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EDIT: For some reason Patreon is shortening my Mega URLs. Download links are here:




Hi all,

What an incredible start to the year. Somehow we've pulled through, and many thanks to you who have stuck with me. I'm fortunate to have you genuine supporters of the project. I'd struggled plenty in the last few months, and the negative comments and messages certainly didn't help. I'd considered pulling the pin on the project because fuck those guys right?

And so I reminded myself I'm not making this game for them or for money - whether Patron numbers go up or down, the project continues because I enjoy creating it, and I'm glad for the genuine supporters I do have.

This release branches further into Wife's teaching career. There are 2 existing routes with the opportunity to cross with other branches.

I've started working on V0.3 a while ago, and I'll continue to flesh this out as my next task. There won't be a poll for V0.3 - I'll be including everything that is fundamental for future iterations of WA-TCA. Mostly content pieces, because I'll eventually tidy the game's skeleton to run more cohesively without the pesky bugs, and when I do I'll likely adjust gameplay while slotting in the existing content. This'll occur beyond V0.3 most likely.

Finally, I'll be releasing some polls in the coming weeks to give me streamlined feedback. More info to come, but the purpose is to help shape the project into something of a final form.



Control App 0.2.3.rar



It says i need a decrypion key to download it :-/


Weird, Patreon is automatically shortening the URL to exclude encryption key. Try this: https://mega.nz/file/aqgzkKBD#fut-nhqdIpn9HPnDZki9mZW4tk1qPR59mHlomBoFfW8


Hey Crayman, Just wanted to say thanks for sticking with it. This is really good stuff. You have talent. It is greatly appreciated!


Great! An thanks for the update, but there's a problem with the principal 5 scene, the game tries to open it in a new tab. Also I haven't been able to trigger the student path yet and the "bad father in-law" path still doesn't trigger.


I Love the Game but i found new Bugs. "Dennis IV" is bugged its only a link to a blank page. "Seduced by Mary" is bugged after the event it returns back to the start of the event. And the "Reset Story" is bugged multible errors. first one the names of the chars no money and after the intro no more options and you end up on a dead end with no return.

Pham Long (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-25 16:48:05 Teacher& student is blocked too, distrust father path also didn't work, man, i like your game, so please fix the bugs.
2020-04-08 11:08:39 Teacher& student is blocked too, distrust father path also didn't work, man, i like your game, so please fix the bugs.

Teacher& student is blocked too, distrust father path also didn't work, man, i like your game, so please fix the bugs.