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I created a small poll on my Nextcloud instance (no personal data collected), where you can tell me if you're interested in Patreon exclusive videos, and what type of videos you'd like to see:


Thanks for filling it in!



I dig the mix of personal/linux/ general technology you bring to your weekly patroncasts. It gives a fully rounded perspective. There are a lot of flashy "used car salesman" types in the YouTube world and I appreciate you not going down that road. My partner thinks your plant game is on POINT in your videos, so there may be an untapped Linux/Gardening cross over you're completely missing, bud. 😆 - mert.


I am a patreon member because I want to support the channel and hope that Linux gets used more often because people see your amazing videos. So I would rather see more free videos than have exclusive content here on patreon.