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Full link episode 11: https://youtu.be/R0f6oTyehdg

Full link episode 12: https://youtu.be/pt6PhDn3N3A




It's cold hearted, but letting Jane die protects Walt and Jesse.

Michael Cruse

I'd forgotten just how good Kristen Ritter was in this show. She would later play Jessica Jones in the Netflix/Marvel series, where she really got a chance to shine.


ahhh wish we could watch the finale with you now!! The show gets next level good from here on out.


Btw Mary, Gus = Moff Gideon from The Mandalorian

Sean K.

skylar with the birthday song is so cringe, i have to skip the scene every time

Koala Banana

These episodes are so great. The contrast in motives and behaviour is very clear. Walt thinks he's doing good while he kills people. Jesse thinks he's the bad guy while he's being pushed around and manipulated. All because Walt can't see that his love for his family is tangled with deep-seeded issues of pridefulness. His care for Jesse is Walt's saving grace right now, his hand kept on the pier of morality.


"This show, I can't get over it" - Mary Yeah, neither can we. That's why some of us are on our 12th watch through the series with another reactor >_< ^_^

Don Mayhem

Enter Gustavo Fring. When I was watching the Toy Story 2 reaction, that part where Buzz wanted the the Etch n Sketch to draw Al in a chicken suit, and the toys freak out and Rex says "it's the chicken man," I was thinking what if someone made a video of that scene, but instead Etch draws a picture of Gus and toys freak out "it's the chicken man" lmao. I didn't want to mention it at the time. I heard rumor of the actor Giancarlo Esposito is sought after to play Professor Xavier. He has my vote. Does Mary recognize him from The Mandalorian? Sadly, even in the U.S, there are bottom feeding gangs that get kids involved with their business of drugs, murder, or prostitution. More like threaten to work for them. Skylar singing to Ted, in that voice, is a reference to Marilyn Monroe singing Happy Birthday to JFK. There were rumors of JFK and Monroe having an affair.

Don Mayhem

Bryan Cranston described the scene of Jane choking on her vomit saying for a second, Brayan saw his own daughter's facial feature and thinking that his daughter is dying in front of him, then Kristen Ritter's facial features comes back to view. Jesse and Jane would be described as a "Sid and Nancy" relationship." Course, they would probably update it to a "Johnny and Amber relationship" lol. Another "wait for it' moment for Mary. Mary is saying "that's so sweet. Something nice for a change." Wait for it lmao,


Hi! New Subscriber here, first time commenting.... I'm so glad that you're doing this Breaking Bad reaction/review since it's the primary reason why I decided to join. Very much enjoy seeing and hearing your reactions! This is the best show I've ever seen and enjoy watching again with you! I think that Walter not saving Jane was primarily motivated by self-preservation. She was a threat, not just to Jesse's well-being, but to Walter’s own safety and further plans. Jane even said to his face “you don’t know” if she’ll keep her mouth shut even after Walter did good by Jesse and delivered his big bag of money. Jane was a present and future risk to Walter of potential blackmail. Furthermore, Walter’s future plans don’t exist without Jesse. Walter can't make the meth all alone, not in the consistent bulk quantities needed to continue his business relationship with Gus. Walter needs Jesse to stay and help him cook the meth as his assistant. He also depends on Jesse to help him get the methylamine pre-cursor needed in the big barrels. Jane got in the way with all of that. Walter needed Jane out of the picture, hence, his hesitation and ultimate decision not to turn her over on her side. Walter may have even internally tried to justify his inaction to help Jane at that moment as a decision to not be a “Good Samaritan”, but notice that it was Walter’s action of shaking Jesse on the bed to try and awaken him, which caused Jane to move from her side position and onto her back, which resulted in Jane choking on her own vomit. If not for Walter being there and shaking Jesse, Jane would probably not have choked and died, since she was well-aware of that risk and even counseled Jesse on this point.


I gotta break a leg here for the situation... it's a skit, it's a popular reference, it's really not that raunchy... honestly, the cringe is throwing a birthday party in the the first place, everything beyond that isn't really that bad. I mean... except for the actual flirting stuff, but that's a very contextual thing to begin with. I never though it was awfully cringeworthy, and I have a low threshold for that sentiment. Walter hamfisting his atrocious apologies is way, way, way worse in my book, can't sit through them at all, which, to be fair, is just another testament to the show's quality. Different strokes, I guess.


It'd be weird (it IS weird) to not show kids how to shoot up. Knowing how it is done isn't going to encourage consumption, not in the least - but it's going to reduce harm and complications. Hence why there is no moral stance to take beyond "legalize everything," you always have people suffering from addictions pay for any attempt of making proper access to unadulterated drugs illegal. Even the hard kind, the only thing a ban does for these drugs is make fiends seek out much, much worse alternatives, one part of the very intricate and diverse opiod crisis (Bosch series name drop at this point for another great crime show). Either way: BB is skipping plenty of steps here and there, incentivizing kids to synthesize meth might be a bit of a step-up from making sure they don't die from an embolism or contract HIV... but I think showing the act is a necessary thing and I feel it is in everyone's interest to be able to recognize symptoms of, say, overdoses and then some. There is no way I'd live in the states or major cities without knowing how administer naloxone or such, as minor as my chances may be. DARE and most educational systems around the world have insanely huge, glaring holes when it comes to knowing your way around substances, the kind that will inevitably meet any kid at some stage, and we all might be susceptible too. Knowing how MAOIs interact with psychs, ecstasy, the basics about SSRIs and the role they play in context... knowing about addiction doesn't hurt either, if only to set right the kind of people who keep spreading age-old tales about, e.g., LSD and friends inviting ritualistic, drug-seeking behavior, when in fact it is about the best chance for treating addiction and, in itself, is the opposite of addictive. Supervision is always great, discussing this at home and in school is fantastic, nurturing an interest in these things is something we're banking on as a society, heavily now more so than ever. It's rarely glorified and as such is a good introduction to people using this context to read up about it, if nothing else, that'd be not the weirdest catalyst for some macabre interests inevitably ending in a medical degree. Show it, it's meant to be explicit. Also: fuck the dad... as far as he is to blame for this. He doesn't know better, he is a victim in its own right - but he clearly exhibits behavior that only exacerbates this kind of drug-focused compulsion. Going off on completely docile boyfriends or even your daughter - the sheer act of this massive privacy invasion in any circumstance that would drive teenagers to self-harm and complete removal from their immediate family... it might very well be one half of the equation. Susceptibility to novelties and new experiences as well as addiction is one thing that highly varies from person to person, him not having the first clue about how to approach the problem and comfort your child within reasonable boundaries is another absurdly huge symptom of a country that fails to educate their children in just about every regard. Which isn't just an anti-US pile-on, this is true for just about any country in this world, most of Europe, some top-ranking countries (just look at Japan and asian drug policies, Jesus Christ), pretty much any part is affected by parents and educators not getting the right education. The dad IS to blame. He is a huge part in this equation, and the sad thing is that he probably knows it and himself never managed to cope with his addiction - or the deferred way it manifests in him, namely by abusing his daughter and making her accountable for things she is already combating so hard as is. Which leads into the entire discussion of Jesse allegedly "dragging her down", which I attribute more to odd phrasing than anything, but this box is for another time to unpack, as much as I think it doesn't begin to tell the whole story. Ten years is also kind of laughable, and calling the police is not helping anyone. This isn't borderline negligent behavior, this is the equivalent of hitting your child because you don't understand why it's crying. Very effective storytelling, to be reserved about how great the writing is. Lastly: She was doing nothing but act as a convincing ticket to the money owed to Jesse. Never mind HIS massive, unfathomable abuse on Jesse because of his addiction-encouraging whims (exacerbated by his sheer pride), all of which could be avoided if he just wasn't what he was, there was no reason for him to withhold the money, Jesse's lapse or drug addiction be damned. They both sacrificed just as much, I don't agree with judging their merit by virtue of their skill. He might have been really messy, but he also made a lot of it happen and ultimately was the catalyst, for better or worse. Walter being who he was totally warranted Jane's behavior, if we look beyond the veil of "crime that might involve deaths and hurt people". Walter being a shady prick and trying to get her to do things under the guise of legality, even before... that's just a huge no-go and would make anyone with half a mind opt for being the confident voice behind Jesse's thoughts. Those two might very well be the most rational players in those episodes, not even kidding.