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Ko Paszh

LMAOO foot+ics is a play on the brand Asics which in Japanese is pronounced Ashiks. Foot in Japanese is ashi hence ashi+ics. —— Idk if you guys missed it but Datekou specializes in read blocks: they jump to block AFTER they see where the toss goes to. This means that decoys in general do not work well against them since they don’t fall for it. —— Love the little moments we get of Datekou being somewhat normal high schoolers during timeouts. Especially love, Futakuchi (the guy who was disappointed asahi didn’t get dejected when he got blocked), aone (no eyebrows terminator dude), and moniwa’s (their captain) dynamic lol. —— To most people the one who goes head to head with blockers is the spikers so naturally they think it’s Hinata who is amazing for hitting it past the blockers not Kageyama for tossing it that way. And to anyone who has seen Kageyama’s quick tosses in middle school, all the spikers were too slow to hit the ball so they think Hinata’s amazing for being able to spike such a crazy toss. It’s not obvious that what’s actually happening is that Kageyama is doing a pinpoint toss straight to hinata’s hands. —— “We’re half-way through the match” we’re actually still on the first set 😂 —— It makes me so happy how y’all got so into the game and started cheering for asahi 🥹 This asahi arc was introduced so long ago but it paid off so well in this moment. I have definitely cried multiple times during this show and the manga so prepare yourselves. —— Thank you aoba johsai for explaining everything to us. Also Oikawa(the main setter) gets so petty when Kageyama gets complimented lol.


not everyone gets it but aone is my cutiepie 🫶🏾 also yeah, no game is ever the same which makes it more interesting and less repetitive. this game they’re focusing on hinata and the quick attack. another game they might focus on another player and so on. i’m never bored watching the games