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Episode 4: https://youtu.be/D3jrR93m4Lk

Episode 5: https://youtu.be/Nr0Vl3BpRmA

Episode 6: https://youtu.be/xG3NpULvEqQ

Hi peeps, 

Sorry for the later upload! A lot of things are going on privately that I have to focus on a little bit, but here we are! :) I hope you enjoy these ones, I loooooveddd the show!




I hadn't gotten around to the other three yet... Seems like I can rewatch the whole lot over Christmas now.


I DO recommend you watch "What If...?" for the channel, Mary... it does tie in with stuff coming up. That's all I'll say about that. ;-)

Don Mayhem

How dare you take such pleasure of Loki getting hit and kicked lol. One theory is Sylvie's Nexus event was to save Asgard from being destroyed, but the TVA arrested her so Ragnarok can happen to Asgard. I'm wondering what Nexus was going to happen that the TVA found Sylvie and Loki on that planet.

Don Mayhem

E5: Alligator Loki is a a favorite. A reptile that didn't do much somehow was a favorite lol. Did you know that Disney hired writers of Rick and Morty to write Loki. I have a huge crush on Sylvie. Her and Alligator Loki are my favorites. Tom Hiddleston is mostly know for playing Loki, but he has shown he can play a evil person and I compassionate one in Loki \ Did I mention that he auditioned for the role of Thor first before being Loki?

Don Mayhem

I do like your reaction to Loki hugging Mobius and saying "Thank you, my friend" Owen Wilson is perfect for this role. I love line "You throw a rock out here you hit a Loki" lol. SO much to mention. Also the Frog Thor in that Jar lol.

Don Mayhem

In episode 5, did anyone notice the Arcade videogame "Polybius"??????? There is an urban legend about it. A video game in Portland Oregon I think. Kids played it but the video game messed with their heads and gave them nightmares and even drove some people to suicide Then some men in black suits came in to take the video game away. Apparently, the video game was recording people which is why it was messing with their heads and those men were never scene again nor was the arcade game.