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Steve Winwood- Arc of the Diver

Malo- Suavecito



Da culture is in trouble

Howling Man

DEATH CON 4 if the cast isn't up today


We have been forsaken


Gay Bill got monkey pox 🐒🦠


Prediction: we ain't getting shit til Friday and there will be like 2 throwaway jokes about it in the beginning of the free cast and das it. See ya on the weekend gents


War Meed deed


Heard the boys got poached by Spotify and on their way to record their pod Joe rogan had the Cia throw them in a van.


Putting the occult shit for just a small bit is what Michael Hoffman calls “the revelation of the method” occult people are obsessed with symbolism and communication thru them- whether that’s to thumb nose at people who have an inkling of conspiracy or to prove to themselves that us peasants are too stupid to read into them and it helps further alienate those who bring attention to it from the collective while also serving as a recruitment tool for those with the eyes to see and the will to collude and seek out further knowledge and find place in their network of occult worship- so in that sense and it should be obvious- media is just occult propaganda. The constant need for the dopamine drip of consuming entertainment- blocks out our inner dialogue and by extension our inner peace and the answers to our suffering that god communicates during the stillness of times of silence. Consuming media is in a way a form of spiritual,mental and emotional procrastination. Please entertain reading “twilight language” and “secret societies and psychological warfare” by Michael Hoffman

Nick Zanella

Boys gotta listen to the new Nick Bryant pod

Nick Zanella

All about Epstein, mossad and promise software #spudwasright


The neighbor character in that dahmer show didn’t even live in the same building as him in real life. The combined multiple stories from different neighbors into hers and made up their relationship dynamic.


Lmfao the dahmer show was a libtards gold mine