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Hey everyone!

I hope you're all doing well! Here is episode 25 of your weekly Patroncast!

In this one, I talk about:

- 00:32 The channel, with disappointing view number for last week, the production agency, patreon exclusive videos, and whether they're worth it or not, and more

- 19:12 Personal stuff: getting another tattoo, planning for the best use of my small savings, trying to stop vaping and resuming long walks to refresh my brain

I hope you'll have fun listening to this one!




Having finally had the time to watch the Tuxedo OS video, I think part of the issue was it felt like two videos in one. Both an OS review and a laptop review. After 8 or so minutes it felt like the video was done, but I wasn't even a the halfway point. Maybe that's part of the reason for the strange perfomance.


Might be, but the average watch time is similar to my other videos, so it's not like people are dropping off earlier than usual. Even after looking at the analytics, the only thing I can think of is "youtube didn't show this video to my subscribers", because people clicked on it as much as usual and watched it for as long as usual, and still there are less views from subscribers, and less views from Youtube recommendations. I don't know how Youtube works :D

Matteo Zel

Tattoo enthusiast here, so I'll wait for a photo of the new tattoo Nick :)