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Hey MCDM Patrons,

It’s James Introcaso, back with a preview of ARCADIA 3! Let’s take a look at the table of contents and get hyped for the next issue, which drops later this month. We’ve got four articles packed with ready-to-play content inside:

Justice Arman brings you three new player ancestries in “The Dream Kin.” In this article you’ll meet the lucidlings, beings birthed by sleeping aberrations, the sand speakers, an ancestry able to enter dreams Inception-style, and the somnians, crafters of dreams and nightmares.

Celeste Conowitch resurrects magic from editions past with “Ten Spells You Need in 5e.” You’ll definitely want to add each of these incantations to your spellbook! Experienced players will see old pals, like glitterdust, and new players can discover the joy of permanency for the first time.

And a Weekend at Bernie's spell! For which this is the art! -MC

Sam Mannell’s “Ace’s High” delivers new, high-impact rules for aerial combat. Survive a dogfight in the skies or crash and burn trying. There's even an encounter on the back of a dragon to get you started!

Alison Huang immerses you in a roleplay-heavy adventure for 3rd-level characters in “A Diamond in the Rough.” Can the characters find a jewel thief inside a mansion before they strike again?

We’re working hard to get this issue into your hands. After it comes out, we’re going to take a little break and assess how we can make future issues of ARCADIA even bigger and better. But don’t fret! We have a special something coming for you in April...and some say it’s worth a trip to Hell and back.





The content you’re choosing to put out continues to be top freaking notch. Can’t wait!


I really like how this issue doesnt clash with the last issue in terms of content (excluding both having an adventure, because those can be wildy varied themselves). Last issue had Class options and new monsters, this issue has race options, spells, and combat rules. I sort of hope this is how it continues, so theres a large variety of stuff.


I am very excited for "Aces High!" I have the need, the need for speed.


Looking forward to seeing what spells are in. Permanence is great, and I hope illusory wall is in there. Would be really handy for some traps I’m working on.


Aerial combat! Works smoothly with the mount rules from #1?


A "Weekend at Bernie's spell" is the kind of thing I didn't realize my Acquisitions Inc campaign needed... and now I really need it.


Very much looking forward to this one!


One of my current characters is a creature from "The Dreaming" cobbled together with changeling, genie warlock, and a few homebrew tweaks. I'm so excited about the dreamkin ancestries!!


I'd say this post has achieved a sufficient degree of intrigue. I'm all wet with anticipation.


Good timing! I’ve got a heist to plan. I’m sure they’ll be some good stuff to steal in this issue.


This adventure sounds awesome! I'd also really love to see some high lvl adventures--like even past 10 and 12 perhaps. . . in the future?


My guess is the official release of the illrigger, given the whole "hell-knight" thing


It's awesome to see Celeste participating! I adore her ability to make difficult DMing decisions seem like the casual wave of a hand on The Venture Maidens.

Robert Wyatt

The Darkness really are great and don't get enough love. The question is: is the special thing going to be hell/hellscape related, train related, or some sort of drug related thing hidden inside a peppy scenario?

Jacob Montague

Permanency!! Ohhh we had so many shenanigans with that back in 3.5e.


> a roleplay-heavy adventure I remember Matt describing all the cons of adventure content for Arcadia - I was bummed. Glad to see one!


This saturday my party gains flying, and is going to get attack by gargoyles!! I need those air combat rules!!


Looking forward to the new (old) spells coming in. Permenancy rocked!

Marco Bizzarri

Can't wait to see the new number out :)


Been waiting on the illrigger for some time. Can't Wait def gonna be my next build!


Really look forward to each issue!


I swear, each issue that has come out so far has given me a feeling as if Matt and his team have injected me with a creativity adrenalin needle. The work so far has been top notch and I cannot thank MCDM Productions enough. Thank you for all your hard work. I look forward to reading Arcadia long into the future.


These keep getting better and I thought that it would be hard to top the first issue. You guys do a great job. Thanks