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Update 15.04 - heads are done! I will not make AT4 this time, sorry guys, to not make you wait for another week or so, so instead I've quickly made a PVS-7 NVG heads.

Tomorrow i plan to make supports and publish the release!

Update 12.04 - pose 4 done! Heads are in progress. The lag is terrifying, but most of the work is finally done, i will do everything in my power to finish it by the Sunday.

Update 06.04 - poses 2 and 3 done! Just one more to go! Plus the heads, AT4 etc of course...

Update 02.04 - first pose done! I took extra time to make everything more or less correct, so he has hydrator and grenades and stuff.

As you might've notice, i'm severely lagging behind the schedule, but i still want to take it slow and make every model unique and really good-looking

Update 28.03 - a big one! M249 done! sketches for poses 1-3 done! Only pose for NCO is still not decided but i work on it.

As a side notes - pose 2 will have a strengthening "pin" like i had for VBSS and for pose 3 i consider making a shaft about 0.4mm in the leg for paper clip (which i guess is best way to make the leg not snapping off) as a variation (solid leg will be in the pack for sure)

Why all of them are running-walking? To be honest, I'm getting a bit tired of "static" poses, so i wanted to go a bit all-out with this release and make something really dynamic

Hello everyone!

An appeal to everyone: if you have any suggestions or opinions regarding the loadouts (pouches type and placing, holsters, etc) for US forces in Iraq c. 2005-7 - please share them in comments or send me PM.

While i definitely do research photos, they are hard to pinpoint date-wise, plus all soldiers look extremely different from each other, so i'm sorta confused.

I'm sorry for being silent for a while. Sitrep below:

1. M4 with ACOG, AN/PEQ-2, M203 and vertical grip options is ready

2. base mesh is about 90% ready with small details left to add (make OTV and knee pad more believable for example)

3. M249 is still to be sculpted as i want to have a version with rails and folding stock (not plastic fixed one)

4. AT4 is to be sculpted

Overall - i'm severely lagging behind my own schedule, but i will do everything in my power to have release on time

