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Hey everyone,

I hope you're all doing well!

Here is episode 20 of your patroncast, in which I talk about:

01:31 First week without a real job and other personal musings

06:41 Should I keep devices with other operating systems

13:26 Fear of the ecosystem

19:40 Hardware with Linux preinstalled

Link to the file: https://nextcloud.thelinuxexp.com/index.php/s/FnLmXjE8jxnjHBq

I hope you enjoy listening to it!





Congratulations leaving your product owner job. I guess you can fill the extra free time with a fulfilling hobby, quality time with friends and some traveling 👍


Thanks :) It's been great to have a full weekend, and I'm looking forward to all the freedom this will afford me!


Hi Nick, What's your ISP ? I've got the same issue as you concerning internal routing on my Orange router. In the end I've purchased and installed a RaspberryPi 4 in front of my router, that manage DNS and DHCP. It's a new machine to monitor, upgrade and run but I have no regrets, I even added a VPN to access my local network when I'm on the road and a zabbix monitoring service to check for my Nextcloud and various web services. Plus the bonus of having a DNS ad-blocker :) Hope you'll find a suitable solution for you ! Best regards,