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The Poppy Family- Which way you goin Billy?

Brian Ferry- Slave to love



Alfred kinsley started the porn hole of millions

African Rose

Christopher Columbus was jewish.


Bill and spud think the Kurds are a mercenary pirate gang and not the largest faction of ethnically and culturally homogenous people without a country fighting to survive…


Nah, the Kurds mean well. They're uneducated mountain people. Easy targets for the letter agencies to manipulate into doing their bidding. Like Al Qaeda 20 years ago.

African Rose

I mean if your entire people can't find a home probably a good idea to get into banking and media and flood the rest of the world with your enemies and sit pretty in a religious ethno state that slowly occupies more and more land illegally while everyone else complains about black elves in lotr or cancel culture.


Inserts emoji


Hope we get a DuPont episode soon


Damn, Spud is so sharp. I know he listens or read a bunch on deep state stuff, but he can see the what's really going on. Like around the 8 min mark - Marxist have a definite plan to destabilize kids. Listen to the podcasts by James Lindsay where he lays it all out; Lindsay reads the actual academic papers by these freaks, and it's all planned. Marxist and woke ideology is being used by globalists Look into Paulo Freire, etc. > https://youtu.be/aBv19E-fF7w or short version or > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHWDmg4rfhM&t

African Rose



When is the next paytech?


I highly recommend reading twilight language by Michael Hoffman because of how much of what is touched on in this episode parallels concepts he thoroughly talks about. Particularly the “revelation of the method” approach that the powers that be (cryptocracy) serves to cultivate apathy in people and further seeds the “spectators to the spectacle” concept of a powerless and dazzled mindset to the atrocities being committed. Also when spade talks about the decade delay in substantial reaction- this is what Hoffman calls “freeze/thaw” of information- where, as time goes on and we are bombarded with other incidents and distractions- more of the truth surrounding these incidents comes out and often by that planned time- the culprits are dead, there’s no justice left to be served, any correction to truth is at this point just a statistical,matter of fact- that little to no one cares enough about to act after the incident is muddied with so much distractive noise as to drowned out what truth is being leaked timely and effectively- if those parties aren’t already being intimidated by or silenced by feds. But yeah I highly suggest reading “psychological warfare and secret societies” as well as “twilight language” by Michael Hoffman. So much is covered or touched on I can’t speak highly enough of those books




Go trans if you want but you’re probably punching in that 1 way ticket to hell


Billy - we get it man you’re sexual frustrated and get no play. No one cares. Get out of spud’s way and let that man rip. Spud is a star.


Don't worry Dollar Bill. this is by far the most superior Mckusker podcast