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Full link: https://youtu.be/hB7YsPPLQIU

In light of the new Avatar movie coming out at the end of this year, I was so excited to discover this one! :D 



Zach Strand

I don’t get why this movie was such a big hit. It’s about as cliche as you can get.

Armchair Wizard

Damn, a lot of people dislike this movie. I never understood that.


I like this movie a lot! It evokes a boyhood wonder kinda vibe, like I watched it as a kid even though I would have been 26 lol. The only singular thing I feel confident saying is “sick” lol, is their skin, so I don’t find it surprising that many find it a lame affair, but luckily for me the scale tips awesome. Looking forward to watching it again alongside Mary’s reaction.

Patrick Toscano

If you ever get the chance watch Avatar in 3D.

Mike LL

I saw this multiple times in IMAX 3D. Unforgettable experiences. Maybe the ultimate "hang out" movie? Just want to live there. Me and countless others who went time and time again to the theater to "live" there, the only way we could. Stoked for the sequels. I see it is still the "fashion" to bash this movie. Never bet against Cameron. Still, what they don't get is that the telling of this very old story with the most advanced technologies of the 21st century was always the point.

Brian Jones

While many complain about the plot of this film, the storytelling tropes, or the shallow characterizations, and those are valid criticisms, some of which I agree with, you can't help but acknowledge the sheer beauty of this film. While I don't think it's a perfect film, I certainly give it credit for the absolutely amazing things it accomplished. When the best criticism you can come up with for a film is that it's simply guilty of retelling an age old story, then you're pretty much pointing out a flaw in most all of modern books, media, and cinema. There are only so many stories to tell. It's a rare thing to see such attention paid to the detail and creation of a cinematic world. Cameron really took his time to make Pandora a living and breathing entity on screen, from the wildlife, to the landscape, to the plant life, and it visually pays off in spades. You can really tell the man poured his heart and soul into the creation of this world. In IMAX and 3D at the time of it's release in 2009, this film was an absolute spectacle and phenomenon. It says a lot when a film that's 13 years old now puts the CGI and effects work of many modern $200 plus million dollar blockbusters to shame. By comparison, the visual effects in many films even created this year from huge companies such as Marvel and the like just look like bland white noise by comparison. Another thing to point out is the absolutely breathtaking and very memorable soundtrack by James Horner. Something else that's sadly lacking in many a modern blockbuster. It's to the point now that many people walk out of the theater and can't even hum you a bar of the score from many a film. There's a whole lot of greatness in this film that in my personal opinion easily overshadows any of the tropes. Great reaction as always, and glad you enjoyed it. I for one am very much looking forward to the sequel for this movie. If there's anything the last 40 plus years has taught me, it's that you never bet against James Cameron. :)


ive been waiting for this since you mentioned you watch it, I loved this movie and am super hyped for the sequel,


Seem like reasonable enough musings. Just some people being blunt, about their dislike of a movie, which as popular as it is, was undoubtedly shoved down their throats. Upon rewatch though, I’m just immediately captivated, by the world and all the stuff in it. If you’re not similarly affected, then yeah, I bet this movie sucks.

David Olden

I’m definitely in the ‘Love Avatar’ camp. I saw it four times in the theatre in 3D, then countless times after I bought the DVD. Although I recommend watching it in 3D if you have the opportunity, Cameron made sure it worked first in 2D while filming, by checking takes only in 2D. What 3D does is help immerse you in the world of the story. Mary, I really enjoyed your reaction during this watch along! Thank you!


Totally agree. People dogging this movie for having a cliche plot is like saying The Godfather sucks because the special effects are bad. They weren't intending to blow us away with a complex story. They wanted a palatable plot line because our minds were already going to be so occupied by the groundbreaking achievements in almost every other category. Having a basic plot was a smart choice in my opinion.


Mary: yea I had to cut off a cows head for ice cream Me: *chokes on water* excuse me? 😅


Because it’s just Pocahontas in another environment.


Travis, that’s the claimed reason. But we all know that’s not the actual reason. It was so popular that contrarians got vocal. Happens all the time. But if you disagree, I’d love to hear you sing praise about Pocahontas.

Brian Jones

Yeah, that was a bit of a WTF?!? moment for me as well. Mary, would you care to explain? What the hell is this foreign cow beheading ritual you speak of?😂


It’s an ice cream lamb! :D don’t ask me, it was (is? I don’t know) a thing when you are raised catholic here. But I never really understood it :D


I was ready for this film to be worse than I remember because of all the hate. As has been mentioned above, it’s far from a perfect film, but it created an immensely imaginative world; one that can only exist in our minds, cuz physics. The 3D IMAX experience was exactly that: an experience. Watching in this format felt a bit hollow, but I was still deeply moved at the moments where I was supposed to be. Thanks for bringing this one back to me.


It also wasn't the first 3D movie, not by a long shot. What it did was popularize modern (and, in a sense, soon to be forgotten) 3D-authoring, i.e. the process of setting up your production pipeline to allow for great visual quality... which suffers heavily in the process, because physics. It was a huge hit for 3D, as much as it turned out to not be a huge consumer success overall, and it definitely shows where things might be headed with some concessions. VR, it being the very big brother of 3D-TV that has proven its staying power half a decade ago, happens to mitigate some of the issues, so if ever trying 3D movies in VR is an option, definitely go for it. Theater presence is already super cool by itself, getting an incredibly crisp (and, most of all, bright) stereoscopic image projected straight on your eyeballs is a nice way to revisit great movies of that magnitude. If I had to decide, though, Dredd would be the one movie I'd recommend watching in 3D, way before Avatar, even. So much coming together there that just works.

Brian Jones

Ah, I was raised Lutheran. I wonder if that was what Martin Luther was originally protesting about. Damn Catholic heathens.😂

Richard Maurer

I think a lot of right-wingers are very offended by this movie, but don't want to come right out and say "How dare they attack our god, Capitalism!"

Brian Jones

@Richard Maurer - Quite the laughable and elementary take Richard, as in the case of this film it's not pure capitalism at all, but much more like our current situation of government and business being in bed together. You know, the crony capitalism the left have fostered, love, and profit from just as much if not more than anyone else. Not that this is the best place to be discussing political issues.🙄 Besides, I'm a conservative and enjoy the film quite a bit. But I have no issue keeping my politics and entertainment separate. Why on earth would I listen to Hollywood concerning political issues?😏

Markus X.

Avatar and Dune are the 2 films i watched 3 times in cinema, because the atmosphere was so good. Iam happy the next part arrives this year :)


"Why on earth would I listen to Hollywood concerning political issues?" Yea, cuz your politicians are way more truthful, right?

Brian Jones

@Rustin Cohle - Of course not. But why would I listen to Hollywood try to put a dishonest spin on a politician or political party? Don't really understand your point here. If the source is already a dishonest and corrupt mess, why would I care about the opinion of an out of touch director or actor in regards to the subject? That would be like going to a six year old for financial advice.🙄🤦