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Full link: https://youtu.be/GbuIS6gehso

I  thought this movie would be toooootally different from what it ended up being! I expected something scary or funny, but not this inteeeeeeeeeeense :D. I loved it though! If you'd asked me minute one I would not have thought i'd be charmed by a man with scissor hands :D. How did you like it?


Edward Scissorhands patreon


Mike LL

Thank you for this reaction, Mari! Why is it the best reactions are when you do a lot of crying? What kind of sick people are we? ha ha <3<3<3 I haven't watched this movie in a long time. Maybe since I saw it way back when it first came out in theaters. I really didn't remember what would happen. What a sweet time. Thank you.

Lorenzo Baxter

Your disposition to Edward seems kinda weird throughout the movie. Maybe its just you grew up around a different culture, but he's not some weird guy. He is a kind soul who was left without his dad. He's special even without his scissors because of his brilliant mind for creativity and incredible heart. It's because of the people in the town that these things happened. The second he did anything out of the norm, they turned on him. Youre supposed to care about him. That's the point. People with hearts like him are so rare. And it's not right that he's treated like he is only because he's different. He deserves so much more.

Mr. Writhms

Just finished your reaction. I didn't cry. There was something in my eye. Yeah. 😢

Uncle 'Traveling' Matt

After watching your reaction to this one, I think you might also enjoy Sleepy Hollow (1999). It's Tim Burton & Johnny Depp again. Perhaps this is a stupid question, but is the story of Ichabod Crane known in Belgium? I dunno if that's strictly a North American thing... due to that old cartoon. Interesting story, anyhow.

Mr. Writhms

I agree. "Sleepy Hollow" is excellent, also one if my favorite Burton films. Though the story is an American tale (set in the actual town of Sleepy Hollow, New York) I'm not sure myself if the story is world-known. It is a fun place to visit on Halloween though.  They really play up the Horseman and Icabod legend in October, attracting tourists.

David Olden

The production crew painted that whole neighbourhood, every house, with those bright pastel colours. When they were all finished shooting, like all responsible productions do, the crew came back with cans of paint, all the *original* colours, to restore the neighbourhood to its prior condition. But they were met by a crowd; all the homeowners, who blocked them. The homeowners said, “We’ve all decided we like it, and we want to keep it this way!” So the painters shrugged, said okay, and got back in their trucks and drove away. The neighbourhood (a suburb of Tampa, Florida) remained in those pastel colours for a very long time.


So I was literally saying to myself the day before you uploaded this, "I wonder if she will ever watch Edward Scissorhands?" as it is one of my favorite Tim Burton movies and the music is amazing. What a coincidence when I saw that it was the next movie you posted LOL. I look forward to you getting around to my other favorites some day as well. Maybe I don't even need to say what they are haha.


What a delightful reaction! I snorted out loud when you said at the beginning that a man with scissors for hands was not appealing, I knew that was gonna change. I loved how you hated Jim and you kind of had a guilty look when he died, like "I didn't want him to actually die". This was indeed a one-of-a-kind, magical movie. That it moved you so much is testament to that. thank you, Mary, for the great reaction!


What a great reaction to a beloved movie from my teenage years. Glad to see it’s still got it.


Merry Christmas to Mary, and to everyone else in our little community!


"ED WOOD" has been hailed as Tim Burton's best movie about the world's worst horror director ever with Johnny Depp. Something to consider for next halloween !