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YO FOLKS~! Here's what we've been up to!

8/15 weekly update:

Heya floofs! Happy new week to you! <3

Last week I kept steady at v2! I'm working on the final set of debugging todos, and we're approaching the end of the code rewrite! A few days to go, but still on track to get the remaining rough edges smoothed by midmonth-ish.

Here's what I checked off last week:

  • (done) v1 Content: Need to migrate July content from v1.

Remaining v2 todos:

  • (in progress) Camera Bugs: Most are fixed, but need to thoroughly re-test to ensure all v2 cameras match v1 cameras. Ruins Glyphs area cameras are broken.
  • (in progress) Critter Dates: Need to finish testing all triggers, especially for Coyotes date with bukkake scene, and Red's haiku.
  • (in progress) Final testing pass to make sure I didn't overlook any other features, menus or visuals.

These last three todos I'm handling all together, and the Final Testing Pass one is pretty involved since I have to do detailed playtesting of the whole game. The big bugs all seem squashed but there's a lot of polish stuff to fix up. Will keep you posted!


On my end, I've been animatin'! A LOT.

SPOOOILLLERRRZ the above but oh well, you're here, and you get to see dev posts.

So this is actually our last like "exploration" item you unlock! I just gotta animate the Unequip Animation, then it's good to go!

I've also been doing more animation for scenes! But I'll hold onto those for now, since they aren't quite ready.

BUT! Another fun thing I've been fuckin' with, is THISSSS:


This bun is HUGE! SHe's like, 4 x 4 x 8 inches! (Which isn't like, that huge, but I was surprised it worked so well)

So I've been fuckin' with 3D printing stuff for the past couple weeks. Prepping your own file is NUTS. I mean the whole endeavor is like, 5x harder than I was expecting it to be lmao. This shit is "more accessible than it was" - but it's absolutely not a easy hobby to get into. Costly too! I got a printer/washer/cure kit on sale, and still ended up spending another few hundred bucks on materials and tools. 

SOOo I kinda wanna see about having a small line of these printed/painted :O! Not by me lol. I've been in touch with some peeps to get it figured out, and we're making some progress! I'm a lil scared on how the colors will come out though, and it's 230 bucks for the first sample, so I'm trying to muster up the courage lmao. I'm also kinda skeptical on the quality? KIIINDA wanted to like, be really specific with the paint instructions, but I don't know how things will come out Dx Prolly the simpler the better.

Anyways, that's about it!

We'll see ya guys next week!




-Cough- Now to make one you can install some silicone bits --COUGH!!!-- -COUGH!- Eh hem


Stl pls


I love the the animation of him pulling the jar out <3