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Yo folks! Here's what we've been up to!

Starting with A Word from Vixel!

8/8 weekly update:

Hoi floofs! Happy new week! <3

Made more progress on v2! Ran into an ugly bug with Chapter Select that was causing the savegame on disk to get out of sync with the savestate in the game's memory. Once I discovered the bug, I had to redesign part of that system. Now during Chapter Select the game unloads most of itself from memory, and reloads fresh to clear out any stale data.

Here's what I checked off last week:

  • (done) Fixed tricky bug with Chapter Select, savestate was getting subtly scrambled after loading a chapter.
  • (done) Fixed broken cheat codes.
  • (partially done) Reenabled autosave, wrote a new save scheduler that helps avoid saving in the middle of a cutscene or activity, preventing savegame corruption we'd sometimes have in v1. Still needs a bit of code cleanup and testing.

Remaining v2 todos:

  • (pending) v1 Content: Need to migrate July content from v1.
  • (pending) Camera Bugs: Most are fixed, but need to thoroughly re-test to ensure all v2 cameras match v1 cameras. Ruins Glyphs area cameras are broken.
  • (pending) Critter Dates: Need to finish testing all triggers, especially for Coyotes date with bukkake scene, and Red's haiku.
  • (pending) Final testing pass to make sure I didn't overlook any other features, menus or visuals.

This week I'll bring over our July content from v1, and then attack all the testing todos together, to try and get the remaining rough edges smoothed by midmonth-ish. Will keep you posted!


On my side, I've been switching gears pretty hard! We decided that this month, we won't be adding any side content, and I should go ahead and push forward with Act 3 assets. So, I've made the portraits for some Mouse's Mom ;) and then I animated sprites of a buncha lil mice too.

Check it out!

I've also started working on a bigger Rascal Sprite animation ;> On one hand I don't wanna spoil, but on the other, I'm prolly just gonna share it in a week or two anyways. SO we'll wait till then.

I've also been doing some 3D shenanigans. Animated this month's loop, featuring Perdita! AND, I've been rigging her cooch up :O. Check it! Oh, I also textured/painted it too, came out pretty damn gorgeous, I must say

(Pardon the strobing, the compression wasn't playing nice.)

PRETTY COOOOL! This is like, the 4th evolution of vag rigs I've done. It's PUHRETTY dang optimized. Got the spline controllers for major movements, and a set of tweak bones extra movement when needed. 

I've ALLLSO been fucking with something else, but I'll wait till next week since I'll prolly have better pictures :>

OK! That's it for us. Y'all take care! And as always, thanks for sticking with us <33




I bet Rascal and the stones are somehow related. the mystery dungeon side of me has a feeling


I love all the gently bouncing mice.


More meece, I like where this is going!


The mice sprites are so cute!! I cant wait to meet Mables village of mice. woa thats super cool rig there.

Gerbil Man X

😩 S U P P L E 😩