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Hi Patrons,

As I continue to create more content for this game, I grow mindful to stay agile and adaptive to avoid getting too comfortable and ergo repetitive/lazy. I also want to consider the audience - you guys - to understand your preferences when it comes to the project in every aspect...

So, to break it down & understand where I can adapt, I'll be creating preference polls on certain aspects of the game. 

Please note that this doesn't mean the game will change to reflect preferences! It's for my consideration only, and, if appropriate, I may adapt to incorporate people's preferences.

So as a first preference vote I want to understand this; what is your preferred format for a sex scene?

When it comes to this game's sex scenes I tend to be text heavy (avg. 1,000 words) with between 1-3 illustrations in either image or gif form. The worktime on writing / illustration is usually 65/35.

Your qualitative response is also desired, so please feel free to comment your thoughts.

Many thanks,




I don't have any issues with the current format. What I have issues with are devs who fail to give us a status update. I don't care if it's going to be late, I just want to be kept in the loop.


I like the format as it currently is. The writing, detailed story and you being descriptive. That's what makes you stand out compared to other developers for me. Maybe one or two images extra in a longer sex scene, but the amount writing is fine. Just one thing that i personally would like is a little more dialogue change between the scenes. After she's had sex at school and her husband asks about work she starts blushing or avoid the conversation. Or when he asks for sex she won't because she's just been creampied. Something like that. Just small sentences, doesn't have to be anything big. But i think that will make the story come more to life other than just going from scence to scene, or dialogue changes at certain points. And are you planning to make repetitive scenes at some point or are all the scenes going to be one time events? Anyhow, i enjoyed last update. Keep up the good work :)


Maybe try an in sex scene choice? (Like make the story diverge during a sex scene event)


i like how it is but a couple more images/gifs wouldnt hurt. i wouldnt want it to subtract from the writing though.


I like the word count but a few more gifs never hurt.


I voted for the second option, but only because there wasn't one for "same amount of words and more images".


Thanks Gandhi, duly noted and as mentioned in the previous post, I'll do my best to keep everyone updated. This is a poll on the players' preferred format with the game's sex scenes.


Thanks, Henk - good consideration with updating dialogue. I'll have to mull over how to implement it. Re: repetitive scenes; in some sense, they will exist. Perhaps not indefinitely though. With the theme of evolving lust & losing sexual inhibition, sexual interactions would naturally escalate, and so it's unlikely for the same scenario to occur. You can always re-visit a scene via laptop though.