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Juan CST

I’m with Kanye haha


god bless


Yo the Aztecs were beasts! Hernan Cortes can suck a dick while he's burning in hell


Europeans practiced human sacrifice for religious purposes too. It was called burning at the stake, dumbass


Punishing witches isn’t human sacrifice it’s called justice lmao, I can’t recall Europeans sacrificing tens of thousands of people to get good crops lmao.


the european colonists burned thousands of natives for the dominance of catholosism. it literally is religious human sacrifice by definition. Miss me with you dumbass racist bullshit


Aztecs ritually sacrificed 60,000-80,000 men, women and children a year after kidnapping them from weaker tribes/bands (see; Flower Wars) so that corn would grow well. If I witnessed this as a devout Catholic at the time, my spear would be as sharp as I could get it, homie. Colonization was a gift.


As a native, you’re a clown. Killing a nations people with guns and swords and taking the land for your own empire is how every nation on this earth has ever come to exist. Everyone knows the catholic/Christian faith doesn’t sacrifice people and everyone knows Aztecs do, or did until their weak pussy genes died to the common cold. Get out of here little libfag


Aztecs and euros had horrible native cultures. Christian mind virus infested europe, made them generally nicer but retooled them into conquerers for the jm christ virus. christ virus performed it's stated function of conquering most of the world and killing off native cultures. Now the people who made the christ virus for us are turning it off. it was always just herd management software. we all got played.