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Full link episode 5. https://youtu.be/1uM3yv2wlpE

Full link episode 6. https://youtu.be/C5oGm5bezLE



Jeffrey Miller

Gotta love the symbolism of Kim turning the car around and driving back to Albuquerque. She's turned her back on what she thought she wanted more than anything in order to make sure she can get revenge on Howard. One thing that is really going to bother me if it's never addressed is how Howard has a great alibi to prove he wasn't the one pushing Wendy out of his car. He was at his therapist's office having a session. There would be some kind of contemporaneous documentation as well as the therapist's testimony to prove Howard was at the office the whole time. I work for a community mental health clinic, all Howard would have to do is sign a release of information to whomever he wanted to present the evidence to. It bothers me because it just seems like such an huge oversight for a such a well written show. I don't care if the explanation they give isn't the greatest as long as it's addressed.

Damien Lupo

I'm glad that these reactions were recorded a while ago, because based on your newer posts, you and the baby are good and healthy. For just a minute there, I was going, "Oh no! her blood sugar keeps rising and the baby is kicking and causing so much discomfort, and this isn't a show, it's real life," and then I was like, whew, I already now how this season of "Movies with Mary" concludes, and it's not in tragedy! Anyway, these are great reactions and the season is really starting to boil in these episodes so I can't wait for the rest of the season's reactions when the shit really happens.

Don Mayhem

When Lalo disappears and ends up in Germany, I made a joke saying does Lalo get with Kate Bishop's mom Eleanor in Hawkeye before or after going to Germany? lol Mary doesn't remember Hawkeye. I think Bob Odenkirk has boxing experience from what I've heard, but not Patrick Fabian. Howard looks buff in his suits, but then you see how piney his arms looks lol. That boxing scene is pretty funny. It's hilarious seeing him fix his wife coffee, making it look all fancy and she just puts it in a cup. Howard looking like a dork lmao. Kim's mom definitely had an influence on Kim. This kind of thing comes natural to Jimmy like breathing, but for Kim, it seems like she has been fighting it and now she gives into it. Jimmy said no more slipping Jimmy but Kim was like let's do it again. Jimmy and Kim deserved to feel that anxiety at the end of episode 6. The actresses who play young Kim and her mother always impress me, Watching this again reminded me of a caught on tape video of a woman distracting a jewelry clerk while having her own kid steal for her.