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You know the drill: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x87f99s

Password is LONGGRASS

Prepare to have your understanding of long grass REDEFINED!

...and thank you guys for sticking around. The future can only be brighter.



Okay, interesting note. I was able to use the link on my phone's Chrome and on Edge just fine, but dailymotion isn't playing well with my desktop Chrome for some reason. It won't load the page. Might be a cookies thing? And my pleasure to be here, Suede. I'm having my own tough time right now, seeing you keep going helps. ^^


That said, how did you miss Cylene's 'We won't have to leave you to die after all'?! (I mean... it's because you skipped it, fair enough. I just got a big laugh outta the darkness of that line in frecking Pokemon. ^^)

Peter McDevitt

i caught a SHINY CHIMCHAR in this game. All other arguments against it are invalid.

gregory spring

so apparently the nurse in the expidition building is mira's ancestor

Anthony kolat

dear suede iv been a follow of you for years. and i think i might have a way for you to keep makeing videos im a member of an international radio station call hive 365 there always looking for more reviews and they can legally cover you against cobyright/showpro bs heres the link to the site/station https://hive365.co.uk

Verdant Range

Man, Suede needs to watch the DYKG video series on the first Pokédex book from 1996. The stuff about Pokémon shrinking and stuff, all comes from there. It even says that Nidorina and Nidoqueen can't breed.