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Hi Patrons!

I'm designing original creatures for a special upcoming Kickstarter. It won't release till next month at the absolute earliest, but I wanted to ask my favorite people what they like. Let me know what creatures you enjoy the most, and if you are feeling extra, tell me why in the comments.

CREATURE 1 - Art Credit Yefim Kligerman 

CREATURE 2 - Art Credit Sanghyeon Park 

CREATURE 3 - Art Credit Jama Jurabaev 


I'm working hard on the baby monsters! Here is a preview of the beholder and sporeling. The beholder is essentially done, but the sporeling only about 60%. These will fit nicely with the displacer kitten and owlcub!

Painting Contest

Try your hand at painting an orc for this month's contest! Details here  https://www.m3dmprints.com/painting-contest-1 

The winner gets a custom model fro me. I have stopped doing commissions again since my personal work has been so successful. So this is really the only way to get a custom model from me.

Learn to 3D Model

My second Patreon has been so much fun already! Check it out if you are interested in learning to makes your own characters and monsters https://www.patreon.com/m3dmlearn 

No prior experience needed, over 90% of my students had zero experience when they started. Note that you can use the free ZBrush Core Mini to get started with the Mentorship if you just want to try it out.

Mia Kay



That beholder. Stoooooop. Im going to cry 😭

zion6448 .

Chose the leopard-like creature. Really like the coloration and patches of long fur.


Wow, Creature 2 is really cool


I like all three to be honest, the first two as they feel truly unique

R.J. Rhodes

They're all amazing, but creature 2 for me. I love the feathers and that long swooping tail. Also baby beholder made me die.


I think creature 1 is the most original of the 3. On top of the gorgeous color pattern, the idea of some type of Griffin Lord and a Phoenix making this as offspring, is fascinating.

Dawn H

I like them all tbh.


I love the Phoenix like Griffon.


Yeah I really like that one! The stripes seem extend into long fur, really cool.


I'm a sucker for dramatic tails myself! Hahaha glad you like it!


I agree with that! Creature 1 is my favorite. <3 You described it really well, totally a Griffin Lord/Phoenix vibes


I like #3 so much, I want to pay the artist to come paint it on the wall in my living room. Beautiful!


Creature 3 to me just speaks *speed*


I like the first 2, but dragons and dragon type creatures speak to me. Can’t wait.


Same, I'm a sucker for dragon types~ Glad you are excited for it ^_^