.


Thanks Matt and gang. As I'm currently running a high magic campaign, I'm loving the magic labs gone wrong.


Thanks for the great ideas. My campaign is taking place in a land filled with archaeotech and you are making my job a lot easier with these dungeons.

Strahinja Todorovic

For whatever reason my reaction to the cover was HO HO HO :D


I love the new issue! If I might add some feedback specifically for the new subclasses, I would find it helpful if it explicitly listed what Class the subclass was for. It took me a while to realise that the Child of the sun Bloodline was a sorceror subclass because it uses the same naming paradigm (ie. bloodline) as the sorceror tends to do. But I only remembered that after having read half the thing and arriving at the mention of sorcery points. /duh. Now, I may be extremely decaffenated this morning, but still, I think naming them explicitly couldn't hurt, could it? Anyway, that's me nitpicking, but that's what you get when the entire product is just so awesome! :P Cheers


More awesome art and articles :D Not sure if this has been asked or answered elsewhere but will there be another video introducing the creators from issue 2? Also, Arcadia t-shirt would be dope!


when i downloaded this to my tablet it deleted my volume 1. is this normal?


Really can't wait to get stuck into this! Loved last months issue and already have added the S.A.M. story into my campaign XD


You need to make sure you are downloading to a different location/name otherwise you will overwrite the previous file with the same location/name.


Loved the last issue. Love this issue ... However, I noticed that I was a bit less excited about this one from the last one. Obviously, the first issue had it's own excitement, but something was still *slightly* off for me. I looked at the ToC and #1 has four articles and #2 has three (not including Editor's letter). Maybe that's why? Three doesn't feel as hearty and rich as four does. Not criticizing, just giving my personal feedback! Loving what you guys are doing with this, feels like something that had been missing from the hobby for a while now.


I really enjoyed the section on elementals and could likely make use of some of these in future sessions. I was a bit underwhelmed with some of the seasons subclasses. For example, it would have been nice to see the sorcerer get access to some additional spells (similar to the new subclasses from Tasha's or even the Arcadia Issue #1 Titan Heart - primordial spells). The sorcerer subclass from issue #1 however is really amazing. As a general comment, personally I am less excited by the introduction of new sub-class content as they are not really compatible with D&D Beyond which most players tend to use for 5th edition.


I agree with needing the name of the class for easier identification.


I said this in the discord but I thought I'd post here: The Horned One is my favorite thing in all of Arcadia 2. I just don't get why the 10th level feature, Territory of the Harrier uses your Constitution modifier to determine how many traps are made. I get why it is not your Charisma because your are almost guaranteed at 10th level to have a +5 modifier. I think that having it based off of your proficiency bonus is a happy medium. My thinking is this subclass already wants you to have a high Dexterity (because of the ranged weapons and Stealth etc.) and warlocks need high Charisma, so adding another ability that the subclass uses makes it a lot weaker.


Awesome art in this issue, and I really like the elemental stuff. As for the subclasses, it was a little difficult initially to tell which subclass went to which class. It'd be nice to know somewhere in the header what I'm looking at. As a nitpick, I found it a little odd that the druid didn't get one of the seasonal subclasses given the theming of it all. I'm also a little confused about the Winter Reserves class power in the Order of Hibernation. Is that three or more, or exactly 3? Anyway, loved the content, and I'm very much looking forward to next issue!


I was expecting Arcadia to be good but wow!


Oh, that cover is sexy... Can we get that as a poster please?


Guys, this is so cool!


Once again MCDM hit it out of the park with Arcadia #2. Here are my thoughts: "Subclasses of the Seasons" - Admittedly, as more of a DM than a player, I skimmed this article more than the others. Even so, it was still a very unique take on seasonally-themed subclasses and a unique usage of a number of in-game mechanics (ex: giving hit dice additional uses). I plan on using some of these class benefits as boons for my players. "Periodic Table of Elements" - This. All of this. More of this. As a lover of all things science, this merging of elementals and chemistry was fantastic. The new elementals are exactly what I was looking for in my current campaign. The reactivity system is inspiring, and will get a good amount of use in my games. I gleefully await an expanded reactivity table, but in the meantime I will expand on my own version. Fantastic article. "Well of the Lost Gods" - Again, another very interesting adventure idea that I can't wait to incorporate into my game. It provides great DM tips, providing alternate routes of progress depending on what the players decide to do. Great maps, well designed monsters, the only thing missing is an art piece of the final boss. "Overall Feedback" - The art knocked it out of the park once again. Especially the cover, chef's kiss. All of the articles were well written, and all inspired me in ways I didn't realize I needed. Arcadia continues to hold true to MCDM's goal of being useful for everyone, and dope as hell. Keep up the great work!


Thanks again for another great mag. Love the art work and the articles. I was wondering if you could do an article on how Mat does the traveling or chasing rolls. I saw how he did it in the Chain of Acheron. I tried to talk about it in Discord but did not get a real good feedback. Unless Mat did a video on it and I just missed it. I have tried a couple different was but his seems to flow better. Just an idea. Keep up the great work. Love you guys and gals.


I have to say, I like what I see. Honestly, Arcadia is turning out even better than I hoped, with interesting content. I may not use it directly as written in my game, but I can easily adapt the things that don't fit my world. And it gives me the seeds of related ideas as well. For instance, the Arcadia #1 sections talking about the celestials solved a worldbuilding issue that I was having with my new campaign. That idea that those who wield celestial type power might not be completely well intentioned and could instead be the ones writing the history that the world knows...

Roman Penna

Arcadia #2 has made me even more impressed with this product, if that was even possible. The front cover is so beautiful. I love that it is a different style from the first cover, but still as epic and inviting. If this was a physical magazine each cover has made me want to pick it up and flick through it because they are just so breathtaking. Joshua’s Subclasses of the Seasons, got me on board with more subclasses. I was originally a little bit sceptical about more subclasses in DnD, as I used to feel it was a very well mined field. But I stand corrected. Each of these subclasses is evocative, thematic and really freaking dope. I love the innovation here, and after seeing Joshua’s design, makes me want more seasonal themed subclasses for each class. The art is also just stunning. I love this design, not only the art itself, but also the card like look of the images, it makes me want to print out these as cards and give them to my players if they choose these subclasses. (Now that’s an idea, a whole book of art-cards for all subclasses.) Makenzie’s Periodic Table of the Elementals was my favourite from this edition of Arcadia. For numerous reasons. Firstly, taking the idea of Elements how we understand them in the 21st century and DnDfing them is genius. It’s cool, it’s once again thematic, and it is so dope. The fiction at the start of the discovery of Nova Elementals was a great edition, allowing a way for DMs to introduce these new creatures into their world easily; and the creatures are magnificent. Their abilities make sense, the fiction behind each of them is cool, and the art is gorgeous. The alternate rules at the end for the encounters just made me think of more ideas, not only for elementals but for numerous creatures in an encounter getting legendary actions as a group. This is cool, and I think a way to make combat encounters slightly deadlier without having to add more and more creatures in. The only disappointment I had at the end of this article was that it ended. I needed more, I wanted more, and I would read and buy a complete book on the Periodic Table of Elementals (there’s 118 of them, that’s more than enough for a book Makenzie 😉 ) Finally, Well of the Lost Gods by Rich is a very interesting and epic adventure, that helps DMs introduce Sci-Fi elements to their game. This is an adventure that fits very well into my own created world and I am looking forward to running it. It is well written and gives enough advice for DMs to change what they want to change, while keeping in the spirit of the adventure. The new creatures are very thematically on point, and are designed well. I like the way that Arcadia produces adventures, and having a short 9-page adventure that anybody can pick up and run is a great tool for new DMs everywhere. Congrats team on another great edition. I cannot wait for the third one. Roman


Art is even better ! Love the content need more!!


Are the subclasses, and other applicable content, of the Arcadia magazines ever going to appear on online resources such as dndbeyond, fantasy grounds, etc?


I don't think so? It depends. Something like FG modules, I think we can do and we probably will do. Because we can just make those. But like D&D Beyond, as far as I know, there's no way for us to get our material there *officially*. That's mostly because of the deal D&D Beyond has with WotC. So we'll see! I think some VTT solution will materialize. -Matt


Arcadia is the greatest! I have 2 very selfish questions: 1) Is there any plan to make a mobile-friendly version of the zine? I would consume it even faster if I could read it on my phone. 2) Specifically for Matt Colville: do you have any plans to bring back your Campaign Diary series? I love your synopsis/analysis of your campaigns so much more than watching/listening to a full session. Maybe even as a podcast? In the meantime I'm just rewatching the playlist on YouTube for the 3rd time. :D


A phone-friendly version is a good idea! I have no idea how we would do that, but it's something we can look into. The Campaign Diaries won't be coming back, for a lot of reasons too numerous to go into here but basically; they weren't very popular and people got upset when there'd be a new Diary and no new Running the Game. -Matt


Did I miss the Arcadia 3?


No King Jason, it is not out yet - might be the coming week though. as far as I understand


A bit late to the party this month , but I absolutely love the Feb issue! The idea of the winter wizard is amazing and would work super well for a powerful npc for a snowy region and sounds awesome to play, too! The idea of sacrificing your anyways feeble bodily energy in a pickle makes for some complex decision making


When will the link be available to add it to our accounts? Should I expect it 30 days after its release?


Hello, MCDM Productions. I would just like you guys to know something in regards to Arcadia 2. I remeber Matt saying that each Arcadia issue would only be available for the month they're released on, and if someone became a patron later and wanted that issue they would have to buy on the store. I just became a patron now, as of the release of Arcadia 3, and managed to download the second issue of Arcadia. I'm not sure if this is the intended behaviour, but I just wanted to let you guys know, since I know you put a ton of work into this, and want it to work within certain specifications. (I also was patron when Arcadia 1 was released, but when the second one came out, the payement didn't go through and I wasn't for that period, in case you want more details regarding my specific case)


Thanks, I've notified the MCDM folks and they'll take care of the link.


You should receive an email in a few days with a discount code that will change the price of the product on the MCDM store to $0. The code will only work if you're logged into the store with the same email address you used for Patreon. Once you've made the "purchase", you can download a fresh copy from the MCDM store at any time.


First time posting! My first time playing DnD, it was a friend of mine running the Delian Tomb. Now, I've just started DMing myself, and ran a modified Delian Tomb for my players! You've gotten so many people into this hobby, Matt. Bless your heart. I absolutely love the Horned One patron. It matches the 'being of transcendent power' theme of GOO, Celestial, Fey and Infernal patronages, and seems so rooted in mythology! My first thought was of St. Hubert encountering the white stag, immortalized on Jagermeister bottles. The mechanics are likewise incredible. I love the idea of eldritch blast being cast using a bow, and being able to use the benefits of an enchanted bow with eldritch blast. So creative, and creates such a strong image.


Do we know what happened to the store links as only ever got Arcadia 1?


Since Arcadia #2 and #3 are still available here, I think the store links don't go out until they get taken down from Patreon. It does seem like an oversight that #2 is still available, but who's to say?


Another cool article. I have always wanted to see subclasses based upon the seasons. I always thought a druid one for each would be cool, but these are good too. COuld have had your own 'crossover' here. I see an article with an electrical elemental and then an electrical (different) creature in the adventure ;) I guess getting two different lightning-based creatures is even better :)