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yipeeeeee ^_^ i was waiting eagerly for this


When Pat finds out it was his dad who was at fault, it breaks my heart. This man raised his child in hate, he was gaslighting him and pushing Pran down to the ground, and all because of something he did. I have no sympathy for him. I feel bad for Pran's mom, but she also did not need to do her son the way she did. They're both horrible parents. Like y'all said, this show is so good, you think you're just watching a cute little rom com but then it hits you with stuff like this. We still had some cute stuff this episode though, I love the stairway "proposal" scene where Pat professes his love for Pran in front of everyone. And I love the way the InkPa story was handled. It was actually one of the first big Thai GL ships, and now there have been several GL ships and GL series (the InkPa actresses will have their own GL series next year). Side note, the music club boys in Pat and Pran's old high school are played by the actors from My School President.


One thing that gets lost in translation with this drama is that Pat's father is Chinese-Thai. He would most likely be from a family of immigrants, and of course Dissaya is a female (and while I think she is portraying a fully Thai woman, even the teacher mentions she looks middle-eastern and P'Of always does things with intent in his dramas so.. she may have been half Thai too, who knows). So imagine a 90s 1st generation guy and a girl both vying for 1 scholarship. It's like a battle of minorities lol so Pat's dad cheating his way of getting it was like the ultimate betrayal. And he didn't even "use" the scholarship, like he went to school, but just ended up working for his dad, which he probably could have done right out of HS if he wanted. It undoubtedly was hard for Dissaya as a woman, especially then, to figure her shit out and get an education. P'Of (the director) does a great job of explaining this dynamic in some of his reaction videos


I'm screaming! I did not mean to hint that the rivalry had pew pew involved šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚.


This is one of my favorite episodes from the series. The big reveal of their parents backstory and how this feud even started was heart wrenching. Especially Pran bawling his eyes out in Pat's arms on the balcony was such an emotional moment. I can't help but cry every time I watch that scene. Nanon is one of my favorite Thai actors. The way he's able to express such intense emotions and make you feel the same takes talent and I absolutely love it. Also the fact that Pat's dad didn't even need the scholarship was such a shitty move. He took it just to make his dad proud but in the end he took over the family business so it was pretty useless to him. I'm 100% with David because the first time I watched this, I was majorly pissed off with Pat's dad. Like we were supposed to be best friends but you go stab me in the back, then lie and manipulate your child just because you don't have the balls to admit you were wrong and apologize. Such a piece of shit parent, he's lucky his son didn't let all that manipulation and hatred cloud his brain and turn into another version of him. I felt so sad for my baby boys, they just want to be happy together and yet they have to deal with all that nonsense. On to lighter topics away from the shitty father. Wai is so freaky adorable in this episode. Although I still hate that he exposed them, I'm glad he came around and they could all be friends. Even though he had a crush on Pa, I'm still choosing to believe he is confused and actually likes Korn because I'm a permanent resident in Deluluville. I will go down with this ship no matter what lmao. And Jimmy is so damn fine, I'm down bad for him in every series he plays in no matter whatšŸ¤£šŸ¤£. So now only two more episodes left and then were done with Bad Buddy! It's crazy that it's almost over, I feel like ya'll just started watching lol. This has been a very entertaining journey seeing you guys introduction into Thai BL. I'm really excited to see what the next series will be taking over after this one ends. I've recently started my chemo therapy so I've been totally weak and exhausted, so I'll probably disappear from the comments for a while until I get my energy back. I'll still be here watching whenever I can and I may pop in every once in a while just to give a quick "Hi". So in case I'm still down in the dumps I'm going to take this time to wish ya'll and everyone else watching a Merry Christmas, and hope everyone has an amazing holiday. As usual have a wonderful week guys, drink some water, and spread some love and positivity. Love ya'll! ā¤ļøā¤ļø


What also broke my heart was how Pran was forced to live in hate all those years knowing his real feelings for Pat. Because lets not forget, if Pat never confronted Pran with his feelings and kissed him on the rooftop, Pran would have continued living in the ā€˜hateā€™ while being inlove with him JUST BECAUSE of their parents. Thatā€™s a heavy emotional burden and him crying in the last scene feels like it was apart of him letting all of those emotions go.


I feel like every video I write a mini essay in the comment sectionšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ well here we go again I think the professors did not verify Patā€™s dad claims because they knew they were very close and probably did not expect him to be an asshole. That is what I use to justify the plot hole. Letā€™s be honest that would not happen in real life. What makes what Patā€™s dad did worse is that he did not use the scholarship and ended up taking over his father business. So he basically took away her scholarship for fake bragging rights. I don't understand how someone could do something like that and be so nonchalant about it and go as far as to speak lies about her to make your son hate them, just to hide your dirty little secret. Pat's mom is no better; she knew, and she did nothing to let her husband know he is wrong; instead, she coddled him. I also don't understand how Pran's mom could live next to him and see his face every day without wanting to kill him. I also don't get why she kept the secret for so long. I would not be able to do that. I still harbor a grudge against my friend from high school who lied about me saying some shit about her that got me punished. Mind you, I am 27 right now. I still think about how I would get even with her, even though we are currently in different countries. On the topic of what parents call each other, my mom calls my dad ā€œdaddyā€, not in that way I think, or maybe it is and I just desensitized it because I am used to it. My dad calls my mom ā€œNkemā€, itā€™s Igbo, a language from Nigeria, it translates to my own. I have enjoyed going on this ride again with you guys, I am excited for the last 2 episodes.


What I understood about the whole scholarship issue was Patā€™s family could have afforded to send him to college cuz they had a successful business running, he did not even use the scholarship cuz he took over his dadā€™s business. Luckily she did well for herself but things could have gone really bad for her. I think she also decided to go into the same line of business as him probably for revenge too.

Jade (tale of thousand stars bl lover)

Loved this I'm a new subscriber and I've been subed to your YouTube for years. My God I love watching bad buddy over and over again. šŸ˜ it's one of my top 5 favs. My school president, tale of thousand stars, cute pie , just friends and now this year pitbabe hopefully u guys watch these

Terra Suttill

Finally, the reveal has happened. I was yelling at the screen for the last few episodes while you guys were saying Pat's family was better. I know the story was kind of leaning in that direction, but I just personally hate pat's dad SO MUCH. I definitely get the idea of doing your best for an opportunity even against a friend, but once it was revealed that he just lied to the teacher about her not wanting it, he instantly became the biggest snake. Also, what kind of teacher just takes a teenagers word for something that important. Irregardless, instead of trying to correct his past actions he just doubles down on the conflict. He basically tries to brainwash his kids into believing that the neighbors were cheaters and liars. This man has zero shame and his family honestly deserves much better. At a certain point, being young is no longer a viable excuse. I benefited from scholarships, so this makes me viscerally angry. If this had happened, I'm would probably be less restrained than Pran's mum actually. She went this long without outing the person who screwed her over, even while said person was openly disparaging her and her family. On the upside, this almost made me completely forget how pissed I was with Wai just 1 episode ago. The first time I watched this I hadn't seen the directors comment about this being basically a non-homophobic universe, so I'm slightly more understanding now. My main criticism though it still even though the outing wasn't intended in a malicious way in regards to sexuality, its my one main criticism of this otherwise emaculate show that it was never really addressed. Wrapping up this essay now, I'm looking forward to the last few episodes and what you think about the resolution... if you can call it that. P.S. My comments are not to be trusted.

Jenny Karlsson

Me and my friends went to the stairs and took pics to recreate the mock wedding scene. It felt so wholesome being there. The director, P'Aof attended the university they filmed at, btw. I love his approach, making fun of certain tropes, like with the "what if we're brothers" scene. And his use of parallels and mirrors. My favorite thing about this series, though, is that homophobia doesn't exist in it. Not even when Wai outed Pat and Pran. Everybody's reaction to them being a couple is based on who the boys are, their faculties, family history etc, not the fact they're of the same gender. So refreshing and part of why this is my comfort series. Less triggering content. Even though some scenes are heartbreaking. I hope you take the time to react to the behind the scenes once you're done, because the cast and crew worked so hard, and during the pandemic as well.


1:36:40 no I agree! It's fucked up that whatever happened between the previous generation (aka the parents) have to affect their kids bc how is that fair to the kids when they have nothing to do with that feud aside from being related to the ones involved? It reminds me of a similar situation I'm in, except the adults in this case are good in a sense where my parents kinda have this sort-of rivalry going on with my aunt's family (my dad's brother's family, but his wife is like the "boss" so I just went with aunt lol) but the rivalry is simply between them - the adults - and my brothers and I are close with our cousins on that side bc at least the adults don't let whatever is going on between them affect how the kids' relationships to one another is and I'm thankful for that.

Sam sam

the whole situation between the families give me the biggest headache šŸ˜­ also I don't know why I feel so embarrassed talking about my art stuff when it's literally my job lmao ,,, ink (her real name is milk) and one of Pat's friends noticed my art before so that was really cool :] !!! also my bad buddy tattoo was featured in a teen vogue article lol ,, mostly because one of my closest friend is a writer there but still!!!! šŸ«¶šŸ˜ž anyway I hope u guys have enjoyed all the episodes so far , ps. the little guys at pat and pran s old highschool are the mains in my school president šŸ˜¶ !!!


I've been waiting so long for this ep and y'all to find out the truth. Did not disappoint, the outrage was low key cathartic lol. I'm legit still shocked by pat's dad. Like he stole the scholarship and then didn't even really use it since he went into his family business. It was all about pride for him and he was too proud to face the fact that he was being a terrible person. Putting that on his kids is even worse. This is why his nickname in my friend group is the disgusting wet sock lol. Pran's mom shouldn't have really put it all on Pran, but also i dont blame her. I honestly don't know what I would have done in her position, but it would not have been good. Hope I commented this on time, I got covid again and it sucks.

Megan Wall

Iā€™ve finally caught up to your reactions yeyyy. I have to say when I first watched this show I was so much more invested in Ink and Pa because they show girls in BLs to be either awful and a big problem or amazing friends. But rarely we get a GL couple (girl love). Milk (ink) and Love (Pa) will be having a proper GL as well soon. Iā€™m hoping if we get a few more gls and people actually watch them and make them trend then they will keep doing more gls and not just having them as side characters in BLs because they deserve their own shows. I loved them getting together in this episode. We didnā€™t get a real kiss but side couples at this point in time rarely did. Especially girls and girls. I think wai was handled pretty well in the way of him liking pat now but still having a bit of issue with Korn since he did fight Korn the most. They definitely will have a bickering relationship but I love that. I wish parents didnā€™t pass their own mess onto their kids. I get why prans mum doesnā€™t want pran to be friends with pat because pats dad did that to her. And I also like that pat was rightfully angry at his dad. Itā€™s such a wrong thing to do, get the scholarship but then not even use it since youā€™re going to work with your family business anyway. He didnā€™t need that but she couldā€™ve used it for sure. Pats dad shouldā€™ve just apologised but it had already gone too far for that I guess. Itā€™s messy. I donā€™t know what I would do in pran, Pat or the parents situations honestly. I do hope you watch my school president, and vice versa. Vice versa was such a good show and it has ohm (pat), nanon (pran) and Jimmy (wai) all in it. But this time Jimmy is the main with his acting partner Sea, itā€™s such a unique bl. I would also love for you to see not me because that show was amazing too, all those shows are so different but I definitely wouldnā€™t recommend kinnporsche for your next bl itā€™s too much for sure, it was too much for me at times and Iā€™ve been watching BLs since 2016 when they were becoming more popular.

Samantha Whaley

Could you guys please put your reactions in categories and not just in tags? I wanna watch specific things from you but the mobile app has all the dates mixed up all the time and frankly unless I know the specific title it's impossible to find anything well! Like either that or get more specific with the tags so each series has its own tag with skz and kpop. Like finding skz and stuff


Aww finally here ,the big reveal and betrayal, it's so fd up of Pat's dad to mess with her whole life like that , But in my opinion both parents did wrong in raising there kids to hate each other, specially Pat's dad there both wrong in that perspective its not there child's responsibility to fix there problems and continue there legacy that is so stupid , the parents had there chance weather you made it or not ,Let your children live there own lives. Also Ohm and Nanon amazing actors the way the show emotion is just so real ahh every time I see these scenes and the first scene of there first kiss it just breaks your heart, specially Nanon the way he emerged him self in the characters is just amazing, don't remember which scenes it was but for one of them Nanon couldn't stop crying even after thet stopped the scene he was so deep into he's character of Pran that it took him a while after he stopped crying thankfully P'Of and Ohm were there to comfort him, Hands down one of my top 5 BLs Can't wait for the last 2 episode, and for what's coming next , Thank you ,