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Hey everyone,

Here is your exclusive weekly patroncast, just a bit late because I was spending the weekend away with some friends :)

In this one, I talk about:

01:08 How I've been a couch potato for the past week, and how that's changing starting tomorrow (I know how that sounds, but I swear I'll do it)

10:53 Moving my laptop to KDE, and how I have a weird relationship with that desktop environment

17:10 Outlining my plans for my home server, that's going to have to do a lot

I hope you enjoy listening to it, now I need to get back to my next video (should be published in a few hours) :)





After spending some time distro hopping and DE hopping (is that a thing?) I've settled on Manjaro with KDE. It does so many things right - the clipboard manager, the ordering of windows in the alt+tab switcher, the zoom functionality etc. There's definitely some bugs and rough edges but I hope they'll get ironed out eventually.


Yeah, as a distribution Manjaro does a lot of great things and I like their KDE implementation. It would be a lovely distribution to tinker with on a secondary device, but as I only have one computer available I stick to something more 'reliable'. (I use reliable instead of stable, because I do enjoy up-to-date software, but I need my PC to be available 99,99 % of the time and I cannot rely on the AUR to get the software I need.)

Emil Johansen

Re: Server: Feel free to ping me. Regardless of that, continued recommendation to build on a foundation of Proxmox. It will simplify all your setups after that - of varying permanence, and make management of your storage a straight up joy. Contrary to popular belief the visual installer is extremely easy and quickly lands you with the web interface which is where you operate all the rest from. From memory the installer is basically “select if you want to use zfs for your drives or makes a mistake”, network config (setting a static IP and subnet), and selecting a root password.


Thanks, I'll look into Proxmox a bit more, if that can avoid many back and forths, and reinstalls, that's definitely a win in my book!