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Hey everyone!

Here is episode 49 of your exclusive weekly patroncast!

In this one, I talk about:

- 01: 13 The Steam Deck Verified Program and how it should be extended to Steam on Linux

- 08:57 Why I think KDE is the best desktop for all Linux users but only if you take the time to configure it to work for you, and why it's perfectly OK that people wouldn't want to do that

- 16:57 Personal stuff, like the end of my life as an employee, and my need for your suggestions of horror movies and games

I hope you enjoy listening to this one!




Appreciated your comments on KDE, Nick. I've used KDE and Emacs extensively (My paper Emacs manual is autographed by RMS.) They both have the same issue. Both are a box of Legos. You can build anything with them. Is that a plus or a minus? Well, I just it depends how much of a control freak one is? Happy Día de los Muertos.


They definitely have the same kind of issue, being toolboxes more than a specific vision for a product. I personally think it's a great thing, but I can also understand why a lot of people wouldn't want to deal with that!


Thanks for the KDE review! I fell into the customization mania a few years ago already, when I moved to i3, and I'm starting to miss the unified feeling of a DE (when you don't have to code you own audio output switcher or pull out Xrandr every time you plug a monitor)... but I can't go back to regular WMs without tiling and workspace shortcuts. I've been glancing at KDE since you switched to it, so if it's *that* customizable, I might give it a shot! (just have to find a nice Kvantum theme before that) Horror games are definitely not my jam, but I've heard of Phasmophobia which was quite popular last year. Good luck with your new freelance job, hope you enjoy it and continue making great Linux content! I can't wait for the Super Secret Project™...


KDE has a script called Krohnkite, which seems to allow to do the same thing as tiling WMs, I have yet to try it, but it seems pretty amazing :) Phasmophobia seems pretty cool, thanks for the tip! I hope it goes well too, I'm pretty excited to get started, and it should allow me to make one or 2 more videos per month, so that's pretty cool as well. A bit more patience, it's coming soon :D