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Vote on July's topics!

  • Why Linux is better for developers 46
  • What are immutable distros, and why you'd want to use one 63
  • The complete Steam Deck Guide 28
  • Linux distros need to evolve 54
  • 2023-06-19
  • 191 votes
{'title': "Vote on July's topics!", 'choices': [{'text': 'Why Linux is better for developers', 'votes': 46}, {'text': "What are immutable distros, and why you'd want to use one", 'votes': 63}, {'text': 'The complete Steam Deck Guide', 'votes': 28}, {'text': 'Linux distros need to evolve', 'votes': 54}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 6, 19, 9, 26, 51, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 191}


And a second post today, to tell you about what I'll work on in July, and ask you to vote on a few topics :)

So, the videos that are already selected are:

- Linux News: there will be 5 in July, including at least one that I'll record from sunny Saint Tropez, during my holiday (because the news don't stop)

-  What can we learn about macOS Sonoma: Apple announced the latest version of their OS, with a bunch of new features, most of which we already have on Linux. But the way they did them might teach us a thing or two, so we'll analyze the major ones and compare them with what we have

- I used macOS for 30 days: I already took a surface level look at macOS more than a year ago, but now, I've actually used it for a full month on a new Apple Silicon macbook pro, and the experience was... interesting. (Spoiler: I won't be switching to mac any time soon)

- Remote desktop options on Linux: a look what remote desktops are, how they work, and your best options on Linux

- Linux annoys me sometimes: a few pain points that surfaced recently in my Linux journey that make things a bit annoying

Ok, and for the topics you can vote on:

- Why Linux is better for developers: this one was relatively popular in the previous poll, so here it is again!

- What are immutable distros, and why you'd want to use one: a refreshed look at the concept, a few examples, and the reasons why we're probably going to move to them in the future

- The complete Steam Deck Guide: a look at all the various things you can do to make your experience with the stem deck (or holoISO) better, including visual customization, plugins, emulation, launchers, and more

- Linux distros need to evolve: the Linux landscape has evolved since distros started packaging software themselves, so we'll take a look at the current model, and why it probably won't work for much longer

Vote for the ones you like the most, and I'll make the 2 with the most votes :) (Yes, only 2 this time, since I'm testing the production agency, and so we had to lock a few topics early, don't worry, more choices will appear in August and onwards).



I did try Vanilla OS and liked it. I haven't spent a lot of time with an immutable system to really figure if it makes a difference for me for stability or not, etc. I haven't really figured out who these distros would benefit the most. Also, I didn't do extensive research, but I don't think it's possible to install the Portmaster firewall on an immutable system, and I've grown to really like that program. In any regard, I'm curious to learn more about immutable operating systems. :)


Hey random question, would you do a review on the volla phone? Or maybe It was already asked. Not sure


Yeah, there are some limitations for programs that aren't available as Flatpaks or containterized programs, or that don't run well in containers