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Hello everyone!

Short version - you can downlead new rules from attachment to this post. C&C welcome.

Long version -

As many wargamers, I've tried multitude of different rules over my wargaming "career" and even tried writing some (maybe someone tried my huge Bolt Action Modern Wars homerule which i made with support of international team), but ended up bothered by "something feels off" feeling with every rules I've tried.

Therefore, I've started writing a new rules. This time my own, with mechanics and ideas i see fit.

The result of it is this Alpha build of a new rules called OctopodTactics.

The rules themselves are meant to be a middle ground between BA and Spectre, with my own ideas in its core.

What hypothesis I've used while writing:

1. Camouflage mechanic has to exist, because it is extremely important IRL

2. Initiative should be unit-based instead of side-based (we all know that perfect sync is impossible)

3. Basic rules should be exactly this - basic, with number of additional modules

4. Unit size should always have clearly visible pros and cons. I.e. sniper pair should be very distinct from 9-men squad in their behavior

5. Units should be able to make complex actions within itself (for example one model moving and other shooting)

I hope that you will find these rules at least a little bit interesting and probably will even give me feedback, so i can improve them further to V 1_0 someday

