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Hi Everyone!

I started sharing all my models for free in February 2019. Now I have 225 models up for the community! I still have another 50+ to release over the next few months. I checked my stats, and there are over 750,000,000 downloads on these models. That is incredible! Thank you for supporting me so I can share these. I have a few stories I wanted to share that happened since sharing my models.

Some of my Favorite Thingiverse Stories

+ A library uses my animals as a reward system for a children's reading program
+ A college gives out my mule during football games since that is their mascot

+ A grandmother prints all my female elves for her garden

+ An artisan uses my dead tree model as a base for these beautiful bonsai styled trees

+ A hospital printed out some critters for the kids and had an event to paint them together

There are more, but these are the ones that I remember most easily. When I say how special it is to me to share my work, these stories are what I mean. All of you are the reason why I can do this, thank you!


Here is a WIP of the dragon turtle! This was an odd one to block out. The early stages look especially silly so I'm happy to share them.

Stage 1 : General Shapes, no detail yet

Stage 2 : The face scared me so I detailed the shell, it didn't help the face lol

Stage 3 : Finally! Some cuteness is happening!

I almost didn't share this because it is so ridiculous looking. Here is stage 1 for the hippogriff! This is all I have done right now, rest assured it will improve! haha


These are in the final touches stage or finished, enjoy~ I am aiming for an early release this month. Perhaps as early as next week!



Displacer Kitten




Jason Hatter

I just got myself a resin printer (Longer 10). Looking forward to trying it out!


Thank YOU for your incredible work! I just recently started 3d-Printing and mini-painting and your models really inspire me. Thaks for sharing and making me wait in excitement for those super sweet monsterbaybies! I'm so looking forward to printing all of them (with their parents).